2,958 research outputs found

    Análise das capacidades de resistência, força e velocidade em modalidades intermitentes

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    Avaliações de laboratório e de campo periódicas deveriam ser utilizadas para determinar o estado de prontidão física do atleta e para inferir no treinamento das capacidades físicas específicas para o esporte

    Effects of a training season of master runners on maximal and sub-maximal prescription parameters

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    Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is considered an important physiological parameter to determinate cardiorespiratory capacity and has been used to predict the performance in middle and long-distance running athletes. Also the ventilatory threshold speed (sVT) and respiratory compensation point speed (sRCP) are important tools to predict performance and for training prescription. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the changes in sVO2max, sVT, sRCP and running performance during the 2008 training season. Seven master runners (50.4 ± 8.4 years), six men and one woman, with more than five years experience running training were selected. The training period was divided according to intensity emphasis in: low intensity period - LP (January-May), characterized by endurance training; moderate intensity period - MP (June-July), characterized by endurance with high intensity training and high intensity period - HP (August-September), characterized by endurance with high intensity and with resistance training. The data showed higher improvement (6%) in the sVT after LP (11.6±1.0 Km.h-1 to 12.2±0.9 Km.h-1). The sRCP improved 5% and sVO2max improved 3% after HP (13.3 Km.h-1 and 16.6 Km.h-1 to 14.4 Km.h-1 and 17.7 Km.h-1, respectively, p\u3c0.05). The better running performance was observed after MP and HP, with 4% decrease in run time (46.85±5.8 min in LP, 45.05±5.3 min and 45.1±6.8 min, respectively). The results presented here suggest that intensities between sVT and sRCP can improve the sVT. On the other hand, to improve sRCP, sVO2max and running performance higher training intensities are necessary, between sRCP and sVO2max combined with resistance training

    Acute physiological and affective responses in postmenopausal women during prescribed and self-selected aerobic exercise

