10 research outputs found

    Overcoming biochar limitations to remediate pentachlorophenol in soil by modifying its electrochemical properties

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    In this study, we produced modified biochars with enhanced electrochemical properties to increase PCP remediation in soil. Although all biochars enhanced PCP remediation in aerobic conditions, only a few did in anaerobic soil. The most successful modifications were (i) the preloading of biomass with 10% w/w FeCl3, to obtain a biochar rich in redox-active metals (B-Fe); (ii) the oxidation of a conductive biochar pyrolyzed at 1000 ÂșC with 0.025 M KMnO4, to produce a biochar with both moderate conductivity and redox capacity (B-1000-KMnO4); and (iii) KMnO4 oxidation of an amorphous biochar pyrolyzed at 400 ÂșC to obtain a biochar with very high redox capacity (B-KMnO4). B-Fe reduced extractable PCP to almost zero after 50 days in both incubations, but showed slow kinetics of remediation in aerobic soil. B-1000-KMnO4 had the highest rate of remediation under aerobic conditions, but no significant effect under anaerobic conditions. B-KMnO4, however, presented high rates of remediation and high removal of extractable PCP under both conditions, which made it the recommended modification strategy for increased PCP remediation. We found that the degree of remediation primarily depends on the redox capacity, while the rate of remediation was determined by both the conductivity and redox capacity of biochar

    Psychiatric and psychosocial problems in adults with normal-intelligence autism spectrum disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) often display symptoms from other diagnostic categories. Studies of clinical and psychosocial outcome in adult patients with ASDs without concomitant intellectual disability are few. The objective of this paper is to describe the clinical psychiatric presentation and important outcome measures of a large group of normal-intelligence adult patients with ASDs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Autistic symptomatology according to the DSM-IV-criteria and the Gillberg & Gillberg research criteria, patterns of comorbid psychopathology and psychosocial outcome were assessed in 122 consecutively referred adults with normal intelligence ASDs. The subjects consisted of 5 patients with autistic disorder (AD), 67 with Asperger's disorder (AS) and 50 with pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD NOS). This study group consists of subjects pooled from two studies with highly similar protocols, all seen on an outpatient basis by one of three clinicians.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Core autistic symptoms were highly prevalent in all ASD subgroups. Though AD subjects had the most pervasive problems, restrictions in non-verbal communication were common across all three subgroups and, contrary to current DSM criteria, so were verbal communication deficits. Lifetime psychiatric axis I comorbidity was very common, most notably mood and anxiety disorders, but also ADHD and psychotic disorders. The frequency of these diagnoses did not differ between the ASD subgroups or between males and females. Antisocial personality disorder and substance abuse were more common in the PDD NOS group. Of all subjects, few led an independent life and very few had ever had a long-term relationship. Female subjects more often reported having been bullied at school than male subjects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ASDs are clinical syndromes characterized by impaired social interaction and non-verbal communication in adulthood as well as in childhood. They also carry a high risk for co-existing mental health problems from a broad spectrum of disorders and for unfavourable psychosocial life circumstances. For the next revision of DSM, our findings especially stress the importance of careful examination of the exclusion criterion for adult patients with ASDs.</p

    ZebrafishTg(7.2mab21l2:EGFP)ucd2Transgenics Reveal a Unique Population of Retinal Amacrine Cells

