547 research outputs found

    With or without Emoji? Perceptions about Emoji use in different brand-consumer communication contexts

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    Brands are increasingly using emoji in their computer-mediated communication (CMC). However, research on how consumers perceive such use, and the determinants of those perceptions, is scarce and results may be inconsistent. In a cross-sectional study () we examined how appropriate participants considered to be the use of emoji by brands, across five brand-consumer communication contexts. We additionally examined whether these perceptions were determined by demographic and individual variables (e.g., gender and frequency of emoji use), as well as individual views about emoji use in written CMC. Overall, perceptions toward the use of emoji by brands depended on the context, with participants considering more appropriate for brands to use emoji when publicizing on social media and less appropriate when making callbacks of defective products. Results further showed that such perceptions were more favorable among younger participants and those who used emoji more frequently, but also among those who considered emoji use more useful and formal. These findings contribute to the CMC field by highlighting how perceptions of emoji use by brands are shaped, while also informing how brands can enhance CMC with consumers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluating the adequacy of emoji use in positive and negative messages from close and distant senders

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    Computer-mediated communication allows people to communicate across several contexts (e.g., friends, professional settings) by using video-based or text-based channels. In the latter case, communication lacks nonverbal cues (e.g., tone of voice) that are critical to message interpretation. Including emoji can help express emotion and reinforce or clarify the meaning of a message. However, the benefits of using emoji are likely to depend on the context (e.g., the relationship between interlocutors) and the messages' features (e.g., the valence of the message). To date, studies have not systematically and empirically examined how the use of emoji is perceived across different communication scenarios. In the current study, we asked 175 participants (49.5 percent women; Mage = 36.32, SD = 12.22) to imagine receiving either a negative or a positive message from 22 senders (e.g., friend; bank manager) and to indicate, for each case, how much they would like to receive an emoji and how useful and appropriate they considered the use of emoji. These ratings were combined into a single index of emoji use adequacy. Based on factor analysis, the 22 scenarios were aggregated in distant and close scenarios. Overall, results showed that participants considered emoji use more inadequate in distant (vs. close) scenarios and for negative (vs. positive) messages. These findings suggest that the perceived benefits of emoji use for text-based communication may not be generalized to all text-based communication contexts, such that relationship proximity and message valence should not be overlooked. Implications for the fields of consumer psychology and communication are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Motives, frequency and attitudes toward emoji and emoticon use

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    Electronic Mediated Communication (EMC) has become highly prevalent in our daily lives. Many of the communication formats used in EMC are text-based (e.g., instant messaging), and users often include visual paralinguistic cues in their messages. In the current study, we examined the usage of two of such cues - emoji and emoticons. Specifically, we compared self-reported frequency of use, as well as attitudes (6 bipolar items, e.g., “fun” vs. “boring”) and motives for their usage (9 motives, e.g., “express how I feel to others”). We also examined these indicators according to age and gender. Overall, participants (N = 474, 72.6% women; Mage = 30.71, SD = 12.58) reported using emoji (vs. emoticons) more often, revealed more positive attitudes toward emoji usage, and identified more with motives to use them. Moreover, all the ratings were higher among younger (vs. older) participants. Results also showed that women reported to use emoji (but not emoticons) more often and expressed more positive attitudes toward their usage than men. However, these gender differences were particularly evident for younger participants. No gender differences were found for emoticons usage. These findings add to the emerging body of literature by showing the relevance of considering age and gender, and their interplay, when examining patterns of emoji and emoticons use.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Coring the sedimentary expression of the early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: New stratigraphic records from the Tethys Ocean

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    The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) interval was cored at Colle di Sogno and Gajum in the Lombardy Basin (Southern Alps, northern Italy). The Sogno and Gajum cores recovered 26.83 and 31.18 stratigraphic metres, respectively, of pelagic sediments consisting of marly limestones, marlstone, marly claystone, and black shale. Drilling at both sites resulted in 100\u2009% recovery of unweathered material. The pelagic succession comprises a relatively expanded black shale interval of 4.98\u2009m in the Sogno core and 15.35\u2009m in the Gajum core, with lower and upper boundaries without evidence of hiatuses. The Sogno and Gajum cores can be considered reference sections for the pelagic lower Toarcian interval of the western Tethys and will provide high-resolution micropaleontological, inorganic and organic geochemical, isotopic multiproxy data. Integrated stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy are predicted to result in estimates of durations and rates to model the ecosystem resilience to the extreme perturbations of the T-OAE and gain a better understanding of current global changes and help provide better projections of future scenarios

    Caracterização geoelétrica do gabro Santa Catarina, São Sepé (RS)

