88 research outputs found

    Comparative morphometry of katydids tegminas (ORTHOPTERA: TETTIGONIIDAE)

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    Objetivo: Determinar el grado de variación de los componentes estructurales de la tegmina izquierda en relación a la tegmina derecha, y como es el patrón de variación de estos dentro y entre taxones de Tettigoniidae. Métodos: Se disecaron 192 especímenes provenientes de la Región Andina colombiana, la Amazonia y la Floresta Atlántica brasilera. Las tegminas fueronfotografiadas y sobre ellas se localizaron seis puntos anatómicos, los cuales fueron usados para realizar los análisis morfométricos ANOVA Procrustes y componentes principales obtenidos de las matrices de las covarianzas del efecto simétrico y asimétrico. Resultados: La asimetría es altamente significativa tanto en la superfamilia como en las subfamilias. Sin embargo, la diferenciación de grupo por lado fue significativa para la familia y también dentro de las subfamilias, con excepción de Pseudophyllinae. Conclusiones: cada subfamilia y la mayoría de las tribus estudiadas presentan patrones morfológicos específicos que pueden ser incluso utilizados como caracteres taxonómicos.Objective: to determine the degree of variation of the structural components of the left tegmina in relation to the right tegmina, and how their pattern of variation is within and among taxa of Tettigoniidae. Methods: A total of 192 specimens from the Colombian Andean Region, the Amazon, and the Brazilian Atlantic Forest were dissected. Th e tegminas were photographed and six anatomical points were located on them, which were used to perform ANOVA Procrustes morphometric analyzes and main components obtained from the matrices of the covariance of the symmetric and asymmetric effect. Results: Asymmetry is highly significant both for the superfamily and the subfamilies level. However, the group differentiation by side was very significant for the family and in the subfamilies except for Pseudophyllinae. Conclusions: Each subfamily and most of the tribes studied present specific morphological patterns that can even be used as taxonomic characters

    Implementación de servicios de infraestructura tecnológica a través de netserver como servidor gnu/linux

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    Este artículo presenta una propuesta detallada para implementar un servidor GNU/Linux utilizando la distribución NethServer 7.9.2009. Se guiará a través de cada paso de la instalación y configuración del servidor en una máquina virtual. Posteriormente, se procederá a configurar y demostrar el funcionamiento de varios servicios esenciales, entre ellos: DHCP server, DNS server, controlador de dominio, servidor proxy, firewall, FTP server, impresoras compartidas y VPN.This article presents a detailed proposal to implement a GNU/Linux server using the NethServer 7.9.2009 distribution. You will be guided through each step of installing and configuring the server in a virtual machine. Subsequently, we will proceed to configure and demonstrate the operation of several essential services, including: DHCP server, DNS server, domain controller, proxy server, firewall, FTP server, shared printers and VPN

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia, Municipios de Barranquilla, Villa Rica, El Bordo y Tumaco.

