18 research outputs found

    Influencia de la cimetidina en la úlcera duodenal : estudio prospectivo

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    Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu

    Influencia de la cimetidina en la úlcera duodenal : estudio prospectivo

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    Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu

    In Vitro Cecal Gas and Methane Production of Soybean Hulls–Containing Diets in the Presence of Salix babylonica Extract as a Fermentation Modulator in Horses

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cecal gas production (GP) and methane (CH4) production as well as cecal fermentation kinetics when corn grain (CG) was replaced with soybean hulls (SHs) in horse diets in the presence of different levels of Salix babylonica (SB) extract. Corn grains were replaced with SH at different levels (/kg): 0 g (control), 75 g (SH75), or 150 g (SH150), with the inclusion of SB extract at: 0, 0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 mL/g dry matter (DM) of substrates. Ration type extract dose interactions were observed for GP and CH4 production at some incubation hours. Diets containing SH, without the inclusion of SB extract, increased the asymptotic GP (P ¼ .031) and decreased (P <.01) the rate of GP and lag time of GP. The inclusion of SB increased (P ¼.009) the rate of GP, without affecting the asymptotic GP or lag time of GP. Besides, the SH-containing rations decreased (P < .05) CH4 production, with no effect for SB extract dose. The SH75 ration increased (P < .05) cecal fermentation pH, metabolizable energy, short chain fatty acids, and gas yield at 24 hours of incubation, but quadratically decreased partitioning factor at 24 hours of incubation (P ¼ .023), whereas SB extract dose had no effect. It is concluded that SH-containing rations had higher potential fermentation efficiency and fermentation kinetics superior to that of CG. The level of 75 g SH/kg DM was the best level of inclusion to replace 30% CG in the diets of horses. The inclusion of SB extract did not affect the cecal fermentation kinetics of horse diets containing SH at different levels

    Prodevis : programa de desarrollo visual : educación primaria

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    Material de desarrollo visual dirigido a alumnos de segundo ciclo de educación primaria basado en una breve historia que sirve para introducir una serie de ejercicios para trabajar los aspectos más importantes de la visión. Consta de ocho tipo de actividades: percepción de la constancia de formas, percepción de formas en el espacio, percepción de la dirección, coordinación viso-motora, percepción de relaciones espaciales, percepción de la profundidad, percepción de la parte-todo y agudeza visual.ValenciaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Diabetes mellitus en el anciano: Enfermedad heterogénea, de clasificación dinámica y tratamiento predecible.

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    In order to evaluate clinical presentation and to determinate classification criteria of type I diabetes (I-DM) in the elderly, we carried out a study in 258 patients more than 60 years old of which 40% used insulin by failure to oral hipoglycemic agents (OHA). The prevalence of ischemic cardiovascular disease was 36%, peripheralvascular disease 34% and stroke 30%; non-proliferative retinopathy 47%, peripheral neurophaty 37% and nephropathy 16%. Obesity (36%), hypertension (33%) and hypercholesterolemia (12%) were evaluated. The average duration of diabetes was 20 years. Postglucagon C-Peptide, HLA-DR antigens and islet cell antibodies (ICA), were measured in 75 older diabetic patients on treatment of which 24 used insulin, 40 OHA and 11 diet. Older patients on insulin had longer duration of disease, less obesity, low basal level of C-Peptide and a low response post glucagon; C-Peptide (0.94+0.5 pmol/ml) compared with patients on diet (1.8+0.9 pmol/ml) and OHA (1.8+0.8 pmol/ml). Older diabetics on insulin therapy had a greater frequency of HLA-DR3 (42%) and HLA-DR4 (21%). The ICA wasnegative in most patients. This study shows the high prevalence of macrovascular and microvascular disease in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus and that the most reliable parameter in classifying I-DM is the measurement of basal and postglucagonC-Peptide. HLA-DR specific markers can be used with this parameter because their expression is partly shared. This approach appears useful in the older diabetic patients to help classify diabetes and its management

    Coffee parchment as a new dietary fiber ingredient: Functional and physiological characterization

