82 research outputs found

    Guía para trabajar la responsabilidad social y ambiental (GRSA)

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    Guía para trabajar la Responsabilidad Social y Ambiental (GRSA) La Escuela ha diseñado unas guías para el desarrollo de las competencias transversales con el ánimo de facilitar la integración del aprendizaje de estas competencias en el seno de las asignaturas. Estas guías se elaboran con la experiencia de los participantes en el plan piloto. Así pues, estas guías quieren ser un soporte para los profesores, ofreciendo directrices generales y posibles estrategias para integrar la formación de esta competencia en su asignatura

    Implementation of competences of social and environmental responsibility in IT engineering degrees

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    In the present globalized world, the impacts of engineering are growing in importance, society is becoming more aware of them, and more and more universities are including ethical and social issues into their engineering degree programs. This article describes the experience of developing competences of ethical, social and environmental responsibility in undergraduate IT engineering degrees at the Technical University of Madrid. The implementation of these competences has evolved in recent years and currently they are developed in two specific subjects in the first and third year, and that work is completed in the Final Year Project. This model allows us to reach all the students at different times along their studies and with a acceptable level of depth. It is an integral experience, where appropriate contents, teaching methodologies and assessment methods have been adapted to deal with social issues in our academic context. As lessons learned, we highlight the effectiveness this model for developing the aforementioned competences and the important role of external references (from professional, governmental and academic institutions) to integrate ethical, social and environmental aspects into engineering degrees

    Characterization of potential therapeutic targets in Leishmania infantum

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    Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by various species of Leishmania, which affects millions of people worldwide. Current treatments for leishmaniasis often present adverse effects and may not be effective against every Leishmania strain or form of the disease. Therefore, it is essential to explore new therapeutic approaches to combat the parasite. In this study, we focused on the PeBoW complex proteins homologous in Leishmania, which is involved in ribosomal biogenesis and plays a critical role in cancer development in mammalian cells. Recently, a homologue of the oncogene PES1 was found in Leishmania major, which plays a crucial role in parasite infectivity. Given this, we analyzed the possibility of using other PeBoW complex partner genes in Leishmania as therapeutic targets for leishmaniasis treatment. Specifically, our investigation aimed to characterize the partner WDR12 homologous in Leishmania infantum (LmjWDR12) as new therapeutic approach

    Introducing ethical, social and environmental issues in ICT engineering degrees

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    This paper describes the experience of introducing ethical, social and environmental issues in undergraduate ICT engineering degrees at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The experience before the Bologna Process was concentrated on developing elective courses related mainly on the field of the International Development Cooperation. The integration of those topics within the current ICT engineering curricula, adapted to the European Higher Education Area framework, has significantly improved. It reaches all of our students, as the programs include compulsory courses which focus on ethical and social issues, and these topics have to be considered when carrying out the Final Year Project. A holistic and comprehensive approach is being implemented, with a broad view of professional responsibility and sustainability. Appropriate contents, teaching methodologies and assessment methods have been aligned in order to make our students? training more effective. The result is an example of both bottom-up and top-down approach. It has been positively influenced by the European Higher Education Area framework and some external recommendations. However, the significant contribution regarding motivation, drive and previous experience of the teachers involved has been essential

    LmjF.22.0810 from Leishmania major Modulates the Th2-Type Immune Response and Is Involved in Leishmaniasis Outcome

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    A novel serine/threonine protein kinase, LmjF.22.0810, was recently described in Leishmania major. After generating an L. major cell line overexpressing LmjF.22.0810 (named LmJ3OE), the ability of this novel protein to modulate the Th2-type immune response was analyzed. Our results suggest that the protein kinase LmjF.22.0810 might be involved in leishmaniasis outcomes. Indeed, our study outlined the LmJ3OE parasites infectivity in vitro and in vivo. Transgenic parasites displayed lower phagocytosis rates in vitro, and their promastigote forms exhibited lower expression levels of virulence factors compared to their counterparts in control parasites. In addition, LmJ3OE parasites developed significantly smaller footpad swelling in susceptible BALB/c mice. Hematoxylin–eosin staining allowed the observation of a lower inflammatory infiltrate in the footpad from LmJ3OE-infected mice compared to animals inoculated with control parasites. Gene expression of Th2-associated cytokines and effectors revealed a dramatically lower induction in interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10, and arginase 1 (ARG1) mRNA levels at the beginning of the swelling; no expression change was found in Th1-associated cytokines except forIL-12. Accordingly, such results were validated by immunohistochemistry studies, illustrating a weaker expression of ARG1 and a similar induction for inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in footpads from LmJ3OE-infected mice compared to control L. major infected animals. Furthermore, the parasite burden was lower in footpads from LmJ3OE-infected mice. Our analysis indicated that such significant smaller footpad swellings might be due to an impairment of the Th2 immune response that subsequently benefits Th1 prevalence. Altogether, these studies depict LmjF.22.0810 as a potential modulator of host immune responses to Leishmania. Finally, this promising target might be involved in the modulation of infection outcome