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    La más reciente norma dirigida a mitigar los impactos de la violencia en Colombia es la ley 1448 de 2011 (congreso de la república de Colombia 2011), conocida como ley de víctimas y restitución de tierras, partiendo de la experiencia acumulada en el país en materia de programas de atención a población afectada por el conflicto, esta ley propone de manera explícita que la atención a las víctimas debe adelantarse con enfoque psicosocial. La intervención psicosocial debe incluir elementos que contribuyan a la reconstrucción de la identidad, para propiciar y potencializar sus capacidades de agencia tanto individual como colectiva; favorecer la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas que garanticen su subsistencia, el despliegue de recursos propios, la activación de redes sociales e institucionales para generar nuevos lazos y vínculos. Es por esto que desde el enfoque psicosocial se presenta el análisis del relato del caso de “Graciela”, haciendo una descripción de los impactos psicosociales que se reconocen y revelan desde un posicionamiento subjetivo de la víctima sobreviviente, también podemos reconocer en el relato imágenes dominantes de la violencia, sus impactos naturalizado y los apartes que revelan una emancipación discursiva frente a las imágenes de horror de la violencia y el desarraigo al que estas personas fueron sometidas. Seguidamente encuentran las preguntas o cuestionamientos que nacen a partir del análisis del caso de Graciela, preguntas de tipos circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas, para finalizar con la presentación de estrategias de abordaje psicosocial en el caso “Pandurì” y el informe analítico reflexivo de la experiencia de foto voz, con el link correspondiente al blog o página Wix realizada. Experiencia que es muy significativa debido a que se pudo plasmar mediante fotografías que no representan violencia ni agresividad, técnica de foto voz, la cual partir de ella se deja de lado la instrumentalización ofrecida desde los medios masivos de comunicación, para acudir a una resignificación que favorece la concienciación de los problemas sociales, asumiendo así la imagen según Sáenz (2017) como: “herramienta de denuncia social”, donde el individuo y las comunidades se empoderan para hacer frente a las situaciones problemáticas creando estrategias de afrontamiento y superación dando pie a una Resiliencia sólida.The most recent norm aimed at mitigating the impacts of violence in Colombia is the law 1448 of 2011 (congress of the republic of Colombia 2011), known as the law of victims and restitution of land, based on the experience accumulated in the country in of attention programs for the population affected by the conflict, this law explicitly proposes that attention to victims should be carried out with a psychosocial approach. The psychosocial intervention must include elements that contribute to the reconstruction of the identity, to propitiate and potentiate their capacities of both individual and collective agency; favor the satisfaction of the basic needs that guarantee their subsistence, the deployment of own resources, the activation of social and institutional networks to generate new bonds and bonds. That is why from the psychosocial approach the analysis of the story of the case of "Graciela" is presented, making a description of the psychosocial impacts that are recognized and revealed from a subjective positioning of the surviving victim, we can also recognize in the story dominant images of violence, its naturalized impacts and the sections that reveal a discursive emancipation against the horror images of violence and the uprooting to which these people were subjected. Then they find the questions or questions that arise from the analysis of Graciela's case, questions of circular, reflexive and strategic types, to end with the presentation of psychosocial approach strategies in the case "Pandurì" and the reflexive analytical report of the experience of voice photo, with the corresponding link to the blog or Wix page made. Experience that is very significant because it could be captured through photographs that do not represent violence or aggression, photo voice technique, which from it is left aside instrumentalization offered from the mass media, to come to a resignification that favors awareness of social problems, thus assuming the image according to Saenz (2017) as: "social complaint tool", where the individual and communities are empowered to deal with problematic situations by creating coping strategies and overcoming giving rise to a solid Resilience

    Recomendaciones prácticas para la mejora en la producción artesanal de cacao

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    Cartilla dirigida a productores artesanales de cacao que contiene recomendaciones para la adopción de los planes de mejora del beneficio del cacao para garantizar la continuidad en la calidad del producto a partir de buenas prácticas agrícolas.Primer addressed to artisanal producers of cocoa that contains recommendations for the adoption of plans to improve the benefit of cocoa to ensure continuity in the quality of the product from good agricultural practices.Introducción a las buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA) -- Generalidades del cacao -- Cosecha -- Planificación del beneficio del cacao -- Fermentación -- Secado -- Selección del cacao -- Transformación del cacao -- Subproductos del cacao -- Gestión ambientalPrimera ediciónnaProducto derivado del proyecto mejoramiento de la cadena agroindustrial de biocacao como estrategia para el post conflicto a través de biotecnología aplicada al proceso de fermentación del grano.74 página

    Paragryllini (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phalangopsidae) Brazil: descriptions of new taxa

