226 research outputs found

    Building Permit as a Tool for Development Control: Evidence from Sekondi-Takoradi

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    Building permits are an important requirement for orderly urban development. They are consents that a proposed development meets land use regulations. Thus, issuance of building permits goes a long way to promote effective development control in settlements. However, the practice of vetting and approving every development has not been wholly successful in Ghana. This situation has led to haphazard developments in the major urban centres of the country. This study was therefore conducted to investigate how building permits can be used as effective measures for controlling physical development. The evidence shows a disjoint between laid down procedures for development control and actual practice. The results further show that delays in approval and issuance of permits has been a major bottleneck of compliance to building regulations. The paper recommends that efforts should be made to streamline processes for evaluation and issuance of permits. Key Words: Building permits, Development control, Planning Schemes, Spatial Planning, Urban Developmen

    A Gaussian process regression approach to model aircraft engine fuel flow rate

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    The problem of building statistical models of cyber-physical systems using operational data is addressed in this paper, using the case study of aircraft engines. These models serve as a complement to physics-based models, which may not accurately reflect the operational performance of systems. The accurate modeling of fuel flow rate is an essential aspect of analyzing aircraft engine performance. In this paper, operational data from Flight Data Recorders are used to model the fuel flow rate. The independent variables are restricted to those which are obtainable from trajectory data. Treating the engine as a statistical system, an algorithm based on Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is developed to estimate the fuel flow rate during the airborne phases of flight. The algorithm propagates the uncertainty in the estimates in order to determine prediction intervals. The proposed GPR models are evaluated for their predictive performance on an independent set of flights. The resulting estimates are also compared with those given by the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) model, which is widely used in aircraft performance studies. The GPR models are shown to perform statistically significantly better than the BADA model. The GPR models also provide interval estimates for the fuel flow rate which reflect the variability seen in the data, presenting a promising approach for data-driven modeling of cyber-physical systems.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1239054

    Statistical modeling of aircraft takeoff weight

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    The Takeoff Weight (TOW) of an aircraft is an important aspect of aircraft performance, and impacts a large number of characteristics, ranging from the trajectory to the fuel burn of the flight. Due to its dependence on factors such as the passenger and cargo load factors as well as operating strategies, the TOW of a particular flight is generally not available to entities outside of the operating airline. The above observations motivate the development of accurate TOW estimates that can be used for fuel burn estimation or trajectory prediction. This paper proposes a statistical approach based on Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) to determine both a mean estimate of the TOW and the associated confidence interval, using observed data from the takeoff ground roll. The predictor variables are chosen by considering both their ease of availability and the underlying aircraft dynamics. The model development and validation are conducted using Flight Data Recorder archives, which also provide ground truth data. The proposed models are found to have a mean TOW error of 3%, averaged across eight different aircraft types, resulting in a nearly 50% smaller error than the models in the Aircraft Noise and Performance (ANP) database. In contrast to the ANP database which provides only point estimates of the TOW, the GPR models quantify the uncertainty in the estimates by providing a probability distribution. Finally, the developed models are used to estimate aircraft fuel flow rate during ascent. The TOW estimated by the GPR models is used as an input to the fuel flow rate estimation. The proposed statistical models of the TOW are shown to enable a better quantification of uncertainty in the fuel flow rate as compared to the deterministic ANP models, or to models that do not use the TOW as an explicit input.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award 0931843

    Determinants Analysis of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

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    The purpose of this work is to identify the most representative components and dimensions of the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors within the Moroccan context. The first phase of this paper lies on a theoretical framework defining the individual performance concept, and then we will emphasize the different Organizational Citizenship Behaviors' theories. The method involves an exploratory qualitative inquiry based on directive interviews with executives working in the private companies located in the region of Rabat. The present study reassessed the finding of the existing theories in a purposive sample and in a different context. By identifying the different components of the contextual performance within the Moroccan context we can link several organizational behaviors in the same model, which will pave the way to a confirmatory study. This will allow for more organizationnal consideration of contextual performance and may direct future research on performance management

    Social entrepreneurship and human development in africa

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    This paper first seeks to link the theoretical context to practices related to newentrepreneurial models, with a focus on the particularity of innovative experiences in theAfrican continent and their contributions to social and economic progress. Since then, ithas highlighted support for efforts to support this development, which forms thefoundation of an economic fabric that generates value and guarantees equity and socialjustice.   RésuméCe papier cherche en premier lieu à lier le contexte théorique aux pratiques afférentes auxnouveaux modèles entrepreneuriaux, en mettant l’accent sur la particularité desexpériences innovantes dans le continent africain ainsi que leurs contributions au progrèssocio-économique, et depuis, à mettre en lumière l’appui des efforts déployés poursoutenir ce développement qui constitue le socle d’un tissu économique générateur devaleur et garant d’équité et de justice sociale.

