111 research outputs found

    Evolution of Botswana planning education in light of local and international requirements

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    Planning problems have been with us ever since human beings realized that their wellbeing is very closely linked to the quality of their settlements and the environment. Over the last century this has led to the worldwide emergence of built environment education in general, and planning in particular. In many African universities planning education is a rapidly growing phenomenon reaching its maturity in terms of structure and number of programs. This development has been most significant in those countries that underwent rapid urbanization and environmental changes similar to those occurring in Botswana. The first Urban and Regional Planning Programme at the University of Botswana was established in 1993 as part of the Department of Environmental Science at the Faculty of Science. The continued growth and expansion of the planning profession world-wide as well as in Botswana, and its interdisciplinary ties with allied built-environment disciplines, have reached the point at which the University of Botswana is ready to continue with a new internationally recognized planning school. There is a belief that a combined (spatial and specialist) accredited planning programme should support local and regional interests, focusing on the Southern African Region, while acknowledging global standards and innovation in teaching, research, and technology


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    Sustainability and its complements as the new paradigm in Croatian planning theory and practice

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    Napor na uključenju načela održivosti u osnove prostornog planiranja u današnjem postsocijalističkom svijetu traži nove odnose između ustaljenih i suvremenih sudionika. Pojedini interesenti uključeni u razvoj, upravljanje i politiku djeluju na ishod regionalnih i urbanih sustava u Hrvatskoj ponekad bez obraćanja pozornosti na održivost. Njihovo djelovanje pokazuje nedostatak svijesti i negativan odnos prema održivosti u planerskoj praksi gdje je glavni cilj unaprijediti kakvoću života sadašnjih i budućih naraštaja. Bez dobrih ideja o nosivim kapacitetima i održivosti, neki od ovih sudionika zanemaruju planerska znanja i ekspertizu (CAVRIĆ, NEDOVIĆ – BUDIĆ, 2007.). Vještinama i znanjima planeri ih savjetuju, međutim, glavna pokretačka sila još je uvijek politički utjecaj. Takvi predlagači uspijevaju zaštititi svoje osobne probitke glede prostora i zemljišta nauštrb javnosti i običnih građana, podržavajući sustav izrade "preslikanih" planerskih izvješća, pogodujući tek daljem urbanom širenju i nenadziranoj izgradnji. Na žalost, poradi dužega vremenskog društvenog ignoriranja i jake sveze lobija investitora, arhitekata i građevinara, različite međunarodne planerske ideje s "održivošću na umu" još ne utječu na hrvatsku teoriju i praksu planiranja. Neke su od njih jednostavno neprihvaćane, netočno tumačene ili odbacivane zahvaljujući krutoj zakonskoj regulativi, nepostojanju formalnog školovanja planera i povlaštenom položaju tek jednog tipa ovlaštenih planera tj. arhitekata . Osjetljivost za alternativna razvojna rješenja, sudjelovanje javnosti, novine u ponašanju, organizaciji i tehnologijama, raznovrsnost pomagala za provedbu u planerskoj "kutiji s alatima", kao i različite vrste planerskih poslova u usmjeravanju održivih promjena, tek treba prepoznati u zemlji koja je u procesu pristupanja EU. Unatoč tomu, ovaj rad teži sumirati održivost i njezine sastavnice kao nove postavke, u kojima je glavna misao vodilja novoga globalnog pristupa planiranju, objavljena od Centra za ljudska naselja Ujedinjenih Naroda (UNCHS) kako slijedi: "Novo planiranje je manje kodirano i tehničko, više inovativno i poduzetničko. Ono je više sudioničko i usmjerenije projektima nego cjelovitim prostornim sustavima. Plansku ekspertizu sve češće ne zahtijeva samo država već i dioničarski i javni dijelovi građanskog društva. Prijeporno nije planiranje samo po sebi, nego njegov cilj: da li ga voditi uglavnom učinkovitošću, jačajući postojeću razdiobu bogatstva i moći, ili bi trebalo odigrati distribucijsku ulogu da može pomoći pri stvaranju minimalnih standarda urbanog življenja" (Hague, 2001.).Effort to incorporate sustainability aspects into the spatial planning agenda requires new relationships between conventional and new players in today\u27s post-socialist world. Some stakeholders engaged in development, management and governance are sometimes tailoring the destiny of regional and urban systems in Croatia without sustainability concerns. Their activities show the lack of awareness and negative attitude towards sustainable planning practices where the major goal is to improve the quality of life of current and future generations. Without sound ideas about carrying capacities and sustainability, some of these actors have ignored the planning knowledge and expertise (CAVRIĆ, NEDOVIĆ – BUDIĆ, 2007). Planners advise upon them with their professional skill and knowledge but the driving force is still political power. These proponents have managed to safeguard their own spatial and land interests on the expense of the public and ordinary citizens, by maintaining the system of "copy-paste" planning blue prints, suitable for supporting emerging urban sprawl and uncontrolled construction activities. Unfortunately, due to the long-term social ignorance and strong alliance of developer\u27s lobbies, architects and constructors, various international planning ideas with "sustainability in mind" have not affected Croatian planning theory and practice, yet. Some of them are petrified, misinterpreted or simply abolished owing to obstinate legislation, the non-existence of formal planning education, and the privileged position of only one brand of chartered planners (e.g. architects) . Alternative development solutions, such as public participation, behavioral, organizational and technological advances, diversity of implementing instruments in the planner\u27s "toolkit", and the planner\u27s numerous tasks in guiding sustainable change, are still to be recognized in this EU accession country. Notwithstanding, this paper aims to summaries sustainability and its derivates as the new paradigms, in which the guiding leitmotif of the new global agenda for planning is spelled out by the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (2001b) as follows: "The new planning is less coded and technical, more innovative and entrepreneurial. It is more participatory and concerned with projects rather than whole spatial systems. Planning expertise is increasingly sought not only by the state, but also by the corporate sector and civil society. What is controversial is not planning per se, but its goal: whether it should be directed chiefly at efficiency, reinforcing the current distribution of wealth and power, or whether it should play a distributive role to help create minimum standards of urban liveability" (Hague, 2001)