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    Geophysical methods are widely used in mineral exploration for several types of mineral deposits. When combined with direct studies as geochemistry, a substantial increase in the probability of ore discovery is possible in mineral exploration activities. Electrical geophysical methods are particularly promising in studies related to the search of sulphides due to the contrast of physical properties electric resistivity and chargeability. This paper presents the results obtained from the application of Resistivity (DC) and Induced Polarization methods, through the electrical profiling technique, aiming at evaluating the potential mineral of a gabbro intruded in a metasedimentary sequence, in an area where several occurrences of gold and copper were described. This gabbro is ranked on the Basic-Ultrabasic stratiform bodies, which gather peridotites, gabbros, and layered anortosites. Three radial lines of electrical profiling were performed, spaced of 60° and crossing at the area center, with readings of electric resistivity and chargeability in Wenner-Schlumberger array. The association of low resistivity and high chargeability areas has allowed defining potentially mineralized zones related to structures that condition the drainage net in the gabbro domain. Grains of gold detected through geochemical prospection of alluvial sediments dowstream from the gabbro may have originated from leaching of ores deposited in fractures through the action of river waters within the gabbro domain, possibly consisting of sulphides and gold.Os métodos geofísicos são largamente empregados na pesquisa dos mais diversos tipos de depó- sitos minerais. Quando combinados com estudos diretos como geoquímica em amostras de solos ou rochas, possibilitam um aumento substancial na probabilidade de descoberta de jazimentos. Os métodos geofísicos elétricos são particularmente promissores em estudos voltados à busca de sulfetos devido ao contraste das propriedades físicas resistividade elétrica e cargabilidade. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplica- ção dos métodos eletrorresistividade e polarização induzida, por meio da técnica de caminhamento elétrico, com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial mineral do gabro Santa Catarina, localizado no município de São Sepé (RS), numa região onde foram descritas várias ocorrências de ouro e sulfetos. Este gabro é classificado no domínio de Corpos Básico-Ultrabásicos Estratiformes, que reúne peridotitos, gabros e anortositos acamadados. Foram realizadas três linhas de caminhamento elétrico dispostas de forma radial, com cruzamento no centro da área e separação de 60° entre linhas e leituras de resistividade elétrica e cargabilidade em arranjo Wenner- -Schlumberger. A associação de áreas de baixa resistividade e alta cargabilidade obtida a partir de modelos de inversão bidimensionais permitiu definir zonas potencialmente mineralizadas, relacionadas com estruturas que condicionam a rede de drenagem no domínio do gabro. Pintas de ouro detectadas em campanha de prospecção geoquímica em sedimento de corrente à jusante do gabro podem ser originadas da lixiviação de depósitos contidos em fraturas, por ação de águas fluviais no domínio do gabro, possivelmente caracterizados por sulfetos e ouro associado

    Sudden unexpected death in an adolescent with epilepsy: All roads lead to the heart?

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    The incidence of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) has been estimated from 0.5-1.4/1,000 person-years in people with treated epilepsy, and 9/1,000 person-years in candidates for epilepsy surgery. Potential risk factors for SUDEP include: age, early onset of epilepsy, duration of epilepsy, uncontrolled seizures, seizure type and winter temperatures. The arrythmogenic side-effect of antiepileptic drugs and seizures may increase the risk of SUDEP. In this report, we describe a patient with prolonged post-ictal tachycardia in EEG video recordings with a typical case of SUDEP: a 16-year-old boy with medically intractable complex partial seizures. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed left mesial temporal sclerosis. During non-invasive video-EEG monitoring, the patient presented a post-ictal heart rate increased for five hours. Two months after video-EEG, he died from SUDEP during a tonic-clonic secondary generalized seizure. The possibility of cardiac involvement in the pathogenesis of SUDEP has been suggested by many studies. Evaluation of this patient with EEG-video monitoring, including measurement of heart rate, contributed to an identification of ictal tachycardia that may have played a role in the SUDEP. Premature mortality seems to be increased in patients with epilepsy, and cardiac abnormalities may be a possible cause of SUDEP. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 2: 194-196

    Efeito do genótipo e do ambiente sobre os teores de óleo e proteína nos grãos de soja, em quatro ambientes da região sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, safra 2002/2003.

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    Com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos do genótipo e do ambiente sobre os teores de óleo e proteína de grãos de soja, foi conduzido o presente trabalho em quatro municípios da região sul de Mato Grosso do Sul. Utilizaram-se os genótipos CD 202, BRS 133 e BRS 206, em semeadura direta no segundo decênio de novembro, com população inicial de 310 mil plantas ha-1. Foram avaliados o rendimento de grãos e os teores de óleo e proteína dos grãos. Verificou-se que o ambiente de Rio Brilhante propiciou maior rendimento de grãos, não havendo diferenças significativas de produtividade entre os genótipos. Para os teores de óleo e proteína, constatou-se que não houve diferenças entre os ambientes, porém, para os genótipos, verificou-se superioridade do BRS 206 nos teores de proteína e do CD 202 nos teores de óleo em relação aos demais.bitstream/item/65169/1/CPAO-DOCUMENTOS-17-EFEITO-DO-GENOTIPO-E-DO-AMBIENTE-SOBRE-OS-TORES-DE-OLEO-E-PROTEINA-NOS-GRAOS-D.pd