64 research outputs found

    Os poetas passam e os artistas ficam: Fernando Pessoa, influência e construção

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    Tese de doutoramento, Teoria da Literatura, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2003Esta tese estuda os conceitos pessoanos de influência e construção, defendendo, por um lado, que todos os heterónimos maiores constituem reacções contra Teixeira de Pascoaes e, por outro, que Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson e Edgar Allan Poe desempenham um papel mediador neste contexto.Abstract: This thesis studies Pessoa’s concepts of influence and construction, defending, on one hand, that all major heteronyms are reactions against Teixeira de Pascoaes and, on the other hand, that Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Edgar Allan Poe play a mediative role in this context.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia: concessão de uma Bolsa de Doutoramento (no âmbito do III Quadro Comunitário de Apoio do Fundo Social Europeu

    O invisível Hotel Ryugyong, representações do outro no romance Dentro do segredo, uma viagem na Coreia do Norte, de José Luís Peixoto

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    Ler Dentro do segredo, Uma viagem na Coreia do Norte, de José Luís Peixoto é abrir uma porta para um mundo desconhecido, quase ignorado, como o pode ser a Coreia do Norte. O autor procura com esta obra mostrar como a literatura pode tomar conta de assuntos que remetem para a esfera política, sociológica e até antropológica, de forma a colocar em cena uma sociedade enclausurada, assim como um dos regimes ditatoriais mais fechados do mundo. A representação literária e geográfica da Coreia do Norte permite ao autor entrar na "casa do Outro" e perceber de que forma a visão de um ocidental sobre essa cultura pode contribuir para a construção do texto e de que forma o contacto com a mesma possibilita a desconstrução dessa visão sobre um dado lugar no mundo. Por outro lado, a escolha do país é a forma encontrada pelo autor de viver a sua aventura quixotesca, posto que o exílio momentâneo na Coreia do Norte, corresponde a um desejo profundo de busca de si e o encerramento numa sociedade tão fechada é uma forma de se descobrir e de descobrir a sua pertença ao pequeno retângulo pintado a amarelo no globo terrestre encontrado numa escola coreana. A referência a D. Quixote não é gratuita, dado que o livro, escondido numa mala, acompanha o autor ao longo da viagem e será o ponto de partida para uma reflexão sobre a realidade vivida e a realidade retórica do regime de Pyongyang

    Combining an HA + CU (II) site-targeted copper-based product with a pruning wound protection program to prevent infection with Lasiodiplodia spp. in grapevine

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    The genus Lasiodiplodia has been reported from several grape growing regions and is considered as one of the fastest wood colonizers, causing Botryosphaeria dieback. The aim of this study was to (i) evaluate the efficacy of Esquive®, a biocontrol agent, on vineyard pruning wound protection, applied single or, in a combined protection strategy with a new site-targeted copper-based treatment (LC2017), and (ii) compare their efficacy with chemical protection provided by the commercially available product, Tessior®. For two seasons, protectants were applied onto pruning wounds, while LC2017 was applied throughout the season according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pruning wounds of two different cultivars were inoculated with three isolates of Lasiodiplodia spp. Efficacy of the wound protectants, varied between both years of the assay and according to the cultivar studied but were able to control the pathogen to some extent. The application of LC2017 did not show clear evidence of improving the control obtained by the sole application of the other products tested. Nevertheless, LC2017 showed a fungistatic effect against Lasiodiplodia spp., in vitro, and has previously shown an elicitor effect against grapevine trunk diseases. Therefore, this combination of two protection strategies may constitute a promising long-term approach to mitigate the impact of Botryosphaeria diebackinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Redes sociais em novos empreendimentos : o papel do Instagram na perspectiva de microempreendedoras do ramo da moda.

