10 research outputs found

    Movilidad estudiantil internacional: la experiencia de estudiantes de pregrado en enfermería

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    Objective: To understand/reveal the experiences of undergraduate students of the Nursing School of the Universidade de São Paulo in international academic mobility. Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive study with a qualitative approach conducted between February and July 2017. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview and submitted to content analysis. Results: Twenty-two (22) students participated in the study. Five analytical categories emerged from the analysis of the interviews: Interinstitutional Relationships Dimension, Personal Dimension, Professional Dimension, Academic Dimension and Cultural Dimension. Conclusion: There are many advantages that international mobility can bring to vocational training. Greater governmental and institutional investment is considered necessary, but with mutual planning and monitoring by the institutions in order for it to contribute to the development of Nursing and the Country.Objective: To understand/reveal the experiences of undergraduate students of the Nursing School of the Universidade de São Paulo in international academic mobility. Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive study with a qualitative approach conducted between February and July 2017. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview and submitted to content analysis. Results: Twenty-two (22) students participated in the study. Five analytical categories emerged from the analysis of the interviews: Interinstitutional Relationships Dimension, Personal Dimension, Professional Dimension, Academic Dimension and Cultural Dimension. Conclusion: There are many advantages that international mobility can bring to vocational training. Greater governmental and institutional investment is considered necessary, but with mutual planning and monitoring by the institutions in order for it to contribute to the development of Nursing and the Country


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar, à luz da interdisciplinaridade, a disciplina Saúde indígena e os conteúdos sobre a saúde das populações tradicionais amazônicas, nos cursos de graduação em enfermagem de universidades e faculdades da região Norte do Brasil. Nesta lógica, utilizou-se pesquisa realizada na plataforma eletrônica do Ministério da Educação e Cultura (E-MEC), no período de maio a julho de 2016, por meio de estudo de casos múltiplos. Foram identificados cursos em todos os Estados com um total de 69, sendo 11 públicos e 58 privados, destes 14 cursos apresentaram disciplinas sobre o tema, tais como: Saúde Indígena, Enfermagem na Atenção à Saúde Indígena, Assistência de Enfermagem às populações tradicionais da Amazônia, e Saúde das Populações Amazônicas. As matrizes e ementas possibilitaram identificar que há disciplinas curriculares sobre populações tradicionais, porém de modo limitado e concepções equidistantes de interdisciplinaridade.The objective in this article is to identify and analyze, in the light of Interdisciplinarity, the subject Indigenous health and the contents about the health of traditional populations in the Amazon region in undergraduate nursing programs at universities and faculties in the North of Brazil. Along that logic, a study was undertaken in the electronic platform of the Ministry of Education and Culture (E-MEC), between May and July 2016, through multiple case studies. Courses were identified in all States, totaling 69, being 11 public and 58 private. Fourteen of these courses presented subjects on the theme, such as: Indigenous Health, Nursing in Indigenous Health Care, Nursing Care for traditional populations in the Amazon and Health of Amazon Populations. The curricula and menus revealed that the curricula contain subjects on traditional populations, but in a limited manner, and equidistant conceptions of interdisciplinarity.Artículo cuyo objetivo fueidentificar y analizar, a la luz de la interdisciplinaridad, la asignaturaSalud indígena ylos contenidos sobre salud de las poblaciones tradicionales de Amazonia, en los cursos de graduación enenfermería de universidades y facultades de la región Norte de Brasil. Para eso, se utilizóinvestigación realizada en la plataforma electrónica del Ministerio de la Educacióny Cultura (E-MEC), en el periodo de mayo a julio de 2016, por medio de estudios de casos múltiplos. Se identificaron cursos en todos los Estados con un total de 69, siendo 11 públicos y 58 particulares; de estos, 14 cursos presentaronasignaturasacerca del tema, como: Salud Indígena, Enfermeríaen la Atencióna laSalud Indígena, Asistencia de Enfermeríaa laspoblaciones tradicionales de Amazonia, ySalud de las Poblaciones Amazónicas. Las programaciones posibilitaron identificar que hayasignaturascurriculares sobre poblaciones tradicionales, sin embargo de modo limitado y con concepciones equidistantes de interdisciplinaridad

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Quilombola Women: A Multifactorial Analysis on The Preventive Examination of Uterine Cervical Cancer in Northern Brazil

