181 research outputs found

    La dĂ©pression chez la femme : plus qu’un simple cafard. RĂ©cit de deux Ă©tudes de cas

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    Deux Ă©tudes de cas sont relatĂ©es dans le prĂ©sent article afin d’explorer le parcours de la trajectoire expĂ©rientielle de la maladie et la pĂ©riode de rĂ©tablissement de deux femmes atteintes de dĂ©pression, de mĂȘme que leurs besoins d’apprentissage et les dimensions les plus altĂ©rĂ©es de leur qualitĂ© de vie. Une des femmes est hospitalisĂ©e Ă  une unitĂ© de psychiatrie et l’autre suit une thĂ©rapie de groupe dans un Centre de Jour psychiatrique. Ces Ă©tudes de cas sont dĂ©crites et comparĂ©es Ă  partir de trois unitĂ©s d’analyse, soit : 1) le fait de vivre au quotidien avec un trouble dĂ©pressif; 2) le besoin d’apprendre en ce qui a trait Ă  leur maladie et 3) la qualitĂ© de leur vie. Quatorze thĂšmes ont Ă©mergĂ© de l’analyse interprĂ©tative du compte rendu in extenso et une synthĂšse intĂ©grative de ces thĂ©matiques est exposĂ©e. L’apparition de la dĂ©pression chez les deux sujets gravite particuliĂšrement autour de l’emploi et des difficultĂ©s financiĂšres.This article describes and compares two case studies in an attempt to delimit more precisely the experience of illness and recovery of two women suffering from depression as well as determining their learning needs and the dimensions of their quality of life which were most affected by their illness. One case study involved a woman who was hospitalized on a psychiatric ward, while the other was about a woman undergoing group therapy three times a week at a psychiatric day center. The verbatim report revealed fourteen themes distributed among three analysis units. In both women, the trigger for their depressive disorder gravitated around their employment and their financial difficulties

    Besoins d'apprentissage et qualité de vie de femmes présentant un trouble dépressif

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    ThÚse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Corps, femmes et féminité : le vécu des jeunes femmes atteintes du cancer du sein au Nouveau-Brunswick

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    La recherche menĂ©e par les auteures en 2008 avait pour objet d’accroĂźtre les connaissances sur le vĂ©cu personnel, conjugal et familial des jeunes femmes francophones qui ont Ă©tĂ© atteintes du cancer du sein au Nouveau-Brunswick et qui y ont survĂ©cu. Pour ce faire, quinze femmes francophones de la province ont acceptĂ© de participer Ă  une entrevue semi-dirigĂ©e. L’importance de dĂ©velopper des stratĂ©gies d’adaptation qui englobent certaines dimensions du soutien social pour amĂ©liorer leur qualitĂ© de vie s’en est dĂ©gagĂ©e. Par ailleurs, les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que l’impact de la maladie et des traitements sur leur image et leur estime de soi est Ă©troitement liĂ© Ă  leur identitĂ© de femme, de mĂšre et de conjointe.The purpose of this study is to examine personal, marital and familial issues of young francophone women diagnosed with breast cancer in New Brunswick. Qualitative interviews were conducted with fifteen young francophone women of the province. The importance of having adjustment strategies like social support for a better quality of life has emerged. The results also show that the impact of the illness and the treatments are linked to their women, mother and wife identities

    Clinical Profile of Cardiac Involvement in Danon Disease: A Multicenter European Registry.

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    Background: The X-linked Danon disease manifests by severe cardiomyopathy, myopathy, and neuropsychiatric problems. We designed this registry to generate a comprehensive picture of clinical presentations and outcome of patients with Danon disease in cardiomyopathy centers throughout Europe. Methods: Clinical and genetic data were collected in 16 cardiology centers from 8 European countries. Results: The cohort comprised 30 male and 27 female patients. The age at diagnosis was birth to 42 years in men and 2 to 65 in women. Cardiac involvement was observed in 96%. Extracardiac manifestations were prominent in men but not in women. Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy was reported in 73% of male and 74% of female patients. LV systolic dysfunction was reported in 40% of men (who had LV ejection fraction, 34±11%) and 59% of women (LV ejection fraction, 28±13%). The risk of arrhythmia and heart failure was comparable among sexes. The age of first heart failure hospitalization was lower in men (18±6 versus 28±17 years; P<0.003). Heart failure was the leading cause of death (10 of 17; 59%), and LV systolic dysfunction predicted an adverse outcome. Eight men and 8 women (28%) underwent heart transplantation or received an LV assist device. Our cohort suggests better prognosis of female compared with male heart transplant recipients. Conclusions: Danon disease presents earlier in men than in women and runs a malignant course in both sexes, due to cardiac complications. Cardiomyopathy features, heart failure and arrhythmia, are similar among the sexes. Clinical diagnosis and management is extremely challenging in women due to phenotypic diversity and the absence of extracardiac manifestations.pre-print507 K

    Impact Assessment Modeling of Low-Water Management Policy

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    International audienceWe briefly present the main steps involved in designing and developing a platform for the numerical simulation of environmental and social impacts of the implementation of new environmental norms related to low-water management in France (MAELIA Project: multi-agents for environmental norms impact assessment). Some results are highlighted concerning in particular the structure of the underlying low-water management model and the process and agents' activity modeling

    Impact of sex, MHC, and age of recipients on the therapeutic effect of transferred leukocytes from cancer-resistant SR/CR mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spontaneous Regression/Complete Resistant (SR/CR) mice are resistant to cancer through a mechanism that is mediated entirely by leukocytes of innate immunity. Transfer of leukocytes from SR/CR mice can confer cancer resistance in wild-type (WT) recipients in both preventative and therapeutic settings. In the current studies, we investigated factors that may impact the efficacy and functionality of SR/CR donor leukocytes in recipients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In sex-mismatched transfers, functionality of female donor leukocytes was not affected in male recipients. In contrast, male donor leukocytes were greatly affected in the female recipients. In MHC-mismatches, recipients of different MHC backgrounds, or mice of different strains, showed a greater negative impact on donor leukocytes than sex-mismatches. The negative effects of sex-mismatch and MHC-mismatch on donor leukocytes were additive. Old donor leukocytes performed worse than young donor leukocytes in all settings including in young recipients. Young recipients were not able to revive the declining function of old donor leukocytes. However, the function of young donor leukocytes declined gradually in old recipients, suggesting that an aged environment may contain factors that are deleterious to cellular functions. The irradiation of donor leukocytes prior to transfers had a profound suppressive effect on donor leukocyte functions, possibly as a result of impaired transcription. The cryopreserving of donor leukocytes in liquid nitrogen had no apparent effect on donor leukocyte functions, except for a small loss of cell number after revival from freezing.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite the functional suppression of donor leukocytes in sex- and MHC-mismatched recipients, as well as old recipients, there was a therapeutic time period during the initial few weeks during which donor leukocytes were functional before their eventual rejection or functional decline. The eventual rejection of donor leukocytes will likely prevent donor leukocyte engraftment which would help minimize the risk of transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. Therefore, using leukocytes from healthy donors with high anti-cancer activity may be a feasible therapeutic concept for treating malignant diseases.</p
