81 research outputs found

    A maxmin problem on finite automata

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    AbstractWe solve the following problem proposed by Straubing. Given a two-letter alphabet A, what is the maximal number of states f(n) of the minimal automaton of a subset of An, the set of all words of length n. We give an explicit formula to compute f(n) and we show that 1= lim infn→∞nƒ(n)/2n≀lim supn→∞nƒ(n)/2n=2

    On the Uniform Random Generation of Non Deterministic Automata Up to Isomorphism

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    In this paper we address the problem of the uniform random generation of non deterministic automata (NFA) up to isomorphism. First, we show how to use a Monte-Carlo approach to uniformly sample a NFA. Secondly, we show how to use the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm to uniformly generate NFAs up to isomorphism. Using labeling techniques, we show that in practice it is possible to move into the modified Markov Chain efficiently, allowing the random generation of NFAs up to isomorphism with dozens of states. This general approach is also applied to several interesting subclasses of NFAs (up to isomorphism), such as NFAs having a unique initial states and a bounded output degree. Finally, we prove that for these interesting subclasses of NFAs, moving into the Metropolis Markov chain can be done in polynomial time. Promising experimental results constitute a practical contribution.Comment: Frank Drewes. CIAA 2015, Aug 2015, Umea, Sweden. Springer, 9223, pp.12, 2015, Implementation and Application of Automata - 20th International Conferenc

    Two-Sided Derivatives for Regular Expressions and for Hairpin Expressions

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    The aim of this paper is to design the polynomial construction of a finite recognizer for hairpin completions of regular languages. This is achieved by considering completions as new expression operators and by applying derivation techniques to the associated extended expressions called hairpin expressions. More precisely, we extend partial derivation of regular expressions to two-sided partial derivation of hairpin expressions and we show how to deduce a recognizer for a hairpin expression from its two-sided derived term automaton, providing an alternative proof of the fact that hairpin completions of regular languages are linear context-free.Comment: 28 page

    Regular Expressions and Transducers over Alphabet-invariant and User-defined Labels

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    We are interested in regular expressions and transducers that represent word relations in an alphabet-invariant way---for example, the set of all word pairs u,v where v is a prefix of u independently of what the alphabet is. Current software systems of formal language objects do not have a mechanism to define such objects. We define transducers in which transition labels involve what we call set specifications, some of which are alphabet invariant. In fact, we give a more broad definition of automata-type objects, called labelled graphs, where each transition label can be any string, as long as that string represents a subset of a certain monoid. Then, the behaviour of the labelled graph is a subset of that monoid. We do the same for regular expressions. We obtain extensions of a few classic algorithmic constructions on ordinary regular expressions and transducers at the broad level of labelled graphs and in such a way that the computational efficiency of the extended constructions is not sacrificed. For regular expressions with set specs we obtain the corresponding partial derivative automata. For transducers with set specs we obtain further algorithms that can be applied to questions about independent regular languages, in particular the witness version of the independent property satisfaction question

    Subset construction complexity for homogeneous automata, position automata and ZPC-structures

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate how subset construction performs on specific families of automata. A new upper bound on the number of states of the subset-automaton is established in the case of homogeneous automata. The complexity of the two basic steps of subset construction, i.e. the computation of deterministic transitions and the set equality tests, is examined depending on whether the nondeterministic automaton is an unrestricted one, an homogeneous one, a position one or a ZPC-structure, which is an implicit construction for a position automaton

    Decidability of Geometricity of Regular Languages

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    International audienceGeometrical languages generalize languages introduced to model temporal validation of real-time softwares. We prove that it is decidable whether a regular language is geometrical. This result was previously known for binary languages

    Canonical derivatives, partial derivatives and finite automaton constructions

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    AbstractLet E be a regular expression. Our aim is to establish a theoretical relation between two well-known automata recognizing the language of E, namely the position automaton PE constructed by Glushkov or McNaughton and Yamada, and the equation automaton EE constructed by Mirkin or Antimirov. We define the notion of c-derivative (for canonical derivative) of a regular expression E and show that if E is linear then two Brzozowski's derivatives of E are aci-similar if and only if the corresponding c-derivatives are identical. It allows us to represent the Berry–Sethi's set of continuations of a position by a unique c-derivative, called the c-continuation of the position. Hence the definition of CE, the c-continuation automaton of E, whose states are pairs made of a position of E and of the associated c-continuation. If states are viewed as positions, CE is isomorphic to PE. On the other hand, a partial derivative, as defined by Antimirov, is a class of c-derivatives for some equivalence relation, thus CE reduces to EE. Finally CE makes it possible to go from PE to EE, while this cannot be achieved directly (from the state graphs). These theoretical results lead to an O(|E|2) space and time algorithm to compute the equation automaton, where |E| is the size of the expression. This is the complexity of the most efficient constructions yielding the position automaton, while the size of the equation automaton is not greater and generally much smaller than the size of the position automaton
