273 research outputs found

    El medio de control de reparación directa por desplazamiento forzado: tratamiento a la caducidad

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    Artículo de InvestigaciónEl artículo analiza las actuaciones del juez administrativo en ejercicio del medio de control de reparación directa por desplazamiento forzado en razón al conflicto armado no internacional, enfocado en la figura de la caducidad. A partir de establecer la existencia de decisiones dicotómicas frente al tema por parte de los jueces de instancia, se observa la necesidad de formar una línea jurisprudencial y reconocer la existencia o no de un patrón decisional en el que se fundamente el derecho al trato jurídico igualitario a la caducidad del medio de control de reparación por desplazamiento forzado en Colombia. Así, con base en un estudio dinámico de las decisiones del Consejo de Estado, en acciones ordinarias contenciosas y en sede de tutela, se establecen los fundamentos para la tutela efectiva a los derechos de las víctimas que protege el derecho internacional humanitario y el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos.Introducción 1. Marco Conceptual y Jurídico 2. La Sentencia SU 254 de 2013 de la Corte Constitucional: Interpretación de operadores judiciales y Consejo de Estado a la sub regla establecida para las acciones contenciosas por desplazamiento forzado 3. Pronunciamientos de jueces de instancia 4. Línea jurisprudencial del Consejo de Estado Conclusiones Referencias bibliográficasMaestríaMagíster en Derechos Humano

    Genetic Regulation of the Growth Plate

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    The epiphyseal growth plate consists of a layer of cartilage present only during the growth period and vanishes soon after puberty in long bones. It is divided to three well-defined zones, from epiphyses; resting, proliferative, and hypertrophic zones. Chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation and subsequent bone formation in this cartilage are controlled by various endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine factors which finally results into elimination of the cartilaginous tissue and promotion of the epiphyseal fusion. As chondrocytes differentiate from round, quiescent, and single structure to flatten and proliferative and then large and terminally differentiated, they experience changes in their gene expression pattern which allow them to transform from cartilaginous tissue to bone. This review summarizes the literature in this area and shortly describes different factors that affect growth plate cartilage both at the local and systemic levels. This may eventually help us to develop new treatment strategies of different growth disorders

    Ethnic Representation of the Komi-Yazva People in the Late XXth–Early XXIst Centuries

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    The article describes the ethnic situation of the Komi-Yazva people as an example of secondary ethnicity in the social contexts of modern Russia. This analysis shows the challenges of surviving faced by the minority ethnic groups

    Влияние химических средств защиты растений на засоренность посадок и продуктивность картофеля в степной зоне Хакасии

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    In the Russian Federation, large areas in farms of various forms of ownership are devoted to the potato. The wide range of uses for this crop is particularly relevant to the industry. Cultivation technology in general, particularly some elements of agronomic techniques, may have specific differences depending on the region and the soil and climate zone. An invariable negative biotic factor for any area remains weeds, which account for the agro-technological costs. The biological group and species composition of weeds significantly influence potato yields. Chemical crop protection products (herbicides) have a significant effect in reducing the negative impact of the factor. Therefore, the aim of the study is the effect of different herbicide preparations on weed infestation and potato productivity in the conditions of the steppe zone of the Republic of Khakassia. Experiments were laid from 2018 to 2020 on dark chestnut soil in the steppe zone of the Republic of Khakassia. The authors chose a medium-early potato variety of Siberian selection Tuleevsky as an object of research. The recommended potato cultivation technology for this zone was used in the study. Herbicides were selected for preemergence application (Gezagard, Lazurit, Sukhovey, Tornado), applied 20-25 days after planting, before the mass sprouting of plants. The hydrothermal coefficient changed from 1.68 to 1.85 in the years of research. Using herbicides reduced the number of monocotyledonous weeds by 18,9 - 26,7% and dicotyledonous weeds by 38,5 - 46,1% by the harvest period. Reduction of competition with weeds for life factors allowed increased biometric indicators of potatoes (height of a plant, number of leaves, weight of haulm). The increase of biometric parameters of potatoes has essentially affected the growth of economic productivity of leaves from 9,3 to 13,2 %. The yield of potatoes has increased on 3,6-6,5 t/hectare (at the maximum value at a background of Lazurite preparation) due to the increase of efficiency of work of assimilating apparatus. The use of herbicides on potatoes allows increasing the level of profitability of production by 22,3-56,4%.Картофелем в Российской Федерации заняты большие площади в хозяйствах различных форм собственности, так как широкий спектр использования культуры определяет особую актуальность её для отрасли. В зависимости от региона и почвенно-климатической зоны технология возделывания в целом и в частности некоторые элементы агротехники могут иметь определенные различия. Неизменным отрицательным биотическим фактором для любой местности, обусловливающим большую долю агротехнологических затрат, остаются сорные растения. Биологическая группа и видовой состав сорняков оказывают существенное влияние на урожайность картофеля. Значительным эффектом, позволяющим снизить отрицательное воздействие фактора, обладают химические средства защиты растений (гербициды). Поэтому целью нашего исследования было изучение влияния различных гербицидных препаратов на засоренность посадок и продуктивность картофеля в условиях степной зоны Хакасии. Опыты закладывали в 2018–2020 гг. на темно-каштановой почве в степной зоне Хакасии. В качестве объекта исследований был выбран среднеранний сорт картофеля сибирской селекции Тулеевский. В исследованиях использовали рекомендованную технологию возделывания картофеля для данной зоны. Гербицидные препараты подбирали для довсходового внесения (Гезагард, Лазурит, Суховей, Торнадо), которые применяли через 20–25 дней после посадки, до массовых всходов растений. В годы исследований гидротермический коэффициент изменялся от 1,68 до 1,85. Использование гербицидов позволило снизить количество однодольных сорняков на 18,9–26,7% и на 38,5–46,1% – двудольных к периоду уборки культуры. Снижение конкуренции с сорными растениями за факторы жизни позволило повысить биометрические показатели картофеля (высоту растения, количество листьев, массу ботвы). Это существенным образом сказалось на повышении хозяйственной продуктивности листьев – от 9,3 до 13,2%. Как следствие повышения эффективности работы ассимиляционного аппарата урожайность возросла на 3,6–6,5 т/га (в максимальном значении на фоне препарата Лазурит). Использование гербицидов на картофеле позволяет повысить уровень рентабельности производства на 22,3–56,4%