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    O Cervical cancer is considered a persistent public health problem, the access to health services, as well as women\u27s adherence to the Pap smear, is one of the main tools to change this scenario, favoring the early detection of the disease. When considering the morbidity and mortality rates, taking into account the color, it is evident that black women need a different look. Given the above, the objective of this work is to analyze the knowledge, attitude and practice of quilombola women in Amapá about the preventive examination for cervical cancer. The study has a quantitative approach, of an applied nature, of the Survey type, having as reference the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Survey (KAP) on the PCCU exam. The field research was carried out in the Quilombo do Curiaú in the state of Amapá. The data were submitted to the SPSS version 25.0 program, for the description of the statistical results, being considered relevant the results with p<0.05, which made it possible to trace the following socioeconomic and anthropometric profile: age from 18 to 33 years old (43.75 %), Catholic (92.50%), single (52.50%), complete high school (31.35%), without paid activity (41.25%), month family income from 1 to 2 minimum wages (37 .50%) and an average of five family members (36.25%). They present weight 69.34 (Me), height 161.06 (Me), Body Mass Index (BMI) 26.685 (Me), waist circumference (WC) 86.97 (Me), hip circumference (HC) 106 .77 (Me) and CC/HC ratio index 0.8172 (Me). Thus, the study revealed that 42.50% meet the parameter considered normal for BMI and 68.75% have a low risk for the development of Chronic Non-Transmissible Neoplastic Diseases, according to CC/HC. Using the criteria proposed by the KAP survey as a reference, 26.25% had adequate knowledge, 30% had adequate attitude and 37.5% had adequate practice, demonstrating a negative proportional assessment in relation to the PCCU exam. The KAP survey was carried out, which showed that only 36.27% of the women were characterized with Adequate Knowledge, 30.00% with Adequate Attitude and 37.5% with Adequate Practice, highlighting the need for educational actions at this topic with the female quilombola population, with a view to increasing the adherence to the uterine cytopathological examination within these communities

    Educational activity for the development of cultural competencies in nurses who work on indigenous health in the Amazon region of Pará

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    Introdução: A diversidade sociocultural na Amazônia brasileira requer dos profissionais da saúde competências culturais. No entanto, a assistência de enfermagem não difere entre os povos indígenas e não indígenas, a formação profissional e permanente é verticalizada e centrada na operacionalização dos serviços e as competências exigidas na saúde indígena são de natureza técnico-assistencial. Objetivo geral: Desenvolver, implementar e avaliar uma atividade educativa mediada pelos Círculos de Cultura para o desenvolvimento de competências culturais críticas com enfermeiras(os) que atuam na saúde indígena do DSEI Guatoc no estado do Pará. Método: Estudo de intervenção, de enfoque qualitativo com triangulação na obtenção, análise e avaliação dos dados. Utilizou-se os Círculos de Cultura como itinerário de pesquisa no desenvolvimento da atividade educativa. Realizaram-se cinco encontros na CASAI Icoaraci, CASAI e Polo de Marabá e sete encontros na CASAI e Polo Paragominas. Participaram dezenove enfermeiras(os) que atuavam mais de um ano nos serviços e não estavam afastadas do trabalho por qualquer motivo. A investigação iniciou após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem da USP. Os resultados do perfil das(os) participantes e do instrumento de autoavaliação foram lançados no programa Microsoft Excel, versão 2007, para análise descritiva. Os dados qualitativos foram organizados pela versão livre do software Atlas Ti e analisados segundo a hermenêutica-dialética. Resultados: A maioria das(os) participantes era constituída por mulheres, nortistas, negras e pardas, casadas; formada(o) em Instituições de Ensino Superior privadas; tinha especialização em Saúde Indígena e vínculo empregatício celetista. A autoavaliação não mostrou resultados tendenciosos a respostas socialmente aceitáveis, o que demonstra possível autoavaliação crítica e reflexiva. Emergiu na atividade educativa, mediada pelos círculos de cultura, na investigação temática, o tema gerador dificuldade de comunicação; na tematização, a interculturalidade funcional; e na problematização percebeu-se que ao analisar das situações-problemas as(os) participantes desenvolveram uma transitividade de consciência e produziu-se uma cartilha idiomática. Discussão: O conhecimento regulação é norteador da atuação das(os) participantes, mas durante os Círculos de cultura apresentaram uma transitividade de consciência, especialmente no domínio cognitivo dos atributos sensibilização/consciência e conhecimento cultural, pois manifestaram reflexão, crítica e mobilização no sentido de interconhecimento, reconhecimento e autoconhecimento, apontando para uma aproximação com a Ecologia de saberes e do conhecimento emancipação. Conclusão: Por meio da atividade educativa, mediada pelos círculos de cultura, apreendeu-se que o desenvolvimento de competências culturais na perspectiva crítica é um processo educativo dialogado, coletivo, colaborativo, insurgente e permanente que considera os domínios afetivo, cognitivo e comportamental, que interseccionam aos atributos do desejo, sensibilização/consciência, conhecimento, habilidades e encontros culturais, mas que também compreende a dimensão política da atuação da(o) enfermeira(o) que lê, codifica e interpreta o contexto histórico, social e cultural em que está inserida(o), ressignificando seus saberes, práticas e cuidado do outro e de si. Potencial de impacto da pesquisa: Ressignificar o cuidado e a atuação da(o) enfermeira(o) na saúde de povos tradicionais; contribuir para a teoria de enfermagem transcultural ao abordar as competências culturais a partir do paradigma crítico; impactar na educação permanente de enfermagem ao articular a dimensão profissional com a dimensão sociopolítica como proposta de processo educativo que considera as zonas de conflitos culturais do cotidiano de enfermeiras(os) que atuam em contexto de diversidade sociocultural; produzir um instrumento inédito de autoavaliação das competências culturais de enfermeiras(os) que atuam na saúde indígena. E por fim, produzir inovação por meio de uma tecnologia assistencial que possibilitou o exercício do trabalho coletivo e colaborativo e promoveu a interlocução idiomática do universo cultural indígena com os profissionais de saúde.Introduction: The sociocultural diversity in the Brazilian Amazon demands cultural competences from the health professionals. Despite this fact, the nursing care provided to indigenous and non-indigenous people does not differ. The professional and permanent training is verticalized and centered around the operation of services. The competences required by the indigenous health have a technical-care nature. General goal: Develop, implement and evaluate an educational activity mediated by Culture Circles focused on the development of critical cultural competences alongside nurses who work on indigenous health at DSEI Guatoc in the state of Pará. Method: Qualitative intervention study approached through the triangulation of data acquisition, analysis and assessment. Culture Circles were used as research itinerary in the development of the educational activity. Five meetings were held at the CASAI Icoaraci, CASAI and Polo de Marabá, and seven meetings were held at CASAI and Polo Paragominas. Among the participants, there were 19 nurses who were working in these services for more than a year continuously without taking a work leave. The investigation started after the approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the University of São Paulo Nursing School. The results of the participants profile and the self-evaluation instrument were collected using Microsoft Excel, version 2007, for descriptive analysis. The qualitative results were organized using the free version of Atlas Ti and analyzed according to the dialectical hermeneutics method. Results: Most of the participants were women, northerner, black and colored, married; alumni from private universities; specialized in indigenous health and in a work contract under the general labor law, known as CLT. The self-evaluation did not show biased results towards socially accepted responses, which can demonstrate critical and reflective self-evaluation. During inquiry stage of the educational activity, mediated by culture circles, communication issues emerged as generative theme; in the thematization stage, the functional interculturality; and in the problematization, it became evident that the participants developed transitive consciousness owing to the analysis of the problem-posing situations, which resulted in the production of a idiomatic booklet. Discussion: The knowledge-regulation is the guiding principle for the work of the participants, yet they presented transitive consciousness during the culture circles. The cognitive domain brought out sensibleness/consciousness and cultural knowledge due to the manifestation of reflection, critical thinking and mobilization towards inter-knowledge, acknowledgement and self-knowledge. These pointed to a closeness to the ecology of knowledge and the knowledge emancipation. Conclusion: Through the educational activity, mediated by the culture circles, it was possible to understand that the cultural competences from a critical perspective is an educational process based on dialogue which can be described as collective, collaborative, insurgent and permanent. It takes into account the domains of affection, cognition and behavior, and intersects with the attributes of desire, sensibleness/consciousness, knowledge, abilities and cultural encounters. Furthermore, it comprehends the political dimension of a nurses work who reads, codes and interprets his or her social, cultural and historical context, changing the meaning of his or her knowledge, practice and care of others and him or herself. Research impact: Changing the meaning of the care and the work of a nurse regarding the health of traditional people; contributing to the transcultural nursing theory through the discussion of cultural competences from a critical paradigm; impacting the permanent nursing education as a result of articulating the professional dimension with the sociopolitical dimension, proposing it as an educational process that considers the cultural-conflicting zones in the daily life of a nurse who works in the context of sociocultural diversity; producing an unprecedented instrument of self-evaluation regarding cultural competences of nurses working on indigenous health; producing innovation by means of a care technology which allowed for collective and collaborative work, and promoted the idiomatic dialogue between the universe of the indigenous culture and the health professionals