    Evaluación de la actividad antimicrobiana de extractos de Luma chequen (Molina) A. Gray "Arrayán" frente a patógenos aislados de hemocultivos del Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, Lima - Perú

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    Ante el incremento alarmante de la resistencia antimicrobiana, en la actualidad a nivel mundial se viene explorando y valorando el uso de productos naturales como fuente de nuevos y variados agentes antimicrobianos. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo fue evaluar la actividad antimicrobiana de extractos orgánicos de Luma chequen “arrayán” frente a patógenos bacterianos (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus) y fúngicos (Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida parapsilosis) aislados de hemocultivos y cepas controles ATCC (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Candida albicans ATCC 90028, Candida tropicalis 750). La obtención de los extractos se realizó utilizando solventes de diferentes polaridades (hexano, diclorometano, etanol) y el agua. La evaluación de la actividad de los extractos se realizó mediante el método modificado de difusión en “pocillos”, determinándose que el extracto etanólico presentó la mayor actividad antimicrobiana frente a los patógenos evaluados. En cuanto a la Concentración Mínima Inhibitoria (CMI) del extracto etanólico, los resultados más notorios fueron frente Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis y Klebsiella pneumoniae con una CMI de 3,125 mg/mL y contra Candida tropicalis y Candida parapsilosis que presentaron una CMI de 1,56 mg/mL. El tamizaje fitoquímico de Luma chequen determinó la presencia de compuestos fenólicos, taninos, flavonoides, triterpenos y/o esteroides, alcaloides y leucoantocianidinas. Se concluye que Luma chequen “arrayán” presenta amplio espectro de acción antimicrobiana. Palabras claves: Luma chequen (Molina) A. Gray “arrayán”, extractos orgánicos, actividad antimicrobiana, plantas medicinales.Tesi

    Formação em gestão cultural no Brasil: desafios e possibilidades

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    FORMAÇÃO EM GESTÃO CULTURAL NO BRASIL: DESAFIOS E POSSIBILIDADES - CAMINHOS DO/A PRODUTOR/A CULTURALFORMAÇÃO EM GESTÃO CULTURAL NO BRASIL: DESAFIOS E POSSIBILIDADES - CAMINHOS DO/A PRODUTOR/A CULTURALFORMAÇÃO EM GESTÃO CULTURAL NO BRASIL: DESAFIOS E POSSIBILIDADES - CAMINHOS DO/A PRODUTOR/A CULTURALO presente trabalho buscou refletir sobre a questão da formação em gestão cultural e suas demandas no contexto brasileiro. A partir de uma breve reflexão teórica, defendeu-se que a questão é central para a definição e efetivação das políticas de cultura, além de ser uma demanda social, presente nas prioridades estabelecidas nas Conferências Nacionais de Cultura e outros marcos institucionais, como o Plano Nacional de Cultura. Foi identificada a oferta de formação superior em gestão e produção cultural a partir de seis universidades federais, apresentando suas principais características e temas. Traçou-se ainda um perfil dos gestores públicos de cultura no Brasil a partir dos dados da pesquisa Perfil dos Estados e Municípios Brasileiros, suplemento Cultura 2014, do IBGE, num cruzamento de dados sobre a estrutura dos órgãos municipais e seus respectivos dirigentes