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    Paragryllini Desutter é uma tribo Neotropical com espécies distribuídas do sul do México até o Brasil. Atualmente são conhecidas 24 espécies subordinadas a 6 gêneros: Benoistella Uvarov, 1939; Mexiacla Gorochov, 2007; Oaxacla Gorochov, 2007; Paragryllus Guérin-Méneville, 1844; Rumea Desutter, 1988; e Silvastella Desutter-Grandcolas, 1992. Nesta dissertação são descritos novos táxons de Paragryllini da Amazônia Central brasileira. Faz-se o primeiro registro do gênero Rumea para esta área, com a descrição de três espécies novas: R. zebra sp. nov., R. manauensis sp. nov. e R. tigris sp. nov.. Também são descritos dois gêneros novos: Marciela gen. nov., que inclui Marciela longipes sp. Nov. do Brasil e Marciela crybelos (Nischk & Otte, 2000) comb. nov. do Equador; e Sperberus gen. nov. incluindo unicamente Sperberus arboricola sp. nov. Para as espécies do gênero Rumea, discutem-se as características morfológicas da genitália dos machos e se propõe uma nova interpretação da dessa estrutura. Para ilustrar a genitália tanto dos machos quanto das fêmeas, desenvolveu-se uma técnica de fotografia: a estrutura era inmersa em glicerina e eran tiradas fotografias em diferentes níveis de foco. Para a construção da fotografia final usou-se o software livre CombineZM. Discutem-se alguns aspectos biogeográficos baseados na distribuição conhecida das espécies de Paragryllini. Este estudo proporciona um aporte para o conhecimento do grupo, já que se amplia sua dibribuiçao geográfica, e puede servir como um punto de partida para futuras pesquiças sobre os Paragryllini no Brasil.Paragryllini Desutter is a Neotropical tribe of crickets with species distributed from southern Mexico to Brazil. Currently are known 24 species assigned to six genera: Benoistella Uvarov, 1939; Mexiacla Gorochov, 2007; Oaxacla Gorochov, 2007; Paragryllus Guérin- Méneville, 1844; Rumea Desutter, 1988; and Silvastella Desutter- Grandcolas, 1992. In this paper new taxa from the Brazilian Central Amazonia are described. The genus Rumea is reported for the first time from this region, represented by three new species from the Central Amazonian: R. zebra sp. nov., R. manauensis sp. nov. and R. tigris sp. nov. Also two new genera are described: Marciela gen. nov., including M. longipes sp. nov. from Brazil and M. crybelos (Nischk & Otte, 2000) comb. nov. from Ecuador; and Sperberus gen. nov. including only S. arboricolus sp. nov. The morphology of the male genitalia of the Rumea species is discussed and a new interpretation is proposed. For the illustration of the genitalia of males and females a photographic technique was used: the structure was immersed in glycerin and photographs were taken on different levels of focous. For the construction of the final images the free software CombineZM was used. The biogeography of the Paragryllini is discussed based on the known distribution of the species. This study contributes to the knowledge of the group, increases its geographical distribution, and may serve as a starting point for future research on the Paragryllini in Brazil

    Tabaria Walker 1870

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    Tabaria Walker, 1870 (Fig. 2) Type species. Tabaria opilioides Walker 1870, by monotypy. Walker, 1870: 434; Kirby, 1906: 360; Bruner, 1915: 335. Diagnosis. Medium-sized katydids, apterous, in general form similar to genus Rhammatopoda. Legs very long and slender. Hind femur slender and more delicate than in Encentra. Meso- and metapleura with one protruding bilobulate structure. Meso- and metasternum with two spines on each side.Published as part of Rengifo, Juliana Chamorro, 2009, Redescription of two species of the genera Encentra and Tabaria (Tettigoniidae: Mecopodinae) of Colombia, pp. 46-52 in Zootaxa 2003 on pages 48-49, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.18561

