1,098 research outputs found

    An Examination of The Conclusions to Browning\u27s Dramatic Monologues

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    The most important inference to be drawn from this study of Browning’s conclusions is that they are not only extremely interesting but are vital to the success of each poem. These conclusions, as it were, produce the taste that remains with the reader, the aftermath of the dramatic poem. That the poet realized this is reflected in the originality of his endings and his obviously careful attention to them as an important device in the overall plan of the monologue. It is therefore, Browning the artist and craftsman that emerges

    Robert Penn Warren: The Anxiety of Critical Influence

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    Using Paleoecology of Planktic Foraminifera to Interpret the Thermocline Behavior of the Kuroshio Current Extension across the Mid-Piacenzian Warm Period

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    The Kuroshio Current Extension (KCE) is a major western boundary current as part of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Such currents are currently warming at a rate 2-3 times faster than other regions in the world ocean. Observational sea surface temperature data from the past century have concluded that the KCE has warmed by approximately 1-2℃. Previous studies have utilized warm periods during the Pliocene to determine that the current may have warmed 3-4℃. Thus, it is imperative to quantify the behavior of the KCE under increased warming, such as using analogue warm periods in Earth’s past like the mid-Piacenzian Warm Period (mPWP). This study uses stable isotopic data from two species of thermocline-dwelling planktic foraminifera (Globoconella inflata and Neogloboquadrina incompta), from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1207A, located on the northern edge of the KCE. Such data is used to characterize the behavior of the thermocline within the KCE through the Pliocene. This will be the first stable isotopic record to investigate the behavior of the KCE across the mPWP at a high resolution (~3 thousand years). In addition, we investigate how paleoecology of thermocline-dwelling planktic foraminifera affects the interpretations of geochemical records through time. Specifically, we compare stable isotopic records obtained from species that grow during the winter months (G. inflata) to that of a species present year-round in the KCE (N. incompta).https://orb.binghamton.edu/research_days_posters_2022/1026/thumbnail.jp

    Retrospektive Untersuchung zur enoralen Distraktion des aufsteigenden Unterkieferastes bei Erwachsenen

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    Mit der Methode der enoralen Distraktion des aufsteigenden Unterkieferastes ist ein Weg gefunden worden, Patienten mit sowohl angeborenen wie auch erworbenen Kieferfehlstellungen aufgrund eines zu kurzen Unterkieferastes erfolgreich und fĂŒr den Patienten schonend zu therapieren. Die Indikationsstellung fĂŒr eine Elongation des Ramus ascendens des Unterkiefers bestand bei den 26 Patienten dieser Studie im Alter zwischen 16 und 51 Jahren fĂŒr die hemifaziale Mikrosomie, Goldenhar Syndrom, Angle Klasse II und erworbenen Defiziten des Ramus ascendens durch Trauma, Nekrose oder Kiefergelenksarthrose. Die Behandlung wurde in der ersten Patientengruppe bilateral und in der zweiten Patientengruppe unilateral durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Messungen wurden an Panoramaschichtaufnahmen zum Zeitpunkt vor Distraktion, bei Distraktorentfernung und nach im Minimum 5 Monaten bis maximal 53 Monaten an reproduzierbaren Messpunkten vorgenommen. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen deutlich, dass die vertikale Ramusdistraktion bei Erwachsenen erfolgreich ist. Dies lĂ€sst sich anhand der gemessenen LangzeitstabilitĂ€t der gewonnenen Knochensubstanz darstellen. Diese zeigten im Mittel 9,0 Millimeter (72,1% der zuvor distrahierten Strecke) bei den 11 FĂ€llen unilateraler Distraktion und 7,19 Millimeter (67,1% der zuvor distrahierten Strecke) am rechten Ramus beziehungsweise 7,88 Millimeter (73,2% der zuvor distrahierten Strecke) am linken Ramus bei den 15 FĂ€llen bilateraler Distraktion. Besondere BerĂŒcksichtigung sollte das Einhalten des sechs monatigen Intervalls von Distraktorimplantation bis Distraktorentfernung fĂŒr einen Langzeiterfolg der KnochenstabilitĂ€t finden. Patienten, bei denen bedingt durch Komplikationen eine vorzeitige Distraktorentfernung nötig war, zeigten eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Tendenz zum RĂŒckgang von gewonnener Knochensubstanz gegenĂŒber Patienten bei denen das Sechsmonatsintervall eingehalten werden konnte. EindrĂŒcklich zeigt diese Untersuchung, dass in den meisten FĂ€llen eines schweren Fehlbisses die vertikale Ramusdistraktion einen ersten Schritt der Behandlung darstellt, durch die es möglich wird, mit anschließenden mono oder bignathen Kieferlagekorrekturen zu einem fĂŒr den Patienten optimalen Ergebnis zu gelangen und die StabilitĂ€t des Ergebnisses nach Distraktion langfristig zu sichern

