24 research outputs found

    Mast Cell Chymase/Mcpt4 Suppresses the Host Immune Response to Plasmodium yoelii, Limits Malaria-Associated Disruption of Intestinal Barrier Integrity and Reduces Parasite Transmission to Anopheles stephensi

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    An increase in mast cells (MCs) and MCs mediators has been observed in malaria-associated bacteremia, however, the role of these granulocytes in malarial immunity is poorly understood. Herein, we studied the role of mouse MC protease (Mcpt) 4, an ortholog of human MC chymase, in malaria-induced bacteremia using Mcpt4 knockout (Mcpt4(-/-)) mice and Mcpt4(+/+) C57BL/6J controls, and the non-lethal mouse parasite Plasmodium yoelii yoelii 17XNL. Significantly lower parasitemia was observed in Mcpt4(-/-) mice compared with Mcpt4(+/+) controls by day 10 post infection (PI). Although bacterial 16S DNA levels in blood were not different between groups, increased intestinal permeability to FITC-dextran and altered ileal adherens junction E-cadherin were observed in Mcpt4(-/-) mice. Relative to infected Mcpt4(+/+) mice, ileal MC accumulation in Mcpt4(-/-) mice occurred two days earlier and IgE levels were higher by days 8-10 PI. Increased levels of circulating myeloperoxidase were observed at 6 and 10 days PI in Mcpt4(+/+) but not Mcpt4(-/-) mice, affirming a role for neutrophil activation that was not predictive of parasitemia or bacterial 16S copies in blood. In contrast, early increased plasma levels of TNF-alpha, IL-12p40 and IL-3 were observed in Mcpt4(-/-) mice, while levels of IL-2, IL-10 and MIP1 beta (CCL4) were increased over the same period in Mcpt4(+/+) mice, suggesting that the host response to infection was skewed toward a type-1 immune response in Mcpt4(-/-) mice and type-2 response in Mcpt4(+/+) mice. Spearman analysis revealed an early (day 4 PI) correlation of Mcpt4(-/-) parasitemia with TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, inflammatory cytokines known for their roles in pathogen clearance, a pattern that was observed in Mcpt4(+/+) mice much later (day 10 PI). Transmission success of P. y. yoelii 17XNL to Anopheles stephensi was significantly higher from infected Mcpt4(-/-) mice compared with infected Mcpt4(+/+) mice, suggesting that Mcpt4 also impacts transmissibility of sexual stage parasites. Together, these results suggest that early MCs activation and release of Mcpt4 suppresses the host immune response to P. y. yoelii 17XNL, perhaps via degradation of TNF-alpha and promotion of a type-2 immune response that concordantly protects epithelial barrier integrity, while limiting the systemic response to bacteremia and parasite transmissibility

    Arboviral Etiologies of Acute Febrile Illnesses in Western South America, 2000–2007

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    Over recent decades, the variety and quantity of diseases caused by viruses transmitted to humans by mosquitoes and other arthropods (also known as arboviruses) have increased around the world. One difficulty in studying these diseases is the fact that the symptoms are often non-descript, with patients reporting such symptoms as low-grade fever and headache. Our goal in this study was to use laboratory tests to determine the causes of such non-descript illnesses in sites in four countries in South America, focusing on arboviruses. We established a surveillance network in 13 locations in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay, where patient samples were collected and then sent to a central laboratory for testing. Between May 2000 and December 2007, blood serum samples were collected from more than 20,000 participants with fever, and recent arbovirus infection was detected for nearly one third of them. The most common viruses were dengue viruses (genera Flavivirus). We also detected infection by viruses from other genera, including Alphavirus and Orthobunyavirus. This data is important for understanding how such viruses might emerge as significant human pathogens

    Termodinamica Aplicada-II05-201301

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    Este curso desarrolla el tema de la energía enfocado al análisis de diversos sistemas integrando la comprensión intuitiva y los principios conocidos como las leyes de la termodinámica (la ley de conservación de la masa ley de conservación de la energía y la ley de la degradación de la energía) para identificar y calcular los requerimientos energéticos de diversos procesos que ocurren en la vida diaria o en los procesos de manufactura industrial. En el análisis se valora la eficiencia en la conversión de energía de sistemas de potencia calorífica mecánica o eléctrica y se evalúa el desempeño de sistemas de refrigeración y aire acondicionado.El curso se desarrolla alineado con el logro terminal el que contribuye con la competencia 4 Dominio de las ciencias y la competencia 5 Experimentación

    Termodinámica Aplicada-IN193-201301

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    El curso de Termodinámica proporciona los conceptos y herramientas para identificar y calcular los requerimientos energéticos de diversos procesos industriales comprendiendo los principios básicos de la generación uso y transformación de la energía en sus diferentes formas como parte de un proceso de uso racional de la energía. Durante este proceso el alumno toma decisiones respecto al que cuanto y como producir energía térmica energía eléctrica para cubrir requerimientos industriales así como de los procesos de refrigeración para producción de frío en el acondicionamiento de edificios o aire acondicionado y en el tratamiento transporte y conservación de alimentos

