44 research outputs found

    Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography Analysis of Clear Corneal Incision: Effect of the Lateral Stromal Hydration

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    Aim of the Study. The aim of this prospective study was to analyse the effect of lateral stromal hydration on the morphology of clear corneal incision architecture using the microscope integrated anterior segment OCT. Methods. The cohort included 65 clear corneal incisions of 49 patients who underwent cataract surgery. Corneal incisions were recorded using a Leica Proveo 8 microscope with an intraoperative OCT EnFocus™ device continuously during the surgery. Corneal incision morphology before and after lateral stromal hydration was analysed. Results. Good adaptation of the corneal incision before hydration was present in 39 cases (60%), in 16 cases (24.6%), the prominence of posterior lip was present, and, in 10 cases (15.4%), the posterior lip tongue was inverted/retracted into the incision. In 38 cases (58.5%), hydration had no effect on the incision architecture; most often, it was primarily a well-adapted corneal incision (46.2%), less often an incision with posterior lip prominence (10.8%), or tongue inversion into the incision (1.6%) prior to hydration. Hydration worsened the incision architecture in 14 cases (21.5%); most often, it induced/worsened posterior lip prominence (15.4%), less often posterior lip retraction (1.6%), tongue inversion into the incision (1.6%), gap development in the peripheral part of the corneal incision (1.6%), or incomplete opening of the corneal incision (1.6%). In 13 cases (20%), hydration improved the incision architecture, especially in cases with inverted or retracted posterior lip tongue (12.3%), less often in cases with posterior lip prominence (7.7%). Conclusion. Lateral stromal hydration seldom affects the condition of the corneal incision. Still, it can cause both deterioration and improvement of the corneal incision architecture. Intraoperative OCT provides real-time monitoring of corneal incision morphology during hydration procedure

    Dynamic Purkinje Meter as a Tool for Intraocular Lens Position Measurement

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    Due to the increasing demands of today’s society on visual quality and patient comfort, and due to the growing interest in the implantation of new and more complex intraocular lens (IOL) designs, determining the IOL position occupies an important position in current ophthalmological practice. The dynamic Purkinje meter combines the construction of static Purkinje meters, presented in recent years, with dynamic examination of the IOL position according to the optical axis of the IOL

    Neurotransplantation therapy and cerebellar reserve

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    Background & Objective: Neurotransplantation has been recently the focus of interest as a promising therapy to substitute lost cerebellar neurons and improve cerebellar ataxias. However, since cell differentiation and synaptic formation are required to obtain a functional circuitry, highly integrated reproduction of cerebellar anatomy is not a simple process. Rather than a genuine replacement, recent studies have shown that grafted cells rescue surviving cells from neurodegeneration by exerting trophic effects, supporting mitochondrial function, modulating neuroinflammation, stimulating endogenous regenerative processes, and facilitating cerebellar compensatory properties thanks to neural plasticity. On the other hand, accumulating clinical evidence suggests that the self-recovery capacity is still preserved even if the cerebellum is affected by a diffuse and progressive pathology. We put forward the period with intact recovery capacity as “restorable stage” and the notion of reversal capacity as “cerebellar reserve”. Conclusion: The concept of cerebellar reserve is particularly relevant, both theoretically and practically, to target recovery of cerebellar deficits by neurotransplantation. Reinforcing the cerebellar reserve and prolonging the restorable stage can be envisioned as future endpoints of neurotransplantation.SCOPUS: re.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Sezónní variace nárůstu axiální délky oka u dětí v České republice

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    V posledních desetiletích prevalence krátkozrakosti celosvětově i v evropských zemích vzrostla a stala se významným medicínským a socioekonomickým problémem. Naše prospektivní jednocentrická studie analyzovala změny oční axiální délky (AXL) v populaci středoevropských školáků od roku 2016 do roku 2019. Studie zahrnovala 528 očí 264 dětí s průměrným věkem 12,2  let na začátku studie. Zraková ostrost, oční AXL, hloubka přední komory a dotazník byly vyšetřovány v 6měsíčních intervalech (na jaře a na podzim po zimním a letním období). Průměrná oční AXL byla 23,329 mm (medián: 23,315 mm) na začátku studie a 23,525 mm (medián: 23,505 mm) na konci studie. Změna oční AXL za měsíc byla významně vyšší () během zimního období (průměr: 0,013 mm, medián: 0,011 mm) než během letního období (průměr: -0,001 mm, medián: 0,000 mm). Pozorovali jsme významně vyšší nárůst oční AXL u kavkazské populace během zimního období (s nižší expozicí dennímu světlu) než v letním období.In recent decades, the prevalence of myopia has increased worldwide as well as in European countries, and it has become an important medical and socioeconomic problem. Our prospective single-center study analysed the changes in ocular axial length (AXL) in a population of Central European schoolchildren from 2016 to 2019. The study included 528 eyes of 264 children with a mean age of 12.2 years at the beginning of the study. Visual acuity, ocular AXL, anterior chamber depth, and the questionnaire were examined at 6-month intervals (in spring and autumn, following the winter and summer periods, respectively). The average ocular AXL was 23.329 mm (median: 23.315 mm) at the beginning of the study and 23.525 mm (median: 23.505 mm) at the end of the study. The change in ocular AXL per month was significantly higher () during the winter period (average: 0.013 mm, median: 0.011 mm) than during the summer period (average: −0.001 mm, median: 0.000 mm). We observed a significantly higher increase in ocular AXL in a Caucasian population during the winter period (with lower daylight exposure) than the summer period