245 research outputs found

    Using jet mixing techniques to enhance direct filtration

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    Atlantic urban transfers in early modernity: Mazagão, from Africa to the Americas

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    The history of the Portuguese city of Mazagão is also the history of a journey over the Atlantic. Designed and settled in 1541 in Northwest Africa, the motivation for the grid layout of this fortress-city may be interpreted as a compromise between the urban knowledge developed in neighboring examples of occupation by conquest and the aspiration of an “ideal” model. The Portuguese were to remain here until 1769 when Mazagão was abandoned and its population transferred to the Amazon basin where New Mazagão was founded. This time, a geometrical regular plan was carried along by these colons as well as their African religious traditions, strikingly still present nowadays. More than a direct spatial translation from Africa to South America, this journey allows us to analyse the Portuguese contribution to the urban design and public space from the 16th to the 18th centuries along the coasts and islands of the Atlantic and its differences to the Hispanic world. The Portuguese urban experience though the 500s can be told by the application of reason to fabrics with regular propensity together with a case by case assessment of the conditions for that application, and not through an abstract plan as in the Laws of the Indies. Mazagão, together with Angra (Azores) and Salvador (Brasil), showing both a tendency to regular urbanism and a voluntarily Renaissance aspiration, were harbors for the Portuguese expansion al romano urban experience. The history of Mazagão’s journey over the Atlantic can be related as an urban transfer, rather than an urban translation. In fact, important cultural flows were the key element for the keeping of urban activities that can be observed in similar dimensions throughout Early Modernity and Transatlantic territorial spheres. Through case studies shown in this article, the Portuguese urban practice related to regularity can be demarked between a laboratorial example of mathematics application and a mature model of knowledge exportation in the age of the Lights

    On Augmented Lagrangian Decomposition Methods for Multistage Stochastic Programs

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    A general decomposition framework for large convex optimization problems based on augmented Lagrangians is described. The approach is then applied to multistage stochastic programming problems in two different ways: by decomposing the problem into scenarios and by decomposing it into nodes corresponding to stages. Theoretical convergence properties of the two approaches are derived and a computational illustration is presented

    Los comerciantes coloniales latinoamericanos en la transición al capitalismo: Un balance historiográfico

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    El artículo analiza el derrotero de la historiografía dedicada a los comerciantes coloniales latinoamericanos, en general, y a los rioplatenses, en particular, con el objetivo de repasar sus principales líneas de investigación e hipótesis y establecer un balance que nos permita clarificar los objetivos cumplidos, las tareas pendientes y la pertinencia de los problemas planteados. Para ello realizamos un recorrido cronológico y analítico por los principales estudios, señalando sus alcances y límites. El balance muestra que, a pesar de un enorme avance en términos cuantitativos y cualitativos, aún existen debates en torno a problemas fundamentales, por lo que se plantea la necesidad de establecer un criterio, teórico y metodológico, que nos permita avanzar en estudios de caso que puedan ser comparados, como paso previo a una comprensión cabal de la naturaleza del capital mercantil colonial latinoamericano.Abstract The article analyzes the itinerary of the historiography devoted to Latin American colonial traders. Its objective is to review the main lines of research and hypotheses, to establish a balance that allows us both to clarify the goals accomplished and the relevance of the issues raised. We carry out a chronological and analytical journey through the main studies, indicating its reach and limits. The balance sheet shows that, despite huge progress in quantitative and qualitative terms, there are still debates on fundamental problems, so there is a need to establish a theoretical-methodological approach that allows us to advance case studies that can be compared, as a prelude to a new general interpretation of Latin American colonial merchant capital.Fil: Schlez, Mariano Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Humanidades. Área Historia Americana y Argentina; Argentin

    Trust As A Precursor Or Outcome Of Relational Norm Development: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Of US And Hungarian Managers

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    This study proposes and tests a model delineating relational norms and their relationship with the construct Trust and compares the results across two culture groups.  The norms of Solidarity, Flexibility, and Mutuality are proposed as precursors to the formation of Trust.  SEM results confirm two opposing models for U.S. and Hungarian respondents.  Relational Norms have a strong positive relationship with formation of Trust for the Hungarian respondents, acting as a precursor of Trust.  Whereas, the relationship between trust and the relational norms is weak for the U.S. respondents, and indicates that Trust is a precursor to the formation of Relational Norms

    Whole organ transplantation

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    Memória e conhecimento do mundo: coleções de objetos, impressos e manuscritos nas livrarias de Portugal e Espanha, séculos XV-XVII

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    O artigo trata de uma época em que a idéia da coleção especializada não existia (séculos XVI e XVII), quando escrita e imagem, forma e conteúdo encontravam-se reunidos em um mesmo conjunto. Nas Câmaras de Maravilhas e Gabinetes de Curiosidades da Alta Idade Moderna, objetos exóticos, animais empalhados, pinturas, gravuras, impressos e manuscritos ocupavam o mesmo espaço como forma de apreensão do conhecimento do mundo. Homens como Manoel Severim de Faria, em Portugal, e Jerônimo de Mascarenhas, na Espanha, ambos contemporâneos da União Ibérica, estão entre esses possuidores de livrarias privadas; representantes de um tipo de letrado nos moldes do Renascimento que desapareceram com o surgimento dos métodos classificatórios e científicos do "colecionismo", difundidos a partir da segunda metade do século XVII.This article describes a period of time when the concept of specialized collecting did not yet exist (15th-17th century), when text and image, form and content were to be found together in one ensemble. In the Wunderkammer (Chambers of Wonders) and Wunderkabinett (Cabinets of Wonders) of the Late Modern Age, exotic objects, stuffed animals, paintings, prints, printed matter and manuscripts were gathered in the same space, reflecting an attempt to grasp the knowledge of the world. Men like Manoel Severim de Faria in Portugal and Jerônimo de Mascarenhas in Spain, both contemporaries of the Iberian Union, are among those who owned private libraries. Such men represented a kind of Renaissance scholar that disappeared with the advent of classification and scientific methods used in "collecting" and disseminated as of the second half of the 17th century

    1968 Modulus

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    1968 Yearbook for Rose Polytechnic Institute Terre Haute, IN 47803https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/modulus/1053/thumbnail.jp