45 research outputs found

    University plan for indigenous peoples: participatory construction experience of Universidad Nacional

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    [ES] Este ensayo busca aportar a la discusión relacionado con la construcción de universidades más inclusivas e interculturales, desde la sistematización de la estrategia adoptada por la Universidad Nacional (UNA) en Costa Rica para la pertinente implementación del Plan para Pueblos Indígenas Quinquenal (PPIQ) suscrito por cuatro universidades públicas costarricenses en 2014, el cual tomó características diferenciadas de implementación debido a la diversidad histórica entre ellas en la construcción de relaciones con pueblos indígenas y en las formas de gestión académica y administrativa, las cuales  obligan a una adecuación singular de los acuerdos conjuntos del PPIQ.  En el caso de la UNA, la ejecución del Plan y el cumplimiento de sus compromisos se fundamenta en la participación propositiva de cada instancia involucrada desde sus experiencias y posibilidades.  Así, la coordinación original del PPIQ se amplió para absorber a los diferentes actores, con actividades propuestas y ejecutadas[EN] This essay aims to contribute to the discussion around the construction of more inclusive and intercultural universities, from the systematization of the strategy adopted by Universidad National (UNA) in Costa Rica for the pertinent implementation of the Quinquennial Plan for Indigenous Peoples (PPIQ) signed by four of the Costa Rican public universities in 2014. Its implementation took differentiated characteristics in each university, due to the diversity historically built among them in the construction of relations with indigenous peoples and in the forms of academic and administrative management, which require a singular  adaptation in each University of the PPIQ joint agreements. In the case of UNA, the execution of the Plan and the fulfillment of its commitments is based on the proactive participation of each instance involved base on their experiences and possibilities. Thus, the former coordination team of PPIQ was extended to absorb the different actors, each one of them propPino, G.; Cerdas, Y.; González, C. (2019). Plan universitario para pueblos indígenas: experiencia de construcción participativa de la Universidad Nacional. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 17(2):127-142. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2019.10642127142172Asamblea Legislativa de la República de Costa Rica (1 de octubre de 2015). Reforma el artículo 1° de la Constitución Política para establecer el carácter Multiétnico y Pluricultural de Costa Rica (Ley 9305). Recuperado de: http://www.pgrweb.go.cr/scij/Busqueda/Normativa/Normas/nrm_texto_completo.aspx?param1=NRTC&nValor1=1&nValor2=80269&nValor3=101779&strTipM=TC#ddownBorges, C. (2012). Costa Rica: Estado de la educación en territorios indígenas. Informe Final. En: Programa Estado de la Nación en Desarrollo Humano Sostenible. Cuarto Informe del Estado de la Educación. San José: CONARE. Recuperado en https://estadonacion.or.cr/files/biblioteca_virtual/educacion/004/borge_educacion_indigena.pdfCamacho, C. (1998). Las paradojas de la identidad indígena: ideologías y realidades en Costa Rica. En: Bozzoli, María Eugenia, Barrantes, Ramiro, Obando, Dinorah. & Rojas, Mirna. (Comp.). (1998). Congreso Científico sobre pueblos indígenas de Costa Rica y sus fronteras. San José: EUNED.Consejo Nacional de Rectores. (2012). Proyecto de Mejora de la Educación Superior. Marco de Planificación para Pueblos Indígenas (MPPI). San José: sin publicar. Recuperado en: https://www.uned.ac.cr/images/ami/documentos/mppi_marco_planificacion_pueblos_indigenas.pdfConsejo Nacional de Rectores. (2013). Plan Quinquenal para la inclusión de Pueblos Indígenas en la Educación Superior (PPIQ). San José. Recuperado en http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/509651468026356958/pdf/IPP5580V20SPAN00Box385429B00PUBLIC0.pdfDe Sousa Santos, B. (2010). Descolonizar el saber, reinventar el poder. Uruguay: Ediciones Trilce.Ibarra Rojas, E. (2010). Las manchas del jaguar: huellas indígenas en la historia de Costa Rica: Valle Central, siglos XVI-XX. Costa Rica: Editorial UCR.Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos. (2011). X Censo Nacional de Población y VI de Vivienda: Resultados Generales. Costa Rica: INEC.Jara, O. (2012). La sistematización de experiencias, práctica y teoría para otros mundos posibles. Costa Rica: Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones Alforja.Lorente, M. (2016). Derecho a la educación de la infancia y desigualdades de origen en Centroamérica. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 0(27), 53-71. https://doi.org/10.5944/reec.27.2016.15047Mato, D. (2009). Educación Superior, Colaboración Intercultural y Desarrollo Sostenible/Buen Vivir. Experiencias en América Latina, modalidades de colaboración, logros, innovaciones, obstáculos y desafíos. En: Mato, D. (coord.). Educación Superior, Colaboración Intercultural y Desarrollo Sostenible/Buen Vivir. Experiencias en América Latina. Venezuela: Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe (IESALC-UNESCO). (pp. 11-64).Mato, D. (2010). Las iniciativas de los movimientos indígenas en educación superior: un aporte para la profundización de la democracia. Revista Nueva Sociedad 227, mayo-junio de 2010, Recuperado en http://nuso.org/buscar/?q=matoMato, D. (coordinador). (2015). 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Disponible en https://www.unicef.org/costarica/docs/cr_pub_Asi_vivimos_los_pueblos_indigenas.pdfOrganización Internacional del Trabajo. (2014). Convenio Núm. 169 de la OIT sobre pueblos indígenas y tribales en países independientes. Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas. Recuperado de: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---americas/---ro-lima/documents/publication/wcms_345065.pdfOrtelli, P., Sartorello, S. (2011) Jóvenes universitarios y conflicto intercultural Estudiantes indígenas y mestizos en San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. En: Perfiles Educativos, vol. XXXIII, número especial. México: IISUE-UNAM. Páginas 115-128. Recuperado en http://www.scielo.org.mx/pdf/peredu/v33nspe/v33nspea11.pdfRollo, T. (2016). Democracy, agency and radical children's geographies. The Practice of Freedom: Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt. Estados Unidos: Rowman & Littlefield. 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    Quince (Cydonia oblonga) in vitro plant root formation through an automated temporary inmersion system, and its acclimation

