657 research outputs found
Buckling Cascade of Thin Plates: Forms, Constraints and Similarity
We experimentally study compression of thin plates in rectangular boxes with
variable height. A cascade of buckling is generated. It gives rise to a
self-similar evolution of elastic reaction of plates with box height which
surprisingly exhibits repetitive vanishing and negative stiffness. These
features are understood from properties of Euler's equation for elastica
Macroscopic behavior of bidisperse suspensions of noncolloidal particles in yield stress fluids
We study both experimentally and theoretically the rheological behavior of
isotropic bidisperse suspensions of noncolloidal particles in yield stress
fluids. We focus on materials in which noncolloidal particles interact with the
suspending fluid only through hydrodynamical interactions. We observe that both
the elastic modulus and yield stress of bidisperse suspensions are lower than
those of monodisperse suspensions of same solid volume fraction. Moreover, we
show that the dimensionless yield stress of such suspensions is linked to their
dimensionless elastic modulus and to their solid volume fraction through the
simple equation of Chateau et al.[J. rheol. 52, 489-506 (2008)]. We also show
that the effect of the particle size heterogeneity can be described by means of
a packing model developed to estimate random loose packing of assemblies of dry
particles. All these observations finally allow us to propose simple closed
form estimates for both the elastic modulus and the yield stress of bidisperse
suspensions: while the elastic modulus is a function of the reduced volume
fraction only, where is the estimated random loose
packing, the yield stress is a function of both the volume fraction and
the reduced volume fraction
Damage in porous media due to salt crystallization
We investigate the origins of salt damage in sandstones for the two most
common salts: sodium chloride and sulfate. The results show that the observed
difference in damage between the two salts is directly related to the kinetics
of crystallization and the interfacial properties of the salt solutions and
crystals with respect to the stone. We show that, for sodium sulfate, the
existence of hydrated and anhydrous crystals and specifically their dissolution
and crystallization kinetics are responsible for the damage. Using magnetic
resonance imaging and optical microscopy we show that when water imbibes sodium
sulfate contaminated sandstones, followed by drying at room temperature, large
damage occurs in regions where pores are fully filled with salts. After partial
dissolution, anhydrous sodium sulfate salt present in these regions gives rise
to a very rapid growth of the hydrated phase of sulfate in the form of clusters
that form on or close to the remaining anhydrous microcrystals. The rapid
growth of these clusters generates stresses in excess of the tensile strength
of the stone leading to the damage. Sodium chloride only forms anhydrous
crystals that consequently do not cause damage in the experiments
Real Time tracking of human gestures using color image processing
This paper deals with areas detection and tracking using color based image processing. The application adressed
concerns human head and hands tracking. We propose an original method in order to locate, for an foreground image,
colored areas. Foreground image is provided by a probabilistic way using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) of probability
density fonctions. The temporal tracking is then achieved by a particle filter, which is well adapted to partial occlusions
and non gaussian models.Cet article adresse le problème de la détection et du suivi de zones colorées par traitement d'images couleur.
L'application finale concerne le suivi 2D sans marqueurs de la tĂŞte et des deux mains d'une personne. Nous
proposons une méthode originale de localisation de zones colorées, appliquée à l'issue d'une phase
d'extraction de la personne par rapport au fond. L'appartenance d'un pixel de l'image au fond est modélisée
par une densité de probabilités exprimée dans un espace couleur. Nous montrons que l'utilisation de mixtures
de gaussiennes permet d'approcher cette densité de probabilités. La prise en compte de l'évolution
temporelle du système est assurée par un filtre à particules, réputé robuste aux occultations partielles et aux
modèles non gaussiens
Functional Locomotor Consequences of Uneven Forefeet for Trot Symmetry in Individual Riding Horses
ABSTRACT: Left-right symmetrical distal limb conformation can be an important prerequisite for a successful performance, and it is often hypothesized that asymmetric or uneven feet are important enhancing factors for the development of lameness. On a population level, it has been demonstrated that uneven footed horses are retiring earlier from elite level competition, but the biomechanical consequences are not yet known. The objectives of this study were to compare the functional locomotor asymmetries of horses with uneven to those with even feet. Hoof kinetics and distal limb kinematics were collected from horses (n = 34) at trot. Dorsal hoof wall angle was used to classify horses as even or uneven (1.5° difference between forefeet respectively) and individual feet as flat (55°). Functional kinetic parameters were compared between even and uneven forefeet using MANOVA followed by ANOVA. The relative influences of differences in hoof angle between the forefeet and of absolute hoof angle on functional parameters were analysed using multiple regression analysis (P<0.05). In horses with uneven feet, the side with the flatter foot showed a significantly larger maximal horizontal braking and vertical ground reaction force, a larger vertical fetlock displacement and a suppler fetlock spring. The foot with a steeper hoof angle was linearly correlated with an earlier braking-propulsion transition. The conformational differences between both forefeet were more important for loading characteristics than the individual foot conformation of each individual horse. The differences in vertical force and braking force between uneven forefeet could imply either an asymmetrical loading pattern without a pathological component or a subclinical lameness as a result of a pathological development in the steeper foot
Macroeconomic drivers of baseline scenarios in dynamic CGE models: review and guidelines proposal
For dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling, long-term baseline construction is key and depends on the applied methods and the sources of projections considered. For dynamic CGE models, baseline assumptions and base data are both important determinants of results. This paper reviews the assumptions made by 24 modeling teams on baseline macroeconomic drivers, understood as factor accumulation and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. We critically review the various methods, identifying state-of-the-art practices and propose simple guidelines, particularly focusing on consistency between data sources and models, which is intended to help dynamic CGE modelers build their own baselines
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