87 research outputs found

    Problematization of the Literary Canon: Anti-Patriarchal Perspective and Discussion on the Erasure of Literature by Female Authors in the School Curriculum

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    The literary canon is a collection of works officially recognized for their excellence and cultural importance Its construction is a historical process that reflects the choices and values of commonly dominant groups As a result the canon often excludes works written by marginalized groups including women This erasure of female writers has influenced the development of the school curriculum and limited young people s exposure to these authors and their works In Brazil the literary canon is dominated by male writers with little representation of literary works authored by women This lack of representation directly affects education in the country limiting exposure to literature written by women This work addresses the influence of the patriarchal literary canon on the approach to literature written by women in schoo

    Substratos para armazenar nematóides entomopatogênicos (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae)

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    Os nematóides entomopatogênicos apresentam baixa viabilidade em condições de laboratório. Com o objetivo de avaliar substratos para prolongar a sobrevivência dos nematóides entomopatogênicos, suspensões de Heterorhabditis sp. JPM4 e Steinernema carpocapsae All (3.000 JI mL-1) foram adicionadas aos substratos solo, areia fina, areia grossa, espuma, argila expandida, esponja fenólica, ágar, amido de milho, Plantmax® e água. Estes foram colocados em placas de Petri (5 cm) e mantidos a 16 ± 1°C. As avaliações foram feitas após 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias, com três repetições para cada dia. Após 180 dias, para S. carpocapsae All o substrato espuma (57,5%) manteve maior porcentagem de juvenis infectantes (JI) vivos; argila expandida (28,4%), Plantmax® (9,3%) e esponja fenólica (11%) não foram eficientes para manutenção da sobrevivência. Para Heterorhabditis sp. JPM4, espuma (55,6%), areia grossa (53,1%) e areia fina (50,6%) proporcionaram maior sobrevivência dos JI ao final de 180 dias. Ágar (19,3%), esponja fenólica (11,6%) e Plantmax® (10,7%) tiveram índices de sobrevivência inferiores ao da testemunha (29,7%). O uso de substrato adequado pode propiciar maior sobrevivência de JI.The survival of entomopathogenic nematodes under laboratory conditions is low. With the aim of evaluating substrates to extend the survival of entomopathogenic nematodes, suspensions of Heterorhabditis sp. JPM4 and Steinernema carpocapsae All (3,000 IJ mL-1) were added to dirt, fine sand, coarse sand, foam, expanded clay, phenolic foam, agar, corn starch, Plantmax®, and water. The substrates were placed on Petri dishes (5 cm) and kept at 16 ± 1°C. Survival evaluations were made after 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days, with three replicates. After 180 d, a greater percentage of S. carpocapsae infective juveniles (IJs) were still alive in the foam treatment (57.5%) as compared to other treatments, while expanded clay (28.4%), Plantmax® (9.3%) and phenolic foam (11%) were not effective in maintaining the survival rate. Foam (55.6%), coarse sand (53.1%), and fine sand (50.6%) provided greater Heterorhabditis sp. JPM4 IJ survival at 180 days. Agar (19.3%), phenolic foam (11.6%), and Plantmax® (10.7%) had lower survival indices than the control (29.7%). The use of an appropriate substrate can provide greater IJ survival

    Compatibilidade entre Beauveria bassiana e o predador Chrysoperla externa em laboratório

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     The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the fungus Beauveria bassiana on eggs and larvae of Chrysoperla externa. Eggs with 24 hours and insects on 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar were immersed in fungal suspensions at 1.0x104 to 1.0x108 conidia mL-1. There was no fungal effect on the eggs viability. Third instar larvae were affected by B. bassiana, and the suspensions with 1.0x107 and 1.0x108 conidia mL-1 interfered in the evaluated parameters.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do fungo Beauveria bassiana sobre ovos e larvas de Chrysoperla externa. Ovos com até 24 horas de idade e insetos no 1o, 2o e 3o ínstares foram imersos em suspensões fúngicas de 1,0x104 a 1,0x108 conídios mL-1. Não houve efeito do fungo sobre a viabilidade dos ovos. Larvas de terceiro ínstar foram afetadas por B. bassiana, e as suspensões de 1,0x107 e 1,0x108 conídios mL-1 interferiram nos parâmetros avaliados