    Práticas sociais coletivas para a saúde no assentamento Mártires de Abril na Ilha de Mosqueiro - Belém, Pará

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    Esta pesquisa tem como propósito geral compreender as práticas sociais coletivas à saúde no "Assentamento Mártires de Abril" (AMA). É um estudo do tipo qualitativo, com a compreensão dos dados à luz da hermenêutica-dialética, que teve como cenário a ilha de Mosqueiro, área metropolitana de Belém, Pará; os sujeitos sociais foram em número de cinco, que aderiram espontaneamente à pesquisa. As práticas sociais coletivas à saúde no AMA são construídas e dependentes de aspectos históricos de vida, da luta do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), da concepção de saúde-doença e da sua relação com a terra. Concluiu-se que suas ações expressam uma forma de cuidar essencialmente orientada pelas vias naturais, propondo à enfermagem um novo modelo de atenção à saúde. Com base nos estudos efetuados, sugere-se como prática pedagógica do Curso de Enfermagem da Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) um estágio de vivência com e nos movimentos sociais

    Nursing international student mobility in the University of São Paulo

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize the experiences of undergraduate students of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (EEUSP) who participated in international mobility programs between January 2011 and July 2017. Method: Exploratory, descriptive study with quantitative approach. Of 68 reports, only 38 (56%) were considered valid and were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis. Data were categorized in general, institutional, academic and cultural aspects and cost of living. Results: The main destination was Portugal and the years with most participation were 2012 and 2013. The mean stay was six months and the students took a mean of three to four courses. The main funder was the university of origin. Conclusion: Academic activities were limited to theoretical and practical courses, with little insertion in research. There is a need to increase investment in learning other languages and to expand partnerships with larger centers of foreign education and research.</p></div