27 research outputs found

    Sobre os porquês do pluralismo em economia: aproximações de uma alternativa historicista

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    Amidst the economists that are concerned about the method, it is common to make reference on the subject of a new economic methodology. It was from the deception and the abandon of the search toward a unique criterion to give scientific status to research programmes that this new movement came into being. Therefore, among the studies within this innovative trend there’re many patterns of pluralism. All of them reveal different perspectives that can justify the diversity of more or less substitute research programmes within economics. This paper suggests that the ideas of a hermeneutics philosophy’s founding father Wilhelm Dilthey offers an epistemological option to legitimate this state of affairs inside economic science. His thought is chiefly presented as an alternative for Bruce Caldwell’s and Sheila Dow’s pluralisms.history of economic thought, pluralism, hermeneutics, Dilthey

    Um lugar, um tempo e um sistema de economia: ensaio interpretativo sobre o surgimento do institucionalismo norte-americano de Thorstein Veblen

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    This paper intends to present a particular analysis of Thorstein Veblen’s work. In this fashion, we have identified a central idea that commands his oeuvre: the non-teleologism. In addition, as a another central objective, the study pretends to establish a relationship between this hard core principle and the evolution of the ideological and political dichotomy between conservatism and reformism through United States history. For accomplish that, we use an epistemological justification that stands on the Strong Programme of Sociology of Science arguments. They suggest a relation, in a cause and consequence way, connecting the social context and the structures of scientific theories. Finally, this allows the suggestion of a general meaning for the Thorstein Veblen’s system of institutional economics.history of economic thought, Thorstein Veblen, American institutionalism, teleology

    Como os economistas discordam: um ensaio metodolĂłgico sobre o "contexto da descoberta" em economia

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    This article concerns the methodology of investigations about the history of economic thought from a plural perspective, considering the variety of approaches as the strongest feature in the knowledge of economic phenomena. Here it is presented a suggestive methodology to study the birth of schools of thought, what we call the "context of discovery" in economics. We argue about the relations between the social reality, which is historically and geographically specific, and the theories and new approaches that appear in these contexts. The methodology suggested ranges from the schools of thought characterization, by the means of Kuhn and Lakatos categories, to the treatment of anachronism, which is embedded in all intellectual historiography work. As a result, an interpretative model is designed, to be used in future studies about authors and schools of economic thought.Este artigo insere-se na área de metodologia das investigações da história do pensamento econômico, isto a partir de uma perspectiva plural, considerando a diversidade de abordagens teóricas como a tônica do conhecimento sobre os fenômenos econômicos. Apresenta-se uma sugestão de método para o estudo do nascimento de escolas do pensamento econômico, aqui chamado de "contexto da descoberta" em economia. Argumenta-se sobre as relações entre a realidade social, específica, histórica e geograficamente, e as teorias e novas abordagens que surgem nesses contextos. A metodologia sugerida envolve desde a caracterização das escolas de pensamento por meio dos conceitos de Kuhn e Lakatos, até o tratamento que deve ser dado à questão do anacronismo, presente em qualquer trabalho de historiografia intelectual. Enfim, um modelo interpretativo é desenhado, com o intuito de utilizá-lo em posteriores pesquisas sobre autores e escolas de pensamento econômico

    Aproximações de um olhar foucauldiano sobre o institucionalismo de Thorstein Veblen

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    Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929), considered the first institutionalist author, tried to formulate, in the passage of the 19th century to the 20th, an original system of political economy that was alternative to classical, neoclassical, historicist and marxist thoughts. In this paper, this system of political economy is considered from the Michel Foucault’s (1926-1984) archeology of knowledge perspective. Hence, the paper has two more specific objectives. First, to expose how Foucault’s archeology of knowledge can be used to the study of an original system of political economy. Second, to show that the Veblenian system can be viewed as an instance, incipient and hesitant as it is, in the direction of a surpassing of what Foucault named modern episteme.Thorstein Veblen, Michel Foucault, history of economic thought, archeology of knowledge, institutionalism

