1,175 research outputs found

    High-performance 3D waveguide architecture for astronomical pupil-remapping interferometry

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    The detection and characterisation of extra-solar planets is a major theme driving modern astronomy, with the vast majority of such measurements being achieved by Doppler radial-velocity and transit observations. Another technique -- direct imaging -- can access a parameter space that complements these methods, and paves the way for future technologies capable of detailed characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres and surfaces. However achieving the required levels of performance with direct imaging, particularly from ground-based telescopes which must contend with the Earth's turbulent atmosphere, requires considerable sophistication in the instrument and detection strategy. Here we demonstrate a new generation of photonic pupil-remapping devices which build upon the interferometric framework developed for the {\it Dragonfly} instrument: a high contrast waveguide-based device which recovers robust complex visibility observables. New generation Dragonfly devices overcome problems caused by interference from unguided light and low throughput, promising unprecedented on-sky performance. Closure phase measurement scatter of only ∌0.2∘\sim 0.2^\circ has been achieved, with waveguide throughputs of >70%> 70\%. This translates to a maximum contrast-ratio sensitivity (between the host star and its orbiting planet) at 1λ/D1 \lambda/D (1σ\sigma detection) of 5.3×10−45.3 \times 10^{-4} (when a conventional adaptive-optics (AO) system is used) or 1.8×10−41.8 \times 10^{-4} (for typical `extreme-AO' performance), improving even further when random error is minimised by averaging over multiple exposures. This is an order of magnitude beyond conventional pupil-segmenting interferometry techniques (such as aperture masking), allowing a previously inaccessible part of the star to planet contrast-separation parameter space to be explored

    Separation of river network–scale nitrogen removal among the main channel and two transient storage compartments

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    Transient storage (TS) zones are important areas of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) processing in rivers. We assessed sensitivities regarding the relative impact that the main channel (MC), surface TS (STS), and hyporheic TS (HTS) have on network denitrification using a model applied to the Ipswich River in Massachusetts, United States. STS and HTS connectivity and size were parameterized using the results of in situ solute tracer studies in first‐ through fifth‐order reaches. DIN removal was simulated in all compartments for every river grid cell using reactivity derived from Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiment (LINX2) studies, hydraulic characteristics, and simulated discharge. Model results suggest that although MC‐to‐STS connectivity is greater than MC‐to‐HTS connectivity at the reach scale, at basin scales, there is a high probability of water entering the HTS at some point along its flow path through the river network. Assuming our best empirical estimates of hydraulic parameters and reactivity, the MC, HTS, and STS removed approximately 38%, 21%, and 14% of total DIN inputs during a typical base flow period, respectively. There is considerable uncertainty in many of the parameters, particularly the estimates of reaction rates in the different compartments. Using sensitivity analyses, we found that the size of TS is more important for DIN removal processes than its connectivity with the MC when reactivity is low to moderate, whereas TS connectivity is more important when reaction rates are rapid. Our work suggests a network perspective is needed to understand how connectivity, residence times, and reactivity interact to influence DIN processing in hierarchical river systems

    Advances in biotechnology and genomics of switchgrass

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    Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a C4 perennial warm season grass indigenous to the North American tallgrass prairie. A number of its natural and agronomic traits, including adaptation to a wide geographical distribution, low nutrient requirements and production costs, high water use efficiency, high biomass potential, ease of harvesting, and potential for carbon storage, make it an attractive dedicated biomass crop for biofuel production. We believe that genetic improvements using biotechnology will be important to realize the potential of the biomass and biofuel-related uses of switchgrass. Tissue culture techniques aimed at rapid propagation of switchgrass and genetic transformation protocols have been developed. Rapid progress in genome sequencing and bioinformatics has provided efficient strategies to identify, tag, clone and manipulate many economically-important genes, including those related to higher biomass, saccharification efficiency, and lignin biosynthesis. Application of the best genetic tools should render improved switchgrass that will be more economically and environmentally sustainable as a lignocellulosic bioenergy feedstock

    Studies on Activated Chemisorption

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryJoint Services Electronics Program / DAAB-07-72-C-0259Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFSC), USAF / AFOSR 72-221

