330 research outputs found

    Corticosterone and foraging behaviour in a pelagic seabird

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    Because endocrine mechanisms are thought to mediate behavioral responses to changes in the environment, examining these mechanisms is essential for understanding how long-lived seabirds adjust their foraging decisions to contrasting environmental conditions in order to maximize their fitness. In this context, the hormone corticosterone (CORT) deserves specific attention because of its major connections with locomotor activities. We examined for the first time the relationships between individual CORT levels and measurements of foraging success and behavior using satellite tracking and blood sampling from wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) before (pretrip CORT levels) and after (posttrip CORT levels) foraging trips during the incubation period. Plasma CORT levels decreased after a foraging trip, and the level of posttrip CORT was negatively correlated with individual foraging success, calculated as total mass gain over a foraging trip. Pretrip CORT levels were not linked to time spent at sea but were positively correlated with daily distance traveled and maximum range at sea. In this study, we were able to highlight the sensitivity of CORT levels to variation in energy intake, and we showed for the first time that individual CORT levels can be explained by variation in foraging success. Relationships between pretrip CORT levels and daily distance traveled and maximum range were independent of pretrip body mass, suggesting that slight elevations in pretrip CORT levels might facilitate locomotor activity. However, because both foraging behavior and pretrip CORT levels could be affected by individual quality, future experimental studies including manipulation of CORT levels are needed to test whether CORT can mediate foraging decisions according to foraging conditions

    Conception of a Reliable Low Cost and Autonomous Explorative Hovercraft

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    The paper presents actual benefits and drawbacks of a multidirectional autonomous hovercraft conceived with limited resources and designed for indoor exploration. Recent developments in the field have led to the apparition of very powerful automotive systems capable of very high calculation and exploration in complex unknown environments. They usually propose very complex algorithms, high precision/cost sensors and sometimes have heavy calculation consumption with complex data fusion. These systems are usually powerful but have a certain price, and the benefits may not be worth the cost, especially considering their hardware limitations and their power consumption. The present approach is to build a compromise between cost, power consumption and results preciseness

    Conception of a Reliable Low Cost and Autonomous Explorative Hovercraft

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    The paper presents actual benefits and drawbacks of a multidirectional autonomous hovercraft conceived with limited resources and designed for indoor exploration. Recent developments in the field have led to the apparition of very powerful automotive systems capable of very high calculation and exploration in complex unknown environments. They usually propose very complex algorithms, high precision/cost sensors and sometimes have heavy calculation consumption with complex data fusion. These systems are usually powerful but have a certain price, and the benefits may not be worth the cost, especially considering their hardware limitations and their power consumption. The present approach is to build a compromise between cost, power consumption and results preciseness

    Conception of a Reliable Low Cost and Autonomous Explorative Hovercraft

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    The paper presents actual benefits and drawbacks of a multidirectional autonomous hovercraft conceived with limited resources and designed for indoor exploration. Recent developments in the field have led to the apparition of very powerful automotive systems capable of very high calculation and exploration in complex unknown environments. They usually propose very complex algorithms, high precision/cost sensors and sometimes have heavy calculation consumption with complex data fusion. These systems are usually powerful but have a certain price, and the benefits may not be worth the cost, especially considering their hardware limitations and their power consumption. The present approach is to build a compromise between cost, power consumption and results preciseness

    Behavioral and physiological responses to male handicap in chick-rearing black-legged kittiwakes

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    Parental investment entails a trade-off between the benefits of effort in current offspring and the costs to future reproduction. Long-lived species are predicted to be reluctant to increase parental effort to avoid affecting their survival. We tested this hypothesis in black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla by clipping flight feathers of experimental males at the beginning of the chick-rearing period. We analyzed the consequences of this handicap on feeding and attendance behavior, body condition, integument coloration, and circulating levels of corticosterone and prolactin in handicapped males and their mates in comparison to unmanipulated controls. Chicks in both groups were compared in terms of aggressive behavior, growth, and mortality. Handicapped males lost more mass, had less bright integuments, and attended the nest less often than controls. Nevertheless, they fed their chicks at the same rate and had similar corticosterone and prolactin levels. Compared with control females, females mated with handicapped males showed a lower provisioning rate and higher nest attendance in the first days after manipulation. Their lower feeding rate probably triggered the increased sibling aggression and mortality observed in experimental broods. Our findings suggest that experimental females adaptively adjusted their effort to their mate's perceived quality or that their provisioning was constrained by their higher nest attendance. Overall, our results suggest that kittiwake males can decrease their condition for the sake of their chicks, which seems to contradict the hypothesis that kittiwakes should be reluctant to increase parental effort to avoid affecting their surviva

    Utilisation des terreaux d'Ă©puration de la ville de Marseille pour la reforestation du plateau de Carpiagne

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    En 1988, la ville de Marseille fait réaliser par l O.N.F. (assistée de l Université et du Cemagref) une étude sur la reforestation d une zone naturelle dégradée en utilisant les boues déshydratées produites par la station d épuration. Le site concerné est le plateau de Carpiagne situé au nord du massif des Calanques. En conclusion, l étude fait des propositions sur les techniques de préparation des sols à employer et sur les essences végétales à utiliser en fonction des caractéristiques des sols et rappelle l importance d un suivi régulier

