Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Faculty of agriculture. DEPARTMENT FOR HUNTING, FISHERY AND BEEKEEPING.
Dabar zauzima mjesto najpoznatijeg graditelja meĎu ţivotinjama. Dabar je bio sastavni dio autohtone faune hrvatskih vodotoka i vodenih površina, a do početka 20. stoljeća je potpuno nestao. Projekt povratka dabra u Hrvatsku započeo je 1993. godine. Sastojao se od tri osnovne faze: pripremna faza, hvatanje, transport i ispuštanje dabrova, monitoring. Prvi dabrovi su u Hrvatskoj ispušteni 20. travnja 1996. u šumi Ţutica pokraj Ivanić gradu. Staništa dabra podijeljena su u dvije zone: slivno područje rijeke Save i slivno područje rijeke Drave. U razdoblju od 20 godina nakon reintrodukcije, dabar je značajno uvećao svoju brojnost i veličinu populacije, koja je 2016. godine brojala od 2.500 do 3.000 dabrova. TakoĎer je proširio područje rasprostranjenosti u Hrvatskoj, a zabiljeţen je i u susjednim zemljama. Dabar moţe činiti štete na poljoprivrednim kulturama, šumskom drveću, u slatkovodnom ribarstvu i vodoprivredi. Dabar je u Hrvatskoj uvršten u pripadnike divljači, zaštićene lovostajem. Stoga je potrebno provoditi stalni monitoring u lovištima u kojima obitava dabarThe Beaver takes the place of the most famous builder among animals. The beaver was an integral part of autochthonous fauna of Croatian watercourses and water surfaces. By the early 20th century, he was completely extinct. The beaver returning project in Croatia began in 1993. It consisted of three phases: a preparatory phase, capture, transport and release of beavers, and monitoring. The first beavers were released in Croatia on 20 April, 1996 in forest Ţutica near Ivanić Grad. Habitats of beaver could be divided into two zones: the catchment area of the River Sava and catchment area of the River Drava. In the period of twenty years after reintroduction, the beaver significantly increased its population size, which in 2016 is estimated in range between 2,500 and 3,000 beavers. Also, it enlarged a distribution area in Croatia and being reported in the neighbouring countries. The beaver can make damages on agricultural crops, forest trees, in freshwater fishery and water management. In Croatia, the beaver is classified among game animals, protected by hunt prohibition. It is important to take a permanent monitoring of the beaver in those hunting grounds where it resides