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    Few elderly meet current physical activity (PA) guidelines. The limitations for PA adherence is due the barriers found such as displeasure, discomfort, pain and sense of exhaustion. Self-selected exercise has been strategy for PA adherence, due greatest tolerance by aerobic exercise practitioners. The aim of this study was investigate physiological and psychological responses in prescribed and self-selected sessions in postmenopausal women. It was recruited 27 women active. The study consisted 3 moments: familiarization, self-selected, prescribed sessions. The intensity of self-selected session was replicated in prescribed session. There was significant main effect of the time for HR (p=0,047), FS (p=0,009) and Borg scale (p=0,012). Session by time interaction the significant main effect in HR (p<0,001). Significant mean difference was observed for psychological variables FS (p= 0,011), Borg scale (p= 0,016) and ITL (p<0,001). This study demonstrates the self-selected session relationship with greatest affection and low perceived effort exercise when compared to prescribed exercisePocos ancianos cumplen con las pautas actuales de actividad física (PA). Las limitaciones para la adherencia de la PA se deben a las barreras encontradas, como el disgusto, la incomodidad, el dolor y la sensación de agotamiento. El ejercicio auto seleccionado ha sido una estrategia para la adherencia de la PA, debido a la mayor tolerancia de los practicantes de ejercicio aeróbico. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar las respuestas fisiológicas y psicológicas en sesiones prescritas y auto seleccionadas en mujeres posmenopáusicas. Se reclutaron 27 mujeres activas. El estudio constó de 3 momentos: familiarización, auto-seleccionados, sesiones prescritas. La intensidad de la sesión auto-seleccionada se replicó en la sesión prescrita. Hubo un efecto principal significativo del tiempo para la FC (p = 0,047), FS (p = 0,009) y escala de Borg (p = 0,012). Interacción sesión por tiempo: efecto principal significativo en la FC (p <0,001). Se observó una diferencia de medias significativa para las variables psicológicas FS (p = 0,011), escala de Borg (p = 0,016) y ITL (p <0,001). Este estudio demuestra la relación del sesión auto-seleccionada con el mayor afecto y el ejercicio de esfuerzo percibido bajo en comparación con el ejercicio prescrito.Poche persone anziane incontrano le attuali linee guida sull'attività fisica (FA). I limiti di aderenza alla PA sono dovuti alle barriere incontrate, come dispiacere, disagio, dolore e senso di sfinimento. L'esercizio di auto-selezione è stata una strategia per aderire all'AF a causa della maggiore tolleranza degli operatori di esercizi aerobici. L'obiettivo di questo studio era di indagare le risposte fisiologiche e psicologiche nelle sedute prescritte e autoselezionate nelle donne in postmenopausa. Sono state reclutate ventisette donne attive. Lo studio consisteva in 3 momenti: familiarizzazione, sessione autoselezionata e sessione prescritta. L'intensità della sessione autoselezionata è stata replicata nella sessione prescritta. C'era un significativo effetto principale del tempo per HR (p = 0.047), FS (p = 0.009) scala di Borg (p = 0.012). Interazione della sessione in base al tempo, significativo effetto principale in HR (p <0,001). Significativa differenza media è stata osservata per le variabili psicologiche FS (p = 0.011), scala Borg (p = 0.016) e ITL (p <0.001). Questo studio dimostra la relazione della sessione autoselezionata con maggiore affettività e basso sforzo percepito rispetto all'esercizio prescritto.Poucos idosos atendem às diretrizes atuais de atividade física (AF). As limitações para a adesão à AF se devem às barreiras encontradas, como desprazer, desconforto, dor e sensação de esgotamento. O exercício auto-selecionado tem sido uma estratégia para a adesão à AF, devido à maior tolerância dos praticantes de exercícios aeróbicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as respostas fisiológicas e psicológicas em sessões prescritas e auto-selecionadas em mulheres na pós-menopausa. Foram recrutadas 27 mulheres ativas. O estudo consistiu em 3 momentos: familiarização, sessão auto-selecionada e sessão prescrita. A intensidade da sessão auto-selecionada foi replicada na sessão prescrita. Houve efeito principal significativo do tempo para FC (p = 0,047), FS (p = 0,009) escala de Borg (p = 0,012). Interação da sessão por tempo, efeito principal significativo na FC (p <0,001). Diferença média significativa foi observada para as variáveis ​​psicológicas FS (p = 0,011), escala de Borg (p = 0,016) e ITL (p <0,001). Este estudo demonstra a relação da sessão auto-selecionada com maior afetividade e baixo esforço percebido quando comparado ao exercício prescrito

    Self-selected vs programed load adjustment methods in strength and body composition: a pilot study / Métodos de ajuste de carga auto-selecionado vs programado na força e composição corporal: um estudo piloto

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effect of two different methods of resistance training (RT) load adjustment (self-selected vs. programmed) in strength and body composition outcomes. Fourteen resistance-trained college-level students (5 females and 9 males), (age: 21.4 ± 2.23 years; height: 1.71 ± 0.08 m and body mass: 77.6 ± 11.9 kg) were randomly assigned to one of the following experimental groups: Self-selected load adjustment (SSLA), where loads were arbitrarily/subjectively increased by each participant; Programmed load adjustment (PLA), where an absolute load increment was implemented according to the number of repetitions performed in the last set of each exercise. Four weekly sessions were performed during a 7-week intervention. Maximal dynamic strength and muscular endurance were assessed through one repetition maximum (1RM) and 60%1RM tests for both upper and lower limbs in bench press and unilateral leg press exercises, respectively. A moderate ES was observed for both groups in 1RMLEG PRESS (SSLA: d = 0.96; PLA: d = 1.13) and 60% 1RMBENCH PRESS (SSLA = 0.88; PLA = 1.00). Trivial (d = 0.19) and small (d = 0.24) ES in 1RMBENCH PRESS were observed for SSLA and PLA groups, respectively. The only variable that presented large ES was 60% 1RMLEG PRESS for SSLA (d = 1.29). The sum of skinfolds presented moderate ES for PLA (d=0.68) and small for SSLA (d = 0.39). In conclusion, different methods of RT load adjustments induce similar effects in strength and body composition in recreationally trained individuals.

