27 research outputs found
Soybean is an ingredient that has many benefits and is informed that it does not contain caffeine, so it is good and safe for consumption by children, pregnant women, and people who have digestive diseases. This study aims to determine the content of soy coffee produced by the people of Lauwon Village, East Luwuk District, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted from April to August 2020 which consisted of 2 stages, namely: 1) the first stage, the manufacture of soy coffee which was carried out by the people of Lauwon Village, Luwuk Timur District, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. 2) the second stage, laboratory testing at the Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) UGM Yogyakarta. The results showed that Lauwon soybean coffee does not contain caffeine (non-caffeine) and contains water content (3.42%), protein (31.26%), total fat (0.95%), total sugar (0.50%). ), lead (Pb) was not detected, copper (Cu) (13.97 mg / kg), zinc (Zn) (52.99 mg / kg), mercury (Hg) 0.04 mg / kg, bacterial contamination rate ( ALT) 2.0 x 103 cfu / gram and DPPH free radical scavenging activity (IC50) 2.467 mg / mL
Utilizing Cocoa Rind as Organic Fertilizer to Support Sustainable Agriculture
The main key in choosing manure is the level of ripeness, the ratio of Carbon and Nitrogen (C/N) and the Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium (NPPt) contents. So far, the farmers have not effectively utilized organic materials as fertilizers in agricultural lands. Organic materials which can be used include agricultural waste and animal waste. The existence of alternative fertilizers and in order to support the development of sustainable agriculture, utilizing agricultural waste as the materials to make organic fertilizers is encouraged. Organic fertilizers can be in the forms of manure, compost, and the combination of both. The research was aimed to study the NPPt content in compost from cocoa rind and cow waste. This research was done in May – September 2015 in Sub-district Luwuk, District Banggai and in the Laboratory of Chemistry and Soil Fertility, Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. The experiment was conducted in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The experiment contained one factor with three treatments, which were repeated 3 times; thus, there were 9 treatments units. The treatments were comparison dosages of cocoa rind and cow waste, i.e. P1 = 50 kg of cocoa rind : 10 kg of cow waste; P2 = 50 kg of cocoa rind : 20 kg cow of waste; P3 = 50 kg of cocoa rind : 30 kg of cow waste. Data were analysed by comparing the average of NPPt element in cocoa rind compost and cow waste. Data was then analyzed statistically by One Way Anova (One Way Variant Analysis) by using SPSS 19.0 for Windows and further analyzed by Least Significant Difference (LSD) 1% by using Microsoft Excel Windows 7. The results showed that the highest macro nutrients content was in P2 with N = 0.25%; P = 3.91%; K = 5.23% and the lowest was in P3 with N = 0.19% and P = 3.33% as well as in P1 with K = 4.16%.Keywords: Agricultural waste, compost, cow waste [How to Cite: Ramadhani C and W Ramlan. 2016. Utilizing Cocoa Rind as Organic Fertilizer to Support Sustainable Agriculture. J Trop Soils 21: 33-39. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2016.21.1.33]
Selain dikonsumsi sebagai sayuran, terubuk juga mempunyai potensi sebagai pakan. Diharapkan dapat mengatasi kendala utama yang dihadapi petani dalam meningkatkan produktivitas sapi. Ini dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani dengan sistem usahatani terpadu. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi potensi biomassa tanaman terubuk, menganalisis pengaruh pakan dari limbah terubuk terhadap pertambahan bobot badan sapi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Luwuk Timur Kabupaten Banggai Sulawesi Tengah dan Laboratorium Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Universitas Tadulako Palu. Untuk mengidentifikasi potensi biomassa terubuk yaitu dengan cara menghitung biomassa basah dan kering dengan menghitung luas lahan x jarak tanam x berat segar. Sedangkan analisis laboratorium dilakukan untuk menghitung bahan kering, protein kasar, lemak kasar dan serat kasa. Pertambahan bobot badan sapi dihitung dengan cara menimbang bobot badan sapi sebelum dan setelah pemberian pakan ternak dari terubuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jika ketersediaan limbah terubuk rata-rata sebanyak 11.300 kg/ha maka limbah terubuk mampu memenuhi kebutuhan ternak 4 ekor sapi selama 90 hari. Sedangkan potensi kualitas tanaman terubuk mengandung bahan kering 13%, protein kasar 3,15% dan lemak kasar 1,28% serta mengandung serat kasar 41, 27% dan BETN 42,41%. Pertambahan berat badan ternak sapi yang diberi terubuk sebanyak 7,5 kg pagi dan sore memberikan pertambahan berat badan 0,03 kg/ekor/hari