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    Artículo científicoQuince (Cydonia oblonga) is a non-traditional fruit tree found in Costa Rica that has therapeutic and nutritional properties; however its slow growth and root formation prevents the production of a homogeneous population when using conventional farming techniques. Hence, the aim of this research project was to generate uniform plant material in a reduced time span using a temporary immersion bioreactor system (RITAS ®). A semisolid rooting MS culture medium supplemented with 0.1 mg L-1 NAA; 0.3 mg L-1 IBA and 3% sucrose (pH 6.5), developed in the Centro de Investigación en Biotecnología (CIB), Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR), in Cartago, was used as a reference medium. Four different variations in the sucrose concentration (1%, 2%, 3%, and 4%) were performed in liquid medium. Each trial was evaluated with in vitro plants which had been previously exposed to the culture medium of the corresponding treatments, in a stationary mode and for a 15 day long period, and with in vitro plants without any previous treatment (a total of eight treatments). The comparison of the root formation percentages evidenced the clear effect of sucrose concentration used, with the best results obtained when using the 2% sucrose trial with no pre-treatment (73.3%). The in vitro plants were acclimated in cylinders made out of peat, have previously been disinfected with fungicide, and placed in a humidity chamber at a 20.5°C average temperature and a 75,5% relative humidity for the establishment of weekly fertilizing cycles. The acclimation process generated an 80% survival rate, since several seedlings experienced stem strangulation caused by a fungal attack. The conidiophores identified through optical and scanning electron microscopy evidenced the presence of Cladosporium spp., which was controlled with carbendazim and iprodione fungicides

    Integrating Human-Centred Design Approach into Sustainable-Oriented 3D Printing Systems

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    Modern 3D printing systems have become pervasive and widely used both in professional and in informal contexts, including sustainable-oriented ones. However, the risk to create very effective but non-sustainable solutions is very high since 3D printing systems could potentially increase the environmental emergencies and the unsustainable growth. In the transition process toward sustainable ways of production and consumption, the so-called human factor still plays an important role in the achievement of sustainable-oriented actions; it drives the adoption of proper lifestyles that directly and indirectly influence the ways through which such technologies are used. Therefore, future Sustainable 3D Printing Systems should integrate the humans in the systems’ development. This study presents two important results: (a) it presents a set of interdisciplinary ‘Sustainable 3D Printing Systems’, which compose a promising sustainable-oriented scenario useful to support the transition processes toward sustainable designs and productions, and (b) it proposes a new strategy for the integration of human-centred aspects into Sustainable 3D Printing Systems, by combining insights from human-centred design approach

