514 research outputs found

    Smart digital twin for ZDM-based job-shop scheduling

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    [EN] The growing digitization of manufacturing processes is revolutionizing the production job-shop by leading it toward the Smart Manufacturing (SM) paradigm. For a process to be smart, it is necessary to combine a given blend of data technologies, information and knowledge that enable it to perceive its environment and to autonomously perform actions that maximize its success possibilities in its assigned tasks. Of all the different ways leading to this transformation, both the generation of virtual replicas of processes and applying artificial intelligence (AI) techniques provide a wide range of possibilities whose exploration is today a far from negligible sources of opportunities to increase industrial companies¿ competitiveness. As a complex manufacturing process, production order scheduling in the job-shop is a necessary scenario to act by implementing these technologies. This research work considers an initial conceptual smart digital twin (SDT) framework for scheduling job-shop orders in a zero-defect manufacturing (ZDM) environment. The SDT virtually replicates the job-shop scheduling issue to simulate it and, based on the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methodology, trains a prescriber agent and a process monitor. This simulation and training setting will facilitate analyses, optimization, defect and failure avoidance and, in short, decision making, to improve job-shop scheduling.The research that led to these results received funding from the European Union H2020 Programme with grant agreement No. 825631 Zero-Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) and Grant agreement No. 958205 Industrial Data Services for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing (i4Q), and from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities with Grant Agreement RTI2018-101344-B-I00 "Optimisation of zero-defects production technologies enabling supply chains 4.0 (CADS4.0)"Serrano Ruiz, JC.; Mula, J.; Poler, R. (2021). Smart digital twin for ZDM-based job-shop scheduling. IEEE. 510-515. https://doi.org/10.1109/MetroInd4.0IoT51437.2021.948847351051

    Servicio al rey y diplomacia castellana: Don Juan Manuel de Villena (+ 1462)

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    The Castilian Diplomacy in the era of Henry IV (1454-1474) was driven by a small group of royal councellors and diplomats. Don Juan Manuel de Villena (+ 1462) was one of the most important ambassadors on that time, and he was in charge of dealing with the bilateral affairs between Castile and France. He was part of a very known aristocratic family in Castile, altough with less prestige and wealth than that achieved in the fourteenth century. He tried to recover the previous influence of his family by using his contacts in the world of diplomacy. He managed to obtain a fiefdom in Asturias and a confortable economic position. He maintained a special relationship with the french count Jean V d' Armagnac, a vassal at that time of the king of Castile. He achieved all these goals helped by his family contacts and political relations with the most important royal councellors of his time. His biography helps us to understand several diplomatic customs of the castilian royal court.La diplomatie castellane à l'époque de Henry IV (1454-1474) a eté dirigée par un groupe réduit de conseillers royaux et des diplomates. Don Juan Manuel de Villena (+1462) a eté un des plus important ambassadeurs à cette époque et il a eté chargé de negocier des affaires bilatérales entre la France et la Castille. Il appartenait à un des plus connus linages de la Castille mais sans le prestige et la richesse qu'il avait eu au XIVe siècle. Il a essayé de récupérer l'ancien pouvoir de sa famille en employamt ses relations dans le monde de la diplomatie. Il na obtenu une seigneurie dans les Asturies et une position économique de niveau moyen. Il a eu une spéciale relation avec le comte Jean V d' Armagnac, qui était a cette époque vassal du roi de Castille. Ses relations familières et politiques avec les conseillers royaux les plus célebres de son temps lui ont permis d'obtenir tous ces objetifs. Sa biographie nous aide a comprendre un peu mieux les usages diplomatiques de la monarchie castillane

    Vulnerability Assessment Enhancement for Middleware for Computing and Informatics

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    Security on Grid computing is often an afterthought. However assessing security of middleware systems is of the utmost importance because they manage critical resources owned by different organizations. To fulfill this objective we use First Principles Vulnerability Assessment (FPVA), an innovative analystic-centric (manual) methodology that goes beyond current automated vulnerability tools. FPVA involves several stages for characterizing the analyzed system and its components. Based on the evaluation of several middleware systems, we have found that there is a gap between the initial and the last stages of FPVA, which is filled with the security practitioner expertise. We claim that this expertise is likely to be systematically codified in order to be able to automatically indicate which, and why, components should be assessed. In this paper we introduce key elements of our approach: Vulnerability graphs, Vulnerability Graph Analyzer, and a Knowledge Base of security configurations

    Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del turista que realiza turismo comunitario en el poblado de Huilloc, Cusco, 2022

