581 research outputs found

    Posibilidades de promover una enculturación matemática en la infancia a través del arte

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    Atendiendo a los puentes existentes entre arte y matemáticas, mediante este ensayo se profundiza en la posibilidad de emplear el arte para el aprendizaje matemático. Así, partiendo de los preceptos de la antigua Grecia en cuanto a la educación, se opta por una perspectiva cultural de la educación matemática, analizando cómo se forma esta tecnología simbólica, cuáles son los valores que organizan nuestra cultura matemática concreta, cómo ha de ser la enculturación de los niños, la cabida del arte en el proceso y el encaje de todo ello en la legislación vigente. A través de este análisis teórico, se concluye que el arte puede ser un elemento útil para la educación matemática siempre que se desarrolle e incluya tanto los valores de la cultura matemática como los de las obras empleadas para, de esta manera, evitar la instrumentalización del arte y favorecer una sinergia entre ambas disciplinas

    As pandemias anteriores à COVID-19: da peste de Atenas à peste rosa

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    In world history, great epidemics not only caused thousands of deaths, but also emotional, psychosocial and even economical crises. But in the end, resilience gained territory, causing great learning and increased capacity for adaptation and survival. This article is the first of two, which categorize the great epidemics that hit the world during various periods of history. Its symptoms and its etiology are described within the historical context. Epidemics and pandemics are the result of variables such as poverty, lack of hygiene and a serious tendency to individualism, among others; in addition to stress factors that are the result of an accelerated rhythm of life, all of which survive to this day.Las grandes epidemias de la historia no solo ocasionaron muertes, sino crisis emocionales, psicosociales y económicas. Pero al final de cuentas la resiliencia ganó terreno, generando un gran aprendizaje y el incremento de la capacidad de adaptación y supervivencia. El presente artículo es el primero de dos, que categorizan a las grandes epidemias que azotaron al mundo en diversos períodos de la historia. Se describen sus síntomas y su etiología enmarcados en su contexto histórico. Epidemias y pandemias son el resultado de variables como la pobreza, la falta de higiene, una grave tendencia al individualismo, entre otras; además del factor de estrés, producto de un ritmo de vida acelerado, todos estos factores perviven hasta nuestros días.Na história do mundo, as grandes epidemias não causaram apenas mortes na população, mas também crises emocionais, psicossociais e até econômicas nas pessoas que conseguiram sobreviver a tais catástrofes. Entretanto, no final, a resiliência ganhou território, gerando grande aprendizado e aumento da capacidade de adaptação e sobrevivência. Este artigo é o primeiro de dois, que categorizam as grandes epidemias que atingiram o mundo em vários períodos da história. Seus sintomas e sua etiologia são descritos dentro do contexto histórico. Epidemias e pandemias que resultam de variáveis como pobreza, falta de higiene, grave tendência ao individualismo, entre outras; além de estressores decorrentes de um ritmo de vida acelerado, que permanecem até os dias de hoje

    Gripes assassinas e o reinado do coronavírus

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    This second text in a series of two, which unfolds the history of the largest epidemics and pandemics in the world. In the first, the pandemics preceding COVID-19 were described and analyzed: the plagues that ravaged the Greco-Roman world and other infectious contagious diseases until they reached the pink plague, as the AIDS virus was called. The present text begins with a series of deadly flus that currently end with the generation of the family of corona viruses. The text describes the characteristics of each disease and the emotional, economic, psychological disorders, among others, that were unleashed in each context where the virus proliferated.Este es el segundo texto de una serie de dos, que desarrollan la historia de las más grandes epidemias y pandemias del mundo. En el primero se describieron y analizaron las pandemias precedentes a la COVID-19: las pestes que asolaron el mundo greco-romano y otras enfermedades infectocontagiosas hasta llegar a la peste rosa, como fue llamado el virus del sida. El presente desarrollo se inicia con una serie de gripes mortíferas que terminan en la actualidad con la generación de los virus de la familia corona. Se describen las características de cada enfermedad y los desórdenes emocionales, económicos, psicológicos, entre otros, que se desataron en cada contexto donde proliferó el virus.Este é o segundo texto de uma série de dois, que conta a história das maiores epidemias e pandemias do mundo. No primeiro artigo, foram descritas e analisadas as pandemias que antecederam a COVID-19: as pestes que assolaram o mundo greco-romano e outras doenças infectocontagiosas até chegar à peste rosa, como era chamado o vírus da AIDS. O presente texto começa com uma série de gripes mortais e termina na atualidade com a geração dos vírus corona. Foram descritas as características de cada doença e os distúrbios emocionais, econômicos, psicológicos, entre outros, que se desencadearam em cada contexto em que o vírus proliferou

    Personalizing the web: A tool for empowering end-users to customize the web through browser-side modification

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    167 p.Web applications delegate to the browser the final rendering of their pages. Thispermits browser-based transcoding (a.k.a. Web Augmentation) that can be ultimately singularized for eachbrowser installation. This creates an opportunity for Web consumers to customize their Web experiences.This vision requires provisioning adequate tooling that makes Web Augmentation affordable to laymen.We consider this a special class of End-User Development, integrating Web Augmentation paradigms.The dominant paradigm in End-User Development is scripting languages through visual languages.This thesis advocates for a Google Chrome browser extension for Web Augmentation. This is carried outthrough WebMakeup, a visual DSL programming tool for end-users to customize their own websites.WebMakeup removes, moves and adds web nodes from different web pages in order to avoid tabswitching, scrolling, the number of clicks and cutting and pasting. Moreover, Web Augmentationextensions has difficulties in finding web elements after a website updating. As a consequence, browserextensions give up working and users might stop using these extensions. This is why two differentlocators have been implemented with the aim of improving web locator robustness