    Human milk microbiota

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    Majčino mlijeko sadrži nekoliko tisuća bakterijskih vrsta u koncentracijama od približno 1000 CFU mL-1. Procjenjuje se da dojenče koje konzumira oko 800 mL majčinog mlijeka dnevno unese oko 105-107 komensalnih bakterija, zbog čega postoji sličnost u sastavu mikrobiote majčinog mlijeka s mikrobiotom crijeva djeteta. U ovom radu provedeno je identificiranje mikrobiote majčinog mlijeka sa po 3 uzorka mlijeka svake majke uzetih u različito vrijeme nakon poroda i fecesa dojenčadi sa 3 uzorka uzetih isti dan kao i uzorci mlijeka. Nakon izolacije DNA iz uzoraka majčinog mlijeka i fecesa dojenčadi, uzorci DNA su sekvencionirani te analizirani pomoću QIIME programa za analizu mikrobioma. Nakon utvrđivanja taksonomskih jedinica u uzorcima, određena je i alfa raznolikost. Dobivenim rezultatima utvrđena je korelacija sastava mikrobioma majčinog mlijeka s neonatalnim mikrobiomom dojenčeta. Najprisutnije bakterije u uzorcima fecesa dojenčadi su iz koljena Actinobacteria, Firmicutes i Proteobacteria, dok u uzorcima majčinog mlijeka prevladavaju bakterije iz roda Firmicutes.Breast milk contains several hundred bacterial species at concentrations of aproximately 1000 CFU mL-1. It is estimated that infants who consume about 800 mL of mother's milk daily, ingest 105-107 commensal bacteria, which explains a similarity in the composition of human milk microbiota with infants intestinal microbiota. In this Bachelor thesis, the identification of human milk microbiota with 3 samples of milk from each mother sampled at different times after delivery and 3 samples of infants feces taken the same day as milk samples, was performed. After DNA isolation, DNA samples were sequenced and analyzed using QIIME program for microbiome analyses. After determing the taxonomy units in the samples, alpha diversity was also determined. With given results, correlation between breast milk microbiome and neonatal intestinal microbiome was concluded. Infants feces samples are dominated by the phyla Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, while breast milk samples are dominated by Firmicutes


