35 research outputs found

    Local people standings on existing farm animal welfare legislation in the BRIC countries and the USA. Comparison with Western European legislation

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    This study explored the demand for improved farm animal welfare (FAW) legislation in the BRIC countries and the USA. Results are discussed in comparison to Europe. Interviewees ranked their willingness to support or oppose introduction of more FAW-friendly laws in their country. A multinomial logistic regression was fit to the data (p < 0.001), with the parameters ?country ? gender? (p < 0.001) and ?country ? age? (p < 0.001) found significant. Americans, Russian women, and older Brazilian men are very supportive. The age effect is also felt in India, where older people are more supportive. Chinese, American men, and younger Indians are less supportive. Russian males are the group that oppose the most, followed by younger Brazilians and Indians. The law and its application vary a lot between countries. Nevertheless, the societal willingness to improve FAW legislation is high in all countries. The willingness is higher in Europe. The different cultural backgrounds, the socio-economic factors, and the social, economic, and environmental sustainability are enough reasons to create barriers to policy harmonization in the global trade of farm animal products.0F1A-358B-43B5 | Fernando Jorge Ribeiro da MataN/

    How is the association of teat-end severe hyperkeratosis on udder health and dairy cow behavior?

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    The teat-end hyperkeratosis is a pathology which causes pain and discomfort in dairy cows, increasing the risk of infection of the mammary gland. A total of 2,957 dairy cows from 43 farms in Portugal were examined to evaluate the teat-end, degree of hyperkeratosis and callosity on 11,828 teats. Factors related to milking management, characteristics of the individual and udder health status with the most severe level of hyperkeratosis were evaluated. The link between stepping and kicking during milking and the levels of hyperkeratosis was also investigated. Most animals observed (70%) showed signs of hyperkeratosis and 12% showed the teat-end more serious types, thick and extreme. The incidence of severe hyperkeratosis was highly variable between farms (1-35%) and front teats showed twice the risk compared to back teats (P <0.000). A trend towards higher levels of hyperkeratosis in cows with higher milk production was identified (P <0.094). Hyperkeratosis increased with parity (P <0.000) and for the period 61-180 days of lactation (P <0.000). Over-milking influenced hyperkeratosis levels (P <0.002). Higher levels of hyperkeratosis were observed on cows with a higher incidence of mastitis (P <0.004). More steps (P <0.025) but no kicks during milking were also associated with higher levels of hyperkeratosis. The results suggest that hyperkeratosis needs to be monitored in order to prevent and control this pathology, ensuring the udder health and welfare of dairy cows.FE1B-06B2-126F | José Pedro Pinto de AraújoN/

    Intramuscular fatty acid composition of the longissimus muscle of unweaned minhota breed calves at different slaughter age

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    Meat productions from sixteen local Portuguese cattle breeds represent high economic and cultural value for local populations. Among these, Minhota is one of the most important on meat aptitude located on the northwest of the country. This breed is used for high-quality meat. This study describes the influence of slaughter age, corresponding veal (6 months) and beef (9 months) and sex, reared in a traditional production system, on intramuscular fatty acid composition of the longissimus muscle and nutritional quality. Samples of the longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle were analysed for fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat from 41 Minhota breed animals. Unweaned veal (22) and beef (19), corresponding to males (n=25) and females (n=16) were analysed. Both groups of animals were reared in a traditional production system. The meat from the Minhota breed is a valuable source of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), particularly the C-20 and C-22 n-3 fatty acids in the human diet. A low n-6:n-3 ratio show that fat in this breed has a good nutritional value. The differences in fat composition from veal and beef could be attributed to the fact that maternal suckling is more important in the youngest animals.FE1B-06B2-126F | José Pedro Pinto de AraújoN/

    Precision technologies to address dairy cattle welfare: focus on lameness, mastitis and body condition

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    Specific animal-based indicators that can be used to predict animal welfare have been the core of protocols for assessing the welfare of farm animals, such as those produced by the Welfare Quality project. At the same time, the contribution of technological tools for the accurate and realtime assessment of farm animal welfare is also evident. The solutions based on technological tools fit into the precision livestock farming (PLF) concept, which has improved productivity, economic sustainability, and animal welfare in dairy farms. PLF has been adopted recently; nevertheless, the need for technological support on farms is getting more and more attention and has translated into significant scientific contributions in various fields of the dairy industry, but with an emphasis on the health and welfare of the cows. This review aims to present the recent advances of PLF in dairy cow welfare, particularly in the assessment of lameness, mastitis, and body condition, which are among the most relevant animal-based indications for the welfare of cows. Finally, a discussion is presented on the possibility of integrating the information obtained by PLF into a welfare assessment framework.FE1B-06B2-126F | Jos? Pedro Pinto de Ara?joN/