    Encentra longipes Redtenbacher 1892

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    Encentra longipes Redtenbacher, 1892 (Fig. 1) Type: 1 female, Medellín, Colombia. Location of type: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NMW). Newly described specimen: 1 male, (MUSENUV- 21964) J. Chamorro, 01/ 10 / 2006. Valle del Cauca, Bitaco, Chicoral, 1800 m. Other specimens: 1 female (MUSENUV- 20776) H. Berrio, 01/01/ 1997. Valle del Cauca, Yotoco, Bosque de Yotoco, 1500 m.; 1 female (MUSENUV- 21964) J. Chamorro, 01/05/ 2006. Valle del Cauca, Bitaco, Chicoral, 1800 m.; 1 female (ICN-MHNOR00954) F. Vargas L. Castaño and F. Montealegre, 22 /05/ 2000. Cauca, El Tambo, Parque Natural Munchique, 1840 m.; 1 male (ICN-MHNOR00955) F. Vargas L. Castaño and F. Montealegre, 26 /05/ 2000. Cauca, El Tambo, Parque Natural Munchique, 1840 m. Diagnosis. Redescription. Female and male. Head. Face twice as long as wide (Fig. 1 a); fastigium joint to frons, thin, ending in two separated rounded processes slightly inclined (not parallel). Eyes rounded, laterally protruding. Bases of antennae broad and widely separated from each other. Vertex rounded. Thorax. Pronotum surface rough (Fig. 1 b,c); anterior margin of the prozona with three protruding structures: one median tubercle and a spine on each side; posterior part of the mesozona narrowed to half of the length of its anterior margin. Prozona clearly separated from the mesozona, the anterior part of the latter rising in two pairs of spines on each side, latero-frontally and transversally organized, the posterior area is smoothly elevated. Metazona: posterior margin truncate, with a thin median tubercle, lateral sides medially inflated, ending in two pairs of spines on each side, oriented laterally and with a thin tubercle in the same direction, but located more ventrally. Pleura under the mesozona with one spine. Meso- and metasternum with two spines on each side. Legs. Coxae of all legs with a ventral tubercle. Hind legs very elongated, the femur in males 2.3 times and in females 1.7 times longer than the total body length. Femur with 27 curved dorsal spines in males and 29 in females, ventrally with 22 spines in males and 21 in females, increasing in size from the anterior to the posterior end (Fig. 1 d). Genicular lobes of all femora ending in a prominent spine. Abdomen. Tergites 1 to 5 in males and 1 to 6 in females each with a median spine, decreasing in size toward the posterior end, tergite 6 in males and 7 in females with only a tiny tubercle. Genitalia. Male. Cercus long and falciform (Fig. 1 e), finishing in an acute tip. Subgenital plate broad in all its length, with a broad emargination of almost 2 / 5 of the total width (Fig 1 f). Female. Subgenital plate triangular, acuminate, and carinate; ovipositor gradually curved and acuminate, approximately 0.6 times the total length of the body. Coloration. In life (Fig. 4). General coloration olive-green. Face olive-green, head laterally and dorsomedially ferruginous. Antennae, legs and abdominal spines ferruginous. Spines of hind femur with black bases. Ovipositor basally with some black spots. Dorsal part of abdomen with ferruginous marks. In male, ventral part of abdomen with small yellow dots. See more details on photographs in Orthoptera Species File. Measurements: Distribution: Western part of the country, Medellín, Valle del Cauca and Cauca (Fig. 3). 1500–1840 m. The two recently collected specimens were found in the undergrowth of a premontane humid forest near a small creek, walking very slowly among little ferns.Published as part of Rengifo, Juliana Chamorro, 2009, Redescription of two species of the genera Encentra and Tabaria (Tettigoniidae: Mecopodinae) of Colombia, pp. 46-52 in Zootaxa 2003 on pages 47-48, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.18561

    Morphology of the phallus and tegmina in Tettigonioidea and taxonomic revision of the old genus Agraecia Audinet-Serville (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Tettigoniidae)