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    El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el nivel de relación entre la calidad de servicio y la satisfacción del turista que realiza turismo comunitario en el poblado de Huilloc, Cusco, 2022. Respecto a la metodología empleada para el presente estudio, tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básica y de nivel correlacional por la naturaleza del problema encontrado y formulado, así mismo su diseño fue no experimental y de corte transversal. Para determinar la muestra del presente estudio se empleó el muestreo probabilístico que estuvo conformado por 80 turistas extranjeros. De acuerdo a los resultados estadísticos descriptivos se pudo apreciar que el 66.30% del total de encuestados manifestaron haber recibido la calidad de servicio de un nivel alto, mientras que, un 33.80% la calificaron de un nivel medio. En cuanto a la satisfacción del turista, el 45.00% del total mencionaron haber percibido una satisfacción de un nivel alto, mientras que el 55.00% percibieron la satisfacción de un nivel medio. Por lo que, se determinó que existe un nivel de relación significativa de forma directa y moderada entre la calidad de servicio y satisfacción del turista que realiza turismo comunitario en el poblado de Huilloc, Cusco, 2022 con un coeficiente de correlación de Rho de Spearman = 0,348 y un p valor (Sig.) =0,002 < 0,05

    Factors that determine the prevalence of the coexistence of the violated woman with her aggressor. Chiclayo 2021.

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    Podemos darnos cuenta que en el Perú la violencia hacia la mujer se determina por muchos factores que determinan la prevalencia de la convivencia de mujer violentada con su agresor, haciendo que muchas de ellas sean afectadas en la parte física y psicoló

    Motivación académica y su relación con el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes de una universidad de Machala 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general identificar la relación entre la motivación académica y el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes de una universidad de Machala, 2022; la metodología que se utilizó en el estudio presente fue básico, de enfoque cuantitativo, por otra parte, el diseño fue no experimental – transversal y de alcance correlacional, la población se conformó por 88 estudiantes de una universidad de Machala; los instrumentos utilizados fueron en escala Likert para ambas variables. Se tuvo por resultado que, el nivel de motivación académica de los estudiantes es alto, según se evidencia de las respuestas del 83%; este nivel también se evidencia en lo relacionado a la motivación de valor y a la afectiva emocional, según se observa en el 84.1% y 81.8%; en la dimensión expectativa, la cifra con un nivel alto es un poco más baja, 62.5%. Si bien la motivación de los estudiantes investigados es bastante favorable, sin embargo, es importante señalar que en general hay un 19% que muestra una motivación media y baja; estos niveles se presentan sobre todo en la dimensión expectativa, donde hay un 37.5% con dichos niveles. Se concluye que, existe relación significativa (0.000) entre motivación y aprendizaje significativo en estudiantes universitarios con un coeficiente de Rho de Spearman = 675

    Thinning of the Monte Perdido Glacier in the Spanish Pyrenees since 1981

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper analyzes the evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier, the third largest glacier in the Pyrenees, from 1981 to the present. We assessed the evolution of the glacier's surface area by analysis of aerial photographs from 1981, 1999, and 2006, and changes in ice volume by geodetic methods with digital elevation models (DEMs) generated from topographic maps (1981 and 1999), airborne lidar (2010) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014) data. We interpreted the changes in the glacier based on climate data from nearby meteorological stations. The results indicate that the degradation of this glacier accelerated after 1999. The rate of ice surface loss was almost three times greater during 1999–2006 than during earlier periods. Moreover, the rate of glacier thinning was 1.85 times faster during 1999–2010 (rate of surface elevation change  = −8.98 ± 1.80 m, glacier-wide mass balance  = −0.73 ± 0.14 m w.e. yr−1) than during 1981–1999 (rate of surface elevation change  = −8.35 ± 2.12 m, glacier-wide mass balance  = −0.42 ± 0.10 m w.e. yr−1). From 2011 to 2014, ice thinning continued at a slower rate (rate of surface elevation change  = −1.93 ± 0.4 m yr−1, glacier-wide mass balance  = −0.58 ± 0.36 m w.e. yr−1). This deceleration in ice thinning compared to the previous 17 years can be attributed, at least in part, to two consecutive anomalously wet winters and cool summers (2012–2013 and 2013–2014), counteracted to some degree by the intense thinning that occurred during the dry and warm 2011–2012 period. However, local climatic changes observed during the study period do not seem sufficient to explain the acceleration of ice thinning of this glacier, because precipitation and air temperature did not exhibit statistically significant trends during the study period. Rather, the accelerated degradation of this glacier in recent years can be explained by a strong disequilibrium between the glacier and the current climate, and likely by other factors affecting the energy balance (e.g., increased albedo in spring) and feedback mechanisms (e.g., heat emitted from recently exposed bedrock and debris covered areas).Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - IBERNIEVE (project CGL2014-52599-P)Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (project 844/2013