    Butyric acid-based feed additives help protect broiler chickens from Salmonella Enteritidis infection

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    [EN] Sodium butyrate is a sodium salt of a volatile short-chain fatty acid (butyric acid) used to prevent Salmonella Enteritidis infection in birds. Three groups of fifty 1-d-old broilers each were fed the following diets: T0 = standard broiler diet (control); T1 = standard broiler diet supplemented with 0.92 g/kg of an additive with free sodium butyrate (Gustor XXI B92); and T2 = standard broiler diet supplemented with 0.92 g/kg of an additive with sodium butyrate partially protected with vegetable fats (Gustor XXI BP70). Twenty percent of the birds were orally infected with Salmonella Enteritidis at d 5 posthatching and fecal Salmonella shedding was assessed at d 6, 9, 13, 20, 27, 34, and 41 of the trial. At d 42, all birds were slaughtered and 20 of them dissected: crop, cecum, liver, and spleen were sampled for bacteriological analyses. Both butyrate-based additives showed a significant reduction (P < 0.05) of Salmonella Enteritidis infection in birds from d 27 onward. However, the partially protected butyrate additive was more effective at the late phase of infection. Partially protected butyrate treatment successfully decreased infection not only in the crop and cecum but also in the liver. There were no differences in the spleen. These results suggest that sodium butyrate partially protected with vegetable fats offers a unique balance of free and protected active substances effective all along the gastrointestinal tract because it is slowly released during digestion.S

    Using a process-based stomatal model in olive and its potential application to deficit irrigation studies

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    Over the last years modeling plant transpiration has been pointed out as a powerful tool to optimize the management of irrigation in fruit trees. In this study we tested the hydromechanical model of stomata functioning proposed by Buckley et al. (2003), a model with a strong physiological basis. The great contribution of this model is that its parameters have direct physiological meaning. Firstly, the model was simplified to make its parameters estimation friendly and easy. Secondly, the model was fitted to data obtained in a hedgerow olive orchard under regulated deficit irrigation. The hydromechanical model fitted our data satisfactorily and allowed us to analyze the physiological parameters obtained.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación español AGL2009-11310/AGRJunta de Andalucí

    Ductular reaction promotes intrahepatic angiogenesis through Slit2-Roundabout 1 signaling

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    Background and aims: Ductular reaction (DR) expands in chronic liver diseases and correlates with disease severity. Besides its potential role in liver regeneration, DR plays a role in the wound-healing response of the liver, promoting periductular fibrosis and inflammatory cell recruitment. However, there is no information regarding its role in intrahepatic angiogenesis. In the current study we investigated the potential contribution of DR cells to hepatic vascular remodeling during chronic liver disease. Approach and results: In mouse models of liver injury, DR cells express genes involved in angiogenesis. Among angiogenesis-related genes, the expression of Slit2 and its receptor Roundabout 1 (Robo1) was localized in DR cells and neoangiogenic vessels, respectively. The angiogenic role of the Slit2-Robo1 pathway in chronic liver disease was confirmed in ROBO1/2-/+ mice treated with 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine, which displayed reduced intrahepatic neovascular density compared to wild-type mice. However, ROBO1/2 deficiency did not affect angiogenesis in partial hepatectomy. In patients with advanced alcohol-associated disease, angiogenesis was associated with DR, and up-regulation of SLIT2-ROBO1 correlated with DR and disease severity. In vitro, human liver-derived organoids produced SLIT2 and induced tube formation of endothelial cells. Conclusions: Overall, our data indicate that DR expansion promotes angiogenesis through the Slit2-Robo1 pathway and recognize DR cells as key players in the liver wound-healing response.Supported by grants from Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Carlos III (FIS), cofinanced by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Unión Europea, “Una manera de hacer Europa” (FIS PI20/00765, PI17/00673, to P.S.-B; FIS 18-PI18/00862, to I.G and M.C); from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1U01AA026972-01 and AGAUR 2017-SGR-01456, to P.S.-B.); and from the European Foundation for Alcohol Research (EA1653, to P.S.-B.). M.C. is funded by the Ramon y Cajal program from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RYC2019-026662-I. P.G. is funded by the Agencia de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca 2014 SGR 708, Centro de Investigaciónen Red Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd), and Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats. S.A. received a grant from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU17/04992). B.A.-B. is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FI16/00203

