85 research outputs found

    When learning Italian as a Second Language, tourism and technology go hand in hand

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    [EN] This paper aims to describe the development of CALL-ER, an application for mobile devices, produced within the CALL-ER project (Context-Aware Language Learning in Emilia Romagna). An ever-increasing availability of applications for language learning that meet the different learning needs of users, as well as the ubiquitous wireless communication, led applications for mobile devices to become gradually more context-aware. This means that language is acquired by users through the direct experience with the local context where they are. An example in this regard is represented by the CALL-ER mobile application, that supports mobility students through the incidental learning of Italian language and culture in the city of Forlì. We will begin this contribution with an outline of the theoretical underpinnings that supported the project and a presentation of the project itself. We will then present the first stage of the project, during which the application was developed before its first testing. At this point, an overall description of the application will be given. A special attention will be paid throughout this paper both to how language learning has been conceived through experiential tourism and to the multimodality of the contents.Cervini, C.; Zingaro, A. (2021). When learning Italian as a Second Language, tourism and technology go hand in hand. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 341-349. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12961OCS34134

    Au-delà de l’erreur : réflexions sur l’évaluation en langues et ses outils

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    En contexte scolaire, et plus largement dans celui de l’apprentissage formel, notre activité éducative d’enseignement/apprentissage est parsemée de différents moments d’évaluation, chacun ayant son importance, son rôle, son but : un positionnement, pour connaître le niveau de compétence en langues ou pour la création d’un groupe-classe dont les prérequis soient bien harmonisés ; un diagnostic, pour mieux connaître les points de force et de faiblesse des élèves ; une activité de contrôle continu, tout au long du parcours d’apprentissage, ou encore, une évaluation sommative, pour montrer qu’un certain niveau a été atteint ou qu’un certain examen a été réussi ou non. Cette distinction, qui a fait l’objet de plusieurs études sur l’activité évaluative (PUREN, 2003), met en évidence le rapport bidirectionnel que les deux piliers de la didactique – enseignement/apprentissage et évaluation – entretiennent. Ces études sont souvent accompagnées de remarques concernant les caractéristiques des tests1 et l’impact qu’ils ont sur la société et sur la vie des candidats. Il est évident que l’évaluation occupe un « espace » de plus en plus important dans les pratiques de classe et dans la vie professionnelle des enseignants. Ces derniers sont censés assumer un grand nombre de postures différentes : celle de concepteur et rédacteur des contenus (devoir qui comporte des connaissances techniques hautement spécialisées), celle de correcteur, et encore, d’évaluateur, qui note et qui décide du destin dans le domaine éducatif, des élèves. Un rôle de grande responsabilité, pour lequel parfois aucune formation spécifique n’est proposée, et qui demande donc de l’éclectisme et de la bonne volonté

    Sylvie Garnier, Fanny Rinck, Frédérique Sitri, Sarah De Voguë (dir.), Former à l’écrit universitaire, un terrain pour la linguistique ?, revue Linx

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    Cet ouvrage rassemble onze articles d’experts internationaux, précédés d’une introduction riche et éclairante, signée par les directeurs de l’ouvrage, sur les axes de recherche et pratique didactique qui tournent autour des littéracies universitaires. Afin d’approfondir le rôle et la contribution de la linguistique dans le domaine foisonnant des littéracies universitaires, celles-ci sont abordées sous leurs différentes facettes : au niveau macro, les auteurs s’interrogent sur le rapport entre..

    La formation des enseignants de langue en Italie : quels espaces pour l'innovation didactique ?

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    In questo articolo ci proponiamo di descrivere le prassi adottate in Italia per la formazione degli insegnanti di lingua e di analizzare in che modo queste possano favorire l\u2019innovazione glottodidattica. Dopo avere definito che cosa si intende con innovazione nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019apprendimento/insegnamento delle lingue, proseguiremo col delineare brevemente un panorama dell\u2019offerta formativa esistente relativa alla formazione iniziale e continua. Successivamente, focalizzeremo la nostra attenzione sul caso specifico delle formazioni all\u2019utilizzo didattico delle tecnologie e dei dispositivi ibridi, appoggiandoci in particolare sul progetto francese Innovalangues. Infine proporremo alcune piste di miglioramento per ottimizzare l\u2019offerta formativa e per promuovere strategie innovative nella glottodidattica

    La formation des enseignants de langue en Italie : quels espaces pour l'innovation didactique ?