    Oferta e demanda por economistas no governo brasileiro: histĂłrico, sociologia da profissĂŁo e capacidades estatais

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    The paper presents the use of an interpretative model to study the presence of economists in government, with special attention to the Brazilian case. Based on theories and concepts from sociology and policy analysis, a model of supply and demand for economists in government is devised. To this end, we use Andrew Abbott's sociology of the system of professions and the concept of state capacities. This interpretive model is applied to the analysis of three moments in the history of economists in the Brazilian government: the emergence of the demand for economic knowledge in the Brazilian bureaucratic state in the 1930s and 1940s, the building of a more sophisticated system and community of economists around the 1960s, and the debates about inequality and inflation in the 1970s and 1980s.Este artigo apresenta a aplicação de um modelo interpretativo para o estudo da presença de economistas no governo, com especial atenção ao caso brasileiro. Baseando-se em teorias e conceitos da sociologia e do chamado “campo de públicas”, elabora-se um modelo de oferta e demanda de economistas no governo. Para isso, mobilizam-se a sociologia do sistema de profissões de Andrew Abbott e o conceito de capacidades estatais. Esse modelo interpretativo é aplicado para a análise de três momentos da história dos economistas no governo brasileiro: o surgimento da demanda pelo conhecimento econômico no Estado burocrático brasileiro a partir dos anos de 1930 e 1940; a construção de um sistema e de uma comunidade mais sofisticada de economistas ao redor dos anos de 1960; e os debates sobre desigualdade e inflação nos anos de 1970 e 1980


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    The article aims to analyze the international influences used by EugênioGudin in the defense of his liberal economic agenda. As Gudin maintained constantcontact with important economists working in Europe and in the United States, he continuously transmitted and adapted what he considered the edge of economic scienceto Brazil. We analyze two central themes in which Gudin absorbed the developmentsin the foreign economic science to defend his liberal agenda. Namely, we examine histheory of hyperemployment and the defense of free trade.O artigo tem por objetivo analisar as influências internacionais utilizadas porEugênio Gudin na defesa de sua agenda econômica liberal. Gudin manteve contatoconstante com importantes economistas que trabalhavam na Europa e nos EstadosUnidos, transmitindo e adaptando o que encontrava no que considerava a fronteira daciência econômica para o cenário nacional. Analisamos dois temas centrais nos quaisGudin absorvia os desenvolvimentos da ciência econômica estrangeira para defendersua agenda liberal: sua teoria do hiperemprego e a defesa do livre-comércio

    Redes sociais e recrutamento: o caso dos diretores e presidentes do Banco Central do Brasil (1994-2016)

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    The article analyses the professional career of 45 chairs of Brazilian Central Bank (directorates and presidents). Its purpose is to capture the career structure of these agents, taking into consideration every position throughout their career and the connections among them. Therefore, we use Social Network Analysis, especially its centrality measures (degree and betweeness), and its clustering techniques. The sources consulted were biographies available on the Central Bank’s website, the curricula used by the Federal Senate to approve the directors, the Bloomberg’s website, the Bloomberg Professional System, and the Dicionário Histórico Biográfico Brasileiro elaborated by cpdoc. We conclude that the Central Bank’s directorates and presidents have very complex careers, which combine positions in the public, private and university sectors.Este artigo analisa a trajetória profissional de 45 dirigentes do Banco Central do Brasil (diretores e presidentes). O objetivo é captar a estrutura da carreira desses agentes, levando-se em consideração todos os cargos ocupados e a conexão entre eles. Para tanto, usamos a metodologia da Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS), em particular as suas medidas de centralidade (degree e betweeness) e suas técnicas de clusterização. As fontes utilizadas foram as biografias disponíveis na página da instituição, os currículos submetidos à aprovação do Senado Federal, o website da Bloomberg e o sistema Bloomberg Professional, além do Dicionário Histórico Biográfico Brasileiro do CPDOC. Nossas conclusões apontam para a complexidade das carreiras desses agentes, que combinam os setores público, privado e de ensino