    Factors Associated With Short-Term Eradication of Rectal Colonization by KPC-2 Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in an Outbreak Setting

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    Background: KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPCKP) is a threat for patients admitted to healthcare institutions. Objectives: To assess the efficacy of several decolonization strategies for KPCKP rectal carriage. Methods: Observational study performed in a 750-bed university center from July to October 2018 on the efficacy of a 10-day non-absorbable oral antibiotic (NAA) regimen (colistin 10 mg/ml, amikacin 8 mg/ml, and nystatin 30 mg/ml, 10 ml/6 h) vs. the same regimen followed by a probiotic (Vivomixx®) for 20 days in adult patients with KPCKP rectal colonization acquired during an outbreak. Results: Seventy-three patients colonized by KPCKP were included, of which 21 (29%) did not receive any treatment and 52 (71.2%) received NAA either alone (n = 26, 35.6%) or followed by a probiotic (n = 26, 35.6%). Eradication was observed in 56 (76.7%) patients and the only variable significantly associated with it was not receiving systemic antibiotics after diagnosis of rectal carriage [22/24 (91.6%) vs. 34/49 (69.3%), p = 0.04]. Eradication in patients receiving NAA plus probiotic was numerically but not significantly higher than that of controls [23/26 (88.4%) vs. 15/21 (71.4%), p = 0.14] and of those receiving only NAA (OR = 3.4, 95% CI = 0.78-14.7, p = 0.09). Conclusion: In an outbreak setting, rectal carriage of KPCKP persisted after a mean of 36 days in about one quarter of patients. The only factor associated with eradication was not receiving systemic antibiotic after diagnosis. A 10-day course of NAA had no impact on eradication. Probiotics after NAA may increase the decolonization rate, hence deserving further study

    CCL20/TNF/VEGFA Cytokine Secretory Phenotype of Tumor-Associated Macrophages Is a Negative Prognostic Factor in Cutaneous Melanoma

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    TAMs constitute a large fraction of infiltrating immune cells in melanoma tissues, but their significance for clinical outcomes remains unclear. We explored diverse TAM parameters in clinically relevant primary cutaneous melanoma samples, including density, location, size, and polarization marker expression; in addition, because cytokine production is a hallmark of macrophages function, we measured CCL20, TNF, and VEGFA intracellular cytokines by single-cell multiparametric confocal microscopy. The Kaplan–Meier method was used to analyze correlation with melanoma-specific disease-free survival and overall survival. No significant correlations with clinical parameters were observed for TAM density, morphology, or location. Significantly, higher contents of the intracellular cytokines CCL20, TNF, and VEGFA were quantified in TAMs infiltrating metastasizing compared to non-metastasizing skin primary melanomas (p < 0.001). To mechanistically explore cytokine up-regulation, we performed in vitro studies with melanoma-conditioned macrophages, using RNA-seq to explore involved pathways and specific inhibitors. We show that p53 and NF-κB coregulate CCL20, TNF, and VEGFA in melanoma-conditioned macrophages. These results delineate a clinically relevant pro-oncogenic cytokine profile of TAMs with prognostic significance in primary melanomas and point to the combined therapeutic targeting of NF-kB/p53 pathways to control the deviation of TAMs in melanoma