    Preclinical Evaluation of Caprylic Acid-Fractionated IgG Antivenom for the Treatment of Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) Envenoming in Papua New Guinea

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    articulo (arbitrado) -- Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones Clodomiro Picado, 2011Background: Snake bite is a common medical emergency in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The taipan, Oxyuranus scutellatus, inflicts a large number of bites that, in the absence of antivenom therapy, result in high mortality. Parenteral administration of antivenoms manufactured in Australia is the current treatment of choice for these envenomings. However, the price of these products is high and has increased over the last 25 years; consequently the country can no longer afford all the antivenom it needs. This situation prompted an international collaborative project aimed at generating a new, low-cost antivenom against O. scutellatus for PNG. Methodology/Principal Findings: A new monospecific equine whole IgG antivenom, obtained by caprylic acid fractionation of plasma, was prepared by immunising horses with the venom of O. scutellatus from PNG. This antivenom was compared with the currently used F(ab’)2 monospecific taipan antivenom manufactured by CSL Limited, Australia. The comparison included physicochemical properties and the preclinical assessment of the neutralisation of lethal neurotoxicity and the myotoxic, coagulant and phospholipase A2 activities of the venom of O. scutellatus from PNG. The F(ab’)2 antivenom had a higher protein concentration than whole IgG antivenom. Both antivenoms effectively neutralised, and had similar potency, against the lethal neurotoxic effect (both by intraperitoneal and intravenous routes of injection), myotoxicity, and phospholipase A2 activity of O. scutellatus venom. However, the whole IgG antivenom showed a higher potency than the F(ab’)2 antivenom in the neutralisation of the coagulant activity of O. scutellatus venom from PNG. Conclusions/Significance: The new whole IgG taipan antivenom described in this study compares favourably with the currently used F(ab’)2 antivenom, both in terms of physicochemical characteristics and neutralising potency. Therefore, it should be considered as a promising low-cost candidate for the treatment of envenomings by O. scutellatus in PNG, and is ready to be tested in clinical trials.This study was supported by Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Universidad de Costa Rica (project 741-A9-003); the PNG Office of Higher Education, CTP Limited (Milne Bay Estates), and the Australian Venom Research Unit (University of Melbourne), which is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, the Australia Pacific Science Foundation and Snowy Nominees. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto Clodomiro Picado (ICP

    Prarancangan Pemantauan Radiasi dan Kontaminasi Udara 01 Ruang Kerja Kompaksi 01 Ptlr

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    PRA RANCANGAN PEMANTAUAN RADIASI DAN KONTAMINASI UDARA DI RUANG KOMPAKSI DI PTLR. Instalasi Pengolahan Umbah Radioaktif (PTLR) merupakan instalasi pengolahan limbah radioaktif yang berasal dari berbagai instalasi pengguna iptek nuklir. Desain PTLR telah dirancang sesuai dengan standar keselamatan, sehingga tidak akan menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap ruangan daerah kerja maupun lingkungan. Walaupun demikian perlu dilakukan pengukuran untuk mengetahui seberapa besar paparan radiasi dan kontaminasi di udara di ruangan kerja sebelum tercemar ke pekerja. Dalam hal ini akan dilakukan prarancangan peralatan di daerah ruang kompaksi. Pengukuran kontaminasi menggunakan pompa pengisap, yang dihubungkan melalui pipa paralon menggunakan filter sedangkan untuk mengukur papa ran radiasi menggunakan dosimetri termoluminisens. Tujuan penelitian int untuk melakukan prarancangan perala tan pengukur radiasi untuk mengetahui paparan radiasi dan kontaminasi udara di ruangan kerja kompaksi untuk menunjang keselamatan pekerja di PTLR. A PRE DESIGN OF MONITORING FOR RADIATION AND AIR CONTAMINATION IN COMPACTION ROOM OF RWI. The Radioactive Waste Installation (RWI) is a center for processing of radioactive waste coming from various installation applying nuclear science and technology. The RWI has been designed as according to safety standard, so that it will not generate negative impact to the working area and also to the environment. However some measurement should be conducted to know how big of radiation dose and contamination on the air in working area before exposure to the worker. In this case, we will conduct equipments pre design in working area of compaction. Measurement of the contamination uses vacuum pump connected through pipeline using filter while to measure the exposure of radiation uses thermoluminiscence dosimeter. The aim of this research is to have pre design the equipments of radiation counter to know exposure of radiation and contamination air in working area compaction to support safety of worker in installation of PTLR . <w:LsdExcepti