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    Coffee parchment was evaluated as a potential dietary fiber ingredient. For this purpose, dietary fiber was extracted by enzymatic and non-enzymatic methods and its physicochemical and in vitro hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties were investigated. Results revealed that coffee parchment (flakes and flour) was a good source of insoluble dietary fiber (IDF), mainly composed by xylans (35%), lignin (32%), and cellulose (12%). From results, the IDF extraction seemed not to be required the use of enzymes. Coffee parchment did not stand out by its content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity, but milling process improved them. Due to its physical structure, coffee parchment flakes exhibited high oil holding capacity (3.8 mg L−1), gelation capacity (8%) besides hydration properties, including water holding (3.4 mg L−1), absorption (3.0 mg L−1) and swelling (14 mg L−1) capacities. Its flour and water-insoluble residue showed lower capacities. Nevertheless, these coffee parchment samples presented effective in vitro hypoglycemic properties, showing high glucose adsorption capacity (50–200 mmol L−1), and capacity to decrease its diffusion (13%), and to inhibit α-amylase (52%) that led to lower starch digestibility (until 46%); and also, outstanding in vitro hypolipidemic properties, as inhibition of pancreatic lipase (43%) and binding of cholesterol and sodium cholate (16.6 and 35.3 mg g−1, respectively). These results provide valuable information for the potential use of coffee parchment as new food DF ingredient.This study was funded by SUSCOFFEE (AGL2014-57239-R) project. M. Rebollo-Hernanz, thanks to the FPU predoctoral program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports (FPU15/04238).Peer reviewe

    In Vitro Cecal Gas and Methane Production of Soybean Hulls–Containing Diets in the Presence of Salix babylonica Extract as a Fermentation Modulator in Horses

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cecal gas production (GP) and methane (CH4) production as well as cecal fermentation kinetics when corn grain (CG) was replaced with soybean hulls (SHs) in horse diets in the presence of different levels of Salix babylonica (SB) extract. Corn grains were replaced with SH at different levels (/kg): 0 g (control), 75 g (SH75), or 150 g (SH150), with the inclusion of SB extract at: 0, 0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 mL/g dry matter (DM) of substrates. Ration type extract dose interactions were observed for GP and CH4 production at some incubation hours. Diets containing SH, without the inclusion of SB extract, increased the asymptotic GP (P ¼ .031) and decreased (P <.01) the rate of GP and lag time of GP. The inclusion of SB increased (P ¼.009) the rate of GP, without affecting the asymptotic GP or lag time of GP. Besides, the SH-containing rations decreased (P < .05) CH4 production, with no effect for SB extract dose. The SH75 ration increased (P < .05) cecal fermentation pH, metabolizable energy, short chain fatty acids, and gas yield at 24 hours of incubation, but quadratically decreased partitioning factor at 24 hours of incubation (P ¼ .023), whereas SB extract dose had no effect. It is concluded that SH-containing rations had higher potential fermentation efficiency and fermentation kinetics superior to that of CG. The level of 75 g SH/kg DM was the best level of inclusion to replace 30% CG in the diets of horses. The inclusion of SB extract did not affect the cecal fermentation kinetics of horse diets containing SH at different levels

    Integración : revista sobre ceguera y deficiencia visual

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    Resumen tomado de la publicación. El trabajo obtuvo la Mención Especial en el 'XVIII Concurso de Investigación Educativa sobre Experiencias Escolares' convocado en 2004 por la ONCESe describen las actividades que, bajo el lema 'Con los cinco sentidos', se han desarrollado durante la Semana Cultural del Colegio Público 'Martín Artigot', de Pilar de la Horadada (Alicante), al que asisten alumnos con deficiencias sensoriales. El propósito fundamental de la experiencia fue concienciar a la comunidad educativa del centro respecto a las capacidades y necesidades de las personas con deficiencias sensoriales, con el fin de potenciar su integración. La participación en la Semana Cultural se valoró muy positivamente, en particular la de la alumna con deficiencia visual.MadridUniversidad de Salamanca. Facultad de Educación; Paseo Canalejas, 169; 37008 Salamanca; Tel. +34923294630; +34923294609; [email protected]