    Patogenicidade de fungos entomopatogênicos a três espécies de ácaros em cafeeiro

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    Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) and Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor, 1917) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae, Tetranychidae) are considered the main pest mites of coffee plants (Coffea spp.), causing damages such as leaf fall and reduction of the photosynthetic foliar area. Among their main natural enemies, the entomopathogenic fungi and predatory mites have great potential for biological control. However, the entomopathogenic fungi can, occasionally, also infect the predatory mites. The objective of this work was to evaluate the pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi to the pest mites B. phoenicis and O. ilicis and to the predatory mite Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma, 1972 (Acari: Phytoseiidae). The experiments were carried out in a laboratory, using four strains of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. and one of the Lecanicillium sp. The mites were exposed to the fungi by spraying the pathogen in a Potter tower. For the B. phoenicis mite, the Lecanicillium sp. UFLA 70 strain caused 100% mortality in three days of exposure. For the O. ilicis species, the most effective treatments were UFLA 13 (B. bassiana) and UFLA 70 (Lecanicillium sp.) strains, which caused 70% of mortality. Most of the tested fungi strains were not pathogenic to the predator I. zuluagai, causing low mortality. Of all the fungi tested in this experiment, the most effective for B. phoenicis and O. ilicis was UFLA 70 of Lecanicillium sp., which caused high mortality of these pests, but did not cause a high mortality rate of the predatory mite I. zuluagai.Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) e Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor, 1917) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae, Tetranychidae) são considerados os principais ácaros-pragas do cafeeiro (Coffea spp.), pois causam danos, como a desfolha e a redução de área foliar de fotossíntese. Dentre os inimigos naturais associados, os fungos entomopatogênicos e os ácaros predadores têm grande potencial para serem utilizados no controle biológico de ácaros-praga; entretanto, os fungos podem ocasionalmente também infectar ácaros predadores. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a patogenicidade de fungos entomopatogênicos aos ácaros-praga B. phoenicis e O. ilicis e sobre o ácaro-predador Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma, 1972 (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Os bioensaios foram realizados em laboratório, utilizando-se quatro isolados do fungo entomopatogênico Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. e um de Lecanicillium sp., expondo os ácaros aos fungos mediante sua pulverização em torre de Potter. Para o ácaro B. phoenicis, o isolado UFLA 70 de Lecanicillium sp. promoveu 100% de mortalidade em três dias de exposição. Para a espécie O. ilicis, os tratamentos mais efetivos foram os isolados UFLA 13 (B. bassiana) e UFLA 70 (Lecanicillium sp.), os quais promoveram uma mortalidade de 70%. A maioria dos isolados não foi patogênica ao ácaro predador I. zuluagai, considerando que causou baixa mortalidade a ele. Dos fungos testados neste experimento, o isolado mais efetivo para B. phoenicis e O. ilicis foi UFLA 70 de Lecanicillium sp., que promoveu alta mortalidade dessas pragas, além de não causar elevada mortalidade ao caro predador I. zuluagai

    Bilateral Multicentric Paraganglioma

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    Plasma cell cheilitis: the diagnosis of a disorder mimicking lip cancer

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    Plasma cell cheilitis (PCC) is an inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology that affects the lip. It is characterized histologically by a dense infiltrate of plasma cells with a variety of clinical features. The response to different therapeutic modalities is controversial, especially regarding the effectiveness of corticosteroids. We present a case of a 56-year-old Caucasian man with a painful ulcerated and crusted area in the lower lip, resembling a squamous cell carcinoma or actinic cheilitis. Topical corticosteroid was used for one week, which resulted in partial regression and motivated a biopsy. The histological examination provided the diagnosis of PCC. The patient has been disease-free for six months. We also provide a discussion on the criteria of differential diagnosis and management of this rare condition. See ERRATUM&nbsp

    Mineral content in French type bread with sodium replacement using fluorescence spectrometry X-rays by energy dispersive

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    The present study aimed to determine the mineral composition of the French type bread with partial replacement of sodium chloride by potassium chloride using the technique of X-ray fluorescence energy dispersive. The excitation energy used was 50 keV and detector operation at -176°C. The detected variations were from 10.16 to 613.69 mg 100 g-1 for sodium and from 211.58 to 958.96 mg 100 g-1 for potassium. The concentrations of iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium ranged from 10.62 to 21.45, 16.59 to 30.78, 92.53 to 125.77 and from 16.54 to 100.88 mg 100 g-1, respectively. The use of this simple technique proved to be reliable on detecting the variations imposed on the French type bread formulation. The results of this study indicate that, at the levels studied, the addition of potassium chloride assisted in getting French type bread with lower levels of sodium and proved the technological feasibility of producing French type bread with 43% salt reduction (1.0% in the commercial formulation) with 0.5% potassium chloride, which provide bread with the amount of sodium proposed to meet the set limits (174.09 mg.50 g-1), related to the salt standard formulation of 1.88% (306.5 mg.50 g-1).Key words: French bread, replacement, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, food analysis, minerals, energy dispersive

    Mecanismos da gestão do conhecimento para avaliação dos portais hospitalares universitários do nordeste brasileiro

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    Hospital portals that manage health related data are becoming increasingly popular since they play an important role to provide, acquire and exchange information to its users. This study aims to verify how the hospital portals are contributing to the expansion of users knowledge by the analysis of interactive features associated with three mechanisms of knowledge management: Knowledge Access (KA); Knowledge Creation (KC); and Knowledge Transfer (KT). The study is exploratory, descriptive and qualitative, classified as a survey, and involves the standardization of data collection instruments (questionnaires and interviews) applied directly to people of a particular population to evaluate the knowledge management the portals present on the university hospitals from northeastern of Brazil. The results indicated that the proceeds of access to knowledge (AK) prevailed over other confirming the results found on the Asians and Americans hospital portals. Neste trabalho objetiva-se verificar de que forma os portais hospitalares universitários localizados no Nordeste Brasileiro estão contribuindo para a ampliação do conhecimento de seus usuários a partir da análise de recursos interativos associados aos três mecanismos da gestão do conhecimento: Acesso ao Conhecimento (AC), Criação de Conhecimento (CC) e Transferência de Conhecimento (TC). O estudo é do tipo exploratório, descritivo e qualitativo, classificando-se como um Survey, cujo modelo desenvolvido através de uma adaptação de Lee, Goh e Chua (2007), que envolve a padronização de instrumentos de coleta de dados (questionários e entrevistas) aplicados diretamente às pessoas de uma população específica, para avaliar as ferramentas de gestão de conhecimento presentes nos portais hospitalares universitários da região Nordeste do Brasil. Os resultados indicaram que os recursos provenientes de acesso ao conhecimento foram mais prevalentes que os demais, ratificando os resultados encontrados nas analises feitas por Lee, Goh e Chua (2007) nos portais hospitalares asiaticos e norte-americanos

    A rare case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma of the hard palate

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    Carcinoma Ex-Pleomorphic Adenoma (CExPA) is a salivary gland carcinoma derived from a primary or recurrent benign pleomorphic adenoma (PA) extremely rare in minor salivary glands. In this paper, we report the case of a male afrodescendant patient, 37 years old, presenting a palatal irregular nodular lesion with approximately 3.5 cm diameter. The lesion had over two years of evolution, but started growing faster and presenting pain and ulceration in the last two months. The incisional biopsy revealed a typical pleomorphic adenoma with focal areas of nests of epidermoid and mucous cells, as well as microcyst formations, resembling the mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC). Immunohistochemical analysis revealed positivity for CK7, CK13, CK 14, p63 and Ki67 (about 30%), whereas alpha-SMA was restricted to the PA component. The diagnosis was CExPA (MEC-type). A discussion on the histopathological and immunohistochemical criteria for differential diagnosis of CExPA is provided in this work, hoping to contribute to a better knowledge and understanding of this rare malignant tumor. Key words:Salivary gland neoplasms, pleomorphic adenoma, adenocarcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, pathology, differential diagnosis