    Prarancangan Pengolahan Llmbah Raoioaktif Padat Oengan Proses Mikrowave Oari Pltn Tipe Pwr 1000 Mw

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    PRARANCANGAN PENGOLAHAN LlMBAH RADIOAKTIF PADAT DENGAN PROSES MIKROWAVE DARI PLTN TlPE PWR 1000 MW Telah dilakukan prarancangan pengolahan limbah radioaktif padat dengan proses mikrowave dari PL TN 1000 MW Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan prarancangan pengolahan limbah radioaktif padat yang berupa abu insenerasi, resin penukar ion bekas, konsentrat padat dan metal sludge dengan proses mikrowave dengan cara peleburan dalam suatu melter menggunakan teknik mikrowave. Hasil reduksi volume limbah hingga 1120 kali dari volume limbah semula dan berbentuk padatan yang sangat solid sehingga mudah disimpan dan dipindahkan ketempat penyimpanan limbah. Dengan demikian bahwa pengolahan menggunakan proses mikrowave mempunyai banyak kelebihan dibandingkan proses immobilisasi dimana lebih efisien dan efektif. Dalam prarancangan instalasi pengolahan limbah radioaktif padat mikrowave ini dilakukan penyusunan konsepsual desain dan proses diagram alir prarancangan.A PRE DESIGN PROCESSING OF SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE USING MICROWAVE PROCESS FROM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT TYPE PWR 1000 MW A pre design processing of sol

    Prarancang Bangun Facility Pengolahan Limbah Radioaktif Cair dari Instalasi Radiometalurgi

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    PRARANCANG BANGUN Fasilitas PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH RADIOAKTIF CAIR DARI INSTALASI RADIOMETALURGI. Telah dilakukan rancang bangun fasilitas pengolahan limbah radioaktif cair yang mengandung Trans-Uranium dari Instalasi Radiometalurgi (IRM). Fasilitas pengolahan terdiri dari unit penampung resin epoksi, unit penampung bahan pengeras, unit penakaran resin epoksi, unit penakaran bahan pengeras, unit penampung limbah cair, unit penakaran limbah cair, unit pencampuran dan unit udara tekan. Fasilitas pengolahan dioperasikan secara tidak kontinyu dengan kapasitas 1 drum 60 liter dan kemudian limbah radioaktif hasil olahan disimpan kedalam di Fasilitas penyimpanan sementara limbah aktivitas tinggi (PSLAT). PRA DESIGN OF FACULTY FOR LIQUID RADIOACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT FROM RADIOMETALLURGI INSTALLATION. Pra design treatment facility for liquid radioactive waste contaning of Trans-Uranium from Radiometellurgi Installation using epoxy resin. The Facility consist of epoxy resin and hardener tank unit, epoxy resin and hardener metering pots unit, liquid radioactive waste tank unit, liquid radioactive waste metering pots unit, mixing unit and compressed air unit. The facility is operated by batch system with capacity 1 drum 60 liter per batch andtreat (immobilized) radioactive waste treated stored in the Facility of Interim Storadge for High Radioactive Waste (ISHLW)level

    Integration of product entropy and LCA to screen the potential environmental impacts of complex product systems at the end-of-life stage

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    Applying life cycle assessment (LCA) early in the development of technologies is essential to anticipate potential unforeseen environmental consequences. Modelling the lifecycle of a complex product is nevertheless challenging, as the data required is usually scarce. The approach presented in this paper integrates product entropy into end-of-life modelling for LCA. This enables anticipating the fate of a product after its end-of-use leading to a more realistic allocation of environmental impacts. The approach is demonstrated for the case study of recycling traction batteries with emerging traction battery cell chemistries