18 research outputs found
Some notes of natural history and distribution of leptostylus gibbulosus bates, 1874 (coleoptera: cerambycidae)
Se registra a Sapindus saponaria como un nuevo hospedero de Leptostylus gibbulosus; aunque la distribución de éste se cita desde Texas a Venezuela, su presencia no se había registrado para el Estado de Oaxaca. Se describe brevemente su biología y se contrasta ésta con la de Bruchidae
Efecto insectistático de extractos etanólicos de clavo y pimienta en Trialeurodes vaporariorum West. (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
In the management the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, organosynthetic pesticides are commonly used, increasing the frequency and doses of application, thus generating resistance of the pest to pesticides and eliminating natural enemies. Then, this make necessary to search for alternatives that contribute to solve the whitefly problem without deteriorating the environment at must. Among several options, bioassays were established applying ethanol extracts of clove Syzygium aromaticum and pepper Pimenta dioica to the leaves of tomato plants where 2-day-old adults were released in a bioassay, and on another set of tomato plants oviposition was previously induced for 3 d. Mortality of adults and laid eggs, as well as hatched eggs were recorded. The 1.0% clove extracts caused 33.7 adult mortality, 72.9% oviposition inhibition with CIO50 of 0.19, and pepper extracts caused 32.5% adult mortality, 65.8% oviposition inhibition with CIO50´s of 0.46%, and both inhibited from 52.6 to 100% hatching with CIE50´s from 0.11 to 0.71% respectively, it being total when 1.0% pepper extract is applied to 2-day-old eggs. It is suggested that activity of the clove and pepper ethanol extracts is mainly insectistatic, although it can have an ovicide effect, it is a biorational input to be integrated into the ecological management of the greenhouse whitefly.En el manejo de la mosca blanca Trialeurodes vaporariorum generalmente se hace uso de plaguicidas organosintéticos, aumentando cada vez más la frecuencia y la dosis de aplicación, lo que provoca resistencia en la plaga a los plaguicidas y eliminación de enemigos naturales, por lo que es imprescindible la búsqueda de alternativas que contribuyan a resolver el problema, sin deterioro del ambiente. Entre las diversas opciones, en los bioensayos se aplicaron al follaje de tomate los extractos etanólicos de clavo Syzygium aromaticum y pimienta Pimenta dioica, en plantas donde previamente se liberaron adultos de 2 d y en otras plantas se indujo la oviposición por 3 d. En estos bioensayos se registró la mortalidad de adultos y huevos ovipositados, así como huevos eclosionados. Los extractos al 1.0% de clavo causan 33.7% de mortalidad de adultos, 72.9% de inhibición de oviposición con CIO50 de 0.19, y de pimienta causan 32.5% de mortalidad de adultos; 65.8% de inhibición de oviposición; con CIO50 0.46% y ambos extractos inhiben de 52.6 a 100% la eclosión de los huevos de mosca blanca con CIE50´s de 0.11 a 0.71% respectivamente, siendo total cuando se aplica el extracto de pimienta al 1.0% a huevos de 2 d de edad. La actividad de los extractos etanólicos de clavo y pimienta, principalmente insectistática; aunque puede llegar a tener efecto ovicida, es una aportación biorracional para integrarse al manejo ecológico de mosca blanca
Socio-agronomic characterization of agricultural farmers that survive in the community of San Diego, Texcoco
Objective: To characterize the producers who still grow food in the San Diego community through knowledge of their agricultural production systems.
Design/methodology/approach: Visits and field trips to the farmers' plots were made to obtain information that would allow the design of a questionnaire that would enable the agronomic and social classification of producers in San Diego. The questionnaire was applied to 26 of them, who narrate historical facts about their survival in food production.
Results: Most of the interviewed farmers are 55 years old on average, have a level of education equal to or higher than high school, have three economic dependents, use the yunta to till their soils, use hybrid seed, apply to their plots organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers for the growth of their crops, for the control of pests and diseases they use agrochemicals and the control of weeds is done manually and the water for the crops is supplied by gravity irrigation.
Limitations on study/implications: This research was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic, so only 26 farmers could be located, since most of them were at home.
Findings/conclusions: In the community of San Diego there are two types of farmers: those who carry out practices related to conventional agriculture and others who maintain traditional practices and combine them with conventional agriculture.Objective: to characterize farmers who still grow food in the San Diego community through knowledge of their agricultural production systems.
Design/ Methodology/ Approach: field visits and tours were carried out to the farmers' plots to obtain information that would allow the design of a questionnaire for the agronomic and social classification of farmers in San Diego. The questionnaire was applied to 26 of them; who narrated some historical facts about their survival in food production.
