36 research outputs found

    Applications of hybrid neural networks and genetic programming in financial forecasting

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    This thesis explores the utility of computational intelligent techniques and aims to contribute to the growing literature of hybrid neural networks and genetic programming applications in financial forecasting. The theoretical background and the description of the forecasting techniques are given in the first part of the thesis (chapters 1-3), while the contribution is provided through the last five self-contained chapters (chapters 4-8). Chapter 4 investigates the utility of the Psi Sigma neural network when applied to the task of forecasting and trading the Euro/Dollar exchange rate, while Kalman Filter estimation is tested in combining neural network forecasts. A time-varying leverage trading strategy based on volatility forecasts is also introduced. In chapter 5 three neural networks are used to forecast an exchange rate, while Kalman Filter, Genetic Programming and Support Vector Regression are implemented to provide stochastic and genetic forecast combinations. In addition, a hybrid leverage trading strategy tests if volatility forecasts and market shocks can be combined to boost the trading performance of the models. Chapter 6 presents a hybrid Genetic Algorithm – Support Vector Regression model for optimal parameter selection and feature subset combination. The model is applied to the task of forecasting and trading three euro exchange rates. The results of these chapters suggest that the stochastic and genetic neural network forecast combinations present superior forecasts and high profitability. In that way, more light is shed in the demanding issue of achieving statistical and trading efficiency in the foreign exchange markets. The focus of the next two chapters shifts from exchange rate forecasting to inflation and unemployment prediction through optimal macroeconomic variable selection. Chapter 7 focuses on forecasting the US inflation and unemployment, while chapter 8 presents the Rolling Genetic – Support Vector Regression model. The latter is applied to several forecasting exercises of inflation and unemployment of EMU members. Both chapters provide information on which set of macroeconomic indicators is found relevant to inflation and unemployment targeting on a monthly basis. The proposed models statistically outperform traditional ones. Hence, the voluminous literature, suggesting that non-linear time-varying approaches are more efficient and realistic in similar applications, is extended. From a technical point of view, these algorithms are superior to non-adaptive algorithms; avoid time consuming optimization approaches and efficiently cope with dimensionality and data-snooping issues

    Modeling, forecasting and trading the EUR exchange rates with hybrid rolling genetic algorithms: support vector regression forecast combinations

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    The motivation of this paper is to introduce a hybrid Rolling Genetic Algorithm-Support Vector Regression (RG-SVR) model for optimal parameter selection and feature subset combination. The algorithm is applied to the task of forecasting and trading the EUR/USD, EUR/GBP and EUR/JPY exchange rates. The proposed methodology genetically searches over a feature space (pool of individual forecasts) and then combines the optimal feature subsets (SVR forecast combinations) for each exchange rate. This is achieved by applying a fitness function specialized for financial purposes and adopting a sliding window approach. The individual forecasts are derived from several linear and non-linear models. RG-SVR is benchmarked against genetically and non-genetically optimized SVRs and SVMs models that are dominating the relevant literature, along with the robust ARBF-PSO neural network. The statistical and trading performance of all models is investigated during the period of 1999–2012. As it turns out, RG-SVR presents the best performance in terms of statistical accuracy and trading efficiency for all the exchange rates under study. This superiority confirms the success of the implemented fitness function and training procedure, while it validates the benefits of the proposed algorithm

    European exchange trading funds trading with locally weighted support vector regression

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    In this paper, two different Locally Weighted Support Vector Regression (wSVR) algorithms are generated and applied to the task of forecasting and trading five European Exchange Traded Funds. The trading application covers the recent European Monetary Union debt crisis. The performance of the proposed models is benchmarked against traditional Support Vector Regression (SVR) models. The Radial Basis Function, the Wavelet and the Mahalanobis kernel are explored and tested as SVR kernels. Finally, a novel statistical SVR input selection procedure is introduced based on a principal component analysis and the Hansen, Lunde, and Nason (2011) model confidence test. The results demonstrate the superiority of the wSVR models over the traditional SVRs and of the v-SVR over the ε-SVR algorithms. We note that the performance of all models varies and considerably deteriorates in the peak of the debt crisis. In terms of the kernels, our results do not confirm the belief that the Radial Basis Function is the optimum choice for financial series

    Reverse adaptive krill herd locally weighted support vector regression for forecasting and trading exchange traded funds