    Arthropod biodiversity associated to European sheep production systems

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    The rural territories linked to European sheep systems still cover wide areas and provide multiple ecosystems services although the current situation of the associated biodiversity is not fully understood. In this study the foliage arthropods (including pollinators), the vegetation cover and height, the number of flowers and plant species richness were evaluated in 9 sheep grazed lands from 5 EU countries with different livestock management strategies and dominant vegetation. The total abundance of arthropods, the abundance of Diptera and Heteroptera, sward height and plant species richness were higher in more extensive than in more intensively managed farms. The total abundance and the abundance of most of the orders were highest in mountain areas (MP) and lowest in improved pastures (IMP) whereas the total arthropod richness showed no differences and the richness of pollinators was lower in IMP than in MP (p < 0.01) and semi-natural pastures (SN, p < 0.01). The grass cover was higher in IMP than in the rest of the areas whereas forb cover was higher in SN than in IMP (p < 0.01). The plant species richness peaked in MP whereas the number of flowers showed no significant differences. Sward height correlated positively with forb cover, plant species richness, the richness of the whole arthropod community, the abundance of several orders like Araneae, Diptera or Homoptera, as well as with the richness of the pollinator community. The community composition of the total arthropod fauna (p < 0.01) and the pollinators in particular (p < 0.05) differed between management strategies and more diverse groups were linked to the areas under more extensive management. Both communities (total and pollinators) also differed in composition between the types of vegetation (p < 0.01) and less diverse assemblages with low abundant taxa were associated to IMP and SN whereas more diverse groups were linked to MP and grassland-forest (WP) in both cases. A better understanding of the flora-fauna dynamics in sheep grazed pasturelands is essential for the proper conservation of the biodiversity and other ecosystem services, as well as for the maintenance of sustainable sheep systems relying on the natural resources.This work funded as a part of the ERA-Net Cofund SusAn (grant number 696231). SERIDA authors are grateful to the Spanish Research State Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) for the financial support (PCIN2017-111).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Correction: Silva et al. Precision technologies to address dairy cattle welfare: focus on lameness, mastitis and body condition. Animals 2021, 11, 2253

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    Os autores (Silva, SR, et al.) omitiram involuntariamente a cita??o do artigo de O'Leary et al. ?O'Leary, NW; Byrne, DT; O'Connor, A.; Shalloo, L. Revis?o convidada: Detec??o de claudica??o de gado com aceler?metros. J. Dairy Sci. 2020, 103, 3895?3911. doi: 10.3168/jds.2019-17123? e involuntariamente incluiu duas passagens (9 senten?as) sem aspas de O'Leary et al. 2020 no original. Portanto, essas duas passagens foram inadvertidamente apresentadas como obra dos autores. Os autores desejam pedir desculpas aos autores do trabalho n?o citado e fazer as seguintes corre??es em [1]: No artigo original, p?gina 5, se??o 2.1.3, ?T?cnicas baseadas em atividades?, as frases ?Westin et al. [75] conclu?ram que apenas uma pequena propor??o da varia??o no tempo deitado poderia ser explicada pela claudica??o. Em conjunto, as medidas de tempo deitado n?o s?o indicadores confi?veis ??de claudica??o, em parte porque o tempo deitado ? influenciado por muitos fatores al?m da claudica??o. Por essas raz?es, ? improv?vel que pesquisas adicionais com foco apenas em medidas de tempo deitado para apoiar a detec??o automatizada de claudica??o sejam bem-sucedidas? e ?O primeiro sistema automatizado de detec??o de claudica??o baseado em aceler?metro foi comercializado pela IceRobotics (Edimburgo, Reino Unido) em 2017 [77] e locomo??o pontua??o tamb?m foi comercializado. O sistema ? baseado em um ?nico aceler?metro de baixa resolu??o por vaca. O sistema apresenta aos usu?rios a probabilidade de uma vaca mancar usando um sistema de sem?foro. As vacas que provavelmente n?o mancam s?o verdes, as que podem mancar s?o amarelas e as que provavelmente mancam s?o vermelhas [77]. Essa abordagem ? diferente daquelas encontradas na literatura, mas pode ser uma solu??o apropriada para comunicar informa??es com precis?o menos do que perfeita aos fazendeiros? deve ler-se na vers?o corrigida: ?Em um recente trabalho abrangente sobre a detec??o de claudica??o em bovinos, O'Leary et al. [75] corroboram os resultados de outro relat?rio [76] que mostram que o tempo de descanso n?o ? um indicador confi?vel porque explica apenas uma pequena propor??o da varia??o de claudica??o em vacas leiteiras, pois o tempo de descanso ? influenciado por muitos outros fatores. Por essas raz?es, pesquisas adicionais para apoiar a detec??o autom?tica de claudica??o precisam se concentrar em outros aspectos al?m das medidas de tempo deitado para ter sucesso [75]? e ?Nos ?ltimos anos, o desenvolvimento de sistemas automatizados de detec??o de claudica??o baseados em aceler?metros evoluiu continuamente [75]. O primeiro sistema foi comercializado em outubro de 2018 pela IceRobotics (Edimburgo, Reino Unido) [78]. Neste sistema, cada vaca ? equipada com um ?nico aceler?metro de baixa resolu??o. O sistema apresenta aos usu?rios informa??es simples semelhantes ao sistema de sem?foros com as cores verde, amarelo e vermelho se as vacas forem identificadas como prov?veis ??de n?o mancar, talvez mancar ou com probabilidade de mancar, respectivamente [78]. Essa abordagem pode ser muito adequada para uma comunica??o direta aos agricultores [75]?. ? 2022 pelos autores. Licenciado MDPI, Basel, Su??a.FE1B-06B2-126F | Jos? Pedro Pinto de Ara?joN/


