631 research outputs found

    Dynamical spacetimes and gravitational radiation in a Fully Constrained Formulation

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    This contribution summarizes the recent work carried out to analyze the behavior of the hyperbolic sector of the Fully Constrained Formulation (FCF) derived in Bonazzola et al. 2004. The numerical experiments presented here allows one to be confident in the performances of the upgraded version of CoCoNuT's code by replacing the Conformally Flat Condition (CFC) approximation of the Einstein equations by the FCF.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Proceedings of the 8th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Wave

    Magnetism and half-metallicity at the O surfaces of ceramic oxides

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    The occurence of spin-polarization at ZrO2_{2}, Al2_{2}O3_{3} and MgO surfaces is proved by means of \textit{ab-initio} calculations within the density functional theory. Large spin moments, as high as 1.56 μB\mu_B, develop at O-ended polar terminations, transforming the non-magnetic insulator into a half-metal. The magnetic moments mainly reside in the surface oxygen atoms and their origin is related to the existence of 2p2p holes of well-defined spin polarization at the valence band of the ionic oxide. The direct relation between magnetization and local loss of donor charge makes possible to extend the magnetization mechanism beyond surface properties

    Ab initio study of the relationship between spontaneous polarization and p-type doping in quasi-freestanding graphene on H-passivated SiC surfaces

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    Quasi-free standing graphene (QFG) obtained by the intercalation of a hydrogen layer between a SiC surface and the graphene is recognized as an excellent candidate for the development of graphene based technology. In addition, the recent proposal of a direct equivalence between the pp-type doping typically found for these systems and the spontaneous polarization (SP) associated to the particular SiC polytype, opens the possibility of tuning the number of carriers in the Dirac cones without the need of external gate voltages. However, first principles calculations which could confirm at the atomic scale the effect of the SP are lacking mainly due to the difficulty of combining a bulk property such as the SP with the surface confined graphene doping. Here we develop an approach based on standard density functional theory (DFT) slab calculations in order to quantify the effect of the SP on the QFG doping level. First, we present an accurate scheme to estimate the SPs by exploiting the dependence of the slab's dipole moment with its thickness. Next, and in order to circumvent the DFT shortcomings associated to polar slab geometries, a double gold layer is attached at the C-terminated bottom of the slab which introduces a metal induced gap state that pins the chemical potential inside the gap thus allowing a meaningful comparison of the QFG dopings among different polytypes. Furthermore, the slab dipole can be removed after adjusting the Au-Au interlayer distances. Our results confirm that the SP does indeed induce a substantial p-doping of the Dirac cones which can be as large as a few hundreds of meV depending on the hexagonality of the polytype. The evolution of the doping with the slab thickness reveals that several tens of SiC bilayers are required to effectively remove the depolarization field and recover the macroscopic regime whereby the graphene doping should equal the SP

    Enhanced electron correlations, local moments, and Curie temperature in strained MnAs nanocrystals embedded in GaAs

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    We have studied the electronic structure of hexagonal MnAs, as epitaxial continuous film on GaAs(001) and as nanocrystals embedded in GaAs, by Mn 2p core-level photoemission spectroscopy. Configuration-interaction analyses based on a cluster model show that the ground state of the embedded MnAs nanocrystals is dominated by a d5 configuration that maximizes the local Mn moment. Nanoscaling and strain significantly alter the properties of MnAs. Internal strain in the nanocrystals results in reduced p-d hybridization and enhanced ionic character of the Mn-As bonding interactions. The spatial confinement and reduced p-d hybridization in the nanocrystals lead to enhanced d-electron localization, triggering d-d electron correlations and enhancing local Mn moments. These changes in the electronic structure of MnAs have an advantageous effect on the Curie temperature of the nanocrystals, which is measured to be remarkably higher than that of bulk MnAs.Comment: 4 figures, 2 table

    A first principles study of thiol-capped Au nanoparticles: Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties as a function of thiol coverage

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    We have studied the stability of thiolated Au38 nanoparticles (NPs) via density functional theory based calculations varying the coverage from 0 up to 32 molecules. Three different initial core arrangements were considered for the cluster, spherical, tubular, and bi-icosahedral, while thiol groups were attached to the cluster via the sulfur atom either as single molecules or forming more complex staple motifs. After molecular dynamics runs several metastable configurations are found at each coverage thus allowing to analyze the properties of the NPs in the form of ensemble averages. In particular, we address the structural and electronic properties as a function of the number of thiols. The study emphasizes the strong influence of the core structure on the stability of the NPs, and its interplay with the thiol coverage and adsorption geometries. The magnetic properties of the NPs have also been explored via spin-polarized calculations including spin-orbit coupling. No evidence for the existence of a robust intrinsic ferromagnetism is found in any of the structures. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science under Project No. MAT2010-18432.Peer Reviewe

