1,066 research outputs found

    Valuations of Skew Quantum Polynomials

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    In this paper we extend some results obtained by Artamonov and Sabitov for quantum polynomials to skew quantum polynomials and quasi-commutative bijective skew PBW extensions. Moreover, we find a counterexample to the conjecture proposed in [6]Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1309.0483, arXiv:1402.2321, arXiv:1310.6639 by other author

    Ore and Goldie theorems for skew PBW extensions

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    Many rings and algebras arising in quantum mechanics can be interpreted as skew PBW (Poincar\'e-Birkhoff-Witt) extensions. Indeed, Weyl algebras, enveloping algebras of finite-dimensional Lie algebras (and its quantization), Artamonov quantum polynomials, diffusion algebras, Manin algebra of quantum matrices, among many others, are examples of skew PBW extensions. In this paper we extend the classical Ore and Goldie theorems, known for skew polynomial rings, to this wide class of non-commutative rings. As application, we prove the quantum version of the Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture for the skew quantum polynomials

    The network structure of depressive symptomatology in Peruvian adults with arterial hypertension

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    "Background: Globally, arterial hypertension (AH) has increased by 90% over the last four decades, and has increased by 1.6% in Peru over the previous four years. Scientific evidence indicates the prevalence of depressive symptoms in patients with AH and its importance in the comprehensive evaluation of the adult for adherence to clinical treatment. Previous studies carried out in the Peruvian population with AH mostly report the prevalence and associations, but do not indicate which depressive symptoms are more relevant in patients with AH. This study involved a network analysis of depressive symptomatology in Peruvian patients with AH using network estimation. Network analysis is used in this study for analysis, control, and monitoring purposes. Method: A representative cross-sectional study at the national level, using secondary data from 2019 Demographic and Family Health Survey (ENDES) was performed. The sample used included men and women of age over 17 years diagnosed with AH and was able to respond to Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Results: The symptoms of depressive mood (bridging force and centrality) and energy fatigue or loss (bridge centrality) play an essential role in the network structure, as does the feeling of uselessness in terms of closeness and intermediation. Conclusion: The study highlighted the symptoms related to depressive mood and energy fatigue or loss as bridging symptoms, which could trigger a depressive episode in patients diagnosed with AH. The results will contribute to developing personalized treatments aimed at patients with specific depressive symptoms who have also been diagnosed with AH. The study analysis presents statistical coefficients of effect size (≤ 0,1 = small; > 0,1 to < 0,5 = moderate; ≥ 0,5 = large) to determine network connections.

    The Hochschild (co)homology of gentle algebras

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    In this paper, we calculate the complete Tamarkin Tsygan calculus for gentle algebras. For this we give a complete description of the structure of the Hochschild cohomology ring of a gentle algebra both as a graded commutative algebra and as Gerstenhaber algebra. Furthermore, we show how these structures are encoded in the geometric surface model of the bounded derived category associated to a gentle algebra via its ribbon graph. We also compute the Hochschild homology, the cyclic homology, the Connes' map and the right module structure of the Hochschild homology over the Hochschild cohomology ring via the cap product.Comment: 107 pages, 12 figures, 5 table

    Normas culturales en Colombia. Heavy metal, la libertad de pensamiento y protesta social y política

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    I. Introducción II. El heavy metal como cultura. Marco Jurídico de su protección. III. El abandono Jurídico frente a la protección del heavy metal en Colombia. IV. Una propuesta desde el campo jurídico para el fortalecimiento del heavy metal en Colombia. V. Conclusiones VI. Bibliografía

    Diagramas esenciales del lenguaje unificado de modelado para los requisitos agiles en el desarrollo de software.

