2,530 research outputs found

    Economics of Production of Green Peas (Pisum sativum L.) in Punjab

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    The economics of production and factors influencing the productivity of green peas in Punjab have been studied using the primary data from pea growers. The data have been analysed using simple tabular and functional analyses. The results have revealed that the green peas and wheat are the main crops in rabi season. It has been noticed that 75.85 per cent of the farmers purchase pea seeds from dealers. The yield of green peas has been found the highest on small farms among all the farm-size categories. The total cost incurred has been higher in large than small and medium farmers due to more use of inputs by the former. The gross and net returns have been found higher in large than small and medium farmers due to realization of higher prices by them and exploring of other markets due to their higher marketable surpluses. The functional analysis has revealed that the fertilizers, irrigation and machinery are the impact variables, influencing the productivity of green peas positively. The returns over variable costs in the case of peas have been higher by 129 per cent than those in wheat (main competing crop). It has been argued that the farmers be advised by the agricultural extension experts to adopt green pea cultivation for improving the efficiency of the farms through increased income per unit of land. Moreover, it will provide impetus to the diversification program of the state government and improve the soil health.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Effects of Selective Deletion of Tyrosine Hydroxylase from Kisspeptin Cells on Puberty and Reproduction in Male and Female Mice.

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    The neuropeptide kisspeptin, encoded by Kiss1, regulates reproduction by stimulating GnRH secretion. Kiss1-syntheizing neurons reside primarily in the hypothalamic anteroventral periventricular (AVPV/PeN) and arcuate (ARC) nuclei. AVPV/PeN Kiss1 neurons are sexually dimorphic, with females expressing more Kiss1 than males, and participate in estradiol (E2)-induced positive feedback control of GnRH secretion. In mice, most AVPV/PeN Kiss1 cells coexpress tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis (in this case, dopamine). Dopamine treatment can inhibit GnRH neurons, but the function of dopamine signaling arising specifically from AVPV/PeN Kiss1 cells is unknown. We generated a novel TH flox mouse and used Cre-Lox technology to selectively ablate TH specifically from Kiss1 cells. We then examined the effects of selective TH knock-out on puberty and reproduction in both sexes. In control mice, 90% of AVPV/PeN Kiss1 neurons coexpressed TH, whereas in mice lacking TH exclusively in Kiss1 cells (termed Kiss THKOs), TH was successfully absent from virtually all Kiss1 cells. Despite this absence of TH, both female and male Kiss THKOs displayed normal body weights, puberty onset, and basal gonadotropin levels in adulthood, although testosterone (T) was significantly elevated in adult male Kiss THKOs. The E2-induced LH surge was unaffected in Kiss THKO females, and neuronal activation status of kisspeptin and GnRH cells was also normal. Supporting this, fertility and fecundity were normal in Kiss THKOs of both sexes. Thus, despite high colocalization of TH and Kiss1 in the AVPV/PeN, dopamine produced in these cells is not required for puberty or reproduction, and its function remains unknown

    Glyphosate-Resistant Weed Control and Soybean Injury in Response to Different PPO-Inhibiting Herbicides

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    In Nebraska, 5-enolpyruvyl shikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) as well as acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibitor-resistant weeds occur in many soybean fields where herbicides from these modes-of-action have been frequently used in the past. Currently, the protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibitors are the only effective herbicides for POST control of both glyphosate- and ALS-inhibitor-resistant weeds in soybean. Greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2014 to evaluate the efficacy of PPO-inhibitors applied POST for the control of three glyphosate-resistant (GR) weeds and potential for soybean injury, when applied at two growth stages. All herbicide treatments controlled 10- and 20-cm tall GR common waterhemp ≥ 95% at 21 DAT. GR giant ragweed and kochia were controlled 86 to 99% when treated at 10-cm height and 78 to 92% at 20-cm height by 21 DAT. Herbicide treatments reduced shoot biomass in the three GR weeds 88 to 100% when treated at 10-cm height and 73 to 100% when treated at 20-cm height, at 21 DAT. Soybean injury and shoot biomass data revealed that acifluorfen and lactofen were more injurious (≥ 17%), whereas fomesafen, and fomesafen plus glyphosate were relatively safer (\u3c 10% injury). Overall, fomesafen and fomesafen plus glyphosate caused least injury to soybean and were more effective in controlling GR common waterhemp, giant ragweed, and kochia compared with acifluorfen and lactofen

    Glyphosate-Resistant Weed Control and Soybean Injury in Response to Different PPO-Inhibiting Herbicides

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    In Nebraska, 5-enolpyruvyl shikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) as well as acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibitor-resistant weeds occur in many soybean fields where herbicides from these modes-of-action have been frequently used in the past. Currently, the protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibitors are the only effective herbicides for POST control of both glyphosate- and ALS-inhibitor-resistant weeds in soybean. Greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2014 to evaluate the efficacy of PPO-inhibitors applied POST for the control of three glyphosate-resistant (GR) weeds and potential for soybean injury, when applied at two growth stages. All herbicide treatments controlled 10- and 20-cm tall GR common waterhemp ≥ 95% at 21 DAT. GR giant ragweed and kochia were controlled 86 to 99% when treated at 10-cm height and 78 to 92% at 20-cm height by 21 DAT. Herbicide treatments reduced shoot biomass in the three GR weeds 88 to 100% when treated at 10-cm height and 73 to 100% when treated at 20-cm height, at 21 DAT. Soybean injury and shoot biomass data revealed that acifluorfen and lactofen were more injurious (≥ 17%), whereas fomesafen, and fomesafen plus glyphosate were relatively safer (\u3c 10% injury). Overall, fomesafen and fomesafen plus glyphosate caused least injury to soybean and were more effective in controlling GR common waterhemp, giant ragweed, and kochia compared with acifluorfen and lactofen

    Study on gender issues in promoting agri-entrepreneurship among farm graduates

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    Since 2002, a Central Sector Scheme on Agri-Clinic and Agri-Business Centres (AC&ABC) is in operation in the country to promote entrepreneurship among farm graduates after their formal graduation. A study was undertaken to ascertain the gender issues in establishing and running agri-ventures by the farm graduates who were provided training under AC&ABC scheme. The data were collected from 70 respondents comprising 35 male respondents and 35 female respondents using structured questionnaire through e-mail and telephonic contacts. Findings revealed that majority of female respondents (71.43%) did not venture into AC&ABC due to lack of family support, previous job experience and self-confidence. Prevailing societal attitude might have forced females to avoid starting of enterprise in their native/surrounding villages due to fear of being criticized. The study also revealed gender differences in nature of farm enterprises, motivational factors, site selection, investment pattern, income level, working time as well as cooperation of family and banks. The success of AC and ABC depends on effective sensitization of family members, bank and development officials, more hand holding and financial support and incentives and mass media support for reinforcing the success models across the country