17 research outputs found

    Diseño estratégico de vanguardia

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    La integración del diseño con la vanguardia se observa natural, esto es, el diseño es una disciplina abductiva y la vanguardia persigue fines prospectivos, es decir, en ambos casos se trata de objetivos de posibilidad futura. De tal suerte, este libro, emanado de una parte de las ponencias rigurosamente arbitradas del Coloquio Internacional de Diseño 2016, está dividido en tres secciones o capítulos, a saber, el capítulo uno relacionado con la teoría y metodología para proyectos de diseño de vanguardia, el segundo sobre la tecnología, la innovación y la sostenibilidad de vanguardia de dichos proyectos, y finalmente el último capítulo, vinculado con la gestión estratégica de proyectos de vanguardia.La historia se forja de hechos e interpretaciones, de pasados construidos y de presentes en procesos constantes, estudiados en forma estricta por las ciencias. Por su parte, el futuro ostenta la posibilidad de ser indefinidamente planeado con base en las variopintas aproximaciones teóricas y empíricas que dan fundamento a este tipo de ciencia; éstas son denominadas prospectivas y sus bases vanguardias. Resulta importante señalar, que estas posibilidades sólo permiten tener una idea hipotética de lo que será la realidad y el mundo de vida de los seres vivos y su contexto, no obstante, se trata de la única manera racional que tiene el ser humano de prever ese futuro posible. Las distintas ciencias y disciplinas nos permiten construir históricamente estas posibilidades partiendo de datos, hechos, significados y un sinfín de informaciones que le dan cuerpo y sentido a tales posibilidades. En este sentido, la vanguardia, como base del conocimiento prospectivo, observa la necesidad de ser escrita, leída y discutida en los términos más estrictos con el fin de volver las predicciones más precisas. El diseño por su parte, es definido de manera sucinta como la disciplina proyectual estratégica y sistémica de la posibilidad, dirigida a procesos de significación utilitaria y simbólica para la comprensión –o interpretación– y modificación –o proyectación– de niveles de realidad (referentes y sujetos) desde diversos aparatos teóricos y empíricos –perspectivas disciplinarias–

    Páginas Web personales

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    Significado de las páginas web personales, requisitos para tenerla y tener acceso a ella, partes de la página web personal (foto, documentos de interés, ligas de interés) preguntas más frecuentes contestadas además de un desarrollo de indexación de buscadore

    Desarrollo de un manual de guías de prácticas orientado al aprendizaje de la domótica

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    El manual de guías de prácticas domóticas está basado en el sistema domótico de Loxone, siendo esta tecnología con la que cuenta actualmente la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Sede Cuenca. Se describen estándares, protocolos de comunicación, topologías, diferentes tecnologías domóticas y lineamientos para diseñar e implementar sistemas domóticos.The home automation practice guide manual is based on the Loxone home automation system, this technology being currently used by the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Sede Cuenca. Standards, communication protocols, topologies, different home automation technologies and guidelines for designing and implementing home automation systems are described

    Tensile strength of suture material for oral and periodontal surgery: a narrative review

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    Objetivo: Proporcionar una revisión narrativa de la literatura actual sobre la resistencia a la tracción de diferentes materiales de sutura empleados en cirugía oral y periodontal. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed (Medline), Science Direct, Semantic Scholar, Scopus, Scielo, SpringerLink y Google Scholar para la extracción de datos correspondientes. Esta revisión ha analizado estudios sobre materiales de sutura monofilamento, multifilamento, absorbibles y no absorbibles. Conclusiones: Las mejores propiedades de resistencia a la tracción se pueden encontrar en el material de sutura de polipropileno, ácido poliglicólico y polidioxanona debido a sus propiedades. Estos datos deben ser considerados para que el operador elija el material de sutura teniendo en cuenta su comportamiento de resistencia a la tracción para cirugías periodontales u orales donde las suturas necesitan ser retenidas por períodos más largos. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios para comprender la resistencia a la tracción en diferentes procedimientos y la variabilidad de las situaciones clínicasObjetive: To provide a narrative review of the current literature on tensile strength of different sutures materials employed in oral and periodontal surgery. Materials and methods: MESH terms have been used to search relevant literature electronically in the PubMed, Science Direct, Semantic Scholar, Scopus, Scielo, SpringerLink and Google Scholar databases. This review has analyzed studies on monofilament, multifilament, absorbable, and non absorbable suture's materials. Conclusions: The best tensile strength properties may be found in polypropylene, polyglycolic acid, polydioxanone suture's material due to their properties. This data should be considered so that the operator chooses the suture material taking into account their tensile strength behavior for periodontal or oral surgeries where sutures need to be retained for longer periods . However, further studies are needed to understand tensile strength in different procedures and the variability of clinical situation

    Estudio sobre la creación de una revista de difusión tecnológica aplicada al diseño gráfico y producción audiovisual para la ciudad de Guayaquil