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    Agraecia Audinet-Serville (Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae: Agraeciini), o gênero-tipo de Agraeciini, compreende quinze nomes de espécies: treze usados para nomear espécies viventes, um sinônimo júnior e um fóssil. As espécies descritas de Agraecia são morfologicamente distintas e foram coletadas em diferentes localidades do mundo. Poucos caracteres morfológicos definem o gênero e esses, em conjunto, não são exclusivos do táxon. O objetivo desta tese é redefinir o gênero Agraecia com base na morfologia comparada de estruturas usadas tradicionalmente na taxonomia de Tettigonioidea e em outras estruturas que são aqui apresentadas como novidade para o estudo do grupo. Para realizar a delimitação de Agraecia e dos gêneros novos propostos, foi preciso realizar um estudo prévio sobre a morfologia do falo das esperanças neotropicais (Capítulo I). Adicionalmente, durante a observação das nervuras das tégminas das espécies de Tettigonioidea, notou-se que a tégmina direita possui uma fileira estridulatória vestigial, fato que não tinha sido reportado previamente nem para as espécies de Agraeciini, e com algumas exceções, nem para outros táxons da superfamília. Por tal motivo, reportou-se que a fileira direita vestigial é um componente da tégmina e é útil para o estudo taxonômico da superfamília (Capítulo II). Finalmente, delimita-se Agraecia (Capítulo III, manuscrito) e se propõe que somente duas espécies das previamente descritas permaneçam no gênero, A. dorsalis Karny e A. punctata Saint-Fargeau & Audinet-Serville. Designa-se um neótipo e um neoalótipo de A. punctata, e quatro novas espécies do gênero são descritas. Propõe-se Bertoniella Rehn como novo sinônimo e a nova combinação Parasubria vittipes (Redtenbacher) comb. nov. As restantes sete espécies viventes são classificadas em seis novos gêneros, a seguir: Gen. nov. 01, Gen. nov. 02, Gen. nov. 03, Gen. nov. 04, Gen. nov. 05 e Gen. nov. 06. E a espécie fóssil é transferida para Gen. nov. 07 †. Adicionalmente, quatro novas espécies de Gen. nov. 01 são descritas. O material tipo de Agraecia fallax Karny, nomen dubium está perdido e o de Agraecia festae Griffini está atualmente indisponível para revisão, assim, essas duas espécies são tratadas como incertae sedis. Finalmente, discute-se sobre a morfologia, a distribuição geográfica, e sobre a biologia e a ecologia das espécies.Agraecia Audinet-Serville (Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae: Agraeciini), the type-genus of Agraeciini, comprises fifteen species names: thirteen used for extant species, one junior synonym, and one fossil. The species are morphologically very dissimilar, and were collected and described from different localities of the world. Few morphological features define the genus Agraecia, and these are not unique to the taxon. The objective in this thesis is to revise and redefine the genus Agraecia based on morphology of structures traditionally considered in the taxonomy of Tettigonioidea, and on structures which are presented here as novelties for the study of the superfamily. To carry out the delimitation of Agraecia and new genera, it was necessary to conduct a preliminary study on the morphology of the phallus in Neotropical katydids (Chapter I). Additionally, during the examination of the tegminal veins of the studied species, it was noted that in the right tegmen there is a vestigial file, fact that had not been previously reported for the treated species and, with few exceptions, neither to other taxa of the superfamily. For this reason, it was elaborated a short paper reporting that the right file is an additional component of the tegmina and is useful for the taxonomic study of the superfamily (Chapter II). Finally, Agraecia is redelimitated (Chapter III, manuscript) keeping only two of the previously described species in the genus: A. dorsalis Karny and A. punctata Saint-Fargeau & Audinet-Serville. It is designated a neootype and a neoallotype for A. punctata, and four new Agraecia species are described. Bertoniella Rehn, is determined as a junior synonym of Agraecia. The new combination Parasubria vittipes (Redtenbacher) comb. nov. is proposed. The remaining six Agraecia species are classified in six new genera: Gen. nov. 01, Gen. nov. 02, Gen. nov. 03, Gen. nov. 04, Gen. nov. 05 and Gen. nov. 06. The fossil species is transferred to Gen. nov. 7†. Additionally, four new species of Gen. nov. 01 are described. Type material of Agraecia fallax Karny, nomen dobium, is lost and the one of Agraecia festae Griffini is currently unavailable for examination, thus these two species are treated as incertae sedis. Finally, the morphology, geographical distribution, biology and ecology of the species are discussed.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Comportamiento intrasexual en machos de Panacanthus Pallicornis (Walker, 1869) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)

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    A través de pruebas por parejas y observaciones nocturnas en campo de machos de Panacanthus pallicornis, se determinaron los comportamientos y resultados de interacciones espaciales y físicas entre machos congéneres. Se hizo un breve acercamiento a la historia natural de la especie, fundamentalmente respecto a las relaciones intrasexuales que son mediadas a través de la producción de canto, huída, vibración y desplazamiento

    Avaliação do potencial citotóxico da pirazolina H3TM04 contra câncer de pele e leucemia incorporada em nanopartículas de hexanoil carboximetil quitosana (NPSCHQ) e nanofibras de peo/quitosana contendo NPSCHQ

