73 research outputs found

    IS Pst9, an ISL3-like insertion sequence from Pseudomonas stutzeri AN10 involved in catabolic gene inactivation

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    A novel insertion sequence (IS), ISPst9, from Pseudomonas stutzeri AN10 was cloned and characterized. ISPst9 is a typical bacterial IS, consisting of a 2472-bp element flanked by 24-bp perfect inverted repeats that generates 8-bp AT-rich target duplications upon insertion. The sequence also contains a gene that encodes an active transposase (TnpA) with significant amino acid identity to members of the ISL3 family. Southern blot analysis of digested genomic DNA of strain AN10 and its 4-chlorosalicylate-degrading derivative strain AN142 demonstrated that native ISPst9 transposes in multiple copies, with one of them responsible for the nahH insertional inactivation observed in strain AN142. Precise excision of ISPst9 yielded NahH+ revertants of AN142 at high frequencies (up to 10-6). In vivo transposition, mainly in multiple copies, of an ISPst9 derivative containing a KmR cassette cloned into a suicide vector was also demonstrated. Hybridization experiments carried out with different strains of P. stutzeri and with 292 phylogenetically distinct environmental isolates suggested that the presence of an ISPst9-like IS occurs in diverse bacteria together with the presence of aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading determinants

    Efficacy of a pentavalent rotavirus vaccine in reducing rotavirus-associated health care utilization across three regions (11 countries)

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of a human-bovine reassortant pentavalent rotavirus vaccine (PRV) on health care encounters in nearly 70 000 subjects randomized in three regions - Europe, the United States, and Latin America/the Caribbean - in the Rotavirus Efficacy and Safety Trial (REST). METHODS: Healthy 6- to 12-week-old infants received 3 doses of PRV or placebo at 4- to 10-week intervals. The exact binomial method for ratios of Poisson counts was used to evaluate the effect of PRV on the rate of rotavirus-related hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits involving rotavirus G-types 1-4 occurring > or =14 days after the third dose of vaccine for up to 2 years. RESULTS: In fully vaccinated infants, reductions in rotavirus-associated hospitalizations and ED visits were 94.7% (95% CI: 90.9, 96.9) in Europe, 94.9% (95% CI: 84.0, 98.9) in the United States, and 90.0% (95% CI: 29.4, 99.8) in the Latin American/Caribbean regions. CONCLUSIONS: PRV reduced hospitalizations and ED visits within each region in REST. Results were consistent across regions and across the overall study cohort

    Researching Zika in pregnancy:lessons for global preparedness

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    Our understanding of congenital infections is based on prospective studies of women infected during pregnancy. The EU has funded three consortia to study Zika virus, each including a prospective study of pregnant women. Another multi-centre study has been funded by the US National Institutes of Health. This Personal View describes the study designs required to research Zika virus, and questions whether funding academics in the EU and USA to work with collaborators in outbreak areas is an effective strategy. 3 years after the 2015\u201316 Zika virus outbreaks, these collaborations have taught us little about vertical transmission of the virus. In the time taken to approve funding, agree contracts, secure ethics approval, and equip laboratories, Zika virus had largely disappeared. By contrast, prospective studies based on local surveillance and standard-of-care protocols have already provided valuable data. Threats to fetal and child health pose new challenges for global preparedness requiring support for the design and implementation of locally appropriate protocols. These protocols can answer the key questions earlier than externally designed studies and at lower cost. Local protocols can also provide a framework for recruitment of unexposed controls that are required to study less specific outcomes. Other priorities include accelerated development of non-invasive tests, and longer-term storage of neonatal and antenatal samples to facilitate retrospective reconstruction of cohort studies

    Local perceptions of the livelihood and conservation benefits of small-scale livelihood projects in rural Madagascar.

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    Small-scale livelihood projects are widely used in forest conservation and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)+ initiatives; however, there is limited information on how effective these projects are at delivering livelihood and conservation benefits. We explored local perceptions of the effectiveness of small-scale livelihood projects in delivering livelihood and conservation benefits in eastern Madagascar. Our results suggest that small-scale livelihood projects vary greatly in their ability to deliver livelihood benefits, and that the type of livelihood project (e.g., agriculture, beekeeping, fish farming, or livestock production) has a significant impact on which livelihood benefits are delivered. Many small-scale livelihood projects, regardless of project type, are perceived to contribute to forest conservation efforts. Our study highlights that small-scale livelihood projects have the potential to contribute to both improved livelihoods and enhanced forest conservation, but also illustrates the need for more information on the factors that lead to project success.</p

    Lower respiratory tract infections among human immunodeficiency virus-exposed, uninfected infants

