235 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Self-Efficacy

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    This study was written to contribute to the literature regarding the relationship between mindfulness and self-efficacy. Mindfulness is a way of directing attention that is rooted in the Eastern meditation tradition. It has started to be discussed and applied more and more in Western culture. It is aimed to direct the mind's attention with a specific method in mindfulness meditation. On the other hand, Self-efficacy as the sub dimension of positive psychological capital focuses on the belief that a person will perform successfully in a specific area. Self efficancy considers the feeling of believing individual's self and abilities in a work or a situation. In this regard, the aim of this study is to examine the relationship between mindfulness and self-efficacy by conducting a literature review regarding those two concepts. As a result of the research, it is concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between mindfulness and self-efficacy

    Brewer algorithm sensitivity analysis

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    Presentación realizada para el: SAUNA workshop celebrado el 8 de noviembre de 2006 en Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife

    Estrategia pedag?gica para reducir la agresividad y el conflicto en las relaciones de convivencia del grado 604 de la Instituci?n Educativa Nuestra Se?ora del Carmen Miraflores, Guadalupe.

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    199 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto es necesario para favorecer la cultura ciudadana en la escuela porque fortalece la autonom?a y autorregulaci?n de los estudiantes frente al manejo y la resoluci?n de conflictos escolares. Mediante mesas de conciliaci?n y de resoluci?n de conflictos es indispensable promover un proceso de toma de decisiones, cuyo objetivo sea manejar, gestionar, y resolver el conflicto entre pares, de manera que los estudiantes potencien valores tales como el respeto por la dignidad y los derechos humanos. As? mismo, se realiza un trabajo de identificaci?n de posibles casos de exclusi?n, violencia y enfrentamientos entre estudiantes, con los cuales se orientan; tambi?n se realizan talleres de formaci?n, en donde los estudiantes y padres de familia participan de manera focal, haciendo parte activa en el proceso. Teniendo en cuenta de que los conflictos son situaciones y procesos que suceden con regularidad, en las relaciones con los dem?s e incluso con nosotros mismos, por consiguiente configuran un algo productivo de aquello que se puede aprender en cuanto a desarrollar diferentes habilidades; encontrando diversos factores que influyan, directa o indirectamente en los comportamientos en el aula de clase. Palabras Claves: convivencia, violencia, conflicto, escuela, motivaci?n, resoluci?n, educaci?n, Problema, ni?o y comunidad.This project contributes to citizen?s culture at the school because strengthen the autonomy and self-regulation of students facing to manage and the resolution schoolchild conflicts. Through the conciliation tables and resolution conflicts we encourage a process of decision making, which objective is lead, manage, resolve, or give solution the conflict between pairs, such that of the students to boost the values like the respect for dignity and the human rights. In this way, carry out a identification work of possible cases of exclusion, violence, confrontation of students, who the work is oriented. Those in the trainer workshop are completed whit the students and parents in focal way where every actor is actively involved in the process. The conflicts are situations and process than happen with normalcy in relationship with others and even with ourselves. The fact is they treat them as if were wrong and, although sometimes they spend awful time, should look at them from a positive point of view. The conflicts are something productive where they can learn many things. This require learning how to manage them and develop several skills. Also have to take into account diverse factors that influence directly and indirectly in the conflict and their relationship with the school and the classroom. Keywords: coexistence, violence, conflict, school, motivation, resolution, education, issue, child, communit

    Pandora Operation and Analysis Software

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    Pandora Operation and Analysis Software controls the Pandora Sun- and sky-pointing optical head and built-in filter wheels (neutral density, UV bandpass, polarization filters, and opaque). The software also controls the attached spectrometer exposure time and thermoelectric cooler to maintain the spectrometer temperature to within 1 C. All functions are available through a GUI so as to be easily accessible by the user. The data are automatically stored on a miniature computer (netbook) for automatic download to a designated server at user defined intervals (once per day, once per week, etc.), or to a USB external device. An additional software component reduces the raw data (spectrometer counts) to preliminary scientific products for quick-view purposes. The Pandora systems are built from off-the-shelf commercial parts and from mechanical parts machined using electronic machine shop drawings. The Pandora spectrometer system is designed to look at the Sun (tracking to within 0.1 ), or to look at the sky at any zenith or azimuth angle, to gather information about the amount of trace gases or aerosols that are present