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    O trabalho apresenta a pesquisa realizada com microempreendedoras do ramo da moda feminina para entender como elas enxergavam o papel do Instagram para suas marcas. Com base nas quatro etapas propostas na metodologia do inbound marketing, foram analisadas as possibilidades e limitações apresentadas pela mídia social para cada empresa. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas de forma remota com cada participante. Os resultados descreveram a perspectiva das microempreendedoras sobre a atuação do Instagram nas quatro etapas, que se mostrou eficiente principalmente para as empresas menos estruturadas. Todas as quatro foram total ou parcialmente realizadas de maneira satisfatória através da plataforma. Também foram percebidas as limitações que foram aparecendo conforme o desenvolvimento e crescimento das empresas no mercado, como a etapa de fechar que se mostrou insustentável

    Cylindrocarpon root rot: multi-gene analysis reveals novel species within the Ilyonectria radicicola species complex

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    Abstract Ilyonectria radicicola and its Cylindrocarpon-like anamorph represent a species complex that is commonly associated with root rot disease symptoms on a range of hosts. During the course of this study, several species could be distinguished from I. radicicola sensu stricto based on morphological and culture characteristics. DNA sequence analysis of the partial β-tubulin, histone H3, translation elongation factor 1-α and nuclear ribosomal RNA-Internal Transcribed Spacer (nrRNA-ITS) genes were employed to provide further support for the morphological species resolved among 68 isolates associated with root rot disease symptoms. Of the various loci screened, nrRNA-ITS sequences were the least informative, while histone H3 sequences were the most informative, resolving the same number of species as the combined dataset across the four genes. Within the Ilyonectria radicicola species complex, 12 new taxa are delineated occurring on a diverse range of hosts, the most common being Cyclamen, Lilium, Panax, Pseudotsuga, Quercus and Vitis

    Effect of the Combined Treatments with LC2017 and Trichoderma atroviride Strain I-1237 on Disease Development and Defense Responses in Vines Infected by Lasiodiplodia theobromae

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    Grapevine trunk diseases constitute one of the major problems for viticulture worldwide, with Botryosphaeria dieback considered as one of the most important of these diseases. In this work, we aimed to (i) evaluate the effect of the combination of two products, Esquive® (a Trichoderma-based product) and LC2017 (a low-copper-based product), in the control of Lasiodiplodia theobromae, by evaluating the internal lesion length caused by inoculation of this pathogen on greenhouse kept grapevines of cvs Cabernet Sauvignon and Touriga Nacional and, (ii) investigating their elicitor effect on plant defense responses, through the analysis of the expression of a set of genes. The pathogen was always re-isolated from the infected tissues and was able to cause wood discoloration. Touriga Nacional exhibited longer lesions than Cabernet Sauvignon, and the application of both products did not appear to reduce lesion length when compared to LC2017 applied alone. The elicitor effect of LC2017 on plant defense was confirmed by gene expression analysis, and no significant differences were found between plants treated with LC2017 and with both products. Moreover, a specific response related to the cultivar was verified, but this apparently unique interaction between product, cultivar and pathogen remains to be further investigatedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hyperacusis and stapes surgery: An observation in fifty patients after stapedotomy

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    Objective: To assess hyperacusis after stapedotomy and its possible influencing factors. Study design: Prospective, interventional, and longitudinal study. Setting: A tertiary referral center. Patients: Fifty consecutive patients (35 females, mean age = 46.8 years). Intervention: All patients underwent stapedotomy. The validated Portuguese version of the "Hyperacusis Questionnaire" (HQ) was administered before and two weeks and one month after surgery. Results: No hyperacusis was reported by any patient before surgery. At two weeks after surgery, all patients experienced hyperacusis, with a mean HQ at 16.88 ± 6.54 (range 4-25). One month after surgery, hyperacusis had already resolved in most patients. Gender, preoperative presentation or surgeon had no influence on HQ scores (p > 0.05). Patients with previous contralateral stapedotomy showed lower HQ scores (p = 0.001). Audiological parameters improvement measured at one month after surgery (PTA, SRT and contralateral SRT) were associated with HQ higher scores. Conclusion: This study confirms that hyperacusis is a common complaint after stapedotomy that usually resolves in one month after surgery. The HQ highest scores were registered among patients with the highest audiological gain after surgery. This suggests that hyperacusis may be a positive prognostic factor for audiological success after stapedotomy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O desenho do possível: teoria e prática em habitação social a partir do campo