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    The objective of this paper was to test the application of geo-statistical models to estimate the volume of wood timber residues in a forest area managed in Paragominas, state of Pará. The Warren and Olsen’s and Ordinary Kriging methods were used to estimate the volume of forest residues in sampled and not sampled points. The results confirm that the applied methods were appropriate, given that the estimates for the volume of wood timber residues, in the area of study, showed a small difference of 5.2%, when compared to the actual value obtained


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509816609The objective of this paper was to test the application of geo-statistical models to estimate the volume of wood timber residues in a forest area managed in Paragominas, state of Pará. The Warren and Olsen’s and Ordinary Kriging methods were used to estimate the volume of forest residues in sampled and not sampled points. The results confirm that the applied methods were appropriate, given that the estimates for the volume of wood timber residues, in the area of study, showed a small difference of 5.2%, when compared to the actual value obtained.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509816609O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a aplicação de modelos da geoestatística para estimar o volume de resíduos lenhosos de madeira em uma área de floresta manejada no município de Paragominas, estado do Pará. Os métodos de Warren e Olsen e da Krigagem Ordinária foram utilizados para estimar o volume dos resíduos florestais em pontos amostrados e não amostrados. Os resultados confirmam que a aplicação dos métodos foi adequada, uma vez que a estimativa para o volume dos resíduos, da área em estudo, apresentou uma pequena diferença 5,2%, em relação ao valor real obtido.

    Influencia del sistema de producci?n en la calidad de la canal de cerdos de raza b?sara

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    La utilizaci?n de razas locales en sistemas de producci?n alternativos presenta una serie de ventajas, como la gesti?n medioambiental, la biodiversidad y la producci?n agr?cola sostenible orientada hacia un mercado de productos de calidad diferenciada, especialmente en ?reas desfavorecidas. En este trabajo se estudi? la influencia de dos sistemas de producci?n en la calidad de la canal de cerdos de raza B?sara. La alimentaci?n recibida fue igual en ambos casos. En la fase de crecimiento (98 d?as) se alimentaron con pienso compuesto comercial, mientras que durante el acabado se les administr? pienso compuesto y harina de ma?z. Se recogieron datos de peso vivo y canal despu?s de 24h a 4?C y se calcul? el rendimiento de la canal. Se realizaron medidas morfom?tricas lineales de la media canal derecha, tras 24h post-mortem. El espesor de la grasa dorsal se midi? a nivel de la 1? costilla, la ?ltima costilla, en el m?sculo gluteus medius en el ?rea m?s espesa de grasa (extremo craneal) y en la de inferior espesura. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, no se observan diferencias significativas en ninguno de los par?metros analizados. El peso de la canal fr?a (94,23?7,55 kg) y el rendimiento (75,51?1,48%) as? como las medidas morfom?tricas mostraron valores pr?cticamente coincidentes entre ambos tipos de sistemas de producci?n. Tampoco se observaron diferencias en el espesor de la grasa dorsal. Las cuatro medidas indican un grado elevado y homog?neo de grasa dorsal, caracter?stica frecuentemente constatada en razas de cerdos no mejoradas (razas locales) existentes en todo el mundo.FE1B-06B2-126F | Jos? Pedro Pinto de Ara?joN/