206 research outputs found

    Estimación de la función de utilidad del consumidor ecuatoriano en el año 2012

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    This article generates three consumer utility functions at the national, urban and rural level based on a Cobb-Douglas type utility function and data from the National Survey of Income and Expenditures of Urban and Rural Households 2011-2012, each with twelve goods; exponents represent the proportion of the expenditure of each good regarding the total expense. Consumers in Ecuador spend half on food and non-alcoholic beverages, transport and other goods and services. Spending on food in urban and rural areas is 23 percent and 32 percent, respectively. The decile I allocate 60 percent of its income to satisfy these needs, while the decile X uses between 41 and 50 percent of its resources, depending on whether they inhabit urban or rural areas, respectively. The consumer utility functions can be used to analyze the effects of the application of public policies such as the establishment of controlled prices, subsidies or tax changes. Keywords: Preferences, consumer utility function, Cobb-Douglas function, consumption. URL: http://revistas.uta.edu.ec/erevista/index.php/bcoyu/article/view/658El presente artículo genera tres funciones de utilidad del consumidor ecuatoriano en los ámbitos nacional, urbano y rural con base en una función de utilidad tipo Cobb-Douglas y datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de Hogares Urbanos y Rurales 2011-2012, cada una con doce bienes cuyos exponentes representan la proporción del gasto de cada bien respecto al gasto total. Los consumidores del Ecuador destinan la mitad de gasto en alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas, transporte y otros bienes y servicios. El gasto destinado a los alimentos en las zonas urbanas y rurales es de 23 por ciento y 32 por ciento, respectivamente. El decil I destina el 60 por ciento de su ingreso a satisfacer estas necesidades, mientras que el decil X utiliza entre el 41 y el 50 por ciento de sus recursos, dependiendo de si habitan zonas urbanas o rurales, respectivamente. Las funciones de utilidad de los consumidores se pueden utilizar para analizar los efectos de la aplicación de políticas públicas como el establecimiento de precios controlados, subsidios o de cambios impositivos. Palabras clave: Preferencias, función de utilidad del consumidor, función Cobb-Douglas, consumo. URL: http://revistas.uta.edu.ec/erevista/index.php/bcoyu/article/view/65

    Medicinal Plant Extracts and Their Use As Wound Closure Inducing Agents

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    Skin insult and damage start a complex healing process that involves a myriad of coordinated reactions at both the cellular and molecular level occurring simultaneously. These processes can be divided into that of cell migration and tissue remodeling of the wound. In addition, it is well known that deep wounds that derive from surgical procedures need a multidisciplinary approach to have a successful wound healing process. Recently, there has been a renowned interest in the identification of active compounds derived from ornamental, edible, and wild plants being used in the cosmetic and skin product industry. Recent reports suggest that active components of several plants such as Propolis and Aloe vera could be used to induce the process of wound healing and tissue regeneration and reducing therefore the time to complete wound closure. Other plant species such as Achillea millefolium or Salvia officinalis have anti-inflammatory properties and promote cellular proliferation contributing to faster tissue regeneration. It has been described that Malva sylvestris influences the formation of fibrosis-free granulation tissue in the skin. Recent observations suggest that Casearia sylvestris induces the angiogenic process. These effects have been evaluated in cell lines, different animal models, and some in randomized clinical trials. In this review we summarize the evidence of plant extracts and their active components (when known) in the acceleration of the wound closure process and tissue repair


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    El objetivo de la presente investigación, es diagnosticar el grado de satisfacción del personal, además de distinguir los factores que pueden incidir en la baja productividad e insatisfacción laboral. Se tomó como indicador de áreas conflictivas de la empresa, los departamentos de producción, embarques, matanza, corte, procesados y calidad. Se compararon algunas teorías motivacionales, tales como la de Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg y el modelo situacional de Vroom, para la aplicación de estrategias de mejora. Se estudiaron algunos factores que intervienen en la estabilidad y empoderamiento del empleado; relación entre satisfacción y productividad; causas y consecuencias de la insatisfacción y se proponen estrategias para generar compromiso, elevar la motivación, conseguir un clima laboral saludable y aumentar la responsabilidad en el capital humano de la organización

    La innovación social como estrategia para los vendedores ambulantes de la comuna 1 del municipio de girardot