    Primeros testimonios de época antigua en el tramo final del valle del Oria: el yacimiento de Irigan (Usurbil, Gipuzkoa)

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    El presente artículo pretende dar a conocer el descubrimiento del yaciemiento de Irigain (Usurbil, Gipuzkoa). Los testimonios descubiertos son los primeros conocidos sobre el poblamiento en época antigua en el curso bajo del Oria. En este trabajo se plantea una interpretación de lo que pudo ser el modelo de poblamiento de la zona

    El concepto del infinito en la poética de Juan de la Cruz

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    The concept of infinite is clearly addressed in the comments that St. John of the Cross made to his own poetry. In his work, the concept of infinite is intimately related to the notion of God, who is reached not through the knowledge, but rather through the spiritual experience. The main goal of this paper is to look at the philosophical and hermeneutic implications of the concept of infinite and the different uses that St. Jhon of the Cross made in his work.El concepto de infinito aparece explícitamente en los comentarios que Juan de la Cruz realiza a su propia poesía. En su obra, el concepto de infinito es una metáfora de Dios, al cual sólo se accede no por medio del conocimiento, sino por la experiencia espiritual. El objetivo de esta comunicación consiste en dilucidar las implicaciones filosóficas y hermenéuticas de los diversos usos que este místico hace del concepto de infinito

    Personalizing the web: A tool for empowering end-users to customize the web through browser-side modification

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    167 p.Web applications delegate to the browser the final rendering of their pages. Thispermits browser-based transcoding (a.k.a. Web Augmentation) that can be ultimately singularized for eachbrowser installation. This creates an opportunity for Web consumers to customize their Web experiences.This vision requires provisioning adequate tooling that makes Web Augmentation affordable to laymen.We consider this a special class of End-User Development, integrating Web Augmentation paradigms.The dominant paradigm in End-User Development is scripting languages through visual languages.This thesis advocates for a Google Chrome browser extension for Web Augmentation. This is carried outthrough WebMakeup, a visual DSL programming tool for end-users to customize their own websites.WebMakeup removes, moves and adds web nodes from different web pages in order to avoid tabswitching, scrolling, the number of clicks and cutting and pasting. Moreover, Web Augmentationextensions has difficulties in finding web elements after a website updating. As a consequence, browserextensions give up working and users might stop using these extensions. This is why two differentlocators have been implemented with the aim of improving web locator robustness

    Doubly Stochastic Matrix Models for Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

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    Problems with solutions represented by permutations are very prominent in combinatorial optimization. Thus, in recent decades, a number of evolutionary algorithms have been proposed to solve them, and among them, those based on probability models have received much attention. In that sense, most efforts have focused on introducing algorithms that are suited for solving ordering/ranking nature problems. However, when it comes to proposing probability-based evolutionary algorithms for assignment problems, the works have not gone beyond proposing simple and in most cases univariate models. In this paper, we explore the use of Doubly Stochastic Matrices (DSM) for optimizing matching and assignment nature permutation problems. To that end, we explore some learning and sampling methods to efficiently incorporate DSMs within the picture of evolutionary algorithms. Specifically, we adopt the framework of estimation of distribution algorithms and compare DSMs to some existing proposals for permutation problems. Conducted preliminary experiments on instances of the quadratic assignment problem validate this line of research and show that DSMs may obtain very competitive results, while computational cost issues still need to be further investigated.Comment: Preprint of the paper accepted at ACM GECCO 202

    Flabelligena gascognensis sp. Nov. (Polychaeta: Acrocirridae), una especie nueva del cañón de Capbreton (Golfo de Vizcaya, Atlántico NE)

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    Flabelligena gascognensis (Annelida: Polychaeta), a new species of the family Acrocirridae Banse, 1969 is described from the northeastern Atlantic. The specimens were collected from the Capbreton Canyon, Bay of Biscay, at depths between 545 and 1113 m. The new species has three pairs of branchiae and a pair of large ventral papillae. A light emendation of the diagnosis of the genus is proposed with the aim of including the new species and two other species, Flabelligella mediterranea Kolmer, 1985 and Flabelligella biscayensis Kolmer, 1985, into the genus Flabelligena. A key and a comparative table of the main characters of the known species of the genus are also included.Flabelligena gascognensis (Annelida: Polychaeta), una nueva especie de la familia Acrocirridae Banse, 1969 que se describe del Atlántico NE. Los ejemplares fueron recolectados en el Cañón de Capbretón entre 545 y 1113 m de profundidad. La nueva especie tiene tres pares de branquias y un par de grandes papilas ventrales. Se propone una pequeña enmienda en la diagnosis del género, con objeto de incluir la nueva especie y dos más, Flabelligella mediterranea Kolmer,1985 y Flabelligella biscayensis Kolmer,1985, dentro del género Flabelligena. Se incluyen una clave y una tabla comparativa de los principales caracteres de las especies conocidas del género