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    The following document is an application of the fiscal sustainability model for Costa Rican economy. The model uses the methodology of natural debt limit proposed by Mendoza and Oviedo (2009) as well as a set of Montecarlo simulations to estimate the probability of surpassing this limit. The model is a simplification of the one applied by Tanner and Samake (2007) and Fernandez K. (2005). After forecasting a 3 year period a 76.09% probability to exceed the limit of debt was obtained  indicating that the economy has a high risk of unsustainable debt, in this context is was proposed, based on the IRF’s, a possible contractive fiscal politic was encountered.El presente documento es una aplicaciĂłn de un modelo de sostenibilidad fiscal para la economĂ­a de Costa Rica. Se utiliza la metodologĂ­a de lĂ­mite natural de deuda propuesta por Mendoza y Oviedo (2009) y Simulaciones Montecarlo para calcular la probabilidad de superar este lĂ­mite. El modelo presentado es una simplificaciĂłn del aplicado por Tanner y Samake (2007) y FernĂĄndez (2005). Pronosticando 3 años se obtiene un 76,09% de probabilidad de superar el lĂ­mite de deuda definido como crĂ­tico, lo que indica que la economĂ­a posee un alto riesgo de insostenibilidad de la deuda. Es por ello que  basado en funciones de impulso respuesta se concluye el posible resultado de una polĂ­tica fiscal contractiva

    A method for isolation of cone photoreceptors from adult zebrafish retinae

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    Background: Cone photoreceptors are specialised sensory retinal neurons responsible for photopic vision, colour perception and visual acuity. Retinal degenerative diseases are a heterogeneous group of eye diseases in which the most severe vision loss typically arises from cone photoreceptor dysfunction or degeneration. Establishing a method to purify cone photoreceptors from retinal tissue can accelerate the identification of key molecular determinants that underlie cone photoreceptor development, survival and function. The work herein describes a new method to purify enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-labelled cone photoreceptors from adult retina of Tg(3.2gnat2:EGFP) zebrafish. Results: Methods for dissecting adult zebrafish retinae, cell dissociation, cell sorting, RNA isolation and RNA quality control were optimised. The dissociation protocol, carried out with ~30 retinae from adult zebrafish, yielded approximately 6 × 106 cells. Flow cytometry cell sorting subsequently distinguished 1 × 106 EGFP+ cells and 4 × 106 EGFP− cells. Electropherograms confirmed downstream isolation of high-quality RNA with RNA integrity number (RIN) >7.6 and RNA concentration >5.7 ng/”l obtained from both populations. Reverse Transcriptase-PCR confirmed that the EGFP-positive cell populations express known genetic markers of cone photoreceptors that were not expressed in the EGFP-negative cell population whereas a rod opsin amplicon was only detected in the EGFP-negative retinal cell population. Conclusions: This work describes a valuable adult zebrafish cone photoreceptor isolation methodology enabling future identification of cone photoreceptor-enriched genes, proteins and signalling networks responsible for their development, survival and function. In addition, this advancement facilitates the identification of novel candidate genes for inherited human blindness.Bright Focus FoundationMacular Degeneration GrantWelcome TrustNational Institutes of Healt

    Genetic determinants of hyaloid and retinal vasculature in zebrafish

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The retinal vasculature is a capillary network of blood vessels that nourishes the inner retina of most mammals. Developmental abnormalities or microvascular complications in the retinal vasculature result in severe human eye diseases that lead to blindness. To exploit the advantages of zebrafish for genetic, developmental and pharmacological studies of retinal vasculature, we characterised the intraocular vasculature in zebrafish.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show a detailed morphological and developmental analysis of the retinal blood supply in zebrafish. Similar to the transient hyaloid vasculature in mammalian embryos, vessels are first found attached to the zebrafish lens at 2.5 days post fertilisation. These vessels progressively lose contact with the lens and by 30 days post fertilisation adhere to the inner limiting membrane of the juvenile retina. Ultrastructure analysis shows these vessels to exhibit distinctive hallmarks of mammalian retinal vasculature. For example, smooth muscle actin-expressing pericytes are ensheathed by the basal lamina of the blood vessel, and vesicle vacuolar organelles (VVO), subcellular mediators of vessel-retinal nourishment, are present. Finally, we identify 9 genes with cell membrane, extracellular matrix and unknown identity that are necessary for zebrafish hyaloid and retinal vasculature development.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Zebrafish have a retinal blood supply with a characteristic developmental and adult morphology. Abnormalities of these intraocular vessels are easily observed, enabling application of genetic and chemical approaches in zebrafish to identify molecular regulators of hyaloid and retinal vasculature in development and disease.</p