    Activated Chemisorption of Molecules

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryAir Force Office of Scientific Research (AFSC), USAF / AFOSR 69-1671 and 72-221

    TB176: Agrelation: A Computerized Decision-making Tool for Coloraod Potato Beetle Population Management and Environmental Quality Concerns

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    Many facets of Maine potato production have been simulated with computer models and expert systems. Given the ongoing improvement of computer technology and validation of past efforts, scientists can now combine several agricultural submodels into one holistic and user-friendly computer application. This bulletin reports on the development of one such application—Agrelation—aimed at modeling a portion of Maine potato production and management.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_techbulletin/1032/thumbnail.jp

    Starlight Demonstration of the Dragonfly Instrument: an Integrated Photonic Pupil Remapping Interferometer for High Contrast Imaging

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    In the two decades since the first extra-solar planet was discovered, the detection and characterization of extra-solar planets has become one of the key endeavors in all of modern science. Recently direct detection techniques such as interferometry or coronography have received growing attention because they reveal the population of exoplanets inaccessible to Doppler or transit techniques, and moreover they allow the faint signal from the planet itself to be investigated. Next-generation stellar interferometers are increasingly incorporating photonic technologies due to the increase in fidelity of the data generated. Here, we report the design, construction and commissioning of a new high contrast imager; the integrated pupil-remapping interferometer; an instrument we expect will find application in the detection of young faint companions in the nearest star-forming regions. The laboratory characterisation of the instrument demonstrated high visibility fringes on all interferometer baselines in addition to stable closure phase signals. We also report the first successful on-sky experiments with the prototype instrument at the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope. Performance metrics recovered were consistent with ideal device behaviour after accounting for expected levels of decoherence and signal loss from the uncompensated seeing. The prospect of complete Fourier-coverage coupled with the current performance metrics means that this photonically-enhanced instrument is well positioned to contribute to the science of high contrast companions.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Mon. Not. of Roy. Ast. Soc., 201

    Voting: What Has Changed, What Hasn't, & Why: Research Bibliography

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    Since the origins of the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project in the fall of 2000, there has been an explosion of research and analysis on election administration and voting technology. As we worked throughout 2012 on our most recent study, Voting: What Has Changed, What Hasn’t, & What Needs Improvement, we found many more research studies. In this research bibliography, we present the research literature that we have found; future revisions of this research bibliography will update this list.Carnegie Corporation of New Yor

    X-ray behaviour of Circinus X-1 - I: X-ray Dips as a diagnostic of periodic behaviour

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    We examine the periodic nature of detailed structure (particularly dips) in the RXTE/ASM lightcurve of Circinus X-1. The significant phase wandering of the X-ray maxima suggests their identification with the response on a viscous timescale of the accretion disk to perturbation. We find that the X-ray dips provide a more accurate system clock than the maxima, and thus use these as indicators of the times of periastron passage. We fit a quadratic ephemeris to these dips, and find its predictive power for the X-ray lightcurve to be superior to ephemerides based on the radio flares and the full archival X-ray lightcurve. Under the hypothesis that the dips are tracers of the mass transfer rate from the donor, we use their occurrence rate as a function of orbital phase to explore the (as yet unconstrained) nature of the donor. The high P˙\dot{P} term in the ephemeris provides another piece of evidence that Cir X-1 is in a state of dynamical evolution, and thus is a very young post-supernova system. We further suggest that the radio ``synchrotron nebula'' immediately surrounding Cir X-1 is in fact the remnant of the event that created the compact object, and discuss briefly the evidence for and against such an interpretation.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Limitation Due To 3-Photon Absorption On The Useful Spectral Range For Nonlinear Optics In Algaas Below Half Band-Gap

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    We report measurements of the spectral dispersion and the magnitude of three-photon absorption in Al0.18Ga0.82As for photon energies between one half and one third the band gap and show that a two-parabolic-band model is valid in this material. These results indicate that there is a limited spectral range below half the band gap in AlGaAs (and presumably all semiconductors) in which the bound electronic optical nonlinearity can be used without significant multiphoton absorption