    Natural immune response to Plasmodium vivax alpha-helical coiled coil protein motifs and its association with the risk of P. vivax malaria

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    Protein alpha-helical coiled coil structures are known to induce antibodies able to block critical functions in different pathogens. In a previous study, a total of 50 proteins of Plasmodium vivax erythrocytic asexual stages containing alpha-helical coiled coil structural motifs were identified in silico, and the corresponding peptides were chemically synthesized. A total of 43 peptides were recognized by naturally acquired antibodies in plasma samples from both Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Colombian adult donors. In this study, the association between IgG antibodies to these peptides and clinical immunity was further explored by measuring total IgG antibody levels to 24 peptides in baseline samples from a longitudinal study of children aged 1-3 years (n = 164) followed for 16 months. Samples were reactive to all peptides tested. Eight peptides were recognized by >50% of individuals, whereas only one peptide had < 20% reactivity. Children infected at baseline were seropositive to 23/24 peptides. No significant association was observed between antibody titers and age or molecular force of infection, suggesting that antibody levels had already reached an equilibrium. There was a strong association between antibody levels to all peptides and protection against P. vivax clinical episodes during the 16 months follow-up. These results suggest that the selected coiled coil antigens might be good markers of both exposure and acquired immunity to P. vivax malaria, and further preclinical investigation should be performed to determine their potential as P. vivax vaccine antigens

    Immunoreactivity of Sera From Low to Moderate Malaria-Endemic Areas Against Plasmodium vivax rPvs48/45 Proteins Produced in Escherichia coli and Chinese Hamster Ovary Systems

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    International audienceP48/45 is a conserved gametocyte antigen involved in Plasmodium parasite fertilization. A recombinant Plasmodium vivax P48/45 ( Pvs 48/45) protein expressed in Escherichia coli ( E. coli ) was highly antigenic and immunogenic in experimental animals and elicited specific transmission-blocking (TB) antibodies in a previous pilot study. Here, a similar Pvs 48/45 gene was expressed in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and we compared its immunoreactivity with the E. coli product. Specific antibody titers were determined using plasma from Colombian individuals (n=227) living in endemic areas where both P. vivax and P. falciparum are prevalent and from Guatemala (n=54) where P. vivax is highly prevalent. In Colombia, plasma seroprevalence to CHO- rPvs 48/45 protein was 46.3%, while for E. coli - rPvs 48/45 protein was 36.1% ( p&lt; 0.001). In Guatemala, the sero prevalence was 24.1% and 14.8% ( p&lt; 0.001), respectively. Reactivity index (RI) against both proteins showed an age-dependent increase. IgG2 was the predominant subclass and the antibody avidity index evaluated by ELISA ranged between 4-6 mol/L. Ex vivo P. vivax mosquito direct membrane feeding assays (DMFA) performed in presence of study plasmas, displayed significant parasite transmission-blocking (TB), however, there was no direct correlation between antibody titers and oocysts transmission reduction activity (%TRA). Nevertheless, DMFA with CHO rPvs 48/45 affinity purified IgG showed a dose response; 90.2% TRA at 100 μg/mL and 71.8% inhibition at 10 μg/mL. In conclusion, the CHO-r Pvs 48/45 protein was more immunoreactive in most of the malaria endemic places studied, and CHO-r Pvs 48/45 specific IgG showed functional activity, supporting further testing of the protein vaccine potential

    Antigenicity and immunogenicity of a novel Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite derived synthetic vaccine construct.

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    BACKGROUND: The circumsporozoite (CS) protein is a major malaria sporozoite surface antigen currently being considered as vaccine candidate. Plasmodium vivax CS (PvCS) protein comprises a dimorphic central repeat fragment flanked by conserved regions that contain functional domains involved in parasite invasion of host cells. The protein amino (N-terminal) flank has a cleavage region (region I), essential for proteolytic processing prior to parasite invasion of liver cells. METHODS: We have developed a 131-mer long synthetic polypeptide (LSP) named PvNR1R2 that includes the N-terminal flank and the two natural repeat variant regions known as VK210 and VK247. We studied the natural immune response to this region in human sera from different malaria-endemic areas and its immunogenicity in mice. RESULTS: PvNR1R2 was more frequently recognized by sera from Papua New Guinea (PNG) (83%) than by samples from Colombia (24%) when tested by ELISA. The polypeptide formulated in Montanide ISA51 adjuvant elicited strong antibody responses in both C3H and CB6F1 mice strains. Antibodies from immunized mice as well as affinity-purified human IgG reacted with native protein by IFA test. Moreover, mouse immune sera induced strong (90%) in vitro inhibition of sporozoite invasion (ISI) of hepatoma cell lines. CONCLUSIONS: These results encourage further studies in non-human primates to confirm the elicitation of sporozoite invasion blocking antibodies, to assess cell mediated immune responses and the protective efficacy of this polypeptide