4,527 research outputs found

    A possible chiral spin-liquid phase in non-centrosymmetric RRBaCo4_4O7_7

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    Based on a symmetry approach, we propose a possible explanation of the weak ferromagnetic component recently observed in YBaCo3_3FeO7_7 (Valldor et al. Phys Rev B, 84\bf {84} 224426 (2011)) and other isostructural compounds in the high-temperature spin-liquid phase. Due to the polar nature of their crystal structure, a coupling between time-odd scalar spin chirality which we suggest as the primary order parameter and macroscopic magnetization is possible as follows from the general form of the appropriate free-energy invariant. The deduced pseudoproper coupling between both physical quantities provides a unique possibility to study the critical behaviour of the chiral order parameter

    Orbital ordering promotes weakly-interacting S=1/2 dimers in the triangular lattice compound Sr3Cr2O8

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    The weakly interacting S=1/2 dimers system Sr3Cr2O8 has been investigated by powder neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering. Our data reveal a structural phase transition below room temperature corresponding to an antiferro-orbital ordering with nearly 90 degrees arrangement of the occupied 3z^2-r^2 d-orbital. This configuration leads to a drastic reduction of the inter-dimer exchange energies with respect to the high temperature orbital-disorder state, as shown by a spin-dimer analysis of the super-superexchange interactions performed using the Extended Huckel Tight Binding method. Inelastic neutron scattering reveals the presence of a quasi non-dispersive magnetic excitation at 5.4 meV, in agreement with the picture of weakly-interacting dimers

    Non-collinear long-range magnetic ordering in HgCr2S4

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    The low-temperature magnetic structure of \HG has been studied by high-resolution powder neutron diffraction. Long-range incommensurate magnetic order sets in at TN_N\sim22K with propagation vector \textbf{k}=(0,0,\sim0.18). On cooling below TN_N, the propagation vector increases and saturates at the commensurate value \textbf{k}=(0,0,0.25). The magnetic structure below TN_N consists of ferromagnetic layers in the \textit{ab}-plane stacked in a spiral arrangement along the \textit{c}-axis. Symmetry analysis using corepresentations theory reveals a point group symmetry in the ordered magnetic phase of 422 (D4_4), which is incompatible with macroscopic ferroelectricity. This finding indicates that the spontaneous electric polarization observed experimentally cannot be coupled to the magnetic order parameter

    Depth Profiling of Multilayer Mo/Si Nanostructures

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    A round-robin characterization is reported on the sputter depth profiling of [60(3.0 nm Mo/ 0.3 nm B4C/ 3.7 nm Si)] and [60 (3.5 nm Mo/ 3.5 nm Si)] stacks deposited on Si (111). Two different commercial secondary ion mass spectrometers with time-of-flight and magnetic-sector analyzers and a pulsed radio frequency glow discharge optical emission spectrometer were used. The pros and cons of each instrumental approach are discussed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3526

    The Potential for Summer-Dormant Perennial Grasses in Mediterranean and Semi-Arid Pastures

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    In rain-fed Mediterranean and semi-arid areas, herbage production of perennial grasses depends on their ability to grow efficiently during the rainy seasons and to persist over the dry summer. A key survival strategy in these harsh conditions is summer dormancy (Volaire, 2002). Within the species Dactylis glomerata L., two cultivars (cvs.), contrasting in this trait, were compared in order to analyse their suitability in terms of yield and survival in these environments

    La place du bois dans le matériel roulant des chemins de fer

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    Anisotropic interactions opposing magnetocrystalline anisotropy in Sr3_3NiIrO6_6

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    We report our investigation of the electronic and magnetic excitations of Sr3_3NiIrO6_6 by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Ir L3_3 edge. The intra-t2gt_{2g} electronic transitions are analyzed using an atomic model, including spin-orbit coupling and trigonal distortion of the IrO6_6 octahedron, confronted to {\it ab initio} quantum chemistry calculations. The Ir spin-orbital entanglement is quantified and its implication on the magnetic properties, in particular in inducing highly anisotropic magnetic interactions, is highlighted. These are included in the spin-wave model proposed to account for the dispersionless magnetic excitation that we observe at 90 meV. By counterbalancing the strong Ni2+^{2+} easy-plane anisotropy that manifests itself at high temperature, the anisotropy of the interactions finally leads to the remarkable easy-axis magnetism reported in this material at low temperature

    The structure of intercalated water in superconducting Na0.35_{0.35}CoO2_{2}\cdot1.37D2_{2}O: Implications for the superconducting phase diagram

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    We have used electron and neutron powder diffraction to elucidate the structural properties of superconducting \NaD. Our measurements show that our superconducting sample exhbits a number of supercells ranging from 1/3a{1/3}a^{*} to 1/15a{1/15}a^{*}, but the most predominant one, observed also in the neutron data, is a double hexagonal cell with dimensions \dhx. Rietveld analysis reveals that \deut\space is inserted between CoO2_{2} sheets as to form a layered network of NaO6_{6} triangular prisms. Our model removes the need to invoke a 5K superconducting point compound and suggests that a solid solution of Na is possible within a constant amount of water yy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetization distribution and orbital moment in the non-Superconducting Chalcogenide Compound K0.8Fe1.6Se2

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    We have used polarized and unpolarized neutron diffraction to determine the spatial distribution of the magnetization density induced by a magnetic field of 9 T in the tetragonal phase of K0.8Fe1.6Se2. The maximum entropy reconstruction shows clearly that most of the magnetization is confined to the region around the iron atoms whereas there is no significant magnetization associated with either Se or K atoms. The distribution of magnetization around the Fe atom is slightly nonspherical with a shape which is extended along the [0 0 1] direction in the projection. Multipolar refinement results show that the electrons which give rise to the paramagnetic susceptibility are confined to the Fe atoms and their distribution suggests that they occupy 3d t2g-type orbitals with around 66% in those of xz/yz symmetry. Detail modeling of the magnetic form factor indicates the presence of an orbital moment to the total paramagnetic moment of Fe2+Comment: 7 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Electric field control of the magnetic chiralities in ferroaxial multiferroic RbFe(MoO4)2

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    The coupling of magnetic chiralities to the ferroelectric polarisation in multiferroic RbFe(MoO4_4)2_2 is investigated by neutron spherical polarimetry. Because of the axiality of the crystal structure below TcT_\textrm{c} = 190 K, helicity and triangular chirality are symmetric-exchange coupled, explaining the onset of the ferroelectricity in this proper-screw magnetic structure - a mechanism that can be generalised to other systems with "ferroaxial" distortions in the crystal structure. With an applied electric field we demonstrate control of the chiralities in both structural domains simultaneously.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure