54 research outputs found

    Sustainable Diets as Tools to Harmonize the Health of Individuals, Communities and the Planet: A Systematic Review

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    Background. Climate change and global health are inextricably linked. Thus, health systems and their professionals must adapt and evolve without losing quality of care. Aim(s). To identify health and environmental co-benefits derived from a sustainable diet and promotion strategies that favor its implementation. Methods. A systematic search for articles published on sustainable diets and human/planetary health published between 2013 and 2020 was conducted on the databases PubMed, Cinahl, Scopus and Trip from 4 to 7 May 2020 in accordance with the PRISMA guideline. Results. A total of 201 articles was retrieved, but only 21 were included. A calorie-balanced diet mainly based on food of plant origin that would allow the attainment of 60% of daily caloric requirements and a low protein intake from animal foods (focusing in fish and poultry) could significantly reduce global morbi-mortality and the dietary environmental impact maintaining a framework of sustainability conditioned by the consumption of fresh, seasonal, locally produced and minimally packaged products. Discussion. The implementation of sustainable diets requires working on the triangulation of concepts of food–health–environment from schools and that is permanently reinforced during all stages of the life by healthcare workers, who should establish the appropriate modifications according to the age, gender and health situation

    Histología de embriones de Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Ex Mart. (mbokaja) = Histology of embryos of Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Ex Mart. (mbokaja)

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    El estudio histológico de embriones de mbokaja permitió la diferenciación de la distribución irregular y el tamaño heterogéneo de las células que componen los tejidos del embrión, la identificación de las células empalizadas bien diferenciadas con núcleos bien visibles en los embriones.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Morfoanatomía de embriones de Acrocomia culeata (Jacq.) Ex Mart. (MBOJAYA) Acrcomoa aculeata (Jacq.) Ex Mart. (MBOCAJA)

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    En el Paraguay se estima que existen más de 60 millones de plantas de mbokaja en cultivos naturales. Esta planta es la única oleaginosa que da dos tipos de aceite: el aceite de pulpa y el aceite de almendra.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Incised valleys on the Algarve inner shelf, northern Gulf of Cadiz margin: stratigraphic architecture and controlling factors in a low fluvial supply setting

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    A network of cross-shelf paleovalleys has been recognized over the paleo-inner shelf off the Gila & SIM;o-Almargem Estuary, a small fluvial drainage system that presently receives minor sediment supply in the eastern Algarve shelf, northern margin of the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula). This study is aimed at determining the driving controls that triggered substantially different paleohydrological conditions and sedimentary dynamics of ancient fluvial systems in this margin. We focus on evidences of secondary controls on valley genesis and evolution, superimposed to primary glacio-eustatic control such as antecedent geology, low fluvial supply and changing hydrodynamic regimes. The architecture and spatial distribution of these paleovalleys were interpreted based on a grid of seismic profiles with different resolutions. Likewise, a sediment core obtained in a distal position of the paleovalley system provided information about sedimentary processes during the most recent stage of valley infilling. The chronostratigraphic framework was constructed based on regional seismic horizons defined in previous studies and complemented with two AMS 14C dates obtained from bivalve shells.The inner shelf paleovalley system is composed of several incised valley features which exhibit a remarkable similar internal architecture. These inner valley features exhibit two major incision phases (from oldest to youngest; IP 2 and IP 1) that are thought to constitute a simple paleovalley system formed during the last glacial cycle. The origins of the incision are considered to be different. The older one is related to fluvial incision during the sea-level fall leading into the Last Glacial Maximum, whereas the recent one is interpreted as the result of tidal scour during the postglacial transgression. Their corresponding infillings are interpreted, respectively, as estuarine bay-fill deposits and estuary-mouth sands. Overlying the paleovalley infilling, a distinctive reflective unit is in agreement with the generation of coastal barriers and related depositional systems.The formation of the paleo-inner-shelf paleovalley system was strongly conditioned by antecedent geology, which strongly limited the generation of wide incised valleys and determined the amount of incision landward of a well-defined break of slope. Its postglacial infilling was mainly estuarine in nature, likely involving the development of a dendritic system, with numerous barriers interrupted by tidal inlets and channels in a mixed estuarine system with low fluvial supply.Research projects CGL2011-30302-C02-02 and PID2021-125489OB-I00, supported by Spanish Ministries of Economy and Competitiveness and Science and Innovation. LA/P/0069/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neurofibromatosis type 1 associated to cognition deficit, hydrocephaly, bone dysplasia and elephantiasis

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    Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 31 años, procedente de Cajamarca, con problemas cognitivos desde su escolaridad temprana, que desde los 12 años desarrolló incremento progresivo de volumen y deformación de su miembro inferior derecho y en menor cuantía del izquierdo, asociado a plegamiento de piel, crecimiento de nódulos subcutáneos, con formación de cordones nerviosos en muslo y pierna que le daban un aspecto elefantiásico. Dolor y limitación funcional para la marcha. Concomitantemente, presencia en piel de manchas café con leche generalizadas y nódulos de Lisch en ambos iris. En la resonancia magnética y TAC con contraste, se evidenciaron abundantes nódulos plexiformes en cavidad abdominopélvica, que continuaban por todo el muslo, de tamaño uniforme, formando tumoraciones y cordones. Asimismo, presentó displasia ósea (adelgazamiento de la cortical del fémur y tibia, formación de neocótilo izquierdo, pseudoartrosis). La resonancia cerebral con contraste descubrió una hidrocefalia triventricular, normotensa.We report the case of a 31 year-old male from Cajamarca, Peru, with cognitive problems since childhood, who at 12 year-old developed increased volume and deformation of his right lower limb and to a lesser extent of his left, associated to massive skin folding, growth of subcutaneous nodules, elephantine look due to nerve cords formation in thigh and leg, pain and functional walking limitation. Concomitantly generalized skin café au lait spots, subcutaneous nodules, and Lisch nodules in both irides. Magnetic resonance and contrast TAC revealed abundant uniform plexiform nodules in abdomino-pelvic cavity forming masses and cords that continued throughout his thigh as lumps and cords. In addition, the patient presented bone dysplasia (thinning of femur and tibia cortex, pseudoarthrosis, new left cotyle formation). Contrast magnetic resonance showed triventricular normotensive hydrocephalus

    Capacidad del test de cribado “LINGUADEM” para diferenciar entre controles sanos, pacientes con deterioro cognitivo leve y pacientes con la enfermedad Alzheimer. Sujetos bilíngües catalán-castellano

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    Objetivos: La enfermad de Alzheimer (EA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que en sus fases iniciales no solo afecta a la memoria, sino también al lenguaje. Este es un estudio piloto cuyo objetivo es determinar la capacidad discriminativa de una nueva herramienta de cribado basada en tareas lexicosemánticas y de memoria episódica, aplicada a sujetos bilingües. Material y métodos: Sujetos: 50 sujetos bilingües divididos en tres grupos (20 controles sanos, 15 pacientes con DCL y 15 pacientes con EA inicial). Material: LINGUADEM: adaptación del test de Cuetos y colaboradores en catalán y castellano. Consta de 14 tareas en cada lengua. Incluye tareas de recuerdo inmediato y diferido (lista de palabras y texto), denominación y fluencias verbales. Estadística: análisis discriminante mediante el método de inclusión por pasos. Resultados: Los resultados muestran una buena capacidad discriminativa de Linguadem, El porcentaje de sujetos correctamente clasificados es superior al 87% tanto en la versión en castellano como en la versión en catalán. Conclusión: Ambas versiones del test permiten diferenciar los tres grupos de estudio. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que las tareas lexicosemánticas, junto con las tareas de memoria episódica, pueden ser de utilidad a la hora de identificar aquellos pacientes con riesgo de progresión a EA. Se plantea como perspectiva de futuro la discriminación automática, mediante herramientas cuantitativas que integren a LINGUADEM en su sistemaPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effect of thermal processing on the profile of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of fermented orange juice

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    Previously, we reported that alcoholic fermentation enhanced flavanones and carotenoids content of orange juice. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of pasteurization on the qualitative and quantitative profile of bioactive compounds and the antioxidant capacity of fermented orange juice. Ascorbic acid (203 mg/L), total flavanones (647 mg/L), total carotenoids (7.07 mg/L) and provitamin A (90.06 RAEs/L) values of pasteurized orange beverage were lower than those of fermented juice. Total phenolic remained unchanged (585 mg/L) and was similar to that of original juice. The flavanones naringenin-7-O-glucoside, naringenin-7-O-rutinoside, hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside, hesperetin-7-O-glucoside and isosakuranetin-7-O-rutinoside, and the carotenoids karpoxanthin and isomer, neochrome, lutein, ζ-carotene, zeaxanthin, mutatoxanthin epimers, β-cryptoxanthin and auroxanthin epimers were the major compounds. Pasteurization produced a decrease in antioxidant capacity of fermented juice. However, TEAC (5.45 mM) and ORAC (6353 μM) values of orange beverage were similar to those of original orange juice. The novel orange beverage could be a valuable source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant capacity and exert potential beneficial effects.We are grateful for the support of Junta de Andalucía (Projects P09-AGR4814M, P08-AGR-03477 and Grupo PAI BIO311), and of National Funding Agencies (Projects AGL2010-14850/ALI, AGL2011-23690, CSD007-0063 and CSIC 201170E041). We are also grateful to Fundación Séneca - CARM “Group of Excellence in Research” 04486/GERM/06. The research project grant of B.E.-L. is supported by Junta de Andalucía. A.G.-I., F.F. and S.M. are members of the CORNUCOPIA Network 112RT0460 and D.H.-M. of the IBERCAROT Network 112RT0445 financed by CYTED. We are also grateful to Grupo Hespérides Biotech S.L. for providing the samples.Peer Reviewe

    Sunitinib and Evofosfamide (TH-302) in Systemic Treatment-Naïve Patients with Grade 1/2 Metastatic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: The GETNE-1408 Trial

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    [Background] Sunitinib (SUN)-induced hypoxia within the tumor could promote the activation of the prodrug evofosfamide (EVO), locally releasing the cytotoxic DNA alkylator bromo-isophosphoramide mustard. SUNEVO, a phase II, open-label, single-arm trial, investigated the potential synergy of SUN plus EVO in advanced progressive pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (panNETs).[Methods] Systemic treatment-naïve patients with advanced or metastatic, unresectable, grade 1/2 panNETs with a Ki67 ≤20%, received EVO 340 mg/m2 on days 8, 15, and 22 every 4 weeks and sunitinib 37.5 mg/day continuously. The primary endpoint was objective response rate, measured every 8 weeks by RECIST version 1.1.[Results] From 2015 to 2018, 17 patients were enrolled. The median age was 62.4 years, 47% had a Ki67 >10%, and 70.6% had liver metastasis. Patients received a median of five and four cycles of SUN and EVO, respectively. After a median follow-up of 15.7 months, 17.6% of patients achieved a complete (n = 1) or partial response (n = 2), and 11 patients had stable disease (64.7%). The median progression-free survival was 10.4 months (95% confidence interval, 2.6–18.0). Treatment-related adverse events (grade ≥3) were observed in 64.7% of the patients, the most frequent being neutropenia (35.3%), fatigue (17.6%), and thrombopenia (11.8%). Treatment discontinuation due to toxicity was reported in 88.2% of the patients. No correlation was found between treatment response and DAXX, ATRX, MEN1, SETD2, and PTEN gene mutations.[Conclusion] SUN plus EVO had a negative toxicity profile that should be taken into account for further clinical research in advanced panNETs. The combination showed moderate activity in terms of treatment response that did not correlate with somatic mutations. (Clinical trial identification number: NCT02402062)[Implications for Practice] Addition of hypoxia-activated prodrugs has been proposed as a potential mechanism to overcome tumor resistance to antiangiogenic agents. Sunitinib and evofosfamide, which were widely proposed as a potential synergistic option, showed modest efficacy in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (panNETs), reaching a median objective response rate of 17.6% and median progression-free survival of 10.4 months. Treatment response does not correlate with the biomarkers analyzed. The high systemic toxicity, with 88.2% of patients discontinuing the treatment, makes this therapeutic approach unfeasible and encourages future research to overcome panNETs' resistance to antiangiogenic agents with other therapies with a safer profile.This trial was sponsored by Grupo Español de Tumores Neuroendocrinos y Endocrinos (GETNE).Peer reviewe

