155 research outputs found

    Petascaling Machine Learning Applications with MR-MPI

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    This whitepaper addresses applicability of the Map/Reduce paradigm for scalable and easy parallelization of fundamental data mining approaches with the aim of exploring/enabling processing of terabytes of data on PRACE Tier-0 supercomputing systems. To this end, we first test the usage of MR-MPI library, a lightweight Map/Reduce implementation that uses the MPI library for inter-process communication, on PRACE HPC systems; then propose MR-MPI-based implementations of a number of machine learning algorithms and constructs; and finally provide experimental analysis measuring the scaling performance of the proposed implementations. We test our multiple machine learning algorithms with different datasets. The obtained results show that utilization of the Map/Reduce paradigm can be a strong enhancer on the road to petascale

    Reducing Synchronization Overheads in CG-type Parallel Iterative Solvers by Embedding Point-to-point Communications into Reduction Operations

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    Parallel iterative solvers are widely used in solving large sparse linear systems of equations on large-scale parallel architectures. These solvers generally contain two different types of communication operations: point-topoint (P2P) and global collective communications. In this work, we present a computational reorganization method to exploit a property that is commonly found in Krylov subspace methods. This reorganization allows P2P and collective communications to be performed simultaneously. We realize this opportunity to embed the content of the messages of P2P communications into the messages exchanged in the collective communications in order to reduce the latency overhead of the solver. Experiments on two different supercomputers up to 2048 processors show that the proposed latency-avoiding method exhibits superior scalability, especially with increasing number of processors

    A Novel Partitioning Method for Accelerating the Block Cimmino Algorithm

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    We propose a novel block-row partitioning method in order to improve the convergence rate of the block Cimmino algorithm for solving general sparse linear systems of equations. The convergence rate of the block Cimmino algorithm depends on the orthogonality among the block rows obtained by the partitioning method. The proposed method takes numerical orthogonality among block rows into account by proposing a row inner-product graph model of the coefficient matrix. In the graph partitioning formulation defined on this graph model, the partitioning objective of minimizing the cutsize directly corresponds to minimizing the sum of inter-block inner products between block rows thus leading to an improvement in the eigenvalue spectrum of the iteration matrix. This in turn leads to a significant reduction in the number of iterations required for convergence. Extensive experiments conducted on a large set of matrices confirm the validity of the proposed method against a state-of-the-art method

    A Model for Task Repartioning under Data Replication

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    We propose a two-phase model for solving the problem of task repartitioning under data replication with memory constraints. The hypergraph-partitioning-based model proposed for the first phase aims to minimize the total message volume that will be incurred due to the replication/migration of input data while maintaining balance on computational and receive-volume loads of processors. The network-flow-based model proposed for the second phase aims to minimize the maximum message volume handled by processors via utilizing the flexibility in assigning send-communication tasks to processors, which is introduced by data replication. The validity of our proposed model is verified on parallelization of a direct volume rendering algorithm

    Cascade-aware partitioning of large graph databases

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    Graph partitioning is an essential task for scalable data management and analysis. The current partitioning methods utilize the structure of the graph, and the query log if available. Some queries performed on the database may trigger further operations. For example, the query workload of a social network application may contain re-sharing operations in the form of cascades. It is beneficial to include the potential cascades in the graph partitioning objectives. In this paper, we introduce the problem of cascade-aware graph partitioning that aims to minimize the overall cost of communication among parts/servers during cascade processes. We develop a randomized solution that estimates the underlying cascades, and use it as an input for partitioning of large-scale graphs. Experiments on 17 real social networks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution in terms of the partitioning objectives

    Sparse matrix decomposition with optimal load balancing

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    Optimal load balancing in sparse matrix decomposition without disturbing the row/column ordering is investigated. Both asymptotically and run-time efficient exact algorithms are proposed and implemented for one-dimensional (1D) striping and two-dimensional (2D) jagged partitioning. Binary search method is successfully adopted to 1D striped decomposition by deriving and exploiting a good upper bound on the value of an optimal solution. A binary search algorithm is proposed for 2D jagged partitioning by introducing a new 2D probing scheme. A new iterative-refinement scheme is proposed for both 1D and 2D partitioning. Proposed algorithms are also space efficient since they only need the conventional compressed storage scheme for the given matrix, avoiding the need for a dense workload matrix in 2D decomposition. Experimental results on a wide set of test matrices show that considerably better decompositions can be obtained by using optimal load balancing algorithms instead of heuristics. Proposed algorithms are 100 times faster than a single sparse-matrix vector multiplication (SpMxV), in the 64-way 1D decompositions, on the overall average. Our jagged partitioning algorithms are only 60% slower than a single SpMxV computation in the 8×8-way 2D decompositions, on the overall average

    Temporal workload-aware replicated partitioning for social networks

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    Most frequent and expensive queries in social networks involve multi-user operations such as requesting the latest tweets or news-feeds of friends. The performance of such queries are heavily dependent on the data partitioning and replication methodologies adopted by the underlying systems. Existing solutions for data distribution in these systems involve hashor graph-based approaches that ignore the multi-way relations among data. In this work, we propose a novel data partitioning and selective replication method that utilizes the temporal information in prior workloads to predict future query patterns. Our method utilizes the social network structure and the temporality of the interactions among its users to construct a hypergraph that correctly models multi-user operations. It then performs simultaneous partitioning and replication of this hypergraph to reduce the query span while respecting load balance and I/O load constraints under replication. To test our model, we enhance the Cassandra NoSQL system to support selective replication and we implement a social network application (a Twitter clone) utilizing our enhanced Cassandra. We conduct experiments on a cloud computing environment (Amazon EC2) to test the developed systems. Comparison of the proposed method with hash- and enhanced graph-based schemes indicate that it significantly improves latency and throughput