8,021 research outputs found

    A general resonance theory based on Mourre's inequality

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    We study the perturbation of bound states embedded in the continuous spectrum which are unstable by the Fermi Golden Rule. The approach to resonance theory based on spectral deformation is extended to a more general class of quantum systems characterized by Mourre's inequality and smoothness of the resolvent. Within the framework of perturbation theory it is still possible to give a definite meaning to the notion of complex resonance energies and of corresponding metastable states. The main result is a quasi-exponential decay estimate up to a controlled error of higher order in perturbation theory.Comment: 17 page

    The Relative Space: Space Measurements on a Rotating Platform

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    We introduce here the concept of relative space, an extended 3-space which is recognized as the only space having an operational meaning in the study of the space geometry of a rotating disk. Accordingly, we illustrate how space measurements are performed in the relative space, and we show that an old-aged puzzling problem, that is the Ehrenfest's paradox, is explained in this purely relativistic context. Furthermore, we illustrate the kinematical origin of the tangential dilation which is responsible for the solution of the Ehrenfest's paradox.Comment: 14 pages, 2 EPS figures, LaTeX, to appear in the European Journal of Physic

    Social geography of rhinoscleroma and qualitatively and quantitatively abnormal cell-mediated immunity

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    Rhinoscleroma is a progressive chronic granulomatous disease of the upper respiratory tract that may extend to the tracheobronchial tract. It is common belief that the pathology is determined by Klebsiella Rhinoscleromatis. In the authors' opinion, the infection with Klebsiella Rhinoscleromatis may not represent the only etiopathogenic factor of the disease. Rhinoscleroma is reported in many countries, but has a peculiar social and geographic distribution, in that it assumes an endemic character only in some regions of the Middle East, West Russia, North Africa, Indonesia, Central and South America. In Europe, most of the cases are reported in Poland, Hungary and Romania. In Italy, Rhinoscleroma is almost exclusively located in the southern and island regions. Rhinoscleroma is predominantly reported in rural areas, in the presence of poor socio-economic conditions, which according to many authors would be a co-factor triggering the disease. In this article, the authors review some inconsistencies in etiology, histology and epidemiology of Rhinoscleroma. Based on the overall picture, they propose that intrinsic factors, possibly of genetic origin, may give rise to the disease, and suggest possible lines of research to distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic factors as determinants for Rhinoscleroma


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    Graph complexes in deformation quantization

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    Kontsevich's formality theorem and the consequent star-product formula rely on the construction of an L∞L_\infty-morphism between the DGLA of polyvector fields and the DGLA of polydifferential operators. This construction uses a version of graphical calculus. In this article we present the details of this graphical calculus with emphasis on its algebraic features. It is a morphism of differential graded Lie algebras between the Kontsevich DGLA of admissible graphs and the Chevalley-Eilenberg DGLA of linear homomorphisms between polyvector fields and polydifferential operators. Kontsevich's proof of the formality morphism is reexamined in this light and an algebraic framework for discussing the tree-level reduction of Kontsevich's star-product is described.Comment: 39 pages; 3 eps figures; uses Xy-pic. Final version. Details added, mainly concerning the tree-level approximation. Typos corrected. An abridged version will appear in Lett. Math. Phy

    An Exotic Theory of Massless Spin-Two Fields in Three Dimensions

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    It is a general belief that the only possible way to consistently deform the Pauli-Fierz action, changing also the gauge algebra, is general relativity. Here we show that a different type of deformation exists in three dimensions if one allows for PT non-invariant terms. The new gauge algebra is different from that of diffeomorphisms. Furthermore, this deformation can be generalized to the case of a collection of massless spin-two fields. In this case it describes a consistent interaction among them.Comment: 21+1 pages. Minor corrections and reference adde

    Classical BV theories on manifolds with boundary

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    In this paper we extend the classical BV framework to gauge theories on spacetime manifolds with boundary. In particular, we connect the BV construction in the bulk with the BFV construction on the boundary and we develop its extension to strata of higher codimension in the case of manifolds with corners. We present several examples including electrodynamics, Yang-Mills theory and topological field theories coming from the AKSZ construction, in particular, the Chern-Simons theory, the BFBF theory, and the Poisson sigma model. This paper is the first step towards developing the perturbative quantization of such theories on manifolds with boundary in a way consistent with gluing.Comment: The second version has many typos corrected, references added. Some typos are probably still there, in particular, signs in examples. In the third version more typoes are corrected and the exposition is slightly change

    On the testability of coarsening assumptions: a hypothesis test for subgroup independence

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    Since coarse(ned) data naturally induce set-valued estimators, analysts often assume coarsening at random (CAR) to force them to be single-valued. Focusing on a coarse categorical response variable and a precisely observed categorical covariate, we re-illustrate the impossibility to test CAR and contrast it to another type of coarsening called subgroup independence (SI), using the data of the German Panel Study ``Labour Market and Social Security'' as an example. It turns out that -- depending on the number of subgroups and categories of the response variable -- SI can be point-identifying as CAR, but testable unlike CAR. A main goal of this paper is the construction of the likelihood-ratio test for SI. All issues are similarly investigated for the here proposed generalized versions, gCAR and gSI, thus allowing a more flexible application of this hypothesis test

    The shallow boreholes at The AltotiBerina near fault Observatory (TABOO; northern Apennines of Italy)

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    Abstract. As part of an interdisciplinary research project, funded by the European Research Council and addressing the mechanics of weak faults, we drilled three 200–250 m-deep boreholes and installed an array of seismometers. The array augments TABOO (The AltotiBerina near fault ObservatOry), a scientific infrastructure managed by the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. The observatory, which consists of a geophysical network equipped with multi-sensor stations, is located in the northern Apennines (Italy) and monitors a large and active low-angle normal fault. The drilling operations started at the end of 2011 and were completed by July 2012. We instrumented the boreholes with three-component short-period (2 Hz) passive instruments at different depths. The seismometers are now fully operational and collecting waveforms characterised by a very high signal to noise ratio that is ideal for studying microearthquakes. The resulting increase in the detection capability of the seismic network will allow for a broader range of transients to be identified

    Deformations of coisotropic submanifolds for fibrewise entire Poisson structures

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    We show that deformations of a coisotropic submanifold inside a fibrewise entire Poisson manifold are controlled by the L∞L_\infty-algebra introduced by Oh-Park (for symplectic manifolds) and Cattaneo-Felder. In the symplectic case, we recover results previously obtained by Oh-Park. Moreover we consider the extended deformation problem and prove its obstructedness
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