    Statistical modeling of aircraft engine fuel burn

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    Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 169-177).Fuel burn is a key driver of aircraft performance, and contributes to airline costs and aviation emissions. While the trajectory (ground track) of a flight can be observed using surveillance systems, its fuel consumption is generally not disseminated by the operating airline. Emissions inventories and benefits assessment tools therefore need models that can predict the fuel flow rate profile and fuel burn of a flight, given its trajectory data. Most existing fuel burn estimation tools rely on an architecture that is centered around the Base of Aircraft Data (BADA), an aircraft performance model developed by EUROCONTROL. Operational data (including trajectory data) are generally processed in order to generate the inputs needed by BADA, which then provides an estimate of the fuel flow rate and fuel burn. Although a versatile tool that covers a large number of aircraft types, BADA makes several assumptions that are not representative of real-world operations. Consequently, the reliance on BADA results in errors in the fuel burn estimates. Additionally, existing fuel burn modeling tools provide deterministic predictions, thereby not capturing the operational variability seen in practice. This thesis proposes an alternative model architecture that enables the development of data-driven, statistical models of fuel burn. The parameters of interest are the instantaneous fuel flow rate (that is, the mass of fuel consumed per unit time) and the fuel burn (cumulative mass of fuel consumed over a particular phase or the entire trajectory). The new model architecture uses supervised learning algorithms to directly map aircraft trajectory variables to the fuel flow rate, and subsequently, fuel burn. The models are trained and validated using operational data from flight recorders, and therefore reflect real-world operations. A physical understanding of aircraft and engine performance is leveraged for feature selection. An important characteristic of statistical methods is that they provide both estimates of mean values, as well as predictive distributions reflecting the variability and uncertainty. Locally expert models are developed for each aircraft type and for each of the flight phases. The Bayesian technique of Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is found to be well-suited for modeling fuel burn. The resulting models are found to be significantly better than state-of-the-art aircraft performance models in predicting the fuel flow rate and fuel burn of a trajectory, giving up to a 63% improvement in total airborne fuel burn prediction over the BADA model. Finally, the Takeoff Weight (TOW) of an aircraft is recognized as an important variable for determining the fuel burn. The thesis therefore develops and evaluates a methodology to estimate the TOW of a flight, using trajectory data from its takeoff ground roll. The proposed statistical models are found to result in up to a 76% smaller error than the Aircraft Noise and Performance (ANP) database, which is used currently for TOW estimation.by Yashovardhan Sushil Chati.Ph. D

    Autoconcepto Académico y Rendimiento Escolar en estudiantes del Nivel Secundaria de una Institución Educativa-Ica

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    La presente investigación tiene como titulo: Auto concepto Académico y Rendimiento Escolar en estudiantes del Nivel Secundaria de una Institución Educativa-Ica Entonces, el tipo de investigación es el básico con un diseño descriptivo correlacional, lo que se ha buscado es la relación entre las variables en estudio para lo cual se tuvo una población de 434 estudiantes con una muestra de 204 estudiantes de las secciones “C”, ”D”, ”H”, ”I”, ”K”, ”M”, ”E”, ”F”, ”G”, ”J” y “L” del Quinto Grado de Educación Secundaria de la I.E “ San Luis Gonzaga“- Ciudad de Ica, siendo elegidos a través del muestreo probabilístico mediante el muestreo aleatorio simple que consiste en asignar a cada estudiante un número del 1 al 434 asociando cada número a un único estudiante. Una vez realizado esa asignación, se introduce los 434 tickets enumerados en una bolsa (cada uno con un número del 1 al 434 con el respectivo nombre de cada estudiante), se mezclan cuidadosamente de manera adecuada y entonces se seleccionan 204 estudiantes al azar. Se usaron técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos; entre las técnicas tenemos: la observación, psicométrica y la encuesta. Entre los instrumentos validados y confiables tenemos: un cuestionario adaptado y un acta consolidada de evaluación para las calificaciones (notas) del Ministerio de Educación del Perú. Los resultados de la investigación evidencian que existe una correlación de 0.253 ratificando una relación positiva entre la percepción de uno mismo y el rendimiento escolar del Área de Comunicación, estadísticamente sustentado en la prueba Z cuyo valor de Z calculado es mayor que Z teórica (2.252 > 1.96). Luego, hay una correlación de 0.503 resultado que ratifica una relación positiva entre los sentimientos de uno mismo y el rendimiento escolar del Área de Comunicación, significa que en la prueba Z el valor de Z calculado es mayor que Z teórica (2.455 > 1.96). También , existe una correlación de 0.125 resultado que evidencia una relación positiva entre la actitud hacia uno mismo y el rendimiento escolar del Área de Comunicación, sustentado en la prueba Z cuyo valor de Z calculado es mayor que Z teórica (2.087 > 1.96). Entonces, luego del análisis bivariado se comprueba que efectivamente existe una relación significativa entre el autoconcepto académico y el rendimiento escolar del Área de Comunicación en estudiantes del 5° Grado del Nivel Secundaria de la I.E. San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, 2015