    Lowest order in inelastic tunneling approximation: Efficient scheme for simulation of inelastic electron tunneling data

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    We have developed an efficient and accurate formalism which allows the simulation at the ab initio level of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy data under a scanning tunneling microscope setup. It exploits fully the tunneling regime by carrying out the structural optimization and vibrational mode calculations for surface and tip independently. The most relevant interactions in the inelastic current are identified as the inelastic tunneling terms, which are taken into account up to lowest order, while all other inelastic contributions are neglected. As long as the system is under tunneling regime conditions and there is no physisorbed molecule on the surface or tip apex, this lowest order in inelastic tunneling (LOIT) approach reduces drastically the computational cost compared to related approaches while maintaining a good accuracy. Adopting the wide-band limit for both tip and surface further reduces calculation times significantly, and is shown to give similar results to when the full energy dependence of the Green's functions is taken into account. The LOIT is applied to the Cu(111)+CO system probed by a clean and a CO contaminated tip to find good agreement with previous works. Different parameters involved in the calculations such as basis sets, k sampling, tip-sample distance, or temperature, among others, are discussed in detail. © 2013 American Physical Society.J.C. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science under Contract No.MAT2010-18432.Peer Reviewe

    Tuning the Graphene on Ir(111) adsorption regime by Fe/Ir surface-alloying

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    A combined scanning tunneling microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, and density functional theory study of graphene on a Fe-Ir(111) alloy with variable Ir concentration is presented. Starting from an intercalated Fe layer between the graphene and Ir(111) surface we find that graphene-substrate interaction can be fine-tuned by Fe-Ir alloying at the interface. When a critical Ir-concentration close to 0.25 is reached in the Fe layer, the Dirac cone of graphene is largely restored and can thereafter be tuned across the Fermi level by further increasing the Ir content. Indeed, our study reveals an abrupt transition between a chemisorbed phase at small Ir concentrations and a physisorbed phase above the critical concentration. The latter phase is highly reminiscent of the graphene on the clean Ir(111) surface. Furthermore, the transition is accompanied by an inversion of the graphene''s induced magnetization due to the coupling with the Fe atoms from antiferromagnetic when chemisorbed to weakly ferromagnetic in the physisorption regime, with spin polarizations whose magnitude may be tuned with the amount of Fe content

    Binding of Brucella protein, Bp26, to select extracellular matrix molecules

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    Background: Brucella is a facultative intracellular pathogen responsible for zoonotic disease brucellosis. Little is known about the molecular basis of Brucella adherence to host cells. In the present study, the possible role of Bp26 protein as an adhesin was explored. The ability of Brucella protein Bp26 to bind to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and biolayer interferometry (BLI). Results: ELISA experiments showed that Bp26 bound in a dose-dependent manner to both immobilized type I collagen and vitronectin. Bp26 bound weakly to soluble fibronectin but did not bind to immobilized fibronectin. No binding to laminin was detected. Biolayer interferometry showed high binding affinity of Bp26 to immobilized type I collagen and no binding to fibronectin or laminin. Mapping of Bp26 antigenic epitopes by biotinylated overlapping peptides spanning the entire sequence of Bp26 using anti Bp26 mouse serum led to the identification of five linear epitopes. Collagen and vitronectin bound to peptides from several regions of Bp26, with many of the binding sites for the ligands overlapping. The strongest binding for anti-Bp26 mouse serum, collagen and vitronectin was to the peptides at the C-terminus of Bp26. Fibronectin did not bind to any of the peptides, although it bound to the whole Bp26 protein. Conclusions: Our results highlight the possible role of Bp26 protein in the adhesion process of Brucella to host cells through ECM components. This study revealed that Bp26 binds to both immobilized and soluble type I collagen and vitronectin. It also binds to soluble but not immobilized fibronectin. However, Bp26 does not bind to laminin. These are novel findings that offer insight into understanding the interplay between Brucella and host target cells, which may aid in future identification of a new target for diagnosis and/or vaccine development and prevention of brucellosis
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