220 research outputs found

    Effect of long-term abandonment and spring grazing on floristic and functional composition of dry grasslands in a central Apennine farmland

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    Semi-natural dry grasslands host some of the most valuable habitats in Europe, due to their biodiversity heritage. Nevertheless, a strong decline in their extension, due to the cessation of traditional management, has been observed in the last decades. The aim of the study was to assess plant community changes due to abandonment and the effect of spring grazing in sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands, focusing on the plant functional traits involved in this turnover. The study area is located in the central Apennines (Italy), where grasslands were grazed by sheep in late winter and spring until 1980 and are nowadays abandoned. Relevés sampled (using the Braun-Blanquet method) in different years, namely in 1976–1980 (grazed pasture) and again in 2010 (abandoned pasture) were compared. Results indicated that abandonment leads to the increase of species richness. Traits and strategies indicator sets were: therophyte for the grazed pasture; geophytes, flower palatability, early flowering strategy, clonal ability and presence of storage organs for the abandoned ones. Traits related to low levels of stress (tolerance strategies) are heavily reduced in grazed systems, and thus the functional composition of plant community is mostly characterised by traits promoting avoidance strategies. In abandoned conditions a higher number of species can co-exist thanks to the micro-scale variation of soil features and niche diversification. The research findings also revealed grazing timing as a key factor for understanding changes of plant functional trait patterns and spring grazing as a threat for orchid species

    Effects of neuroendocrine obesity induction on systemic hemodynamics and left ventricular function of normotensive rats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of obesity induced by neonatal Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) administration upon body weight, tail blood pressure, systemic hemodynamics and left ventricular function of Wistar rats. Two groups of Wistar rats were prepared: a) 18 animals made obese through the administration of 2mg/Kg/SC of MSG during the first 11 days of the neonatal period and b)16 control animals (vehicle treated for the same period). Adults animals were followed from the 3rd up the 6th month of life with blood pressure and body weight being measured twice a week. At the end of this period, in part of animals from both groups, we evaluated the left ventricular function through the Langendorff isolated heart preparation whereas the remainders were used to evaluate the systemic hemodynamics through a termodilution method. Results: MSG animals showed significant increases in heart rate (WST = 235,0 ± 35,1; MSG = 312,0 ± 90,8 bpm), total peripheral resistance (WST = 0,312 ± 0,100; MSG = 0,535 ± 0,195 mmHg.ml-1.min) and in relative epididymal adipose tissue content (WST = 2,076 ± 0,622; MSG = 2,731 ± 0,722 g/100g) and a reduction of systolic volume (WST = 1,020 ± 0,364; MSG = 0,748 ± 0,455 ml/bat). An increase in mean arterial pressure was also detected in obese animals during the hemodynamic evaluation. The increases in HR and TPR and the reduction in SV suggest an augmentation in the sympathetic activation of those obese normotensive rats associated with an increased visceral fat deposition.O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito da obesidade induzida pela administração neonatal de glutamato monossódico (MSG) sobre o peso corporal, a pressão arterial de cauda, a hemodinâmica sistêmica e a função ventricular esquerda de ratos Wistar. Dois grupos de ratos Wistar foram preparados: a)18 animais foram tornados obesos por meio da administração de 2 mg/kg/SC de MSG durante os 11 primeiros dias do período neonatal e b)16 animais controles (que receberam o veículo do MSG pelo mesmo período). Animais adultos foram acompanhados dos três aos seis meses de vida e tiveram pressão arterial e peso corporal medidos duas vezes por semana. Ao final desse período, em parte dos animais dos dois grupos, avaliou-se a função ventricular por intermédio da preparação do coração isolado de Langerdorff, e os animais restantes foram usados para o estudo da hemodinâmica sistêmica por meio de um método de termodiluição. Resultados: Nos animais MSG houve aumento da gordura epididimal relativa (WST = 2,076 ± 0,622; MSG = 2,731 ± 0,722 g/100 g), aumento significante da freqüência cardíaca (WST = 235,0 ± 35,1; MSG = 312,0 ± 90,8 bpm), da resistência periférica total (WST = 0,312 ± 0,100; MSG = 0,535 ± 0,195 mmHg.ml-1.min), e diminuição do volume sistólico (WST = 1,020 ± 0,364; MSG = 0,748 ± 0,455 µl/bat). No estudo hemodinâmico, também detectou-se nos animais obesos aumento da pressão arterial média. Os aumentos da FC e da RPT e a diminuição do VS sugerem que houve aumento da atividade simpática nos ratos normotensos com obesidade associado ao aumento da deposição de gordura visceral.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Disciplina de Nefrologia Laboratório de Hipertensão Arterial ExperimentalUNIFESP, Disciplina de Nefrologia Laboratório de Hipertensão Arterial ExperimentalSciEL