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    En este documento se presenta el Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado, así como las características de las metodologías agiles de desarrollo de sistemas informáticos de esta manera se divide principalmente en cuatro secciones las cuales son: el UML, las metodologías agiles (MA), la constancia de uso de diagramas y métodos de desarrollo y por último el uso de gráficos del lenguaje sin tener en consideración cual es o son las agile methodologies (AM) elegidas para el desarrollo. Este tema esta parametrizado bajo la cantidad de frecuencia en la que se usan los diagramas, para entender cuáles de estos son tanto fundamentales como críticos para el desarrollo de un sistema informático. Para esto se cuenta con los casos de éxito, así como la experiencia de los mismos creadores teniendo esto presente ya que hay modelos anteriores al nombrado de los cuales los autores también fueron participes. Para cumplir con el contexto: se describe que es el UML, cuál es su historia también cuales son los diagramas relacionados a este lenguaje, además se tratan tanto las ventajas como las desventajas, así como los casos de éxito; también se dio investigación sobre las metodologías agiles y cuáles son sus características.In this document the Unified Modeling Language is presented as well as the characteristics of the agile methodologies of development of computer systems in this way it is divided mainly into four sections which are: the UML, the MA, the constancy of use of diagrams and methods of development and finally the use of graphics of the language without taking into account which is or are the AM chosen for development. This topic is parameterized under the amount of frequency in which the diagrams are used, to understand which of these are both fundamental and critical for the development of a computer system. For this, we have the success stories, as well as the experience of the creators themselves, bearing this in mind, since there are previous models to the named one in which the authors were also participants. In order to comply with the context: it is described what the UML is, what its history is also what the diagrams related to this language are, as well as the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the success cases; Research was also given on agile methodologies and what their characteristics are

    RetrOryza: a database of the rice LTR-retrotransposons

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    Long terminal repeat (LTR)-retrotransposons comprise a significant portion of the rice genome. Their complete characterization is thus necessary if the sequenced genome is to be annotated correctly. In addition, because LTR-retrotransposons can influence the expression of neighboring genes, the complete identification of these elements in the rice genome is essential in order to study their putative functional interactions with the plant genes. The aims of the database are to (i) Assemble a comprehensive dataset of LTR-retrotransposons that includes not only abundant elements, but also low copy number elements. (ii) Provide an interface to efficiently access the resources stored in the database. This interface should also allow the community to annotate these elements. (iii) Provide a means for identifying LTR-retrotransposons inserted near genes. Here we present the results, where 242 complete LTR-retrotransposons have been structurally and functionally annotated. A web interface to the database has been made available (), through which the user can annotate a sequence or search for LTR-retrotransposons in the neighborhood of a gene of interest

    Implementation and design of a customized graphic visualization interface for a geometric parts classifier of the investigation group integra

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    A lo largo del siguiente documento se llevara a cabo un análisis técnico-practico, a fin de desarrollar un sistema capaz de realizar un proceso industrial implementando un servidor local; Iniciamos adecuando el proyecto de “DISEÑO E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA LÍNEA DE PRODUCCIÓN ADAPTADA AL BRAZO NEUMATICO FESTO PARA GRUPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN INTEGRA”, este es un prototipo de línea de producción el cual realiza una clasificación e identificación de piezas metálicas, mediante algoritmos de análisis de imagen. Modificamos el algoritmo de control y clasificación previo en la máquina, complementándolo con la conexión a una base de datos local alojada en un servidor web, permitiéndome la carga del valor de los sensores y demás eventos, así como descarga y ejecución del estado de los actuadores. Con el objetivo de poder controlar la maquina a gusto se desarrolló 2 interfaces gráficas, una para PC y otra para dispositivos Android, se interconecto estas interfaces al servidor web local logrando tener acceso a las bases de datos facilitando la manipulación y lectura del valor de los sensores, actuadores y demás eventos del mecanismo, adicionalmente se estructuro un sistema de seguridad basado en gestión de usuario, verificación de datos por medio de correo electrónico, registro y soporte en una pagina web.Throughout the following document a technical-practical analysis will be carried out, in order to develop a system capable of carrying out an industrial process by implementing a local server; We started adapting the project of "DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A PRODUCTION LINE ADAPTED TO THE FESTO PNEUMATIC ARM FOR INTEGRA RESEARCH GROUP", this is a production line prototype which performs a classification and identification of metal parts, using algorithms image analysis. We modify the previous control and classification algorithm in the machine, complementing it with the connection to a local database hosted on a web server, allowing me to upload the value of the sensors and other events, as well as download and execute the status of the actuators. In order to be able to control the machine at ease, 2 graphical interfaces were developed, one for PC and the other for Android devices, these interfaces were interconnected to the local web server, achieving access to the databases, facilitating the manipulation and reading of the value of the sensors, actuators and other events of the mechanism, additionally a security system was structured based on user management, data verification by email, registration and support on a web page.Grupo de investigacion Integra