Pendiversifikasian Sayur Lilin Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Kelompok Usaha Di Desa Lauwon Kecamatan Luwuk Timur Kabupaten Banggai Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
The majority of the residents of Lauwon Village are farmers, who areengaged in agriculture and plantations. It can be seen that the geographical situationis in the form of a plateau with a height of ± 157 m above sea level. Rainfall in LauwonVillage averages ± 221 mm / year which is suitable for vegetable candles. Many of thepotential natural resources owned by Lauwon Village are vegetable candles which arequite abundant so that they can be processed into a number of products such as sticks,abon and vegetable candle crackers. The solution that gets priority to be carried out inthis activity is the Development of Counseling and Training Development, namelytechnical training covering; processing wax vegetable sticks, wax crackers andvegetable shredded candles along with packaging and labeling. Non-technical trainingwhich includes; institutional strengthening of partner groups through groupmanagement functions and group financial bookkeeping training. By conductingtraining in making crackers, sticks and shredded vegetables, candles will providebenefits to the community, especially for the wax women group in Lauwon Village, EastLuwuk Subdistrict, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi, especially in diversifying theirlocal commodities to be economically valuable and competitive with other foodproducts. In addition, this activity also provides information, knowledge and skills tothe community so that they can innovate in producing agricultural products that canincrease family value added so that the community becomes prosperous
Utilizing Cocoa Rind as Organic Fertilizer to Support Sustainable Agriculture
The main key in choosing manure is the level of ripeness, the ratio of Carbon and Nitrogen (C/N) and the Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium (NPPt) contents. So far, the farmers have not effectively utilized organic materials as fertilizers in agricultural lands. Organic materials which can be used include agricultural waste and animal waste. The existence of alternative fertilizers and in order to support the development of sustainable agriculture, utilizing agricultural waste as the materials to make organic fertilizers is encouraged. Organic fertilizers can be in the forms of manure, compost, and the combination of both. The research was aimed to study the NPPt content in compost from cocoa rind and cow waste. This research was done in May – September 2015 in Sub-district Luwuk, District Banggai and in the Laboratory of Chemistry and Soil Fertility, Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. The experiment was conducted in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The experiment contained one factor with three treatments, which were repeated 3 times; thus, there were 9 treatments units. The treatments were comparison dosages of cocoa rind and cow waste, i.e. P1 = 50 kg of cocoa rind : 10 kg of cow waste; P2 = 50 kg of cocoa rind : 20 kg cow of waste; P3 = 50 kg of cocoa rind : 30 kg of cow waste. Data were analysed by comparing the average of NPPt element in cocoa rind compost and cow waste. Data was then analyzed statistically by One Way Anova (One Way Variant Analysis) by using SPSS 19.0 for Windows and further analyzed by Least Significant Difference (LSD) 1% by using Microsoft Excel Windows 7. The results showed that the highest macro nutrients content was in P2 with N = 0.25%; P = 3.91%; K = 5.23% and the lowest was in P3 with N = 0.19% and P = 3.33% as well as in P1 with K = 4.16%.Keywords: Agricultural waste, compost, cow waste [How to Cite: Ramadhani C and W Ramlan. 2016. Utilizing Cocoa Rind as Organic Fertilizer to Support Sustainable Agriculture. J Trop Soils 21: 33-39. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2016.21.1.33][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2016.21.1.33] 
Abstrak, Kulit buah kakao merupakan limbah yang apabila tidak dimanfaatkan dapat menimbulkan masalah lingkungan disekitar perkebunan. Salah satu cara untuk memanfaatkan kulit buah kakao adalah dijadikan kompos yang dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk organik. Penggunaan jarak tanam yang berbeda-beda akan berpengaruh terhadap banyaknya populasi tanaman per satuan luas dan secara tidak langsung akan berpengaruh terhadap penyerapan unsur hara, air dan faktor tumbuh lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kompos dari limbah kulit buah kakao pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman terubuk (Saccarum edule Hasskarl) dengan jarak tanam yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli - November tahun 2016 dengan lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dua faktor dengan 2 kali ulangan, maka ada 18 kombinasi perlakuan. Dalam penelitian ini faktor pertama perbandingan kompos kulit buah kakao dengan kotoran sapi yang terdiri dari 3 taraf yaitu : P1 = 50 kg : 10 kg; P2 =50 kg: 30 kg; P3 = 50 kg: 50. Sedangkan faktor kedua menggunakan jarak tanam yang terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu: J1= 100 cm X 150 cm; J2= 100 cm X 100 cm; J3= 100 cm X 50 cm. