1,033 research outputs found

    Further evidence of response by leukaemia patients in remission to antigen(s) related to acute myelogenous leukaemia.

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    Fifteen patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia were studied to determine if their remission blood leucocytes could be stimulated into taking up [3H] thymidine after in vitro culture with their own cryo-preserved irradiated AML leukaemia cells. In 6/15 patients it was possible to show autologous recognition and equal recognition of their stored leukaemia cells, even when they had previously been maintained in in vitro proliferative cultures in liquid suspension and undergoing myeloid maturation for one week. After in vitro proliferative culture, 4 populations of leukaemia cells produced material in the supernatant media between 3 and 7 days capable of inducing [3H] thymidine uptake in autologous (2 pts, 5 supernatants) and allogeneic (2 pts, 2 supernatants) AML remission lymphocytes, but not in normal donor lymphocytes. The relevance of these observations to tumour-associated AML antigen is discussed

    Thickness-dependent thermal properties of amorphous insulating thin films measured by photoreflectance microscopy

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    In this work, we report on the measurement of the thermal conductivity of thin insulating films of SiO2 obtained by thermal oxidation, and Al2O3 grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD), both on Si wafers. We used photoreflectance microscopy to determine the thermal properties of the films as a function of thickness in the 2 nm to 1000 nm range. The effective thermal conductivity of the Al2O3 layer is shown to decrease with thickness down to 70% for the thinnest layers. The data were analyzed upon considering that the change in the effective thermal conductivity corresponds to an intrinsic thermal conductivity associated to an additional interfacial thermal resistance. The intrinsic conductivity and interfacial thermal resistance of SiO2 were found to be equal to 0.95 W/m·K and 5.1 × 10− 9 m2K/W respectively; those of Al2O3 were found to be 1.56 W/m·K and 4.3 × 10− 9 m2K/W

    Unsupervised segmentation of road images. A multicriteria approach

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    This paper presents a region-based segmentation algorithm which can be applied to various problems since it does not requir e a priori knowledge concerning the kind of processed images . This algorithm, based on a split and merge method, gives reliable results both on homogeneous grey level images and on textured images . First, images are divided into rectangular sectors . The splitting algorithm works independently on each sector, and uses a homogeneity criterion based only on grey levels . The mergin g is then achieved through assigning labels to each region obtained by the splitting step, using extracted feature measurements . We modeled exploited fields (data field and label field) by Markov Random Fields (MRF), the segmentation is then optimall y determined using the Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) . Input data of the merging step are regions obtained by the splitting step and their corresponding features vector. The originality of this algorithm is that texture coefficients are directly computed from these regions . These regions will be elementary sites for the Markov relaxation process . Thus, a region- based segmentation algorith m using texture and grey level is obtained . Results from various images types are presented .Nous présentons ici un algorithme de segmentation en régions pouvant s'appliquer à des problèmes très variés car il ne tient compte d'aucune information a priori sur le type d'images traitées. Il donne de bons résultats aussi bien sur des images possédant des objets homogènes au sens des niveaux de gris que sur des images possédant des régions texturées. C'est un algorithme de type division-fusion. Lors d'une première étape, l'image est découpée en fenêtres, selon une grille. L'algorithme de division travaille alors indépendamment sur chaque fenêtre, et utilise un critère d'homogénéité basé uniquement sur les niveaux de gris. La texture de chacune des régions ainsi obtenues est alors calculée. A chaque région sera associé un vecteur de caractéristiques comprenant des paramètres de luminance, et des paramètres de texture. Les régions ainsi définies jouent alors le rôle de sites élémentaires pour le processus de fusion. Celui-ci est fondé sur la modélisation des champs exploités (champ d'observations et champ d'étiquettes) par des champs de Markov. Nous montrerons les résultats de segmentation obtenus sur divers types d'images

    SKiPPER : un environnement de programmation parallèle fondé sur les squelettes et dédié au traitement d'images

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    Les travaux présentés dans cet article s'inscrivent dans le cadre de la méthodologie "Adéquation Algoritme Architecture - (A3)". Ils concernent la conception et le développement de l'environnement de programmation paralléle SKiPPER, fondé sur les squellettes fonctionnels et permettant de faire du prototypage rapide d'applications parallèles de vision artificielle (VA) sur des architectures de type MIMD à mémoire distribuée