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    Pravilan odgoj mladog konja, odnosno ždrjebeta, vrlo je bitna stavka u njegovom životu. Treba znati razumjeti tjelesne i duševne potrebe konja jer njihovo ne poznavanje može doprinjeti lošem ishodu. Tri najveća stresa u konjskom životu su rođenje, odvajanje od majke i prvo zajahivanje. Obuka konja treba biti prilagođena dobi, psihofizičkom stanju, uporabnom cilju. Treba ju izvoditi strpljivo, postupno, bez prisile i grubih postupaka. Na taj način se kod konja razvija osjećaj povjerenja i želje za suradnjom. Osjećaj straha i tjeskobe proizlaze iz loših postupaka, te ga to koči u psihofizičkom razvoju. Vrlo važna potreba u životu konja je društvo. Društvo nekada čak može potpuno promijeniti ponašanje i osobnost konja Da bi netko bio dobar jahač ili učitelj, mora dobro poznavati psihologiju konja, razumjeti njegove nagone, prohtjeve i strahove, te naučiti komunicirati s njim. Nagrada za vrijeme radnje ili poslije nje, potiče konja da ponavlja istu radnju i ubuduće. Mnogi treneri i jahači ne shvaćaju da je nagrađivanje vrlo bitan dio obukeProper education of a young horse, or a foal, it is an important happening in his life. I is important to understand the physical and emotional needs of the horses because if the rider dont understand that, it can contribute to a bad outcome. The three biggest stress in a horse-life are his birth, separation from his the mother and the first riding. Training horses should be adjusted to the age, mental and physical condition, purpose. It needs to be done with patient, gradually, without coercion and mishandling. In this way a horse develops a sense of trust and a desire to cooperate. The feeling of fear and anxiety is a result from mismanagement, and it is hindering the mental and physical development. A very important need in horse life is society. The society sometimes even can completely change the behavior and personality of the horse. To be a good rider or a teacher they should be familiar with the psychology of the horse, understand his instincts, demands and fears, and learn to communicate with him. An award during the act or after it, encourages the horse to repeat the same action in the future. Many treiners and riders do not realize that rewarding is an essential part of training

    Population of the European Beaver (Castor fiber L.) in Croatia

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    Dabar zauzima mjesto najpoznatijeg graditelja meĎu ţivotinjama. Dabar je bio sastavni dio autohtone faune hrvatskih vodotoka i vodenih površina, a do početka 20. stoljeća je potpuno nestao. Projekt povratka dabra u Hrvatsku započeo je 1993. godine. Sastojao se od tri osnovne faze: pripremna faza, hvatanje, transport i ispuštanje dabrova, monitoring. Prvi dabrovi su u Hrvatskoj ispušteni 20. travnja 1996. u šumi Ţutica pokraj Ivanić gradu. Staništa dabra podijeljena su u dvije zone: slivno područje rijeke Save i slivno područje rijeke Drave. U razdoblju od 20 godina nakon reintrodukcije, dabar je značajno uvećao svoju brojnost i veličinu populacije, koja je 2016. godine brojala od 2.500 do 3.000 dabrova. TakoĎer je proširio područje rasprostranjenosti u Hrvatskoj, a zabiljeţen je i u susjednim zemljama. Dabar moţe činiti štete na poljoprivrednim kulturama, šumskom drveću, u slatkovodnom ribarstvu i vodoprivredi. Dabar je u Hrvatskoj uvršten u pripadnike divljači, zaštićene lovostajem. Stoga je potrebno provoditi stalni monitoring u lovištima u kojima obitava dabarThe Beaver takes the place of the most famous builder among animals. The beaver was an integral part of autochthonous fauna of Croatian watercourses and water surfaces. By the early 20th century, he was completely extinct. The beaver returning project in Croatia began in 1993. It consisted of three phases: a preparatory phase, capture, transport and release of beavers, and monitoring. The first beavers were released in Croatia on 20 April, 1996 in forest Ţutica near Ivanić Grad. Habitats of beaver could be divided into two zones: the catchment area of the River Sava and catchment area of the River Drava. In the period of twenty years after reintroduction, the beaver significantly increased its population size, which in 2016 is estimated in range between 2,500 and 3,000 beavers. Also, it enlarged a distribution area in Croatia and being reported in the neighbouring countries. The beaver can make damages on agricultural crops, forest trees, in freshwater fishery and water management. In Croatia, the beaver is classified among game animals, protected by hunt prohibition. It is important to take a permanent monitoring of the beaver in those hunting grounds where it resides


