21 research outputs found

    Using random matrix theory to determine the intrinsic dimension of a hyperspectral image

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    Determining the intrinsic dimension of a hyperspectral image is an important step in the spectral unmixing process, since under- or over- estimation of this number may lead to incorrect unmixing for unsupervised methods. In this thesis we introduce a new method for determining the intrinsic dimension, using recent advances in Random Matrix Theory (RMT). This method is not sensitive to non-i.i.d. and correlated noise, and it is entirely unsupervised and free from any user-determined parameters. The new RMT method is mathematically derived, and robustness tests are run on synthetic data to determine how the results are a ected by: image size; noise levels; noise variability; noise approximation; spectral characteristics of the endmembers, etc. Success rates are determined for many di erent synthetic images, and the method is compared to two principal state of the art methods, Noise Subspace Projection (NSP) and HySime. All three methods are then tested on twelve real hyperspectral images, including images acquired by satellite, airborne and land-based sensors. When images that were acquired by di erent sensors over the same spatial area are evaluated, RMT gives consistent results, showing the robustness of this method to sensor characterisics

    Uncertainty quantification for probabilistic machine learning in earth observation using conformal prediction

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    Unreliable predictions can occur when using artificial intelligence (AI) systems with negative consequences for downstream applications, particularly when employed for decision-making. Conformal prediction provides a model-agnostic framework for uncertainty quantification that can be applied to any dataset, irrespective of its distribution, post hoc. In contrast to other pixel-level uncertainty quantification methods, conformal prediction operates without requiring access to the underlying model and training dataset, concurrently offering statistically valid and informative prediction regions, all while maintaining computational efficiency. In response to the increased need to report uncertainty alongside point predictions, we bring attention to the promise of conformal prediction within the domain of Earth Observation (EO) applications. To accomplish this, we assess the current state of uncertainty quantification in the EO domain and found that only 20% of the reviewed Google Earth Engine (GEE) datasets incorporated a degree of uncertainty information, with unreliable methods prevalent. Next, we introduce modules that seamlessly integrate into existing GEE predictive modelling workflows and demonstrate the application of these tools for datasets spanning local to global scales, including the Dynamic World and Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) datasets. These case studies encompass regression and classification tasks, featuring both traditional and deep learning-based workflows. Subsequently, we discuss the opportunities arising from the use of conformal prediction in EO. We anticipate that the increased availability of easy-to-use implementations of conformal predictors, such as those provided here, will drive wider adoption of rigorous uncertainty quantification in EO, thereby enhancing the reliability of uses such as operational monitoring and decision making

    NASA's surface biology and geology designated observable: A perspective on surface imaging algorithms

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    The 2017–2027 National Academies' Decadal Survey, Thriving on Our Changing Planet, recommended Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) as a “Designated Targeted Observable” (DO). The SBG DO is based on the need for capabilities to acquire global, high spatial resolution, visible to shortwave infrared (VSWIR; 380–2500 nm; ~30 m pixel resolution) hyperspectral (imaging spectroscopy) and multispectral midwave and thermal infrared (MWIR: 3–5 ÎŒm; TIR: 8–12 ÎŒm; ~60 m pixel resolution) measurements with sub-monthly temporal revisits over terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal marine habitats. To address the various mission design needs, an SBG Algorithms Working Group of multidisciplinary researchers has been formed to review and evaluate the algorithms applicable to the SBG DO across a wide range of Earth science disciplines, including terrestrial and aquatic ecology, atmospheric science, geology, and hydrology. Here, we summarize current state-of-the-practice VSWIR and TIR algorithms that use airborne or orbital spectral imaging observations to address the SBG DO priorities identified by the Decadal Survey: (i) terrestrial vegetation physiology, functional traits, and health; (ii) inland and coastal aquatic ecosystems physiology, functional traits, and health; (iii) snow and ice accumulation, melting, and albedo; (iv) active surface composition (eruptions, landslides, evolving landscapes, hazard risks); (v) effects of changing land use on surface energy, water, momentum, and carbon fluxes; and (vi) managing agriculture, natural habitats, water use/quality, and urban development. We review existing algorithms in the following categories: snow/ice, aquatic environments, geology, and terrestrial vegetation, and summarize the community-state-of-practice in each category. This effort synthesizes the findings of more than 130 scientists

    A coupled ground heat flux-surface energy balance model of evaporation using thermal remote sensing observations

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    One of the major undetermined problems in evaporation (ET) retrieval using thermal infrared remote sensing is the lack of a physically based ground heat flux (G) model and its integration within the surface energy balance (SEB) equation. Here, we present a novel approach based on coupling a thermal inertia (TI)-based mechanistic G model with an analytical surface energy balance model, Surface Temperature Initiated Closure (STIC, version STIC1.2). The coupled model is named STIC-TI. The model is driven by noon–night (13:30 and 01:30 local time) land surface temperature, surface albedo, and a vegetation index from MODIS Aqua in conjunction with a clear-sky net radiation sub-model and ancillary meteorological information. SEB flux estimates from STIC-TI were evaluated with respect to the in situ fluxes from eddy covariance measurements in diverse ecosystems of contrasting aridity in both the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. Sensitivity analysis revealed substantial sensitivity of STIC-TI-derived fluxes due to the land surface temperature uncertainty. An evaluation of noontime G (Gi) estimates showed 12 %–21 % error across six flux tower sites, and a comparison between STIC-TI versus empirical G models also revealed the substantially better performance of the former. While the instantaneous noontime net radiation (RNi) and latent heat flux (LEi) were overestimated (15 % and 25 %), sensible heat flux (Hi) was underestimated (22 %). Overestimation (underestimation) of LEi (Hi) was associated with the overestimation of net available energy (RNi−Gi) and use of unclosed surface energy balance flux measurements in LEi (Hi) validation. The mean percent deviations in Gi and Hi estimates were found to be strongly correlated with satellite day–night view angle difference in parabolic and linear pattern, and a relatively weak correlation was found between day–night view angle difference versus LEi deviation. Findings from this parameter-sparse coupled G–ET model can make a valuable contribution to mapping and monitoring the spatiotemporal variability of ecosystem water stress and evaporation using noon–night thermal infrared observations from future Earth observation satellite missions such as TRISHNA, LSTM, and SBG

    A unified approach to estimate land and water reflectances with uncertainties for coastal imaging spectroscopy

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    Coastal ecosystem studies using remote visible/infrared spectroscopy typically invert an atmospheric model to estimate the water-leaving reflectance signal. This inversion is challenging due to the confounding effects of turbid backscatter, atmospheric aerosols, and sun glint. Simultaneous estimation of the surface and atmosphere can resolve the ambiguity enabling spectral reflectance maps with rigorous uncertainty quantification. We demonstrate a simultaneous retrieval method that adapts the Optimal Estimation (OE) formalism of Rodgers (2000) to the coastal domain. We compare two surface representations: a parametric bio-optical model based on Inherent Optical Properties (IOPs); and an expressive statistical model that estimates reflectance in every instrument channel. The latter is suited to both land and water reflectance, enabling a unified analysis of terrestrial and aquatic domains. We test these models with both vector and scalar Radiative Transfer Models (RTMs). We report field experiments by two airborne instruments: NASA's Portable Remote Imaging SpectroMeter (PRISM) in an overflight of Santa Monica, California; and NASA's Next Generation Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG) in an overflight of the Wax Lake Delta and lower Atchafalaya River, Louisiana. In both cases, in situ validation measurements match remote water-leaving reflectance estimates to high accuracy. Posterior error predictions demonstrate a closed account of uncertainty in these coastal observations

    Detecting forest response to droughts with global observations of vegetation water content

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    Droughts in a warming climate have become more common and more extreme, making understanding forest responses to water stress increasingly pressing. Analysis of water stress in trees has long focused on water potential in xylem and leaves, which influences stomatal closure and water flow through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. At the same time, changes of vegetation water content (VWC) are linked to a range of tree responses, including fluxes of water and carbon, mortality, flammability, and more. Unlike water potential, which requires demanding in situ measurements, VWC can be retrieved from remote sensing measurements, particularly at microwave frequencies using radar and radiometry. Here, we highlight key frontiers through which VWC has the potential to significantly increase our understanding of forest responses to water stress. To validate remote sensing observations of VWC at landscape scale and to better relate them to data assimilation model parameters, we introduce an ecosystem-scale analog of the pressure-volume curve, the non-linear relationship between average leaf or branch water potential and water content commonly used in plant hydraulics. The sources of variability in these ecosystem-scale pressure-volume curves and their relationship to forest response to water stress are discussed. We further show to what extent diel, seasonal, and decadal dynamics of VWC reflect variations in different processes relating the tree response to water stress. VWC can also be used for inferring belowground conditions-which are difficult to impossible to observe directly. Lastly, we discuss how a dedicated geostationary spaceborne observational system for VWC, when combined with existing datasets, can capture diel and seasonal water dynamics to advance the science and applications of global forest vulnerability to future droughts

    ECOSTRESS: NASA's next generation mission to measure evapotranspiration from the International Space Station

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    The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station ECOSTRESS) was launched to the International Space Station on June 29, 2018. The primary science focus of ECOSTRESS is centered on evapotranspiration (ET), which is produced as level‐3 (L3) latent heat flux (LE) data products. These data are generated from the level‐2 land surface temperature and emissivity product (L2_LSTE), in conjunction with ancillary surface and atmospheric data. Here, we provide the first validation (Stage 1, preliminary) of the global ECOSTRESS clear‐sky ET product (L3_ET_PT‐JPL, version 6.0) against LE measurements at 82 eddy covariance sites around the world. Overall, the ECOSTRESS ET product performs well against the site measurements (clear‐sky instantaneous/time of overpass: r2 = 0.88; overall bias = 8%; normalized RMSE = 6%). ET uncertainty was generally consistent across climate zones, biome types, and times of day (ECOSTRESS samples the diurnal cycle), though temperate sites are over‐represented. The 70 m high spatial resolution of ECOSTRESS improved correlations by 85%, and RMSE by 62%, relative to 1 km pixels. This paper serves as a reference for the ECOSTRESS L3 ET accuracy and Stage 1 validation status for subsequent science that follows using these data

    Climatology of the Combined ASTER MODIS Emissivity over Land (CAMEL) Version 2

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    The Combined ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) Emissivity over Land (CAMEL) Version 2 (V002) has been available since March 2019 from the NASA LP DAAC (Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center) and provides global, monthly infrared land surface emissivity and uncertainty at 0.05 degrees (~5 km) resolution. A climatology of the CAMEL V002 product is now available at the same spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution, covering the CAMEL record from 2000 to 2016. Characterization of the climatology over case sites and IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) land cover categories shows the climatology is a stable representation of the monthly CAMEL emissivity. Time series of the monthly CAMEL V002 product show realistic seasonal changes but also reveal subtle artifacts known to be from calibration and processing errors in the MODIS MxD11 emissivity. The use of the CAMEL V002 climatology mitigates many of these time dependent errors by providing an emissivity estimate which represents the complete 16-year record. The CAMEL V002 climatology’s integration into RTTOV (Radiative Transfer for TOVS) v12 is demonstrated through the simulation of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) radiances. Improved stability in CAMEL Version 3 is expected in the future with the incorporation of the new MxD21 and VIIRS VNP21 emissivity products in MODIS Collection 6.1