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    Objectives: To evaluate whether maternal HIV disease severity during pregnancy is associated with an increased likelihood of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants.Methods: HIV-exposed, uninfected, singleton, term infants enrolled in the NISDI Perinatal Study, with birth weight >2500 g were followed from birth until 6 months of age. LRTI diagnoses, hospitalizations, and associated factors were assessed.Results: of 547 infants, 103 (18.8%) experienced 116 episodes of LRTI (incidence = 0.84 LRTIs/100 child-weeks). Most (81%) episodes were bronchiolitis. Forty-nine (9.0%) infants were hospitalized at least once with an LRTI. There were 53 hospitalizations (45.7%) for 116 LRTI episodes. None of these infants were breastfed. the odds of LRTI in infants whose mothers had CD4% = 29 (p = 0.003). the odds of LRTI in infants with a CD4+ count (cells/ mm(3)) = 750 (p = 0.002). Maternal CD4+ decline and infant hemoglobin at the 6-12 week visit were associated with infant LRTIs after 6-12 weeks and before 6 months of age.Conclusions: Acute bronchiolitis is common and frequently severe among HIV-exposed, uninfected infants aged 6 months or less. Lower maternal and infant CD4+ values were associated with a higher risk of infant LRTIs. Further understanding of the immunological mechanisms of severe LRTIs is needed. (C) 2010 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.NICHDUniv São Paulo, Fac Med Ribeirao Preto, BR-14049900 Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilWESTAT Corp, Rockville, MD 20850 USAUniv Caxias Sul, Rio Grande Do Sul, BrazilHosp Diego Paroissien, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv W Indies, Kingston 7, JamaicaHosp Juan Fernandez, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaHosp Agudos Dra Cecilia Grierson, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaNICHD, Pediat Adolescent & Maternal AIDS Branch, CRMC, NIH,DHHS, Bethesda, MD USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilNICHD: N01-HD-3-3345NICHD: HHSN267200800001CNICHD: N01-DK-8-0001Web of Scienc

    Student evaluation of an OSCE in paediatrics at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica

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    BACKGROUND: The Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies first implemented the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in the final MB Examination in Medicine and Therapeutics during the 2000–2001 academic year. Simultaneously, the Child Health Department initiated faculty and student training, and instituted the OSCE as an assessment instrument during the Child Health (Paediatric) clerkship in year 5. The study set out to explore student acceptance of the OSCE as part of an evaluation of the Child Health clerkship. METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire was completed by successive groups of students immediately after the OSCE at the end of each clerkship rotation. Main outcome measures were student perception of examination attributes, which included the quality of instructions and organisation, the quality of performance, authenticity and transparency of the process, and usefulness of the OSCE as an assessment instrument compared to other formats. RESULTS: There was overwhelming acceptance of the OSCE in Child Health with respect to the comprehensiveness (90%), transparency (87%), fairness (70%) and authenticity of the required tasks (58–78%). However, students felt that it was a strong anxiety-producing experience. And concerns were expressed regarding the ambiguity of some questions and inadequacy of time for expected tasks. CONCLUSION: Student feedback was invaluable in influencing faculty teaching, curriculum direction and appreciation of student opinion. Further psychometric evaluation will strengthen the development of the OSCE

    The electric commons: A qualitative study of community accountability

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    This study explores how energy might be conceptualised as a commons, a resource owned and managed by a community with a system of rules for production and consumption. It tests one aspect of Elinor Ostrom's design principles for successful management of common pool resources: that there should be community accountability for individual consumption behaviour. This is explored through interviews with participants in a community demand response (DR) trial in an urban neighbourhood in the UK. Domestic DR can make a contribution to balancing electricity supply and demand. This relies on smart meters, which raise vertical (individual to large organisation) privacy concerns. Community and local approaches could motivate greater levels of DR than price signals alone. We found that acting as part of a community is motivating, a conclusion which supports local and community based roll out of smart meters. Mutually supportive, voluntary, and anonymous sharing of information was welcomed. However, mutual monitoring was seen as an invasion of horizontal (peer to peer) privacy. We conclude that the research agenda, which asks whether local commons-based governance of electricity systems could provide social and environmental benefits, is worth pursuing further. This needs a shift in regulatory barriers and ‘governance-system neutral’ innovation funding

    Seroepidemiology of Human Bocavirus Infection in Jamaica

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    Human bocavirus (HBoV) is a newly identified human parvovirus. HBoV is associated with upper and lower respiratory tract infections and gastroenteritis in children. Little is known about the seroepidemiology of HBoV in populations in the Caribbean.In a cross-sectional study conducted at the University Hospital of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, 287 blood samples were collected from pediatric patients and tested for the presence of HBoV-specific antibody using a virus-like-particle based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).HBoV-specific antibodies were found to be present in 220/287 (76.7%) of samples collected from the pediatric population. Seroprevalence of HBoV was highest in those ≥2 years old. The seroepidemiological profile suggests that most children are exposed to HBoV during the first two years of life in Jamaica.HBoV infection is common in children in Jamaica. HBoV seroprevalence rates in the Caribbean are similar to those previously reported in other areas of the world

    Summary Report of PQRI Workshop on Nanomaterial in Drug Products: Current Experience and Management of Potential Risks

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    At the Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) Workshop held last January 14-15, 2014, participants from academia, industry, and governmental agencies involved in the development and regulation of nanomedicines discussed the current state of characterization, formulation development, manufacturing, and nonclinical safety evaluation of nanomaterial-containing drug products for human use. The workshop discussions identified areas where additional understanding of material attributes, absorption, biodistribution, cellular and tissue uptake, and disposition of nanosized particles would continue to inform their safe use in drug products. Analytical techniques and methods used for in vitro characterization and stability testing of formulations containing nanomaterials were discussed, along with their advantages and limitations. Areas where additional regulatory guidance and material characterization standards would help in the development and approval of nanomedicines were explored. Representatives from the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), Health Canada, and European Medicines Agency (EMA) presented information about the diversity of nanomaterials in approved and newly developed drug products. USFDA, Health Canada, and EMA regulators discussed the applicability of current regulatory policies in presentations and open discussion. Information contained in several of the recent EMA reflection papers was discussed in detail, along with their scope and intent to enhance scientific understanding about disposition, efficacy, and safety of nanomaterials introduced in vivo and regulatory requirements for testing and market authorization. Opportunities for interaction with regulatory agencies during the lifecycle of nanomedicines were also addressed at the meeting. This is a summary of the workshop presentations and discussions, including considerations for future regulatory guidance on drug products containing nanomaterials
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