    Implementasi Teori Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Korporasi Kaitannya dengan Kejahatan Korporasi

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    The existence of corporations in current globalization and liberal economy is like that of a double-point sword. In one side, they are -useful" (for the sake of economic growth), but they are also "harrnfid (commit crime to gain as much profit as possible) in other one. Recognizing the negative sides of corporations\u27 existence, statutory laws except Indonesian Criminal Code have establihed that corporations can commit crimes and be sentenced. Accordingly, studies on positive Indonesian criminal law have addressed criminal liability theories for corporations namely identification doctrinevicarious liability doctrine and strict liability doctrine. Indeed, the theories are not based on the general rules in Indonesian Criminal Code due to except Indonesian Criminal Code\u27s principle that corporations can do no crimes. However, law enforcing agents can employ the theories to charge corporate criminals. Kata kunci : korporasi, kejahatan korporasi, teori-teori pertanggunglawaban pidana korporasi, aparat penegak hukum

    La Modalidad Virtual en la Educación Superior de la República Dominicana: situación actual, necesidades y desafíos

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    Identificar el estado actual de la Educación Superior en la modalidad virtual en la República Dominicana, así como las necesidades y los desafíos que presenta para adecuarse a la sociedad del conocimiento

    Theory and Practice: Do They Meet?

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    The impressive wealth of literature to international negotiation research testifies to the ever growig interest in and relevance of international negotiation theory as a field of academic study. While the scientific value of this research has never put into doubt, its practical usefulness for operational diplomatic activities is sometimes questioned by practitioners who either ignore the basics of negotition theory or flatly discard them as being not relevant for real life conflicts and situations. Against this background it appeared timely and approriate to confront some of the theorists' key concepts with diplomats' practical experience in relevant areas of international negotiations

    La l?dica una estrategia pedag?gica en la construcci?n de valores para favorecer procesos de ense?anza - aprendizaje en los ni?os de 4-5 a?os en la instituci?n educativa San Sim?n de Ibagu?.