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    Dans cet article, nous souhaitons faire le point sur la formation des enseignants de langue telle qu’elle se présente en Italie et voir dans quelle mesure celle-ci peut favoriser l’innovation dans les pratiques et les projets didactiques. Après avoir défini ce que l’on entend par innovation dans le domaine de l’Enseignement/Apprentissage des langues, nous procéderons à un état des lieux sur les caractéristiques actuelles de l’offre de formation visant les enseignants de langue. Nous nous pencherons ensuite sur les formations aux TICE et des dispositifs hybrides en nous appuyant particulièrement sur le projet français Innovalangues. Enfin, nous proposerons des pistes permettant d’optimiser l’offre de formation et d’impulser des stratégies pour l’innovation en didactique.This paper aims to give an overview of foreign language education for language trainers in Italy and look forward in seeing how it tries to enhance innovation in the language teaching domain as far as praxis and creation of new projects are concerned. We will first define the concept of innovation in the learning language domain and consider how teacher training can sustain it. Then, we will focus on the particular cases of ICT training and blended learning projects. We will take the French project Innovalangues as a model in order to see how it can provide relevant approaches. Finally, we will propose some paths to optimize the training of foreign language teachers as well as some strategies aiming to renew language learning

    From placement to diagnostic testing: Improving feedback to learners and other stakeholders in SELF (Système d’Evaluation en Langues à visée Formative)

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    Since 2012 an interdisciplinary and culturally heterogeneous team composed of more than 30 people has been engaged in the complex process of conceiving, designing and validating an online placement test with formative orientation called SELF (Système d’Evaluation en Langues à visée Formative), developed and already deployed in six different languages – Italian and English as pilots, followed by French, Mandarin, Japanese and Spanish. Its results are used to form groups and classes of similar ability, or to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses in three macro skills (listening, reading, limited writing). In this report, we describe the steps the multilingual team is currently taking to transform SELF into a diagnostic test that will fulfill its original formative purpose and provide students and other stakeholders with more precise information about their performance. This can be done in two ways, by using the data automatically recorded by the online administration platform more thoroughly and by enriching user feedback with clear and informative graphics. This will enhance the validity of our test, and help close the gap between testing and learning

    Tracciare la competenza linguistica in italiano L2: cosa ci rivela SELF in Comprensione Orale

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    This paper presents the results of a study on the Italian placement test SELF (Système d'Evaluation en Langues à visée Formative) conducted for the first time on a large sample of candidates who were tested at several university institutions in France. After a careful contextualization and presentation of the characteristics of the reference sample, we pay particular attention to the analysis of the listening comprehension tasks, the observation of the relationship between the construct and the psychometric values obtained. This analysis is conducted with a twofold purpose: on the one hand, to identify some common traits in the tasks that contribute most to the proper functioning of the test and the discrimination of candidates; and on the other hand, to question the reasons for the presence of unsatisfactory psychometric values in some tasks. The questions arising from this analysis make it possible to draw a few conclusions on the editorial quality, format, and on the focus of the items and provide some insights into orientations related to the formative and diagnostic SELF dimensions of the listening comprehension tasks

    Online creative tasks to enhance the intercultural value of a multilingual group of students of Italian L2

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    Learning a language on the PC seems sometimes to be in a dichotonomus relation with the main principles of the communicative approaches in foreign language learning. Puren observes that \u201cL\u2019approche communicative avait \ue9t\ue9 ainsi nomm\ue9e parce que l\u2019objectif social de r\ue9f\ue9rence de cette m\ue9thodologie \ue9tait de former les apprenants \ue0 communiquer en langue \ue9trang\ue8re (L2)\u201d (2009 : 155). The ongoing spread and development of ICT applications designed according to the social learning theories should guarantee, almost in theory, that linguistically and culturally distant people can easily get in touch and interact without any practical obstacles. This is proved by the rapid appearence of social network platforms such as LiveMocha and Busuu conceived as new learning environments for language learning through interaction and socialization, mainly among peer contributions. Therefore, if they easily bring students into contact, they don\u2019t seem to have solved the problem of high-quality training on productive and interactive abilities in self-learning. Oral and written production and interaction are still, despite the efforts, the most difficult abilities to train within the frame of foreign language self-learning. In this contribution we intend to describe the creative strategies embraced by the tutor to try to transform the strong linguistic and socio-cultural differences of foreign students of Italian into an advantage and a richness for the entire group. In a blended model that is strongly unbalanced on the \u201cdistance\u201d dimension, we have tried to transform the online and the lab activities into an experimental background where the teaching, linguistic and technological dimensions are profitably synergized. Indeed, if language learning resources seem to be more effective when they are specifically designed and targeted to a linguistically and culturally homogeneous group of students, on the other, the increasing multicultural and plurilingual society is more and more evidently the real context where students live and interact outside the classroom. It is a challenge to manage but it could also be profitable to understand and a mirror of the real society

    Lo Storytelling tra glottodidattica e letteratura: un'esperienza con 'A Christmas Carol' di Charles Dickens

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