Results: most of the farmers interviewed are on average 55 years old, have a level of education equal to or higher than middle school, have three economic dependents, use the yoke for tilling their soils and hybrid seed. Likewise, they apply organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers to their plots for the growth of crops, for the control of pests and diseases they use agrochemicals; and the control of weeds is done manually, supplying water for the crops through gravity irrigation.
Study limitations/ Implications: this research was conducted during the CovID-19 pandemic. For this reason, only 26 farmers could be located. Most of them were at home.
Findings/ Conclusions: in the community of San Diego, two types of farmers can be identified, those who carry out practices related to conventional agriculture, and others who maintain traditional practices, but combine them with conventional agriculture
Actividad biológica de la raíz de senecio salignus contra zabrotes subfasciatus en frijol almacenado
El bruquido Zabrotes subfasciatus es la principal plaga del frijol almacenado en zonas calidas, y puede ocasionar dano total si no se controla. Se realizo una serie de experimentos en confinamiento y libre eleccion en condiciones controladas para conocer la actividad biologica del polvo de la raiz de chilca Senecio salignus en Z. subfasciatus, utilizando un diseno completamente al azar. El polvo al 0.01, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 y 1% o con tamanos 4 mm se mezclo con 100 g de frijol y se infesto con 20 gorgojos para determinar concentracion letal media (CL50), tiempo letal medio (TL50), susceptibilidad por sexo, tamano de particula y modo de accion del polvo. La CL50 (p.0.05) disminuyo a traves del tiempo del tratamiento (0.15 a 0.05% despues de 3 d, y la mortalidad fue mas rapida (p.0.05) conforme se incremento la concentracion (3.30 y 1.91 d al 0.05 y 0.07%). Los machos fueron mas susceptibles (p.0.05) que las hembras. La toxicidad de la raiz fue inversamente proporcional al tamano de la particula (p.0.05); a mayor tamano de particula, menor toxicidad. La raiz actuo por contacto y no tuvo efecto fumigante ni repelente
Repellency of adults of whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Heteroptera: Aleyrodidae) with clove and pipper.
The whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum, an economically important pest in vegetables, is managed with synthetic pesticides and has generated resistance with adverse effects on the environment. In the search for alternative management, adult repellence with raw extracts (methanol, ethanol, dichloromethano, and hexane) essential oils, and major compounds of clove and pepper was tested. For this, a treated tomato leaf was placed at concentrations of 1.0 to 0.000001 % within a 1 L beaker containing a 10 mL flask with water. Subsecuently, 20 adults of 2 d of age were introduced. After 3 to 72 h, the posed adults were quantified, and repellence was determined from the difference. The raw extracts, essential oils, and major compounds of clove and pepper repel from 32.5 to 90.2 % of the adult population in 3 to 72 h. The cloves and pepper EO have a better repellent effect than raw extracts and secondary compounds, since they manage to repel 46.2 % to 100 %. The clove EO at the concentration of 1.0 % achieves 100 % repellency at 48 and 72 h after application, while the pepper EO reaches 97.5 % at 72 h after application; in practice, ethanolic crude extract of both plants should be used at a concentration of 0.000001 % since they can repel 38.7 to 87.5 % of adults, from 3 to 72 h, and its repellent effect is maintained; also, it is easier to acquire, safer for the operator, distributor and consumer; and is considered a solvent for the extraction of secondary compounds in organic farming standards
Repelencia de adultos de mosca blanca Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Heteroptera: Aleyrodidae) con clavo y pimienta
The whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum, an economically important pest in vegetables, is managed with synthetic pesticides and has generated resistance with adverse effects on the environment. In the search for alternative management, adult repellence with raw extracts (methanol, ethanol, dichloromethano, and hexane) essential oils, and major compounds of clove and pepper was tested. For this, a treated tomato leaf was placed at concentrations of 1.0 to 0.000001 % within a 1 L beaker containing a 10 mL flask with water. Subsecuently, 20 adults of 2 d of age were introduced. After 3 to 72 h, the posed adults were quantified, and repellence was determined from the difference. The raw extracts, essential oils, and major compounds of clove and pepper repel from 32.5 to 90.2 % of the adult population in 3 to 72 h. The cloves and pepper EO have a better repellent effect than raw extracts and secondary compounds, since they manage to repel 46.2 % to 100 %. The clove EO at the concentration of 1.0 % achieves 100 % repellency at 48 and 72 h after application, while the pepper EO reaches 97.5 % at 72 h after application; in practice, ethanolic crude extract of