2,019 research outputs found

    Antropologia e diritto di fronte alla salute del minore: un approccio integrato

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    L’articolo riflette su come, in società che diventano sempre più multiculturali, il concetto di salute vada inteso in chiave antropologica, includendo la minoranza nella valutazione di ciò che è benessere psico-fisico. L’articolo parte da una ricostruzione giuridica dei diritti che entrano in gioco nel bilanciamento e mostra come l’idea di salute intesa attualmente quale benessere psico-fisico dell’individuo sia una idea culturalmente situata nell’occidente e possa essere arricchita da altre concezioni (pluralismo medico). Quindi l’articolo si concentra sull’analisi di una serie di pratiche culturali e religiose in cui la salute del minore è venuta in rilievo, alcune ormai molto note alla giurisprudenza (divieto di emotrasfusioni, circoncisione maschile e femminile), altre ancora sconosciute al dibattito italiano (coppettazione e gua sha)

    The Blurred Lines of Intercultural Mediation: Professional Recognition through Formal and Informal Practices in Italy

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    Over the past few decades, Europe has been feeding on a narrative of skepticism and crisis that has not spared the discourse on migration, highlighting states’ fragmentation over the adoption of common migration man-agement policies. Long-lasting difficulties in regional integration have been heightened and efforts to build a sound knowledge-based European society weakened. European states are meeting migration challenges and in so doing are inter alia confronted with the essential role played by intercultural mediation in the interaction between foreigners and host societies. Within such a framework, this article aims at contributing to the debate on the shortcomings of integrated mediation practices across Europe. It thus analyses the theoretical frame-work on mediation, with reference to instruments adopted by both the European Union and the Council of Europe, and accompanies such a review with reflections triggered by an empirical study on mediation conduc-ted at a local level in Italy. The country sets an interesting case study, as it faces well-known migration manage-ment issues that meet Eurosceptic and nationalist tones. The research explores the regional institutional system in place, or the absence thereof, and touches upon how this is perceived and experienced by mediation professionals operating in the asylum and reception field. It provides instances of how, despite some transna-tional coordination, those who operate at the national and local level have heterogeneous backgrounds and refer to sub-state institutional frameworks that are rather far from the idea of a regionally integrated profession-alisation of the role. Drawing thus parallels between the European and the local context, the contribution suggests the rethinking of the professional figure of the mediator and the possibility of grounding the role on common educational and training paths. Keywords: Council of Europe, European Union, Intercultural Mediation, Cultural Diversity, Migration, European Social Inclusio

    Modulation of tryptophan/serotonin pathway by probiotic supplementation in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients: preliminary results of a new study approach

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    Background: To date, no data are available regarding the effects of probiotics on the pathway of tryptophan/serotonin metabolism among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1–infected individuals. Because a condition of dysbiosis might be responsible for the altered use of tryptophan described in this population, the aim of this study was to investigate the link between probiotic supplementation and serotonin levels in combined antiretroviral therapy–treated patients and the subsistence of an interplay with inflammation. Methods: We conducted a pilot study that included 8 HIV-positive subjects. We collected blood and fecal samples before and after 6 months of probiotic supplementation, to measure the level of serotonin in serum and tryptophan in stool, the expression of CD38 and HLADR on peripheral CD4+ T lymphocytes (as immune activation markers), the expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 messenger RNA (mRNA) and IFN-γ mRNA (as markers of tryptophan metabolism and systemic inflammation). Results: After probiotic supplementation, we observed a significant increase in concentration of serum serotonin (P=.008) and a decreased level of tryptophan in plasma. Moreover, a significant reduction in CD38 and HLA-DR expression on the surface of peripheral CD4+ T cells (P=.008) and a reduced expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 mRNA on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (P=.04) were observed. Conclusions: Considering that this probiotic (Vivomixx® in EU; Visbiome® in USA) has an influence on tryptophan metabolism, larger studies on this topic are needed


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    A discussão sobre a formação de professores vem se ampliando em decorrência de variados problemas constatados no desempenho das redes escolares e na diminuição da procura pela carreira docente. Nesse contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo identificar no âmbito da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) os egressos do Curso Especial de Graduação para Formação de Professores para a Educação Profissional (PEG) que estão atuando como docente e analisar se os conhecimentos adquiridos no PEG contribuíram para encarar a realidade de uma sala de aula. Para tal investigação utilizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, exploratória do tipo estudo de caso, utilizando-se como instrumento de coleta de dados a aplicação de um questionário enviado por e-mail com as informações para acesso e preenchimento do mesmo. O acesso ao questionário foi por meio do link da página da UFSM, sendo necessário utilizar o usuário e a senha do portal do professor. Neste contexto, o presente estudo foi realizado juntamente aos alunos egressos do PEG – UFSM. Como resultado constatou-se a importância e a necessidade dos cursos de formação e que poucos docentes sentiram problemas na formação de professores, nos levando a acreditar que esta constatação esteja ligada ao fato que a maioria já exercia a função de docente

    Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Reprograms Circulating Extracellular Vesicles from ACS Patients Impairing Their Cardio-Protective Properties

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are promising therapeutic tools in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. We have recently shown that EVs from patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) undergoing sham pre-conditioning, before percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) were cardio-protective, while EVs from patients experiencing remote ischemic pre-conditioning (RIPC) failed to induce protection against ischemia/reperfusion Injury (IRI). No data on EVs from ACS patients recovered after PCI are currently available. Therefore, we herein investigated the cardio-protective properties of EVs, collected after PCI from the same patients. EVs recovered from 30 patients randomly assigned (1:1) to RIPC (EV-RIPC) or sham procedures (EV-naive) (NCT02195726) were characterized by TEM, FACS and Western blot analysis and evaluated for their mRNA content. The impact of EVs on hypoxia/reoxygenation damage and IRI, as well as the cardio-protective signaling pathways, were investigated in vitro (HMEC-1 + H9c2 co-culture) and ex vivo (isolated rat heart). Both EV-naive and EV-RIPC failed to drive cardio-protection both in vitro and ex vivo. Consistently, EV treatment failed to activate the canonical cardio-protective pathways. Specifically, PCI reduced the EV-naive Dusp6 mRNA content, found to be crucial for their cardio-protective action, and upregulated some stress- and cell-cycle-related genes in EV-RIPC. We provide the first evidence that in ACS patients, PCI reprograms the EV cargo, impairing EV-naive cardio-protective properties without improving EV-RIPC functional capability

    Modulation of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine Metabolism in HIV-1 Infected Patients with Neurocognitive Impairment: Results from a Clinical Trial

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    To investigate the effects of oral bacteriotherapy on intestinal phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism, in this longitudinal, double-arm trial, 15 virally suppressed HIV+ individuals underwent blood and fecal sample collection at baseline and after 6 months of oral bacteriotherapy. A baseline fecal sample was collected from 15 healthy individuals and served as control group for the baseline levels of fecal phenylalanine and tyrosine. CD4 and CD8 immune activation (CD38+) was evaluated by flow cytometry. Amino acid evaluation on fecal samples was conducted by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Results showed that HIV+ participants displayed higher baseline phenylalanine/tyrosine ratio values than healthy volunteers. A significand reduction in phenylalanine/tyrosine ratio and peripheral CD4+ CD38+ activation was observed at the end of oral bacteriotherapy. In conclusion, probiotics beneficially affect the immune activation of HIV+ individuals. Therefore, the restoration of intestinal amino acid metabolism could represent the mechanisms through which probiotics exert these desirable effects

    Estradiol-17β altera expressão proteica endometrial em fêmeas bovinas tratadas no 17º dia do ciclo estral

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    Em fêmeas bovinas, a liberação de prostaglandina F2α (PGF2α) é induzida in vivo pelo estradiol (E2). Acredita-se que o E2 estimule a síntese de proteínas essenciais na produção de PGF2α. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do E2 no incremento da concentração de proteínas totais e na modificação da composição proteica em explantes endometriais de fêmeas bovinas tratadas com E2 no 17º dia do ciclo estral. Novilhas cruzadas foram tratadas no 17º dia do ciclo estral, via intravenosa, com 0 mg (Grupo Controle; n = 6) ou 3 mg de E2 (Grupo E2; n = 6) e abatidas duas horas após. Explantes endometriais foram isolados, submetidos à extração de proteínas totais, quantificados e avaliados por Eletroforese Unidimensional em gel de poliacrilamida 10% SDS-PAGE. A concentração de proteínas totais não diferiu entre os grupos, 6296,10 + 439,90 µg/mL para o Grupo Controle e 8426,56 + 1156,00 µg/mL para o Grupo E2 (p = 0,1158). Não houve diferença significativa (p > 0,05) no perfil proteico dos explantes endometriais em géis corados com Coomasie Blue. Em géis corados com Nitrato de Prata verificou-se no Grupo E2 maior porcentagem relativa das bandas referentes ao peso molecular de 75 a 76 kDa (8,40% vs. 4,89%; no Grupo E2 e Controle respectivamente; p < 0,05) e 108 a 110 kDa (6,85% vs. 3,84%; no Grupo E2 e Controle respectivamente; p < 0,05). Observou-se no Grupo E2 menor porcentagem relativa da banda referente ao peso molecular de 90 kDa (5,78% vs. 9,83%; no Grupo E2 e Controle respectivamente; p < 0,05). Conclui-se que o E2 não incrementa a concentração de proteínas no endométrio, entretanto, altera a composição proteica nos explantes endometriais, indicando que o E2 altera a expressão de proteínas específicas

    Estradiol-17&#946; altera expressão proteica endometrial em fêmeas bovinas tratadas no 17º dia do ciclo estral