    Agricultural productivity in past societies: toward an empirically informed model for testing cultural evolutionary hypotheses

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    Agricultural productivity, and its variation in space and time, plays a fundamental role in many theories of human social evolution. However, we often lack systematic information about the productivity of past agricultural systems on a scale large enough to test these theories properly. The effect of climate on crop yields has received a great deal of attention resulting in a range of empirical and process-based models, yet the focus has primarily been on current or future conditions. In this paper, we argue for a “bottom-up” approach that estimates potential productivity based on information about the agricultural practices and technologies used in past societies. Of key theoretical interest is using this information to estimate the carrying high quality historical and archaeological information about past societies in order to infer the temporal and geographic patterns of change in agricultural productivity and potential. We discuss information we need to collect about past agricultural techniques and practices, and introduce a new databank initiative that we have developed for collating the best available historical and archaeological evidence. A key benefit of our approach lies in making explicit the steps in the estimation of past productivities and carrying capacities, and in being able to assess the effects of different modelling assumptions. This is undoubtedly an ambitious task, yet promises to provide important insights into fundamental aspects of past societies, enabling us to test more rigorously key hypotheses about human socio-cultural evolution

    Contributo alla quantificazione della fitomassa epigea di alcuni pascoli dell’Appennino umbro-marchigiano (Italia centrale)

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    Il presente studio rappresenta un primo approccio alla descrizione, in termini quantitativi, della risorsa foraggera ovvero della produttività che caratterizza alcune tipologie di pascolo nell’Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano. Seppur ancora perfettibili i risultati ottenuti sono coerenti con l’ipotesi di base e cioè con la constatazione che la produttività aumenta passando dalle comunità xeriche a quelle semimesofile ed ai prati-pascolo. La produttività dipende infatti, da diverse variabili quali: disponibilità di risorse ambientali, intensità con cui le diverse componenti delle piante vengono consumate dagli erbivori (GRIME, 2001), composizione floristica del pascolo (le specie vegetali influenzano la fisionomia e la struttura architettonica del manto erboso e quindi la produzione), caratteristiche geomorfologiche, pedologiche e climatiche del sito di studio, ecc

    Use of Artificial Intelligence as an Innovative Method for Liver Graft Macrosteatosis Assessment

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    The worldwide implementation of a liver graft pool using marginal livers (ie, grafts with a high risk of technical complications and impaired function or with a risk of transmitting infection or malignancy to the recipient) has led to a growing interest in developing methods for accurate evaluation of graft quality. Liver steatosis is associated with a higher risk of primary nonfunction, early graft dysfunction, and poor graft survival rate. The present study aimed to analyze the value of artificial intelligence (AI) in the assessment of liver steatosis during procurement compared with liver biopsy evaluation. A total of 117 consecutive liver grafts from brain-dead donors were included and classified into 2 cohorts: ≥30 versus <30% hepatic steatosis. AI analysis required the presence of an intraoperative smartphone liver picture as well as a graft biopsy and donor data. First, a new algorithm arising from current visual recognition methods was developed, trained, and validated to obtain automatic liver graft segmentation from smartphone images. Second, a fully automated texture analysis and classification of the liver graft was performed by machine-learning algorithms. Automatic liver graft segmentation from smartphone images achieved an accuracy (Acc) of 98%, whereas the analysis of the liver graft features (cropped picture and donor data) showed an Acc of 89% in graft classification (≥30 versus <30%). This study demonstrates that AI has the potential to assess steatosis in a handy and noninvasive way to reliably identify potential nontransplantable liver grafts and to avoid improper graft utilization


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    Satellite remote sensing has gained a key role for vegetation mapping distribution. Given the availability of multi-temporal satellite data, seasonal variations in vegetation dynamics can be used trough time series analysis for vegetation distribution mapping. These types of data have a very high variability within them and are subjected by artifacts. Therefore, a pre-processing phase must be performed to properly detect outliers, for data smoothing process and to correctly interpolate the data. In this work, we compare four pre-processing approaches for functional analysis on 4-years of remotely sensed images, resulting in four time series datasets. The methodologies presented are the results of the combination of two outlier detection methods, namely tsclean and boxplot functions in R and two discrete data smoothing approaches (Generalized Additive Model ”GAM” on daily and aggregated data). The approaches proposed are: tsclean-GAM on aggregated data (M01), boxplot-GAM on aggregated data (M02), tsclean-GAM on daily data (M03), boxplot-GAM on daily data (M04). Our results prove that the approach which involves tsclean function and GAM applied to daily data (M03) is ameliorative to the logic of the procedure and leads to better model performance in terms of Overall Accuracy (OA) which is always among the highest when compared with the others obtained from the other three different approaches