    Factibilidad de fabricación de mermelada artesanal a base de café en el municipio de Viotá Cundinamarca

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl café, como producto bandera de la economía Colombiana requiere una reingeniería hacia el fortalecimiento de su consumo mediante la diversificación, por eso el presente proyecto prevé la factibilidad de producir mermelada artesanal a base de café en el municipio de Viotá Cundinamarca, no sólo para fortalecerlo sino para impulsar el sector artesanal de alimentos en el país. A través de un análisis del sector, de mercado por medio de encuestas y una profunda consulta documental y estadística, se lograron proyectar los estudios necesarios y las evaluaciones correspondientes para determinar su viabilidad. Se encontró que con una inversión que apenas supera los mil millones de pesos, en cinco años el inversionista habrá obtenido una tasa interna de retorno del 57% y una relación costo beneficio donde por cada 1.000recibiraˊadicional1.000 recibirá adicional 1.118. Es un proyecto viable en cuanto desea ser una seria propuesta para las empresas que busquen fortalecer su flujo de dinero y ser parte del potencial sector económico de las mermeladas.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. LINEAMIENTOS METODOLÓGICOS SOBRE LA FABRICACIÓN DE PRODUCTOS ALIMENTICIOS ARTESANALES A BASE DE CAFÉ 2. ANÁLISIS DE LA SITUACIÓN ACTUAL DE LA PRODUCCIÓN Y COMERCIALIZACIÓN DE MERMELADA DE CAFÉ 3. PRODUCCIÓN ARTESANAL DE MERMELADA A BASE DE CAFÉ 4. CONCLUSIONES 5. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    Design and fabrication of integral carbon monoliths combining 3D printing and sol-gel polymerization: effect of the channels morphology on the CO-PROX reaction

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    The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-105960RB-C22), the University of Alicante (Project GRE18-01A), the Generalitat Valenciana (Projects PROMETEO/2018/076 and GV2020-075, PhD grant GRISOLIAP/2017/177 and contract APOSTD/2019/030), the Junta de Andalucia (Project P18-RTJ-2974) and the UE (FEDER funding).A new method to synthesize integral carbon monoliths with a controlled channel morphology has been developed in this work by combining 3D-printing technology and sol–gel polymerization. By this method, robust and consistent carbon monoliths were obtained with a perfect replica of the channel architecture at a microscale range. As a proof of concept, a carbon monolith with tortuous channels that split and join successively along the monolith length has been designed, fabricated and tested as a CuO/CeO2 support for the preferential oxidation of CO in the presence of H2 (CO-PrOx), which is a topic of ongoing research for H2 purification in fuel cells. The behavior of this novel carbon monolith catalyst has been compared with that of a counterpart catalyst prepared with a conventional honeycomb design. Results shown that the wide macroporosity of the carbon network favors the anchoring and dispersion of the active phase both in the channel surface and the carbon network. The channel architecture affects the gas diffusion both through the channel and the carbon network and consequently, affects the active phase accessibility and activity. T50 (the temperature to achieve 50% CO conversion) decreases by almost 13 °C at 240 mL min−1 in the carbon monolith with tortuous channels (T50 = 79.7 °C) compared to the honeycomb monolith (T50 = 93.1 °C). The turbulent path created by the tortuous channels favours the active phase–gas contact and even the gas diffusion inside the macropores of the carbon skeleton improving the catalytic performance of the active phase compared to that by the conventional honeycomb design. Thus, this work demonstrates the potential of 3D printing to improve the catalytic supports currently available.Spanish Government PID2019-105960RB-C22University of Alicante GRE18-01AGeneralitat ValencianaEuropean CommissionGeneral Electric PROMETEO/2018/076 GV2020-075 GRISOLIAP/2017/177 APOSTD/2019/030Junta de Andalucia P18-RTJ-2974UE (FEDER funding