    The Influence of Infection and Colonization on Outcomes in Inpatients With COVID-19 : Are We Forgetting Something?

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    The COVID-19 epidemic has been a great challenge to health systems and especially hospitals. A prospective observational epidemiological study was planned as of February 26, 2020 in a tertiary hospital in the Valencia region. The total number of patients followed up with complete information during the first year was 2,448. Among other variables, the comorbidities of the patients were collected (and grouped in the Charson index), the stay in the intensive care unit (ICU), the co-infections, and the colonizations. Data on nosocomial infections due to said virus were also collected. The median days from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis were 4 + 4.6, while an additional 4.4 days had to pass for the patients to be admitted to the ICU. The factors associated with a higher risk of death were those with coinfection, especially with Candida auris [odds ratio (OR): 4.6], a situation that also occurred in the ICU (OR: 3.18). Charlson Index comorbidity and C. auris colonization were also very important both in general hospitalization and in the ICU

    Origin and driving mechanisms of marine litter in the shelf-incised Motril, Carchuna, and Calahonda canyons (northern Alboran Sea)

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    Introduction and methodsMarine litter density, distribution and potential sources, and the impact on canyon seafloor habitats were investigated in the Motril, Carchuna and Calahonda canyons, located along the northern margin of the Alboran Sea. During the ALSSOMAR-S2S oceanographic survey carried out in 2019, canyon floor imagery was collected by a Remotely Operated Vehicle along 5 km in the Motril Canyon, 10 km in the Carchuna Canyon, and 3 km in Calahonda Canyon, together with 41 surficial sediment samples. Additionally, coastal uses, maritime traffic and fishing activity data were analyzed. A 50 m resolution multibeam bathymetry served as base map. ResultsIn the Motril and Calahonda canyons, the density of marine litter was low and the material was dispersed, very degraded and partially buried. In contrast, the Carchuna Canyon contained a greater amount and variety of litter. The Carchuna Canyon thalweg exhibited a density of marine litter up to 8.66 items center dot 100 m(-1), and litter hotspots with a density of up to 42 items center dot m(2) are found along the upper reaches of the canyon thalweg. DiscussionLow litter abundances found in the studied canyons most likely reflect low population densities and the absence of direct connections with streams in the nearby coasts. The high shelf incision of the Carchuna Canyon and its proximity to the coastline favor littoral sediment remobilization and capture as well as the formation of gravity flows that transport the marine litter along the thalweg toward the distal termination of the channel. Litter hotspots are favored by the canyon morphology and the occurrence of rocky outcrops. Most debris is of coastal origin and related to beach occupation and agricultural practices in the adjacent coastal plain. A third origin was represented by fishing gear in the study area. Fishing activity may be producing an impact through physical damage to the skeletons of the colonial scleractinians located in the walls of the Carchuna Canyon. In contrast, the Motril and Calahonda canyons can be considered passive systems that have mainly acted as depositional sinks in the recent past, as evidenced by buried marine litter.18-ESMARES2-CIRCA project of the Instituto Español de Oceanografıa; DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0009info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio