133 research outputs found

    The ratio of lentic to lotic habitat features strongly affects macroinvertebrate metrics used in southern Europe for ecological status classification

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    Abstract Biological quality in rivers based on benthic macroinvertebrates is typically assessed by comparison with expected reference conditions, which represent relatively undisturbed situations. Commonly, reference conditions are set in agreement with river typologies to handle major ecological differences and limit biological variability. Although natural hydrological variation can be highly influential, site-specific tuning of reference conditions is rare in Mediterranean countries. River flow and local hydraulics change continuously over time, shaping the occurrence of lentic and lotic habitat features. Thus, biological reference conditions might require site-specific adjustment based on the ratio of lentic to lotic habitats assessed at the time of sampling. This would help reducing systematic bias in ecological assessments, interpreting benthic invertebrate responses to pressures, and diminishing the amount of unexplained biological variability. In this study, the response to the lentic-lotic character of river reaches was assessed for nineteen macroinvertebrate metrics and indices commonly used for the classification of ecological status in South European rivers. The study sites, with a prevalent temporary character, were located in Sardinia, southwestern Italy. Most metrics were significantly related to the lentic-lotic habitat conditions, both in pool and riffle mesohabitats, and their response curves were either parabolic or linearly decreasing at increasing lentic conditions. Taxonomic richness, score-based metrics, ovoviviparous taxa and multi-metric indices related well to the lentic-lotic conditions, while abundance metrics correlated less. The potential impact on ecological status classification was tested for the method formally used in Italy, which had a major role in comparing and inter-calibrating European assessment methods for the Water Framework Directive. After adjusting for bias due to the ratio of lentic to lotic habitat features, quality classification shifted towards better ecological status for ≈ 23% samples. This highlighted the impact of ignoring lentic-lotic information when defining reference conditions for assessing ecological status, varying from difficulties in understanding the biological response to pressures, to largely biased ecological status classification. The observed response of macroinvertebrate metrics to lentic-lotic conditions should be a key consideration for realistic ecological status assessment and could further be a valuable input for evaluating the effects of human-induced hydrological alteration and for assessing environmental flows

    Seismic stratigraphic framework and depositional history for Cretaceous and Cenozoic contourite depositional systems of the Mozambique Channel, SW Indian Ocean

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    International audienceThis study describes previously unrecognized contourite depositional systems (CDSs) in the Mozambique Channel which constrain palaeoceanographic models for this area. The stratigraphic stacking patterns record nine seismic units (SU1 to SU9) separated by eight major discontinuities (a to h, oldest to youngest). Key seismic markers in CDS evolutionary history occur during Aptian-Albian (~122 Ma), late Cenomanian (94 Ma), early (38.2–36.2 Ma) and late (25–23 Ma) Oligocene, and early-middle Miocene (~17–15 Ma) epochs. These record onset (~122 to 94 Ma), growth (94 to 25–23 Ma), maintenance (25–23 to 17–15 Ma), and burial (17–15 Ma to the actual time) stages for CDSs. CDSs first develop during the onset stage which coincides with the opening and deepening of the African-Southern Ocean gateway (at 122 and 100 Ma, respectively). The growth stage, beginning in the late Cenomanian (94 Ma), correlates with the opening and deepening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway. During the growth stage, two major shifts in sedimentary stacking pattern occur which coincide with palaeoceanographic changes during the early (38.2–36.2 Ma) and late (25–23 Ma) Oligocene. These in turn coincide with the onset and local enhancement of Antarctic water masses. CDS growth continued until the early-middle Miocene during the maintenance stage (~17–15 Ma). Most CDS growth ceased at the end of the maintenance stage. Circulation of the North Atlantic water mass into the Southern Hemisphere led to a deepening of Antarctic water masses in the area

    Introduction: approaching space in intellectual history

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    This article serves as an introduction to the special issue on Conceptions of Space in Intellectual History. It opens with a brief inquiry into the place of ‘space’, both as a topic and as an analytical lens, in the field of intellectual history. The remainder of the introduction suggests a pathway through the special issue. Under three broad headings – ‘territory,’ ‘oceans and empire’, and ‘geopolitics’ – the volume’s articles are presented, brought into dialogue, and situated within a wider trajectory of recent research on conceptions of ‘space’ in intellectual history.Arts and Humanities Research Council; Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust; Levy-Plumb Fund for the Humanities at Christ's College, Cambridge

    Estudio comparativo del análisis del perfil estético de Powell realizado en pacientes rehabilitados con prótesis completa en la asignatura Prótesis "B" de la FOLP - UNLP

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    El análisis facial es un método clínico utilizado por muchos profesionales de la salud con el fin de evaluar los rasgos del paciente para difundir proporciones, volumen, apariencia, simetría y deformidades visibles. Se basa en el examen directo, fotografías clínicas e imagenología convencional y digital. Luego se realiza la medición directa de la clínica del paciente y las relaciones en reposo y dinámico funcional. Y la tercera forma de recopilación de datos implica el uso de video digital para grabar la dinámica del movimiento, incluyéndolo en el diagnóstico previo a cualquier tratamiento odontológico que se va a sobre el paciente, ya que otorga un registro dinámico y no únicamente estático como es en el caso de la fotografía.Facultad de Odontologí

    Estudio comparativo del análisis del perfil estético de Powell realizado en pacientes rehabilitados con prótesis completa en la asignatura Prótesis "B" de la FOLP - UNLP

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    El análisis facial es un método clínico utilizado por muchos profesionales de la salud con el fin de evaluar los rasgos del paciente para difundir proporciones, volumen, apariencia, simetría y deformidades visibles. Se basa en el examen directo, fotografías clínicas e imagenología convencional y digital. Luego se realiza la medición directa de la clínica del paciente y las relaciones en reposo y dinámico funcional. Y la tercera forma de recopilación de datos implica el uso de video digital para grabar la dinámica del movimiento, incluyéndolo en el diagnóstico previo a cualquier tratamiento odontológico que se va a sobre el paciente, ya que otorga un registro dinámico y no únicamente estático como es en el caso de la fotografía.Facultad de Odontologí

    Estudio comparativo del análisis del perfil estético de Powell realizado en pacientes rehabilitados con prótesis completa en la asignatura Prótesis "B" de la FOLP - UNLP

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    El análisis facial es un método clínico utilizado por muchos profesionales de la salud con el fin de evaluar los rasgos del paciente para difundir proporciones, volumen, apariencia, simetría y deformidades visibles. Se basa en el examen directo, fotografías clínicas e imagenología convencional y digital. Luego se realiza la medición directa de la clínica del paciente y las relaciones en reposo y dinámico funcional. Y la tercera forma de recopilación de datos implica el uso de video digital para grabar la dinámica del movimiento, incluyéndolo en el diagnóstico previo a cualquier tratamiento odontológico que se va a sobre el paciente, ya que otorga un registro dinámico y no únicamente estático como es en el caso de la fotografía.Facultad de Odontologí

    Giustizia e letteratura II

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    The book explores and links different cultures, disciplines and perspectives, with a far more original and broad approach to the relations between “Justice” and “Literature” than more traditional works focused on “Law” and “Literature”. The many contributions from writers, literature and movie critics, psychologists, and criminal law practitioners and scholars, draw a complex and interdisciplinary path through primary texts of Italian and international literature, with the aim of prompting readers’ reflections about core issues related to law, crime, and responsibility. Through the analysis of masterpieces of literature, theatre and cinema, this book aims at stimulating dialogue and debate, as well as critical abilities and a deep-rooted sense of justice, amongst both law professionals and citizens at large. Literature and other forms of narration are presented here as a privileged key to approach long-standing questions about (amongst other) causes and consequences of crime; victimization and coping mechanisms; the role of criminal law and criminal proceedings; legalism and equity; law and ethics; the ‘time’ of justice; freedom, responsibility, culpability and forgiveness; rules, legality, socialization and culture; language and images as mediums for justice issues; the impact of prejudice and of existing balances of power on the application of the law; social and legal mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion; gender issues and legal systems; and so on. A whole section (Part V) is devoted to crimes against humanity and how the literary testimony may be understood both as a strategy to resist injustice and to seek justice, and as a way to prevent further horrors. Through this quest for justice in literature and arts, the volume proposes a wider cultural and research project which defies traditional formalistic and retributive approaches to criminal law, in order to open new perspectives for restorative and reintegrative strategies

    Adhesions and Adhesions Disc and its relationship with the supra and infradiscal articular spaces