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    Descripción de resultados de caracterización sociodemográfica, Encuesta dirigida a vendedores ambulantes de la comuna 1 de girardot, Cálculo de la confiabilidadEn la comuna 1 del municipio de Girardot se existen dinámicas sociales y económicas relacionadas con la informalidad a cuenta de los vendedores ambulantes. En este sentido se ha propuesto el objetivo general de proponer estrategias de innovación social que impacten de manera directa a los vendedores ambulantes de la comuna 1 del municipio de Girardot. Desde el punto de vista metodológico se ha planteado una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo exploratorio, en donde se seleccionaron 170 vendedores ambulantes de una población total de 1250, muestra con un nivel de confianza de 95% y margen de error de 6,99. Para la recolección de información se utilizaron fuentes secundarias documentales y en cuanto a las fuentes primarias se aplicó dos encuestas cerradas, la primera dio cuenta sobre la descripción socio demográfica y económica, la segunda se enfocó en establecer necesidades en materia de innovación social, la cual arrojó una confiabilidad elevada (Alfa de Cronbach 0,920). Como resultado se obtuvo la propuesta de la creación de una asociación con inteligencia colaborativa que promueva la estrategia de innovación abierta bajo el modelo design thinking y marketing digital a través de espacios de capacitación con apoyo de los actores sociales; como el Estado, el tercer sector económico (ONG) y la academia, en alianza con la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, UNAD. Asimismo, se concluye la necesidad de vincular todos los actores sociales que hacen parte del proceso para ser garantes del desarrollo de la propuesta de innovación social abierta planteada como producto final. Palabras clave: Innovación social, desarrollo económico social, acción comunitaria, vendedores ambulantes.In commune 1 of the municipality of Girardot there are social and economic dynamics related to informality on behalf of street vendors. In this sense, the general objective is to propose social innovation strategies that directly impact street vendors in commune 1 of Girardot municipality. From a methodological point of view, an exploratory quantitative research approach has been proposed, in which 170 street vendors were selected from a total population of 1250, a sample with a 95% confidence level and a margin of error of 6.99. Secondary documentary sources were used for information collection, and two closed surveys were applied to the primary sources. The first provided a socio-demographic and economic description, while the second focused on establishing needs in terms of social innovation, which showed high reliability (Alfa de Cronbach 0.920). As a result, the proposal was obtained to create an association with collaborative intelligence that promotes the open innovation strategy under the design thinking and digital marketing model through training spaces with the support of social actors; such as the State, the third economic sector (NGOs) and the academia, in alliance with the National Open and Distance University, UNAD. Likewise, it is concluded that there is a need to link all the social actors that are part of the process in order to be guarantors of the development of the proposal of open social innovation proposed as a final product. Key words: Social innovation, social economic development, community action, street vendors

    Síndrome de agotamiento profesional en trabajadores de tratamiento de dos establecimientos penitenciarios de Lima

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    El Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional (SAP) ha sido considerado como una respuesta de las personas frente al estrés laboral crónico, presente especialmente en aquellas profesiones donde se busca ofrecer un servicio o ayuda a un tercero. Frente a ello, consideramos que los profesionales que trabajan dentro de un contexto penitenciario pueden ser vulnerables a mostrar síntomas del SAP. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la prevalencia y manifestación del SAP en los trabajadores del área de tratamiento de dos Establecimientos Penitenciarios de Lima. Para ello, se aplicó el Maslach Burnout Inventory, adaptado al ámbito penitenciario, y se realizaron grupos focales para profundizar en las características de los contextos laborales. Los resultados señalan que 11.9% de los participantes presentó el SAP al momento de la aplicación, 11.9% de los participantes está en tendencia a desarrollarlo, el 42.9% se encuentra en riesgo y el 33.3% no se encuentra en riesgo.Professional Burnout Syndrome is a possible response of individuals to chronic job stress, present especially in those professions which seek to provide service or support to a third party. In that sense, professionals who work in prison settings may be vulnerable to show signs of burnout syndrome. This article presents the results of a research that have the aim to identify the prevalence and manifestation of burnout syndrome in the treatment staff of two prisons in Lima. For this, we used the Maslach Burnout Inventory -adapted to the prison environment-, and focus groups. The results show that 11.9% of participants presented the SAP at the time of application, 11.9% of participants is trending develop, 33.3% are at risk and 33.9% are not at risk