    Outcomes and risk score for distal pancreatectomy with celiac axis resection (DP-CAR) : an international multicenter analysis

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    Background: Distal pancreatectomy with celiac axis resection (DP-CAR) is a treatment option for selected patients with pancreatic cancer involving the celiac axis. A recent multicenter European study reported a 90-day mortality rate of 16%, highlighting the importance of patient selection. The authors constructed a risk score to predict 90-day mortality and assessed oncologic outcomes. Methods: This multicenter retrospective cohort study investigated patients undergoing DP-CAR at 20 European centers from 12 countries (model design 2000-2016) and three very-high-volume international centers in the United States and Japan (model validation 2004-2017). The area under receiver operator curve (AUC) and calibration plots were used for validation of the 90-day mortality risk model. Secondary outcomes included resection margin status, adjuvant therapy, and survival. Results: For 191 DP-CAR patients, the 90-day mortality rate was 5.5% (95 confidence interval [CI], 2.2-11%) at 5 high-volume (1 DP-CAR/year) and 18% (95 CI, 9-30%) at 18 low-volume DP-CAR centers (P=0.015). A risk score with age, sex, body mass index (BMI), American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, multivisceral resection, open versus minimally invasive surgery, and low- versus high-volume center performed well in both the design and validation cohorts (AUC, 0.79 vs 0.74; P=0.642). For 174 patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, the R0 resection rate was 60%, neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies were applied for respectively 69% and 67% of the patients, and the median overall survival period was 19months (95 CI, 15-25months). Conclusions: When performed for selected patients at high-volume centers, DP-CAR is associated with acceptable 90-day mortality and overall survival. The authors propose a 90-day mortality risk score to improve patient selection and outcomes, with DP-CAR volume as the dominant predictor

    The Italian real-life post-stroke spasticity survey: Unmet needs in the management of spasticity with botulinum toxin type A

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    The present national survey seeking to identify unmet needs in the management of spasticity with botulinum toxin type A focused on the use of OnabotulinumoxinA, since this is the brand with the widest range of licensed indications in Italy. Physicians from twenty-four Italian neurorehabilitation units compiled a questionnaire about \u201creal-life\u201d post-stroke spasticity management. OnabotulinumtoxinA was reported to be used in the following average doses: upper limb 316.7 \ub1 79.1 units; lower limb 327.8 \ub1 152.3; upper and lower limb 543.7 \ub1 123.7 units. Of the physicians surveyed, 37.5% felt that increasing the frequency of OnabotulinumtoxinA injection would improve its efficacy; 70.8% use electrical stimulation/electromyography guidance (one fourth of injections with no instrumental guidance). Instrumental evaluation was used by 41.7% of the physicians. The participants expressed the view that early identification of post-stroke spasticity would be facilitated by the availability of a post-stroke checklist, and that this should be used by physiotherapists (91.7%), physiatrists (58.3%), family doctors (50%), stroke unit physicians (25%), patients and caregivers (79.2%). According to our findings, the management of poststroke spasticity has several unmet needs that, were they addressed, might improve these patients\u2019 clinical outcomes and quality of life. These needs concern patient follow-up, where a clearly defined pathway is lacking; furthermore, there is a need to use maximum doses per treatment and to ensure early intervention on post-stroke spasticity

    La Carta della vegetazione e degli elementi di paesaggio vegetale delle Marche (scala 1:50.000) per la progettazione e la gestione della rete ecologica regionale

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    A study regards 2 maps about actual vegetation and geosinphytosociological aspects of Marche Region territory is showed. This maps are carried out inside regional Ecological Network Project started by Biodiversity and Ecological Network Office at the end of 2003. Besides some possible applications are proposed

    The Italian National Register of infants with congenital hypothyroidism: twenty years of surveillance and study of congenital hypothyroidism

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    All the Italian Centres in charge of screening, diagnosis, and follow-up of infants with congenital hypothyroidism participate in the Italian National Registry of affected infants, which performs the nationwide surveillance of the disease. It was established in 1987 as a program of the Health Ministry and is coordinated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The early diagnosis performed by the nationwide newborn screening programme, the prompt treatment and the appropriate clinical management of the patients carried out by the Follow-up Centres, and the surveillance of the disease performed by the National Register of infants with congenital hypothyroidism are the components of an integrated approach to the disease which has been successfully established in our country