    Problem Based Learning as a Shared Musical Journey – Group Dynamics, Communication and Creativity

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     The focus of this paper is how we can facilitate problem based learning (PBL) more creatively. We take a closer look upon the connection between creative processes and social communication in the PBL group including how difficulties in the social interplay may hinder creativity. The paper draws on group dynamic theory, and points out the importance of building a reflexive milieu in the group. Musical concepts are used to illustrate the communicative and creative aspects of PBL and the paper uses the analogy between improvising together and do a project work together. We also discuss the role of the supervisor in a PBL group process. Further we argue that creativity is rooted deep in our consciousness and connected to our ability to work with a flexible mind. In order to enhance the cohesion as well as the creativity of the group a model of music listening as a concrete intervention tool in PBL processes is proposed


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    En anmeldelse af: Peter Fonagy, Allan N. Schore og Daniel N. Stern: Affektregulering i udvikling og psykoterapi. Redigeret af Jens Hardy SĂžrensen. Hans Reitzels Forlag 2006, 416 sider, kr. 325

    Kunsten Ă„ ikke miste kunnskap - hvordan redusere uĂžnsket turnover

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    Master i bedriftsledelse (MBA) - 201

    Modulation of gene expression in endothelial cells in response to high LET nickel ion irradiation

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    Ionizing radiation can elicit harmful effects on the cardiovascular system at high doses. Endothelial cells are critical targets in radiation-induced cardiovascular damage. Astronauts performing a long-term deep space mission are exposed to consistently higher fluences of ionizing radiation that may accumulate to reach high effective doses. In addition, cosmic radiation contains high linear energy transfer (LET) radiation that is known to produce high values of relative biological effectiveness (RBE). The aim of this study was to broaden the understanding of the molecular response to high LET radiation by investigating the changes in gene expression in endothelial cells. For this purpose, a human endothelial cell line (EA.hy926) was irradiated with accelerated nickel ions (Ni) (LET, 183 keV/mu m) at doses of 0.5, 2 and 5 Gy. DNA damage was measured 2 and 24 h following irradiation by gamma-H2AX foci detection by fluorescence microscopy and gene expression changes were measured by microarrays at 8 and 24 h following irradiation. We found that exposure to accelerated nickel particles induced a persistent DNA damage response up to 24 h after treatment. This was accompanied by a downregulation in the expression of a multitude of genes involved in the regulation of the cell cycle and an upregulation in the expression of genes involved in cell cycle checkpoints. In addition, genes involved in DNA damage response, oxidative stress, apoptosis and cell-cell signaling (cytokines) were found to be upregulated. An in silico analysis of the involved genes suggested that the transcription factors, E2F and nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B, may be involved in these cellular responses

    Social phenotype-dependent selection of social environment in wild great and blue tits: an experimental study

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    There is growing evidence that individuals actively assess the match between their phenotype and their environment when making habitat choice decisions (so-called matching habitat choice). However, to our knowledge, no studies have considered how the social environment may interact with social phenotype in determining habitat choice, despite habitat choice being an inherently social process and growing evidence for individual variation in sociability. We conducted an experiment using wild great and blue tits to understand how birds integrate their social phenotype and social environment when choosing where and how to feed. We used programmable feeders to (i) record social interactions and estimate social phenotype, and (ii) experimentally manipulate the local density experienced by birds of differing social phenotype. By tracking feeder usage, we estimated how social environment and social phenotype predicted feeder choice and feeding behaviour. Both social environment and social phenotype predicted feeder usage, but a bird's decision to remain in a particular social environment did not depend on their social phenotype. By contrast, for feeding behaviour, responses to the social environment depended on social phenotype. Our results provide rare evidence of matching habitat choice and shed light on the dependence of habitat choice on between-individual differences in social phenotype