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    77 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto de investigaci?n expone las actividades l?dicas pedag?gicas para favorecer procesos de ense?anza-aprendizaje de los ni?os de grado preescolar favoreciendo y enriqueciendo cada una de las dimensiones del desarrollo, con el fin de lograr amor y gusto en la adquisici?n de saberes; necesarios en su proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo como ser vital de la sociedad. De la misma manera que el proceso que se llev? a cabo en el transcurso de la investigaci?n formativa que permite enlazar el mundo de la universidad con lo visto en la escuela, d?ndole sentido a la pr?ctica pedag?gica de las investigadoras, con el prop?sito de dar un modelo pedag?gico activo desde diversas recopilaciones de te?ricos que fundamentan la importancia de los valores en los ni?os, teniendo en cuenta sus necesidades, logrando disposici?n del estudiante motivaci?n en su formaci?n. Desde esta mirada se crea un proyecto pedag?gico de aula ?el trencito de los valores? como mecanismo de intervenci?n que facilitara el fortalecimiento de los valores en los ni?os del aula preescolar, reconociendo su contexto y vinculaci?n de los agentes (padres, docentes-directivos comunidad) que contribuyen de forma permanente en este proceso, fortaleciendo la calidad de vida los ni?os y el gusto por obtener destrezas dentro y fuera de la instituci?n educativa.ABSTRACT. This research project presents the educational play activities to promote teaching and learning processes of preschool degree promoting and enriching each of the dimensions of development, in order to achieve love and taste in acquiring knowledge; necessary for their growth and development as a vital society. In the same way that the process that took place during the formative research that can link the world of college with that seen in the school, giving meaning to the teaching practice of the researchers, in order to give a active teaching model from various compilations of theoretical underpinning the importance of values in children, taking into account their needs, making available to the student motivation in their training. From this perspective a teaching classroom project "the little train of values" as a means of intervention to facilitate the strengthening of values in children of preschool classroom, recognizing its context and linking agents (parents, teachers create community-managers) that contribute permanently in the process, strengthen the quality of life for children and a taste for getting skills inside and outside the school.INTRODUCCION 11 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 13 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 13 1.2 FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 15 2. OBJETIVOS 17 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 17 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 17 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 18 4. MARCO REFERENCIAL. 21 4.1 ANTECEDENTES 21 4.1.1 Nacional 22 4.1.2 Internacional 23 4.2 MARCO TEORICO 25 4.3 MARCO CONTEXTUAL 28 4.4 MARCO LEGAL 33 4.4.1 Aportes internacionales 34 4.4.2 Aporte Nacional 34 4.4.3 Aportes departamentales 35 4.4.4 Aporte Local 37 5. METODOLOGIA 41 5.1 ESTRUCTURA METODOL?GICA 41 5.1.1 Descripci?n de la fase 1 45 5.1.2. Descripci?n Fase 2 47 5.2 ANALISIS DE RESULTADOS 51 5.2.1 validez y confiablidad 51 5.2.2. Fase 1. Caracterizaci?n de las pr?cticas que se ejercen y de los discursos que circulan sobre la educaci?n de los ni?os y ni?as menores de 7 a?os 51 5.2.3 fase 2. En la segunda fase el sentido pedag?gico de los procesos de intervenci?n 53 5.3 EVALUACI?N Y SEGUIMIENTO 56 6. EL PROYECTO DE INTERVENSION 57 6.1 ESQUEMA GENERAL 57 6.2 ACTIVIDADES INTEGRADORAS DEL PROYECTO DE INTERVENCION PPA 60 6.2.1 Actividades para Directivos y Docentes 62 6.2.2 Actividades integradoras para los padres 63 6.2.3 Actividades integradoras para los ni?os 64 6.3 EXPERIENCIA PEDAG?GICA 65 7. CONCLUSIONES 67 8. RECOMENDACIONES 6

    High Precision, Absolute Total Column Ozone Measurements from the Pandora Spectrometer System: Comparisons with Data from a Brewer Double Monochromator and Aura OMI

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    We present new, high precision, high temporal resolution measurements of total column ozone (TCO) amounts derived from ground-based direct-sun irradiance measurements using our recently deployed Pandora single-grating spectrometers. Pandora's small size and portability allow deployment at multiple sites within an urban air-shed and development of a ground-based monitoring network for studying small-scale atmospheric dynamics, spatial heterogeneities in trace gas distribution, local pollution conditions, photochemical processes and interdependencies of ozone and its major precursors. Results are shown for four mid- to high-latitude sites where different Pandora instruments were used. Comparisons with a well calibrated double-grating Brewer spectrometer over a period of more than a year in Greenbelt MD showed excellent agreement and a small bias of approximately 2 DU (or, 0.6%). This was constant with slant column ozone amount over the full range of observed solar zenith angles (15-80), indicating adequate Pandora stray light correction. A small (1-2%) seasonal difference was found, consistent with sensitivity studies showing that the Pandora spectral fitting TCO retrieval has a temperature dependence of 1% per 3K, with an underestimation in temperature (e.g., during summer) resulting in an underestimation of TCO. Pandora agreed well with Aura-OMI (Ozone Measuring Instrument) satellite data, with average residuals of <1% at the different sites when the OMI view was within 50 km from the Pandora location and OMI-measured cloud fraction was <0.2. The frequent and continuous measurements by Pandora revealed significant short-term (hourly) temporal changes in TCO, not possible to capture by sun-synchronous satellites, such as OMI, alone

    CEOS Intercalibration of Ground-Based Spectrometers and Lidars: Contract Change Notice 2012-2013: Final Report

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    This document is the final report of the Intercalibration of ground-based spectrometers and Lidars - Extension 2012-2013. It summarizes the activities performed in the period from November 2012 until December 2013 and the main results obtained