    Microleakage in indirect onlay restorations cemented with three different types of adhesives: an in vitro study

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    To evaluate the in vitro degree of marginal microleakage in indirect Class II onlay restorations cemented with dual self-adhesive, universal adhesive and dual adhesive.In the present in vitro experimental study, a total of 54 human premolar teeth were prepared and divided into three equal groups (n = 18) for placement of onlay-type restorations cemented with A: Allcem™ dual-cure adhesive cement), B: RelyX™U200 dual-cure self-adhesive cement and C: RelyX™ Ultimate universal adhesive cement. All restorations were subjected to 10,000 thermocycles between 5°C and 55°C and immersed in a 1M silver nitrate solution for 6 hours. The crowns were then sectioned mesiodistally and observed under a stereo microscope to determine the degree of marginal microleakage in the cervical area.The onlay restorations cemented with RelyX Ultimate did not present microleakage in the majority of cases (77.8%). Restorations cemented with RelyX U200 showed predominantly microleakage up to the pulp floor in 83.3% of the total, being this significantly higher microleakage than in restorations cemented with RelyX Ultimate and Allcem Dual (p<0.001 and p<0.001 respectively). There was no significant difference in microleakage between the last two mentioned cements (p=0.255) Allcem dual adhesive cement and RelyX Ultimate universal adhesive showed significantly less microleakage than RelyX U200 dual-curing self-adhesive cement at the cervical level, with predominantly no microleakage and microleakage down to the enamel, respectively. The use of RelyX Ultimate cement in indirect restorations is recommended as it showed better marginal adaptation

    Effect of Additional Dry Heat Curing on Microflexural Strength in Three Types of Resin Composite: An In Vitro Study

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    Aim: Additional dry heat curing is a method that favorably influences the mechanical properties of an indirect resin composite restoration. Microflexural strength is a property currently applied for the evaluation of indirect resin composite restorations. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of additional dry heat curing on microflexural strength in three types of direct-use resin composites. Materials and Methods: This in vitro study consisted of 70 resin composites samples made with a 6 × 2 × 1 mm metal matrix and divided into seven experimental groups, which included Gr1a: Tetric N-Ceram without additional dry heat curing (n = 10); Gr1b: Tetric N-Ceram with additional dry heat curing (n = 10); Gr 2a: Filtek Z350 XT without additional dry heat curing (n = 10); Gr2b: Filtek Z350 XT with additional dry heat curing (n = 10); Gr3a: Filtek Z250 without additional dry heat curing (n = 10); Gr3b: Filtek Z250 with additional dry heat curing (n = 10); and Gr4: SR Nexco Paste (control) without additional dry heat curing (n = 10). The samples were stored in distilled water at 37 °C for 24 h. A universal testing machine with a 2000 N load cell at a speed of 1 mm/min was used to assess flexural strength. The data were analyzed with a parametric ANOVA test with Tukey’s post hoc intergroup factor (for groups without heat treatment) and a nonparametric Kruskall Wallis test with Bonferroni’s post hoc (for groups with heat treatment). In addition, the comparison of independent groups in each resin composite type with and without heat treatment was performed with a Mann Whitney U test. A significance level of p < 0.05 was considered. Results: The Filtek Z250 resin composite with and without additional dry heat curing presented the highest microflexural strength values with 137.27 ± 24.43 MPa and 121.32 ± 9.74 MPa, respectively, while the SR Nexco Paste (control) resin composite presented the lowest microflexural strength values with 86.06 ± 14.34 MPa compared to all the resin composites with additional dry heat curing. The Filtek Z250 and Filtek Z350XT resin composites with and without additional dry heat curing presented significantly higher microflexural strength versus the SR Nexco (p < 0.05) and Tetric N-Ceram (p < 0.05) resin composites. In addition, the Filtek Z350XT and Tetric N-Ceram resin composites with additional dry heat curing showed significantly higher microflexural strength (p < 0.05) compared to those without additional dry heat curing. Conclusions: The Filtek Z250 and Z350XT resin composites had significantly higher microflexural strength values with and without additional dry heat curing. In addition, the Filtek Z350XT and Tetric N-Ceram resin composites subjected to additional dry heat curing showed significantly higher microflexural strength compared to when they did not receive the same procedure, a situation that did not occur with the Filtek Z250 resin composite.Revisión por pare