    Rectification column: criteria of efficiency

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    In the paper analysis of the factors influencing the efficiency of the rectification process is provided. The authors show that existing dependences, equivalent to HETP, cannot be used for calculating rectification plate columns and columns with vortex nozzles, in which the coefficients of mass transfer are substantially dependent on the irrigation density and the gas/steam velocity. The dependence of the efficiency of the packet vortex nozzle as a function of the hydrodynamic regimes of the vapour and liquid phases is proposed

    Improvement of the mass transfer processes efficiency by means of mechanical activation of homogeneous and heterogeneous systems

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    In this paper, the ways of intensification of technological processes by means of powerful short pulses of energy in activation machines in solid phase and water systems are considered. The mechanism of accumulation and relaxation of energy for the substances subjected to mechanical activation is shown

    Praziquantel and Moxidectin pharmacokinetics in dogs after Helmimax administration

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    The purpose of the research is to study Praziquantel and Moxidectin pharmacokinetics in dogs after Helmimax administration.Materials and methods. Helmimax pharmacokinetics was studied on 8 adult male dogs of different breeds aged 2 to 5 years and weighing 15–35 kg. Helmimax was administered orally in the fasted state with a small amount of feed at a dose of 5 mg/kg for Praziquantel and 0.25 mg/kg for Moxidectin at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Blood was sampled at various periods after the administration. The collected blood underwent sample processing: formed element and protein precipitation, solid-phase extraction, and microfiltration. The active components were analyzed and detected by the HPLC-MS/MS. Active substances in the blood plasma were determined according to the developed technique which had been validated. The device was calibrated before the measurement.Results and discussion. As a result of the studies, the Praziquantel and Moxidectin pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. The maximum concentration was 0.240 and 0.130 μg/mL, the time-to-peak concentration was 2.15 and 1.48 hours, and the elimination half-life was 8.41 and 3.61 hours for Moxidectin and Praziquantel, respectively

    Ablation of the Pro-Apoptotic Protein Bax Protects Mice from Glucocorticoid-Induced Bone Growth Impairment

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    Dexamethasone (Dexa) is a widely used glucocorticoid to treat inflammatory diseases; however, a multitude of undesired effects have been reported to arise from this treatment including osteoporosis, obesity, and in children decreased longitudinal bone growth. We and others have previously shown that glucocorticoids induce apoptosis in growth plate chondrocytes. Here, we hypothesized that Bax, a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family, plays a key role in Dexa-induced chondrocyte apoptosis and bone growth impairment. Indeed, experiments in the human HCS-2/8 chondrocytic cell line demonstrated that silencing of Bax expression using small-interfering (si) RNA efficiently blocked Dexa-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, ablation of Bax in female mice protected against Dexa-induced bone growth impairment. Finally, Bax activation by Dexa was confirmed in human growth plate cartilage specimens cultured ex vivo. Our findings could therefore open the door for new therapeutic approaches to prevent glucocorticoid-induced bone growth impairment through specific targeting of Bax