853 research outputs found
NASA Environmentally Responsible Aviation High Overall Pressure Ratio Compressor Research Pre-Test CFD
This paper describes a collaborative and cost-shared approach to reducing fuel burn under the NASA Environmentally Responsible Aviation project. NASA and General Electric (GE) Aviation are working together aa an integrated team to obtain compressor aerodynamic data that is mutually beneficial to both NASA and GE Aviation. The objective of the High OPR Compressor Task is to test a single stage then two stages of an advanced GE core compressor using state-of-the-art research instrumentation to investigate the loss mechanisms and interaction effects of embedded transonic highly-loaded compressor stages. This paper presents preliminary results from NASA's in-house multistage computational code, APNASA, in preparation for this advanced transonic compressor rig test
Diseño, validación y aplicación de un instrumento de evaluación de las buenas prácticas de manufacturas y los procedimientos operativos estandarizados de saneamiento en el servicio de alimentación. (Hospital Dr. Rafael Estévez, C.S.S., segundo semestre, año 2008)
Este trabajo expone el proceso de diseño, validación y aplicación de un instrumento para evaluar las Buenas Prácticas de Manufacturas (BPM) y los procedimientos operativos estandarizados de saneamiento (POES), mediante lista de verificación ("check list") confeccionada de acuerdo con las normas y reglamentos técnicos sanitarios establecidos internacionalmente y en la República de Panamá. En el servicio de alimentación del Hospital Dr. Rafael Estévez, se elaboran dietas siguiendo el Manual de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura y los Procedimientos Operativos Estandarizados de Saneamiento de los Servicios de Alimentación, en hospitales públicos y privados Resolución N° 090 (12 de marzo de 2002) Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) y de acuerdo con las normas y procedimientos del Departamento de Nutrición y Dietética, sin embargo no se realiza aplicación de un instrumento de las evaluaciones periódicas. La metodología para BPM propone la evaluación de cuatro aspectos: Prácticas de higiene personal; condiciones del edificios y facilidades; controles en la producción y en los procesos; y condiciones de los equipo y utensilios. Cada uno de los aspectos es evaluado en sus componentes individuales, con énfasis en la instauración de sistemas, procedimientos, registros, validaciones y evaluaciones, que permitan ofrecer al sistema carácter sostenible y perfectible a través del tiempo. Adicionalmente, establece proceder con un plan de acción que permita la corrección de las desviaciones que se presenten y la planificación de proyectos futuros. También se presentan parámetros para evaluar los ocho aspectos de los POES, que considera: Seguridad del agua; condición de aseo de las superficies de contacto con los alimentos; prevención de la contaminación cruzada; mantenimiento de las áreas de lavado y desinfección de las manos y los sanitarios; protección de los alimentos de los adulterantes; rotulación, almacenamiento y uso de sustancias tóxicas; control de las condiciones de salud de los empleados y expulsión de plagas. Se espera que este trabajo sirva de aporte para el avance en la implementación de sistemas de aseguramiento de la inocuidad en el servicio de alimentación del Hospital Dr. Rafael Estévez y otros hospitales en el país
Promoción del uso de fibra alimentaria y conocimiento de grasas trans en la alimentación diaria para evitar enfermedades crónicas en estudiantes de segundo año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería del Centro Regional Universitario de Veraguas
Objetivos General: Promover el consumo de fibra alimentaria y evitar las grasas trans en la alimentación.
Objetivos Específicos:
<Determinar el conocimiento sobre tipos de fibras alimentarias y grasas Trans en estudiantes de segundo año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería del CRUV.
<Aplicar conocimientos sobre fibra alimentaria y grasas trans en la alimentación diaria.
<Evitar enfermedades crónicas por deficiencia de fibra alimentaria y consumo de grasas trans en la alimentación diaria
\u3ci\u3eThemeda triandra\u3c/i\u3e as a Perennial Seed Crop in South-Eastern Australia: What are the Agronomic Possibilities and Constraints, and Future Research Needs?
In Australia, the development of native perennial seed crops is an area of increasing interest. Reasons for this include the production of high-value seed, the significance of native plants to Aboriginal people and the importance of diversified cropping in building more resilient farming systems. One species of interest is Themeda triandra, a C4 perennial tussock grass that dominated grasslands and woodlands across Australia prior to European invasion. Djaara, the traditional owner group representing the Dja Dja Wurrung people of Djandak (Dja Dja Wurrung country in central Victoria), is one group who seek to return T. triandra to the landscape as a seed-producing crop. This is due to the species holding for them significant cultural and social value, along with envisioned future economic opportunities. As such, this review is targeted towards temperate grasslands of south-eastern Australia where Djandak is located. This review summarises the agronomic possibilities and constraints relating to production of a T. triandra as a seed crop via an understanding of the genetic, environmental and management factors that influence the growth, development, and seed yield of this species. Future research and development needs are also identified
Correction to: Microbial communities associated with distance- and density-dependent seedling mortality in a tropical rainforest (Plant Ecology, (2020), 221, 1, (41-54), 10.1007/s11258-019-00989-y)
© 2020, Springer Nature B.V. The article entitled “Microbial communities associated with distance- and density-dependent seedling mortality in a tropical rainforest”, which is part of the special issue on “Applying microbial communities to improve restoration and conservation outcomes” was published prematurely in Volume 221, Issue 1, January 2020
Foreign language learning as potential treatment for mild cognitive impairment
As the number of older adults increases, age-related health issues (both physical and cognitive) and associated costs are expected to increase, placing emotional and financial stress on family members and the health system. Dementia is one of the most devastating and costly diseases that older adults face. The present study aimed to determine whether foreign language learning can improve cognitive outcomes of older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The objectives are to determine whether foreign language learning is (1) effective in boosting cognitive reserve and promoting healthy cognitive function and (2) superior to other established cognitively stimulating activities such as crossword and logic puzzles
Seedling root architecture and its relationship with seed yield across diverse environments in \u3ci\u3ePhaseolus vulgaris\u3c/i\u3e
Seedling root phenotypes may have important impacts on fitness and are more easily measured than mature root phenotypes. We phenotyped the roots of 577 genotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), representing the bulk of the genetic diversity for recent cultivars and landraces in this species. Root architectural phenotypes of seedlings germinated for nine days were compared to root architectural phenotypes in the field as well as seed yield across 51 environments with an array of abiotic stresses including drought, nutrient deficiency, and heat, as well as non-stress conditions. We observed repeatability ranging from 0.52–0.57 for measures of root phenotypes in seedlings, significant variation in root phene states between gene pools and races, relationships between seedling and field phenotypes, and varying correlations between seedling root phenes and seed yield under a variety of environmental conditions. Seed yield was significantly related to seedling basal root number in 22% of environments, seedling adventitious root abundance in 35% of environments, and seedling taproot length in 12% of environments. Cluster analysis grouped genotypes by their aggregated seedling root phenotype, and variation in seed yield among these clusters under non-stress, drought, and low fertility conditions was observed. These results highlight the existence and influence of integrated root phenotypes for adaptation to edaphic stress, and suggest root phenes have value as breeding targets under real-world conditions
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