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    In bovine females the release of prostaglandin F2&#945; (PGF2&#945;) is induced in vivo by estradiol (E2). It is believed that E2 stimulates the synthesis of essential proteins for the production of PGF2&#945;. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of E2 in increasing the concentration of total protein and modifying the protein composition of endometrial explants from bovine females treated with E2 at the 17th day of estrous cycle. Crossbred heifers were treated at 17th day of estrous cycle intravenously with 0 mg (Control Group; n = 6) or 3 mg of E2 (E2 Group; n = 6) and killed two hours after. Endometrial explants were isolated, subjected to extraction of total protein, quantified and were analyzed by one-dimensional electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel 10% SDS-PAGE. The concentration of total protein did not differ between groups, 6296.10 + 439.90 µg/mL for the Control Group and 8426.56 + 1156.00 µg/mL for E2 Group (p = 0.1158). There was no significant difference (p &gt; 0.05) in the protein profile of endometrial explants in gels stained with Coomasie Blue. In gels stained with Silver Nitrate it was verified in E2 Group greater relative percentage of the bands referring to the molecular weight of 75 to 76 kDa (8.40% vs. 4.89% in E2 Group and Control respectively; p < 0.05) and 108 to 110 Kda (6.85% vs. 3.84% in E2 Group and Control respectively, p < 0.05). It was observed in E2 Group lower relative percentage of the band referring to the molecular weight of 90 kDa (5.78% vs. 9.83% in E2 Group and control respectively; p < 0.05). We concluded that the E2 does not increase the protein concentration in the endometrium, however, it modifies the proteinic composition in the endometrial explants, indicating that E2 alters the expression of specific proteins.Em fêmeas bovinas, a liberação de prostaglandina F2α (PGF2α) é induzida in vivo pelo estradiol (E2). Acredita-se que o E2 estimule a síntese de proteínas essenciais na produção de PGF2α. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do E2 no incremento da concentração de proteínas totais e na modificação da composição proteica em explantes endometriais de fêmeas bovinas tratadas com E2 no 17º dia do ciclo estral. Novilhas cruzadas foram tratadas no 17º dia do ciclo estral, via intravenosa, com 0 mg (Grupo Controle; n = 6) ou 3 mg de E2 (Grupo E2; n = 6) e abatidas duas horas após. Explantes endometriais foram isolados, submetidos à extração de proteínas totais, quantificados e avaliados por Eletroforese Unidimensional em gel de poliacrilamida 10% SDS-PAGE. A concentração de proteínas totais não diferiu entre os grupos, 6296,10 + 439,90 µg/mL para o Grupo Controle e 8426,56 + 1156,00 µg/mL para o Grupo E2 (p = 0,1158). Não houve diferença significativa (p &gt; 0,05) no perfil proteico dos explantes endometriais em géis corados com Coomasie Blue. Em géis corados com Nitrato de Prata verificou-se no Grupo E2 maior porcentagem relativa das bandas referentes ao peso molecular de 75 a 76 kDa (8,40% vs. 4,89%; no Grupo E2 e Controle respectivamente; p &lt; 0,05) e 108 a 110 kDa (6,85% vs. 3,84%; no Grupo E2 e Controle respectivamente; p &lt; 0,05). Observou-se no Grupo E2 menor porcentagem relativa da banda referente ao peso molecular de 90 kDa (5,78% vs. 9,83%; no Grupo E2 e Controle respectivamente; p &lt; 0,05). Conclui-se que o E2 não incrementa a concentração de proteínas no endométrio, entretanto, altera a composição proteica nos explantes endometriais, indicando que o E2 altera a expressão de proteínas específicas

    Combined Effect of Hemostatic Gene Polymorphisms and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Advanced Coronary Atherosclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: Relative little attention has been devoted until now to the combined effects of gene polymorphisms of the hemostatic pathway as risk factors for Myocardial Infarction (MI), the main thrombotic complication of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). The aim of this study was to evaluate the combined effect of ten common prothrombotic polymorphisms as a determinant of MI. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We studied a total of 804 subjects, 489 of whom with angiographically proven severe CAD, with or without MI (n = 307; n = 182; respectively). An additive model considering ten common polymorphisms [Prothrombin 20210G>A, PAI-1 4G/5G, Fibrinogen beta -455G>A, FV Leiden and "R2", FVII -402G>A and -323 del/ins, Platelet ADP Receptor P2Y12 -744T>C, Platelet Glycoproteins Ia (873G>A), and IIIa (1565T>C)] was tested. The prevalence of MI increased linearly with an increasing number of unfavorable alleles (chi(2) for trend = 10.68; P = 0.001). In a multiple logistic regression model, the number of unfavorable alleles remained significantly associated with MI after adjustment for classical risk factors. As compared to subjects with 3-7 alleles, those with few (/=8) alleles had an increased MI risk (OR 2.49, 95%CIs 1.03-6.01). The number of procoagulant alleles correlated directly (r = 0.49, P = 0.006) with endogenous thrombin potential. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of prothrombotic polymorphisms may help to predict MI in patients with advanced CAD
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