    Natural history of murine gamma-herpesvirus infection

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    Murine gamma-herpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) is a natural pathogen of small rodents and insectivores (mice, voles and shrews). The primary infection is characterized by virus replication in lung epithelial cells and the establishment of a latent infection in B lymphocytes. The virus is also observed to persist in lung epithelial cells, dendritic cells and macrophages. Splenomegaly is observed two weeks after infection, in which there is a CD4+ T-cell-mediated expansion of B and T cells in the spleen. At three weeks post-infection an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome is observed involving a major expansion of Vbeta4+CD8+ T cells. Later in the course of persistent infection, ca. 10% of mice develop lymphoproliferative disease characterized as lymphomas of B-cell origin. The genome from MHV-68 strain g2.4 has been sequenced and contains ca. 73 genes, the majority of which are collinear and homologous to other gamma-herpesviruses. The genome includes cellular homologues for a complement-regulatory protein, Bcl-2, cyclin D and interleukin-8 receptor and a set of novel genes M1 to M4. The function of these genes in the context of latent infections, evasion of immune responses and virus-mediated pathologies is discussed. Both innate and adaptive immune responses play an active role in limiting virus infection. The absence of type I interferon (IFN) results in a lethal MHV-68 infection, emphasizing the central role of these cytokines at the initial stages of infection. In contrast, type II IFN is not essential for the recovery from infection in the lung, but a failure of type II IFN receptor signalling results in the atrophy of lymphoid tissue associated with virus persistence. Splenic atrophy appears to be the result of immunopathology, since in the absence of CD8+ T cells no pathology occurs. CD8+ T cells play a major role in recovery from the primary infection, and also in regulating latently infected cells expressing the M2 gene product. CD4+ T cells have a key role in surveillance against virus recurrences in the lung, in part mediated through 'help' in the genesis of neutralizing antibodies. In the absence of CD4+ T cells, virus-specific CD8+ T cells are able to control the primary infection in the respiratory tract, yet surprisingly the memory CD8+ T cells generated are unable to inhibit virus recurrences in the lung. This could be explained in part by the observations that this virus can downregulate major histocompatibility complex class I expression and also restrict inflammatory cell responses by producing a chemokine-binding protein (M3 gene product). MHV-68 provides an excellent model to explore methods for controlling gamma-herpesvirus infection through vaccination and chemotherapy. Vaccination with gp150 (a homologue of gp350 of Epstein-Barr virus) results in a reduction in splenomegaly and virus latency but does not block replication in the lung, nor the establishment of a latent infection. Even when lung virus infection is greatly reduced following the action of CD8+ T cells, induced via a prime-boost vaccination strategy, a latent infection is established. Potent antiviral compounds such as the nucleoside analogue 2'deoxy-5-ethyl-beta-4'-thiouridine, which disrupts virus replication in vivo, cannot inhibit the establishment of a latent infection. Clearly, devising strategies to interrupt the establishment of latent virus infections may well prove impossible with existing methods

    Prolactin stress response does not predict brood desertion in a polyandrous shorebird

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    One of the fundamental principles of the life-history theory is that parents need to balance their resources between current and future offspring. Deserting the dependent young is a radical life-history decision that saves resources for future reproduction but that may cause the current brood to fail. Despite the importance of desertion for reproductive success, and thus fitness, the neuroendocrine mechanisms of brood desertion are largely unknown. We investigated two candidate hormones that may influence brood desertion in the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus: prolactin ('parental hormone') and corticosterone ('stress hormone'). Kentish plovers exhibit an unusually diverse mating and parental care system: brood desertion occurs naturally since either parent (the male or the female) may desert the brood after the chicks hatch and mate with a new partner shortly after. We measured the hormone levels of parents at hatching using the standard capture and restraint protocol. We subsequently followed the broods to determine whether a parent deserted the chicks. We found no evidence that either baseline or stress-induced prolactin levels of male or female parents predicted brood desertion. Although stress-induced corticosterone levels were generally higher in females compared with males, individual corticosterone levels did not explain the probability of brood desertion. We suggest that, in this species, low prolactin levels do not trigger brood desertion. In general, we propose that the prolactin stress response does not reflect overall parental investment in a species where different parts of the breeding cycle are characterized by contrasting individual investment strategies. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Genetic characterization of Erve virus, a European Nairovirus distantly related to Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus

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    Erve virus (ERVEV) is a European Nairovirus that is suspected to cause severe headache (thunderclap headache) and intracerebral hemorrhage. The mode of transmission to humans (ticks or mosquitoes) is still unknown. Currently, no standardized testing method for ERVEV exists and only a small partial sequence of the polymerase gene is available. Here, we present the first complete genome sequence of ERVEV S, M, and L segments. Phylogenetic comparison of the amino acid sequence of the L-protein (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase) revealed only 48 % homology to available L-protein sequences of other Nairoviruses like Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, Nairobi sheep disease virus, Hazara virus, Kupe virus, and Dugbe virus. Among themselves, these Nairoviruses show 62-89 % homology in the L-protein sequences. Therefore, ERVEV seems to be only distantly related to other Nairoviruses. The new sequence data can be used for the development of diagnostic methods and the identification of the natural vector