    Specific warm-up exercise is the best for vertical countermovement jump in young volleyball players

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    We evaluated the effect of performing various distinct warm-up exercises on vertical countermovement jump (VCMJ) performance. Eight volleyball players (age 15.4 ± 0.5 yrs) performed five different warm-up activities (in a counterbalanced, randomized crossover study) over five days, at 24-h intervals: stretching (4 × 30 s, 30 s between sets), cycloergometer (5 min at 50 W + 5 min at 100 W), resistance exercise (leg press 45°, 3 × 5 repetitions maximum, 3-min pause between sets), specific vertical jumping (4 × 10 VCMJ, 2-min pause between sets), and no warm-up at all (control condition). Beginning 3 min after their warm-up, the players performed 3 attempts (at intervals of 3 min) of VCMJ (on a contact carpet), and each player's best jump was considered in the analysis. All warm-up activities presented higher VCMJ performance (p< 0.05) than the control condition, with the exception of stretching. Vertical jumping revealed a large effect size(0.8) than other interventions. We conclude that in practical terms, vertical jumps are the best warm-up exercise (when applied by itself) to acutely improve VCMJ performance in volleyball players, but that other exercises can make a complementary contribution.

    Chronic Effects of Heavy Load Activity Performed Before Resistance Training Sessions on the Physical Performance of Youth Soccer Players

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(6): 1421-1434, 2021. The adoption of resistance training (RT) programs has been shown to positively influence sports performance-related parameters. However, the chronic effects of maximal strength protocols on the performance of soccer players are not completely investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of performing two repetition maximum (2RM) before a resistance training session on the physical performance of youth soccer players. Seventeen players (under-20 category) were allocated in one of the following groups: 2RM + resistance training group (2RM + RT, n = 8) and resistance training group (RTG, n = 9). Both groups performed the same RT protocol during experimental weeks. However, the 2RM + RT performed 1 set of 2RM for 4 exercises, previously to RT protocol. Pre and post intervention period, one repetition maximum of the back squat exercise (1RMSQUAT), sprint time (15m-sprint test), countermovement jump (CMJ), repeated sprint ability (RSABEST and RSAMEAN), and yo-yo intermittent recovery test level- 2 (YYIRT2) were assessed. Total load lifted (TLL) during the experimental weeks was also collected. Significant increases in 1RMSQUAT (2RM + RT: +45.1%, d = 4.40; RTG: +32.3%, d = 1.84), 15m sprint (2RM + RT: -9.0%, d = 7.9; RTG: -8.8%%, d = 3.2), CMJ (2RM + RT: +2.3%, d = 0.17; RTG: +0.8%, d = 0.07), RSABEST (2RM + RT: -2.4%, d = 0.6; RTG: -2.3%, d = 1.04), RSAMEAN (2RM + RT: -2.9%, d = 1.33; RTG: -3.4%, d = 1.78), YYIRT2 (2RM + RT: +12.0%, d = 0.82; RTG: +12.1%, d = 0.63) (all p \u3c 0,05) were observed for both groups on pre to post-intervention periods, with no significant difference between groups. Therefore, the 2RM + RT protocol did not promote additional increase on performance of young soccer players

    Tri-Set Training System Induces a High Muscle Swelling with Short Time Commitment in Resistance-Trained Subjects: A Cross-Over Study

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(3): 561-569, 2022. The purpose of the present study was to assess performance and morphological acute responses to the tri-set (TRI) resistance-training system. In a random order, 18 subjects (years: 30.0 ± 5.6; weight: 81.8 ± 13.4 kg; height: 173 ± 6.2 cm; RT experience: 4.6 ± 1.7 years) performed 3 exercises targeting the pectoralis major muscle in two different experimental conditions: traditional system (TRAD) and TRI. The TRAD protocol referred to the completion of a single exercise set followed by a rest period. For the TRI protocol, one set of each exercise was performed sequentially with a minimal rest interval afforded (\u3c 10 seconds). Both protocols were performed in 3 sets of 10RM. Pectoralis major muscle swelling (PMMS), volume load (VL), internal training load (ITL) and training efficiency (TE) were calculated and compared between both protocols. Despite the low VL (-19.3%; p \u3c 0.001), larger values of PMMS (104.7%; p \u3c 0.001), ITL (24.3%; p \u3c 0.001) and TE (56.0%; p \u3c 0.001) were observed during TRI compared to TRAD condition. In conclusion, the adoption of a TRI training protocol may induce distinct performance and morphological acute responses compared to TRAD, suggesting that resistance-trained subjects may experience a higher muscle swelling and intensity of effort with short time commitment when performing TRI system

