63 research outputs found

    The european water framework directive facing current challenges: recommendations for a more efficient biological assessment of inland surface waters

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    High quality water is vital for human life, and ensuring its availability is a basic requirement and a major societal aim. The Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) is a key piece of legislation for the protection and sustainable use of water in the European Union. In this work we briefly review the WFD directive and the current status of European inland surface waters. Additionally, we summarize major challenges and threats for the biological assessment of inland surface waters under climate change effects and invasion by alien species, and highlight the emerging tools and approaches that might help improve biological assessments, including molecular indices based on environmental DNA (eDNA), to new data from the Earth Observation programmes, and data-sharing platforms. Finally, we present recommendations to improve monitoring systems and assessments in the context of the WFD. Developments in this field may increase the likelihood of assuring high quality water for societyFRESHING Project funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and COMPETE (PTDC/AAG-MAA/ 2261/2014 – POCI-01-0145-FEDER-356 016824). AFF, AGR, and JPR were supported by FRESHING. FMSM was supported by FCT grant SFRH/BD/104703/2014. MJF was supported by the strategic project UID/MAR/04292/2013 granted to MAR

    Greenhouse gas emission associated with sugar production in southern Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since sugarcane areas have increased rapidly in Brazil, the contribution of the sugarcane production, and, especially, of the sugarcane harvest system to the greenhouse gas emissions of the country is an issue of national concern. Here we analyze some data characterizing various activities of two sugarcane mills during the harvest period of 2006-2007 and quantify the carbon footprint of sugar production.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>According to our calculations, 241 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent were released to the atmosphere per a ton of sugar produced (2406 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per a hectare of the cropped area, and 26.5 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent per a ton of sugarcane processed). The major part of the total emission (44%) resulted from residues burning; about 20% resulted from the use of synthetic fertilizers, and about 18% from fossil fuel combustion.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that the most important reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from sugarcane areas could be achieved by switching to a green harvest system, that is, to harvesting without burning.</p

    Spatiotemporal scaling of North American continental interior wetlands: implications for shorebird conservation

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    Within interior North America, erratic weather patterns and heterogeneous wetland complexes cause wide spatio-temporal variation in the resources available to migrating shorebirds. Identifying the pattern-generating components of landscape-level resources and the scales at which shorebirds respond to these patterns will better facilitate conservation efforts for these species. We constructed descriptive models that identified weather variables associated with creating the spatio-temporal patterns of shorebird habitat in ten landscapes in north-central Oklahoma. We developed a metric capable of measuring the dynamic composition and configuration of shorebird habitat in the region and used field data to empirically estimate the spatial scale at which shorebirds respond to the amount and configuration of habitat. Precipitation, temperature, solar radiation and wind speed best explained the incidence of wetland habitat, but relationships varied among wetland types. Shorebird occurrence patterns were best explained by habitat density estimates at a 1.5 km scale. This model correctly classified 86 % of shorebird observations. At this scale, when habitat density was low, shorebirds occurred in 5 % of surveyed habitat patches but occurrence reached 60 % when habitat density was high. Our results suggest scale dependence in the habitat-use patterns of migratory shorebirds. We discuss potential implications of our results and how integrating this information into conservation efforts may improve conservation strategies and management practices

    Reproductive constraints influence habitat accessibility, segregation, and preference of sympatric albatross species

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