    Intervención educativa sobre cuidado espiritual para estudiantes de licenciatura en enfermería y obstetricia

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    For nursing students, training in spiritual care is essential to identify and satisfy their own spiritual needs and those of the people they will care for; the spiritual dimension is inherent to the human being, and to address it requires knowledge that leads to reflection and interest in care from an integral perspective.Para los estudiantes de enfermería es indispensable la formación en el cuidado espiritual para identificar y satisfacer las propias necesidades espirituales y las de las personas que cuidarán, la dimensión espiritual es inherente al ser humano, para abordarla se requieren conocimientos que lleven a la reflexión e interés en la atención desde una perspectiva integral

    "In Vitro Color Stability Evaluation of Three Polished and Unpolished Nanohybrid Resin Composites Immersed in a 0.12% Chlorhexidine-Based Mouthwash at Different Times"

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    "The use of chlorhexidine-based mouthwashes on resin composites with rough surfaces can cause discoloration which compromises the esthetic of patients. The present study aimed to evaluate the in vitro color stability of Forma (Ultradent Products, Inc., South Jordan), Tetric N-Ceram (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) and Filtek Z350XT (3M, ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) resin composites, with and without polishing, after being immersed in a 0.12% chlorhexidine (CHX)-based mouthwash at different times. The present in vitro experimental and longitudinal study used 96 nanohybrid resin composite blocks (Forma, Tetric N-Ceram and Filtek Z350XT) 8 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick, evenly distributed. Each resin composite group was divided into two subgroups (n = 16) with and without polishing and then immersed in a 0.12% CHX-based mouthwash for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Color measurements were performed with a calibrated digital spectrophotometer. Nonparametric tests were used to compare independent (Mann–Whitney U and Kruskal–Wallis) and related (Friedman) measures. In addition, the Bonferroni post hoc correction was used considering a significance level of p < 0.05. All polished and unpolished resin composites presented color variation < 3.3 when immersed for up to 14 days in 0.12% CHX-based mouthwash. The polished resin composite with the lowest color variation (∆E) values over time was Forma, and the one with the highest values was Tetric N-Ceram. When comparing the color variation (∆E) over time, it was observed that the three resin composites, with and without polishing, presented a significant change (p < 0.001), although these changes in color variation (∆E) were evident from 14 days between each color acquisition (p < 0.05). The unpolished Forma and Filtek Z350XT resin composites showed significantly more color variation than the same polished ones at all times when immersed in a 0.12% CHX-based mouthwash for 30 s daily. In addition, every 14 days, all three resin composites with and without polishing showed a significant color change, while, every 7 days, color stability was maintained. All the resin composites showed clinically acceptable color stability when exposed for up to 14 days to the above-mentioned mouthwash.

    Efectividad de la suspensión bacteriana sublingual en la prevención de infecciones de vías aéreas de repetición en pediatría

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    Antecedentes: Las infecciones de vías aéreas superiores (IVASR) son muy frecuentes en la población pediátrica. La mayoría de estas infecciones son leves, pero por la cronicidad afectan la calidad de vida (CdV), además de elevados costos por la atención médica. El uso de extractos bacterianos (EB) que estimulen la inmunidad general pueden reducir su frecuencia y mejorar la CdV del paciente. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de un EB en la prevención de IVASR en niños de 1 a 6 años. Métodos: Se aleatorizaron niños entre 1 y 6 años, con diagnóstico IVASR en 3 grupos distintos, seguimiento médico a las 6 y 12 semanas tras el inicio. El EB se administró con dosis distintas a cada grupo. Se utiliza una prueba de ANOVA con un post hoc Tukey para comparaciones múltiples (error tipo I máximo de 0.05). Resultados: Se incluyeron 33 niños (12 niñas) con una media de edad de 3.11 años. La frecuencia de IVASR previo al tratamiento en promedio fue de 2.2 eventos/mes y de 0.9 y de 0.4 eventos/mes a las 6 y 12 semanas respectivamente. La IVARS se redujeron un 76.9% a los 3 meses de tratamiento. (Gráfica). No se reportaron efectos adversos. Conclusiones: El EB es seguro y efectivo en disminuir la frecuencia de IVASR en niños en concordancia con la literatura. No hay suficiente evidencia científica publicada pero el EB parece tener aplicación en la prevención y tratamiento de las IVASR. La administración sublingual es cómoda en este grupo etario 