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2019.Recentes avanços no desenvolvimento de nanomateriais, permitiram sua aplicação na liberação controlada de fármacos para o tratamento local contra o câncer. Porém, apesar dos inúmeros sistemas reportados nesta área, a baixa taxa de acumulação dos nanomateriais no sistema biológico, continua sendo um desafio. Nanopartículas (Nps) poliméricas homogeneamente distribuídas em nanofibras poliméricas (Nfs) formadas por eletrospinning, são uma alternativa para superar estes desafios. Assim, nesta Tese de doutorado desenvolveu-se um novo nanomaterial pela dispersão de Nps de carboximetil hexanoil quitosana/dodecil sulfato (CHQ-SDS) em nanofibras de PEO/quitosana (PEOCh-H3). O nanomaterial foi aplicado na liberação controlada da pirazolina (H3TM04) com atividade contra leucemia e câncer de pele (melanoma). A teses foi desenvolvida em 3 etapas: i) Um estudo fundamental, para compreender o processo de interação e formação dos nanoagregados CHQ-SDS. ii) Formação de Nps de CHQ-SDS, aplicadas na encapsulação e liberação in vitro do H3TM04 em células leucêmicas. iii) A formação de PEOCh-H3 por eletrospinner, aplicado na liberação in vitro e ex vivo do H3TM04 em células de melanoma e pele humana, respetivamente. A formação dos nanoagregados de CHQ-SDS acontece por auto-montagem hidrofóbico entre as duas espécies, sendo um processo termodinamicamente favorável. Por outro lado, a presença de SDS diminui o raio hidrodinâmico e a carga superficial dos nanoagregados, incrementando a estabilidade coloidal em solução aquosa por um período de até 150 dias. As Nps de CHQ-SDS com morfologia esférica foram formadas em pH 7,4 e caracterizadas por espalhamento de luz dinâmico (DLS), microscopia de transmissão eletrônica (MET) e potencial zeta. A eficiência de encapsulação do H3TM04 foi de 96% com raio hidrodinâmico médio de 83,9 ± 1,2 nm. Os resultados de liberação in vitro demostraram que o processo de liberação do composto ativo acontece pela erosão do nanoparticulado, diminuindo a concentração inibitória 50% para células de leucemia (Jukat e K-562). Finalmente, as Nfs PEOCh-H3 foram formadas e caracterizadas por analises térmicas e microscópicas. As Nps foram evidenciadas dentro das Nfs por TEM. Estudos in vitro demostraram que o processo de liberação do H3TM04 acontece pela difusão e erosão do nanomaterial durante 120 h. Por outro lado, o nanoparticulado na Nfs incrementou a acumulação do composto ativo na epidermes (ensaio de liberação ex vivo em pele humana), como também, incrementou em 50% o efeito citotóxico do H3TM04 frente células de melanoma. Sendo assim, esta dupla barreira de liberação (Nfs/Nps) é um promissor candidato na liberação controlada de fármacos, para incrementar a taxa de acumulação do composto ativo e do nanomaterial no sistema biológico.Abstract: Recent advances in the development of nanomaterials have allowed their application in the controlled release of drugs for local treatment against cancer. However, despite the numerous systems reported in this area, the accumulation low rate of the nanomaterials in the biological systems remains a challenge. Polymeric nanoparticles (Nps) homogeneously distributed in polymer nanofibers (Nfs) formed by eletrospinning are an alternative to overcome these challenges. Thus, in this doctoral theses, a new nanomaterial was developed by dispersion of the Nps of carboxymethyl hexanoyl chitosan/dodecyl sulfate (CHQ-SDS) in PEO/chitosan Nfs (PEOCh-H3). The nanomaterial was applied in the controlled release of pyrazoline (H3TM04), which have activity against leukemia and melanoma cancer cells. The thesis was developed in 3 stages: i) A fundamental study, to understand the interaction process and nanoaggregates formation of the carboxymethyl hexanoyl chitosan / dodecyl sulfate. ii) Formation of CHQ-SDS Nps applied in the encapsulation and in vitro assays against leukemic cells. iii) The formation of the Nfs PEOCh-H3 by eletrospinning, and applied in vitro and ex vivo release of H3TM04 in melanoma cells and human skin. The formation of CHQ-SDS nanoaggregates occurs by hydrophobic assembly between the SDS and CHQ, where this is a thermodynamically favorable process. On the other hand, the presence of SDS decreases the hydrodynamic radius and surface charge of the nanoaggregates, increasing the colloidal stability in aqueous solution for up to 150 days. The CHQ-SDS Nps were formed at pH 7.4 and characterized by dynamic light scattering, electron transmission microscopy and zeta potential, showed a spherical morphology. The encapsulation efficiency of H3TM04 was 96% and the nanoparticles had 83,9 ± 1,2 nm of the hydrodynamic radius. The in vitro release results demonstrated that the active compound release process occurs by the Nps erosion, decreasing the inhibitory concentration (IC50) for leukemia cells (Jukat and K-562). Finally, the PEOCh-H3 nanofibers were formed and characterized by thermal and microscopic techniques. The Nps were evidenced within the Nfs by transmission electron microscopy. in vitro studies demonstrated that the release process of H3TM04 occurs by diffusion and erosion of the nanomaterial during 120 h. On the other hand, PEOCh-H3 increases the accumulation of the active compounds in the epidermis (ex vivo release test on human skin), as well as increases the cytotoxic effect of H3TM04 in melanoma cells (in vitro test). This double release barrier (Nfs/Nps) is a promising candidate for the controlled release of drugs to increases the accumulation rate of the active compound in the biological tissue