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    Frente a la necesidad de tener un espacio que sirva de vitrina tanto para los trabajos y sobre todos los diseñadores nacionales que hacen posible aquellas producciones en especial en la ciudad de Guayaquil surge este proyecto que tiene como nombre Monkey Design que se trata de una revista que la produce la Empresa Gutenberg S.A. como una de las soluciones para este problema de la poca difusión de la producción nacional.GuayaquilLicenciado en Diseño Gráfico y Publicitari

    Evaluation of three varieties of Buffel grass, in the North of Tamaulipas

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    Objective: To evaluate the vegetative, reproductive, production, and forage quality characteristics of three Buffel grass varieties from northern Tamaulipas. Design/Methodology/Approach: A pot trial was established under open field conditions, at CERIB-CIRNE-INIFAP in Río Bravo, Tamaulipas, on 04/15/2016 and 03/10/2017; the experiment was carried out with a completely randomized design, with 30 replications per material. The morphological, reproductive, production, and chemical composition characteristics of the Milenio, Regio, and Titán Buffel grass varieties forage were evaluated. Results: The year accounted for 62.3% of the variation in the stem and leaf characteristics. The genotype contributed 35.4% and G*Y interaction, less than 2%. Regarding the reproductive variables, the genotype accounted for 62% of the results, the G*Y interaction, 25%, and the year, 13%. The genotype and the year accounted for 44% and 47% of the variance in forage production and quality, respectively. The G*Y interaction had no statistical effect. Limitations/Implications: The evaluation was carried out under pot conditions, which implies that the roots of the plants have limited growth and that the expression of some of the characteristics of the material may be restricted. Findings/Conclusions: The major differences between the three varieties were found in their morphological characteristics: duration of the flowering stage, reproductive stems proportion, panicle length, exertion of the panicle from the main stem, number of florets per panicle, and seed weight

    Surveillance of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Triatomine vectors, feral dogs and cats, and wild animals in and around El Paso county, Texas, and New Mexico.

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    The causative agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, is transmitted by triatomine vectors. The insect is endemic in the Americas, including the United States, where epidemiological studies are limited, particularly in the Southwestern region. Here, we have determined the prevalence of T. cruzi in triatomines, feral cats and dogs, and wild animals, the infecting parasite genotypes and the mammalian host bloodmeal sources of the triatomines at four different geographical sites in the U.S.-Mexico border, including El Paso County, Texas, and nearby cities in New Mexico. Using qualitative polymerase chain reaction to detect T. cruzi infections, we found 66.4% (n = 225) of triatomines, 45.3% (n = 95) of feral dogs, 39.2% (n = 24) of feral cats, and 71.4% (n = 7) of wild animals positive for T. cruzi. Over 95% of T. cruzi genotypes or discrete typing units (DTUs) identified were TcI and some TcIV. Furthermore, Triatoma rubida was the triatomine species most frequently (98.2%) collected in all samples analyzed. These findings suggest a high prevalence of T. cruzi infections among triatomines, and feral and wild animals in the studied sites. Therefore, our results underscore the urgent need for implementation of a systematic epidemiological surveillance program for T. cruzi infections in insect vectors, and feral and wild animals, and Chagas disease in the human population in the southwestern region of the United States

    The dynamic changes and sex differences of 147 immune-related proteins during acute COVID-19 in 580 individuals.

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    Funder: Public health agency of CanadaFunder: Canadian institute for health researchFunder: Génome Québec; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100013062Funder: Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000156INTRODUCTION: Severe COVID-19 leads to important changes in circulating immune-related proteins. To date it has been difficult to understand their temporal relationship and identify cytokines that are drivers of severe COVID-19 outcomes and underlie differences in outcomes between sexes. Here, we measured 147 immune-related proteins during acute COVID-19 to investigate these questions. METHODS: We measured circulating protein abundances using the SOMAscan nucleic acid aptamer panel in two large independent hospital-based COVID-19 cohorts in Canada and the United States. We fit generalized additive models with cubic splines from the start of symptom onset to identify protein levels over the first 14 days of infection which were different between severe cases and controls, adjusting for age and sex. Severe cases were defined as individuals with COVID-19 requiring invasive or non-invasive mechanical respiratory support. RESULTS: 580 individuals were included in the analysis. Mean subject age was 64.3 (sd 18.1), and 47% were male. Of the 147 proteins, 69 showed a significant difference between cases and controls (p < 3.4 × 10-4). Three clusters were formed by 108 highly correlated proteins that replicated in both cohorts, making it difficult to determine which proteins have a true causal effect on severe COVID-19. Six proteins showed sex differences in levels over time, of which 3 were also associated with severe COVID-19: CCL26, IL1RL2, and IL3RA, providing insights to better understand the marked differences in outcomes by sex. CONCLUSIONS: Severe COVID-19 is associated with large changes in 69 immune-related proteins. Further, five proteins were associated with sex differences in outcomes. These results provide direct insights into immune-related proteins that are strongly influenced by severe COVID-19 infection