    Complementarity between parents for earliness and grain yield in soybean

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a capacidade geral e a específica de combinação (CGC e CEC, respectivamente) de seis genitores de soja (Glycine max), para identificar aqueles que são promissores e suas melhores combinações para o desenvolvimento de linhagens superiores quanto à precocidade e à produção de grãos, bem como à melhor época de avaliação. Seis genitores e seus 15 híbridos foram avaliados em blocos ao acaso, durante o inverno de 2014 e o verão de 2015/2016, em casa de vegetação. Os dados obtidos para número de dias para florescimento, ciclo e produção foram analisados pelo método 2 de Griffing, modelo 1. Resultados contrastantes foram obtidos para as duas épocas, com ciclo mais curto e maior produtividade no verão. A maior CGC quanto ao ciclo é observada nos progenitores 'MSOY6101' e 'MSOY9144RR', com sinal negativo e positivo, respectivamente. 'TMG123RR' apresenta a maior CGC quanto à produção de grãos. A maior CEC quanto ao número de dias para o florescimento e ao ciclo está associada aos cruzamentos 'SYN9078RR' x 'MSOY9144RR' e 'TMG123RR' x 'MSOY9144RR', respectivamente. No entanto, a maior CEC quanto à produção de grãos é observada em 'MSOY6101' x 'MSOY9144RR', com valor positivo, e 'TMG801' x 'MSOY9144RR', com valor negativo, durante o verão.The objective of this work was to determine the general and specific combining ability (GCA and SCA, respectively) of six soybean (Glycine max) parents, in order to identify the promising ones and their best combinations for the development of superior lines for earliness and grain yield, as well as the best evaluation season. Six parents and their 15 hybrids were evaluated in a randomized complete block design, during the 2014 winter and 2015/2016 summer, in a greenhouse. The data obtained for number of days to flowering, cycle, and grain yield were analyzed by Griffing’s method 2, model 1. Contrasting results were obtained for the two seasons, with a shorter cycle and a higher yield in the summer. The highest GCA for cycle is observed for the 'MSOY6101' and 'MSOY9144RR' parents, with negative and positive signs, respectively. 'TMG123RR' shows the highest GCA for grain yield. The highest SCA for days to flowering and cycle is associated with the 'SYN9078RR' × 'MSOY9144RR' and 'TMG123RR' × 'MSOY9144RR' crosses, respectively. However, the highest SCA for grain yield is observed for 'MSOY6101' × 'MSOY9144RR', with a positive value, and for 'TMG801' × 'MSOY9144RR', with a negative value, during the summer

    The Effect of Different Resistance Training Load Schemes on Strength and Body Composition in Trained Men

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of moderate-load (10 RM) and low-load (20 RM) resistance training schemes on maximal strength and body composition. Sixteen resistance-trained men were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: a moderate-load group (n = 8) or a low-load group (n = 8). The resistance training schemes consisted of 8 exercises performed 4 times per week for 6 weeks. In order to equate the number of repetitions performed by each group, the moderate load group performed 6 sets of 10 RM, while the low load group performed 3 sets of 20 RM. Between-group differences were evaluated using a 2-way ANOVA and independent t-tests. There was no difference in the weekly total load lifted (sets × reps × kg) between the 2 groups. Both groups equally improved maximal strength and measures of body composition after 6 weeks of resistance training, with no significant between-group differences detected. In conclusion, both moderate-load and low-load resistance training schemes, similar for the total load lifted, induced a similar improvement in maximal strength and body composition in resistance-trained men