both plants should be used at a concentration of 0.000001 % since they can repel 38.7 to 87.5 % of adults, from 3 to 72 h, and its repellent effect is maintained; also, it is easier to acquire, safer for the operator, distributor and consumer; and is considered a solvent for the extraction of secondary compounds in organic farming standards.En la mosca blanca Trialeurodes vaporariorum, plaga de importancia económica en hortalizas, su manejo con insecticidas sintéticos ha generado resistencia con efectos adversos para el ambiente. En la búsqueda de alternativas de manejo, se planteó esta investigación con el objetivo de cuantificar la repelencia de adultos con extractos crudos (metanol, etanol, diclorometano y hexano), aceites esenciales (AE) y compuestos mayoritarios de clavo y pimienta. En un vaso con 10 mL de agua, se colocó una hoja de tomate tratada a concentraciones de 1,0 a 0,000001 % y se introdujeron 20 adultos de 2 d de edad. Luego, de las 3 a las 72 h, se cuantificaron los adultos posados y por diferencia se determinó la repelencia. Los extractos crudos, AE y compuestos mayoritarios de clavo y pimienta repelieron entre 32,5 y 90,2 % la población de adultos de las 3 a las 72 h. Los AE de clavo y pimienta presentan mejor efecto repelente que los extractos crudos y compuestos secundarios, ya que lograron repeler de 46,2 a 100 %; el AE de clavo a la concentración de 1,0 % logró 100 % de repelencia a las 48 y 72 h y el AE de pimienta alcanza 97,5 % a las 72 h. En la práctica, se debe utilizar extracto crudo etanólico de ambas plantas a la concentración de 0,000001 % ya que logran repeler entre 38,7 y 87,5 % de adultos, de las 3 a las 72 h, y su efecto repelente persiste; además, es más fácil de conseguir, más seguro para el operador, distribuidor y consumidor; y está considerado en las normas de agricultura orgánica como solvente para la extracción de compuestos secundarios
Reducción del desarrollo de la roya anaranjada del café con mezcla de homeopáticos
La roya anaranjada (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Broome) esla principal enfermedad del cultivodelcafé, y ante la necesidaddedisminuirlas pérdidas que ocasiona, se han implementado alternativas ecológicas para su control y bajo este conceptoesta investigación tuvo como objetivo cuantificar el efecto de cuatro preparados homeopáticos y caldo bordelés al 0.5%en la severidad, infestaciónfoliary defoliacióncausadas por este hongo,el experimento se realizó en el Centro Regional de Oriente dela Universidad Autónoma Chapingo en Huatusco, Veracruz, México, de septiembre a noviembre de 2014, donde se asperjaron los homeopáticos cada semana durante 60 d, contando concuatro repeticiones/árboles por tratamiento en un diseño debloques completos al azar. El caldo bordelés al 0.5% se aplicó dos veces durante 60 d y a los árboles testigos no se les realizó ninguna aplicación. A los 60 d se registró la severidad en 10 hojas por árboly a los 30 y 60 d se cuantificóla infestación foliar y la defoliación. Los resultados mostraron que no se afectó la severidad a los 60 d ni la infestación foliar a los 30 d, el polifármaco de plantas(mezcla de 72preparados homeopáticos antiestresantes y de enfermedades, nutrientes, plagas y plantas deimportanciaagrícola)/212 Centesimal Hahnemanniana, disminuyó 49.75% la defoliación a los 30 d y la mezcla de homeopáticos redujo 26.65 y 45.06% la infestación foliar y defoliación a los 60 d. La mezcla de homeopáticos permite proteger ala plantamás que manejar o eliminar al patógeno,es una alternativa ecológica y orgánica para resolver la contingencia actual de la roya del café.Orange rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Broome) is the main disease of coffee cultivation, and given the need to reduce the losses it causes, ecological alternatives have been implemented for its control and under this concept this research aimed to quantify the effect of four homeopathic preparationsand 0.5% Bordeaux mixture in the severity, foliar infestation and defoliation caused by this fungus, the experiment was carried out in the East Regional Center of the Autonomous University Chapingo in Huatusco, Veracruz, Mexico, from September to Novemberof 2014, where the homeopathic plants were sprayed every week for 60 d, with four repetitions/trees per treatment in a randomized complete block design. The Bordeaux mixture at 0.5% was applied twice for 60 days and the control trees were not applied. At 60 d the severity was recorded in 10 leaves per tree and at 30 and 60 d the foliar infestation and defoliation were quantified. The results showed that the severity was not affected at 60 d or the foliar infestation at 30 d, the plant polypharm (mixture of72 anti-stress homeopathic preparations and diseases, nutrients, pests and plants of agricultural importance)/212 Centesimal Hahnemanniana, 49.75% decreased the defoliation at 30 d and the homoeopathic mixture reduced 26.65 and 45.06% foliar infestation and defoliation at 60 d. The homeopathic mixture allows to protect the plant rather than to manage or eliminate the pathogen, it is an ecological and organic alternative to solve the current contingency of coffee rust