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    En el presente trabajo se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo, transversal y observacional en 50 pacientes con diagnóstico de trastorno temporomandibular (TTM) atendidos en el Curso de Posgrado en Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de Patologías de la Articulación Temporomandibular, dictado en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Se le realizó a cada paciente, junto con la inspección correspondiente, una historia clínica completa especialmente diseñada para el diagnóstico de TTMs, complementado con el estudio de Imagen de Resonancia Magnética (IRM). Se consideró a la articulación temporomandibular (ATM) de cada lado como 1 U.E (Unidad Experimental), obteniendo de este modo 100 U. E. en total. El propósito de este trabajo fue obtener una estadística inicial de la frecuencia de aparición de Adhesiones y/o Adherencias Discales en pacientes diagnosticados con TTM, la cual nos permite realizar una evaluación comparativa primaria con la información estudiada en la bibliografía y publicaciones consultadas, describiendo los aspectos imagenológicos relativos a las adherencias, aportando casuística a un tema poco documentado hasta la actualidad. De un total de 100 U.E., se diagnosticaron solo 2 (dos) casos de Adherencias Discales, en ambos fueron pacientes masculinos y la fijación discal afectó tanto la articulación del lado derecho como la articulación del lado izquierdo simultáneamente, siendo por lo tanto de presentación bilateral.In the present work, a descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study was carried out in 50 patients with a diagnosis of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) attended in the Postgraduate Course in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pathologies of the Temporomandibular Joint, taught at the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of La Plata. Each patient, along with the corresponding inspection, had a complete medical history specially designed for the diagnosis of TMDs, complemented with the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) study. The temporomandibular joint (ATM) on each side was considered as 1 U.E (Experimental Unit), thus obtaining 100 U. E. in total. The purpose of this work was to obtain an initial statistic of the frequency of occurrence of Adhesions and / or Disc Adhesions in patients diagnosed with TMD, which allows us to perform a primary comparative evaluation with the information studied in the literature and publications consulted, describing the Imaging aspects related to adhesions, contributing casuistically to a topic that has not been documented until today. From a total of 100 EU, only 2 (two) cases of Disc Adhesions were diagnosed, in both they were male patients and the disc fixation affected both the right side joint and the left side joint simultaneously, therefore being bilateral presentation.Facultad de Odontologí

    Importancia de las interferencias oclusales en la disfunción temporomandibular

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    En el presente trabajo se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo transversal y observacional en 73 casos de pacientes con disfunción temporomandibular en las clínicas de la FOLP UNLP. El examen clínico, oclusal estático y dinámico, se realizó con la finalidad de ampliar los conocimientos sobre la presencia de disfunción temporomandibular en pacientes portadores de maloclusiones dentarias. El estudio descriptivo transversal se realizo para determinar la presencia de interferencias oclusales durante los movimientos mandibulares en pacientes que manifestaron tener dolor en la articulación temporomandibular, siendo este el principal síntoma de las patologías en la ATM. De un total de 73 pacientes, el 89 % de ellos presentaron interferencias oclusales. De estos, las ubicadas en el grupo molar, tanto para los movimientos protrusivos, como de lateralidad fueron los de mayor porcentaje. Se llega la conclusión que las interferencias oclusales, localizadas fundamentalmente en el sector molar durante los distintos movimientos mandibulares, son consideradas importantes, ya que pueden traer grandes dificultades para el sistema, destruyendo el equilibrio del mismo, pudiendo causar disfunción temporomandibular.In the present work, a transversal and observational descriptive study was carried out in 73 cases of patients with temporomandibular dysfunction in the FOLP UNLP clinics. The clinical examination, static and dynamic occlusal, was carried out in order to expand knowledge about the presence of temporomandibular dysfunction in patients with dental malocclusions. The cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out to determine the presence of occlusal interferences during mandibular movements in patients who reported having pain in the temporomandibular joint, this being the main symptom of the pathologies in the TMJ. Of a total of 73 patients, 89% of them presented occlusal interferences. Of these, those located in the molar group, both for protrusive movements and for laterality were those with the highest percentage. The conclusion is reached that the occlusal interferences, located mainly in the molar sector during the different mandibular movements, are considered important, since they can bring great difficulties for the system, destroying the equilibrium thereof, and can cause temporomandibular dysfunction.Facultad de Odontologí