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan kompos kulit buah kakao dengan kotoran sapi memberikan pengaruh terhadap jumlah tunas yang terbaik yaitu perlakuan P3 pada 5 MST, terhadap tinggi tanaman yang terbaik yaitu perlakuan P2 pada 3 MST, serta terhadap panjang daun yang terbaik yaitu perlakuan P2 pada 2 sampai 4 MST. Application of Skin Fruit Cocoa Waste Composting and Planting Distance of Different Plant Growth and Results Terubuk (Saccarum edule Hasskarl)Abstrak, Cocoa fruit skin is a waste if not used can cause environmental problems around the estate. One way to take advantage of cacao fruit skin is turned into compost that can be used as organic fertilizer. The use of spacing varying population will affect the number of plants per unit area and will indirectly affect the absorption of nutrients, water and other growth factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of compost from waste pod husks on the growth and yield Terubuk (Saccarum edule Hasskarl) with a spacing different. This research was conducted in July-November 2016 with research sites in the District Luwuk Banggai district. The design used is a two-factor randomized block design with 2 replications, then there are 18 combinations of treatments. In this study the first factor pod husks compost comparison with cow dung which consists of three levels ie: P1 = 50 kg: 10 kg; P2 = 50 kg: 30 kg; P3 = 50 kg: 50. The second factor using a spacing which consists of three levels, namely: J1 = 100 cm x 150 cm; J2 = 100 cm X 100 cm; J3 = 100 cm X 50 cm. Based on the results of the study indicate that treatment compost pod husks with cow dung to give effect to the number of shoots are best used in the treatment P3 at 5 MST, the plant height are best used in treatment of P2 on 3 MST, as well as to the length of the leaves are best used in treatment of P2 at 2 to 4 MST.
Cocoa fruit skin is a waste that can cause environmental problems around the plantation. One way to utilize the waste of cocoa fruit skin is made organic fertilizer. The use of different spacing will affect the large number of plant unity area and will indirectly affect the absorption of nutrients, water and other growth factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of composting of cocoa fruit skin waste on the growth of cropped plants (Saccharum edule Hasskarl) with different plant spacing. This field experiment was conducted from July to November 2016 with research location in Kecamatan Luwuk Banggai Regency. The experimental design used was factorial in randomized block design with 2 replications, then there were 18 treatment combinations. In this research the first factor of composition of cocoa fruit skin with cow dung consisting of 3 levels namely: P1 = 50 kg of compost: 10 kg of cow dung; P2 = 50 kg: 30 kg; P3 = 50 kg: 50. While the second factor are plant spacing consisting of 3 levels, namely: J1 = 100 cm X 150 cm; J2 = 100 cm X 100 cm; J3 = 100 cm X 50 cm. Based on the result obtained, It showed that the treatment of 50 kg of cocoa fruit skin compost with 50 kg of cow dung (P3) gave the best shoot effect on 5 weeks after planting (WAP) , to the best plant height that is P2 treatment on 3 (WAP), and the best leaf length is P2 treatment on 2 up to 4(WAP).Key words : Compost, Plant Spacing, Terubu
Terubuk processing techniques are still simple, such as processed into vegetables. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify food, namely making crackers in powder. Crackers are a type of small food that undergoes volume development forming a product that is porous and has a low density during the frying process. This study aims to determine the growth and organoleptic properties of crackers made from powder (Saccharum edule Hasskarl). this study was designed using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) arranged with 1 factor, namely: A1 = 100 gram wheat flour + 200 gram tapioca flour + 100 gram flour; A2 = 150 gram wheat flour + 100 gram tapioca flour + 150 gram powder; A3 = 100 gram flour + 150 gram tapioca flour + 100 gram powder. Based on the organoleptic test results showed that: The best flower power is shown in treatment A1 (100 gram wheat flour + 200 gram tapioca flour + 100 gram flour) which is 75.58%. The panelist's assessment or organoleptic test of the combination of wheat flour, tapioca tapung and terubuk gave no significant effect on color, taste and texture and gave a real influence on the aroma of crackers made in powder. The best treatment based on the panelist's assessment is treatment (A2) Wheat flour 150 grams + Tapioca flour 100 grams + Powdered 150 grams. Where these crackers have a color value of 3.75 rounded to 4 (likes); the aroma value of 3.93 is rounded to 4 (likes); the flavor value of 3.57 is rounded to 4 (likes) and the texture value is 3.75 (likes)