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    This study introduces a Reverse Adaptive Krill Herd-Locally Weighted Support Vector Regression (RKH-LSVR) model. The Reverse Adaptive Krill Herd (RKH) algorithm is a novel metaheuristic optimization technique inspired by the behavior of krill herds. In RKH-LSVR, the RKH optimizes the locally weighted Support Vector Regression (LSVR) parameters by balancing the search between local and global optima. The proposed model is applied to the task of forecasting and trading six ETF stocks on a daily basis over the period 2010–2015. The RKH-LSVR's efficiency is benchmarked against a set of traditional SVR structures and simple linear and non-linear models. The trading application is designed in order to validate the robustness of the algorithm under study and to provide empirical evidence in favor of or against the Adaptive Market Hypothesis (AMH). In terms of the results, the RKH-LSVR outperforms its counterparts in terms of statistical accuracy and trading efficiency, while the time varying trading performance of the models under study validates the AMH theory

    Two-stage DEA-Truncated Regression:Application in Banking Efficiency and Financial Development

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    This study evaluates the efficiency of peripheral European domestic banks and examines the effects of bank-risk determinants on their performance over 2007–2014. Data Envelopment Analysis is utilised on a Malmquist Productivity Index in order to calculate the bank efficiency scores. Next, a Double Bootstrapped Truncated Regression is applied to obtain bias-corrected scores and examine whether changes in the financial conditions affect differently banks’ efficiency levels. The analysis accounts for the sovereign debt crisis period and for different levels of financial development in the countries under study. Such an application in the respective European banking setting is unique. The proposed method also copes with common misspecification problems observed in regression models based on efficiency scores. The results have important policy implications for the Euro area, as they indicate the existence of a periphery efficiency meta-frontier. Liquidity and credit risk are found to negatively affect banks productivity, whereas capital and profit risk have a positive impact on their performance. The crisis period is found to augment these effects, while bank-risk variables affect more banks' efficiency when lower levels of financial development are observed

    Voter Coalitions in Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): Evidence from MakerDAO

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    Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) provides a decentralized governance solution through blockchain, where decision-making process relies on on-chain voting and follows majority rule. This paper focuses on MakerDAO, and we find five voter coalitions after applying clustering algorithm to voting history. The emergence of a dominant voter coalition is a signal of governance centralization in DAO, and voter coalitions have complicated influence on Maker protocol, which is governed by MakerDAO. This paper presents empirical evidence of multicoalition democracy in DAO and further contributes to the contemporary debate on whether decentralized governance is possible

    Technical analysis profitability and persistence : a discrete false discovery approach on MSCI indices

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    We investigate the performance of more than 21,000 technical trading rules on 12 categorical and country-specific markets over the 2004-2015 study period. For this purpose, we apply a discrete false discovery rate approach in more than 240,000 hypotheses and examine the profitability, persistence and robustness of technical analysis. In terms of our results, technical analysis has short-term value and its profitability is mainly driven by short-term momentum. Financial stress seems to have a strong negative effect in technical analysis profitability for US markets and a strong positive effect for emerging and other advanced markets.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Forecasting US unemployment with radial basis neural networks, kalman filters and support vector regressions

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    This study investigates the efficiency of the radial basis function neural networks in forecasting the US unemployment and explores the utility of Kalman filter and support vector regression as forecast combination techniques. On one hand, an autoregressive moving average model, a smooth transition autoregressive model and three different neural networks architectures, namely a multi-layer perceptron, recurrent neural network and a psi sigma network are used as benchmarks for our radial basis function neural network. On the other hand, our forecast combination methods are benchmarked with a simple average and a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator. The statistical performance of our models is estimated throughout the period of 1972–2012, using the last 7 years for out-of-sample testing. The results show that the radial basis function neural network statistically outperforms all models’ individual performances. The forecast combinations are successful, since both Kalman filter and support vector regression techniques improve the statistical accuracy. Finally, support vector regression is found to be the superior model of the forecasting competition. The empirical evidence of this application are further validated by the use of the modified Diebold–Mariano test

    Inflation and unemployment forecasting with genetic support vector regression

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    In this paper a hybrid genetic algorithm–support vector regression (GA-SVR) model in economic forecasting and macroeconomic variable selection is introduced. The proposed algorithm is applied to the task of forecasting US inflation and unemployment. GA-SVR genetically optimizes the SVR parameters and adapts to the optimal feature subset from a feature space of potential inputs. The feature space includes a wide pool of macroeconomic variables that might affect the two series under study. The forecasting performance of GA-SVR is benchmarked with a random walk model, an autoregressive moving average model, a moving average convergence/divergence model, a multi-layer perceptron, a recurrent neural network and a genetic programming algorithm. In terms of our results, GA-SVR outperforms all benchmark models and provides evidence on which macroeconomic variables can be relevant predictors of US inflation and unemployment in the specific period under study