    Road detection and vehicles tracking by vision for ACC

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    This article deals with a process designed first to extract the lane of vehicle by on-board monocular vision. This detection process is based upon a recursive updating of a statistical model of the lane obtained by a training phase. Once the lane has been located, a reconstruction algorithm computes the vehicle location on its lane and the 3D shape of the road. Thereafter, we are focus at the detection, location and tracking of front vehicles equipped with specific visual markers in order to achieve an accurate determination of the location and speed of these vehicles. Merging these various informations allows to point out the most dangerous obstacle. Each of these three processes is detailed significant examples are provide.Cet article présente, dans un premier temps, un procédé permettant de détecter la voie de circulation d'un véhicule par vision monoculaire embarquée. Ce processus de détection est basé sur une mise à jour récursive d'un modèle statistique de la voie obtenu par une phase d'apprentissage. Après avoir localisé la voie, un algorithme de reconstruction détermine la position du véhicule dans sa voie de circulation et le profil 3D de la route. Par la suite, nous nous intéressons à la détection, la localisation et surtout le suivi des véhicules situés à l'avant et équipés de marques visuelles afin de déterminer avec précision la position et la vitesse relative de ces véhicules. La combinaison de ces différentes informations permet de déterminer le véhicule le plus dangereux. La description détaillée de chacune des étapes de notre algorithme est suivie d'exemples significatifs

    Effects of spatial dispersion in near-field radiative heat transfer between two parallel metallic surfaces

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    We study the heat transfer between two parallel metallic semi-infinite media with a gap in the nanometer-scale range. We show that the near-field radiative heat flux saturates at distances smaller than the metal skin depth when using a local dielectric constant and investigate the origin of this effect. The effect of non-local corrections is analysed using the Lindhard-Mermin and Boltzmann-Mermin models. We find that local and non-local models yield the same heat fluxes for gaps larger than 2 nm. Finally, we explain the saturation observed in a recent experiment as a manifestation of the skin depth and show that heat is mainly dissipated by eddy currents in metallic bodies.Comment: Version without figures (8 figures in the complete version

    Congenital dislocation of the hip: Optimal screening strategies in 2014

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    AbstractA prospective multi-centre nationwide study of patients with congenital dislocation of the hip (CDH) diagnosed after 3 months of age was conducted with support from the French Society for Paediatric Orthopaedics (Société Française d’Orthopédie Pédiatrique [SoFOP]), French Organisation for Outpatient Paediatrics (Association Française de Pédiatrie Ambulatoire [AFPA]), and French-Speaking Society for Paediatric and Pre-Natal Imaging (Société Francophone d’Imagerie Pédiatrique et Prénatale [SFIPP]). The results showed inadequacies in clinical screening for CDH that were patent when assessed quantitatively and probably also present qualitatively. These findings indicate a need for a communication and educational campaign aimed at highlighting good clinical practice guidelines in the field of CDH screening. The usefulness of routine ultrasound screening has not been established. The findings from this study have been used by the authors and French National Health Authority (Haute Autorité de Santé [HAS]) to develop recommendations about CDH screening. There is an urgent need for a prospective randomised multi-centre nationwide study, which should involve primary-care physicians

    Multiple relativistic outbursts of GRS 1915+105: radio emission and internal shocks

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    We present 5-GHz MERLIN radio images of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 during two separate outbursts in 2001 March and 2001 July, following the evolution of the jet components as they move outwards from the core of the system. Proper motions constrain the intrinsic jet speed to be >0.57c, but the uncertainty in the source distance prevents an accurate determination of the jet speed. No deceleration is observed in the jet components out to an angular separation of about 300mas. Linear polarisation is observed in the approaching jet component, with a gradual rotation in position angle and a decreasing fractional polarisation with time. Our data lend support to the internal shock model whereby the jet velocity increases leading to internal shocks in the pre-existing outflow before the jet switches off. The compact nuclear jet is seen to re-establish itself within two days, and is visible as core emission at all epochs. The energetics of the source are calculated for the possible range of distances; a minimum power of 1-10 per cent of the Eddington luminosity is required to launch the jet.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. For higher-resolution versions of Figures 3, 5, and 12, see http://remote.science.uva.nl/~jmiller/grs1915/figures.htm