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    Consumer satisfaction with purchase of fresh meat considering the way of cattle breeding

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    Intenzivni je uzgoj stoke povećao proizvodnju i dostupnost mesa na tržištu te omogućio niže cijene svježeg mesa za krajnje potrošače. S druge strane povećanje učinkovitosti u uzgoju stoke obično ima za posljedicu manju kvalitetu mesa. Ovim radom htjelo se dati uvid u razinu zadovoljstva potrošača kupnjom svježeg mesa s obzirom na način uzgoja stoke, kao i utvrditi utjecaj pojedinih svojstava zadovoljstva. U tu svrhu provedeno je istraživanje metodom anketnog ispitivanja na području Grada Zagreba koje je obuhvatilo 125 ispitanika. Za testiranje povezanosti ukupnog zadovoljstva i obilježja parcijalnog zadovoljstva korištena je regresijska analiza, a za testiranje povezanosti ukupnog zadovoljstva i načina uzgoja stoke T-test. Za testiranje povezanosti ukupnog zadovoljstva i obilježja parcijalnog zadovoljstva korištena je regresijska analiza, a za testiranje povezanosti ukupnog zadovoljstva i načina uzgoja stoke T-test. Rezultati anketnog ispitivanja su pokazali da ispitanici podjednako kupuju svježe meso iz slobodnog i konvencionalnog uzgoja. Ispitanici su najzadovoljniji dostupnošću i raznolikošću ponude svježeg mesa (prosječna ocjena 4,14) te odnosom cijene/kvalitete (prosječna ocjena 3,86) što govori da potrošači nisu ni zadovoljni i nezadovoljni kupnjom svježeg mesa na zagrebačkom tržištu. Ispitanici koji češće kupuju meso iz slobodnog uzgoja imaju veći stupanj ukupnog zadovoljstva. Na ukupno zadovoljstvo ponudom najviše utječu okus, miris, svježina mesa te odnos cijene i kvalitete. Regresijskom analizom je potvrđeno da promjena svakog pojedinog parcijalnog zadovoljstva pozitivno utječe na promjenu ukupnog zadovoljstva. Kao signifikantne su se pokazale dvije varijable: zadovoljstvo okusom i mirisom svježeg mesa te odnosom cijena i kvalitete. Ovim istraživanjem dobivene su korisne informacije za proizvođače svježeg mesa.Intensive livestock farming has increased production and availability of meat on market and enabled less prices of fresh meat for customers. On the other hand, the increase of effectiveness in livestock farming usually has less meat quality as a result. This essay is giving an insight in level of customer’s satisfaction by buying fresh meat considering the way of livestock farming as well as determining the influence of some satisfaction characteristics. For this purpose, research has been done by survey methods in territory of Zagreb city, which covered 125 customers. The regression analysis has been used for testing the connection of total satisfaction and the way of livestock farming. The results of survey have been shown that customers equally buy fresh meat from free and conventional farming. Respondents are the most satisfied with availability and diversity of the offer of fresh meat (average mark 4,14) and price and quality ratio (average mark 3,86), which means that the respondents are not either satisfied or disatisfied with buying fresh meat on Zagreb market. Respondents that buy meat more often from the free range have higher level of the total satisfaction. Flavor, scent, freshness of meat and price and quality ratio are items that determins the most total level of satisfaction of the offer. Regression analysis has confirmed that change of every partial satisfaction has positive efection on the change of the total satisfaction. The most significant are two variables: flavor and scent satisfaction and price and quality ratio. Information have been received for meat manufacturers by this research