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    Este trabajo presenta la contrucción dialógica del método El Diseño de lo Posible, del Grupo de Estúdio sobre Reforma Agrária y Hábitat (GERAH/UFRN), desde 1994, cuando inicia la coolaboración con el Movimiento de Los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierras (MST) y el órgano responsable por el desarrollo de asentamientos, el Instituto Nacional de Colonización y Reforma Agraria (INCRA). Revela posibilidades de Vivienda Social en el Campo, teniendo como hilo conductor los conceptos defendidos por los pensadores Henri Lefebvre y Paulo Freire. Reestructurado a partir de la tesis sobre el hábitat del MST (BORGES, 2002), sigue sus producciones teóricas y empíricas, como el seguimiento de esfuerzos conjuntos, en nuevas construcciones o en situaciones de riesgo. Actualmente, incorpora a sus estudios el espacio más allá de la dicotomía rural-urbana.Este trabalho apresenta a construção dialógica do método O Desenho do Possível, do Grupo de Estudos em Reforma Agrária e Habitat (GERAH/UFRN), desde 1994, quando inicia a parceria com o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) e o órgão responsável pelo desenvolvimento dos assentamentos, o Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA). Descortinando possibilidades para a Habitação Social no Campo, tem como fio condutor conceitos defendidos pelos pensadores Henri Lefebvre e Paulo Freire. Reestruturado após a tese sobre o habitat do MST (BORGES, 2002), segue, então, suas produções teóricas e empíricas, como o acompanhamento de mutirões, em construções novas ou em situações de risco. Atualmente, incorpora a seus estudos o espaço para além da dicotomia rural-urbana.This paper presents the dialoguing construction of the method The Possible’s Drawing, from the Land Reform and Land Study’s Group (GERAH/UFRN), since 1994, when it starts the association between the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) and the settlement development responsible organ, the National Institute of Colonization and Land Reform (INCRA), showing possibilities for rural social housing, using concepts defended by thinkers as Henri Lefebvre and Paulo Freire. Restructured after the MST habitat thesis (BORGES, 2002), follows its theoretical and empirical productions, as the attendance of multual assistance, in new buildings and risky situations. Nowadays, it incorporates the space beyond the rural-urban dichotomy to its studys

    Contribution for a better understanding of grapevine fungal trunk diseases in the Portuguese DĂŁo wine region

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    Summary. Esca and Petri disease, two of the most important fungal trunk diseases of grapevine, are responsible for significant losses by causing premature decline and dieback in vineyards worldwide. The Portuguese Dão wine region is no exception. Local winegrowers’ knowledge on Grapevine Trunk Diseases (GTD) in general and of esca and Petri disease in particular is incomplete. The real scope of those problems has been based largely on individual perceptions rather than on a methodical evaluation of the situation. In order to get a full picture of the diseases impact, a leaflet with color pictures was produced and issued to winegrowers, accompanied by a simple questionnaire. The results of this survey represent a first indication of the extent of grapevine trunk diseases in the Dão wine region, specifically its economic impact and relevance to the local wine industry. In conjunction with the survey, several samples of wood collected from esca and Petri disease symptomatic vines, identified during the survey throughout the entire region, were processed and a collection of isolates of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora obtained. To determine the intra-specific variability among these isolates, morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics were evaluated. A protocol to study the pathogenicity with P. chlamydospora was conducted, consisting on the inoculation of cv. Touriga Nacional’s spurs with a previously studied P. chlamydospora isolate

    Virulence and cross-infection potential of Ilyonectria spp. to grapevine

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    Black foot is an important disease of grapevines, affecting vines in nurseries as well as in young plantations. In recent years the disease has increased in incidence and severity throughout the world. Black foot is associated with at least two Campylocarpon and 12 Ilyonectria species, most of which have only recently been described. The recognition of previously unknown species, together with published reports of variability in virulence between and within species identified as I. macrodidyma and I. liriodendri, underlined the need to compare the virulence of isolates from these complexes. A further objective of this work was to determine the cross-infection potential of isolates of these species from other hosts to grapevine. Results from this study revealed recently described species such as I. lusitanica, I. estremocensis and I. europaea to be more virulent to grapevine than the species previously accepted as the main causal agents of black foot, such as I. liriodendri and I. macrodidyma. Furthermore, these results also provided support for isolates obtained from non-grapevine hosts to be as virulent to grapevines as isolates obtained from grapevine, underlying the cross-infection potential of these pathogens
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