639 research outputs found

    Family Storytelling: Involving Caregivers in Promoting Successful Early Language and Literacy Development

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    There is increasing evidence that reinforces the belief that having strong oral experiences prior to entering school is one of the predictors for later success in literacy learning

    Intra-parenchymal brainstem haemorrhage secondary to iatrogenic needle injury after a parenteral injection in a cat

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    Case summary A 6-month-old female domestic shorthair cat was presented with acute onset non-ambulatory right hemiparesis and horizontal nystagmus following an injection attempt in the neck, during which the cat did not cooperate. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a well-defined intra-axial lesion on the right side of the myelencephalon. The lesion was T2-weighted hypointense and T1-weighted hypointense to isointense to grey matter, non-contrast enhancing, with perilesional oedema and signal void on T2*-weighted images. A linear hyperintense lesion in the muscles of the right dorsolateral aspect of the neck on short tau inversion recovery images was also observed. These MRI findings were consistent with iatrogenic brainstem haemorrhage and a muscle needle tract. The cat made a good recovery with just mild residual neurological deficits 6 weeks after the injury. Relevance and novel information To our knowledge, this is the first report of an iatrogenic brainstem needle injury in a cat and the first report of a central nervous system iatrogenic trauma after a parenteral injection. Care should be taken with neck parenteral injections, especially in the cranial cervical area

    Computer-assisted radiographic calculation of spinal curvature in brachycephalic "screw-Tailed" dog breeds with congenital thoracic vertebral malformations: reliability and clinical evaluation

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    The objectives of this study were: To investigate computer-assisted digital radiographic measurement of Cobb angles in dogs with congenital thoracic vertebral malformations, to determine its intra- and inter-observer reliability and its association with the presence of neurological deficits. Medical records were reviewed (2009–2013) to identify brachycephalic screw-tailed dog breeds with radiographic studies of the thoracic vertebral column and with at least one vertebral malformation present. Twenty-eight dogs were included in the study. The end vertebrae were defined as the cranial end plate of the vertebra cranial to the malformed vertebra and the caudal end plate of the vertebra caudal to the malformed vertebra. Three observers performed the measurements twice. Intraclass correlation coefficients were used to calculate the intra- and inter-observer reliabilities. The intraclass correlation coefficient was excellent for all intra- and inter-observer measurements using this method. There was a significant difference in the kyphotic Cobb angle between dogs with and without associated neurological deficits. The majority of dogs with neurological deficits had a kyphotic Cobb angle higher than 35°. No significant difference in the scoliotic Cobb angle was observed. We concluded that the computer assisted digital radiographic measurement of the Cobb angle for kyphosis and scoliosis is a valid, reproducible and reliable method to quantify the degree of spinal curvature in brachycephalic screw-tailed dog breeds with congenital thoracic vertebral malformations

    Location, location:Enhancing the evaluation of text-to-speech synthesis using the rapid prosody transcription paradigm

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    Text-to-Speech synthesis systems are generally evaluated using Mean Opinion Score (MOS) tests, where listeners score samples of synthetic speech on a Likert scale. A major drawback of MOS tests is that they only offer a general measure of overall quality-i.e., the naturalness of an utterance-and so cannot tell us where exactly synthesis errors occur. This can make evaluation of the appropriateness of prosodic variation within utterances inconclusive. To address this, we propose a novel evaluation method based on the Rapid Prosody Transcription paradigm. This allows listeners to mark the locations of errors in an utterance in real-time, providing a probabilistic representation of the perceptual errors that occur in the synthetic signal. We conduct experiments that confirm that the fine-grained evaluation can be mapped to system rankings of standard MOS tests, but the error marking gives a much more comprehensive assessment of synthesized prosody. In particular, for standard audiobook test set samples, we see that error marks consistently cluster around words at major prosodic boundaries indicated by punctuation. However, for question-answer based stimuli, where we control information structure, we see differences emerge in the ability of neural TTS systems to generate context-appropriate prosodic prominence.Comment: Accepted to Speech Synthesis Workshop 2019: https://ssw11.hte.hu/en

    Antimicrobial Activity of Plant Essential Oils Using Food Model Media: Efficacy, Synergistic Potential and Interaction with Food Components

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    The aim of this study was to optimise the antimicrobial efficacy of plant essential oils (EOs) for control of Listeria spp. and spoilage bacteria using food model media based on lettuce, meat and milk. The EOs evaluated were lemon balm, marjoram, oregano and thyme and their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined against Enterobacter spp., Listeria spp., Lactobacillus spp., and Pseudomonas spp. using the agar dilution method and/or the absorbance based microplate assay. MICs were significantly lower in lettuce and beef media than in TSB. Listeria strains were more sensitive than spoilage bacteria, and oregano and thyme were the most active EOs. EO combinations were investigated using the checkerboard method and Oregano combined with thyme had additive effects against spoilage organisms. Combining lemon balm with thyme yielded additive activity against Listeria strains. The effect of simple sugars and pH on antimicrobial efficacy of oregano and thyme was assessed in a beef extract and tomato serum model media. EOs retained greater efficacy at pH 5 and 2.32% sugar, but sugar concentrations above 5% did not negatively impact EO efficacy. In addition to proven antimicrobial efficacy, careful selection and investigation of EOs appropriate to the sensory profile of foods and composition of the food system is required. This work shows that EOs might be more effective against food-borne pathogens and spoilage bacteria when applied to foods containing a high protein level at acidic pH, as well as moderate levels of simple sugars

    The Anti-Microbial Efficacy of Plant Essential Oil Combinations and Interactions with Food Ingredients

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of plant essential oils (EOs) in combination and to investigate the effect of food ingredients on their efficacy. The EOs assessed in combination included basil, lemon balm, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme. Combinations of EOs were initially screened against Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas aeruginosa using the spot-on-agar test. The influence of varying concentrations of EO combinations on efficacy was also monitored using E. coli. These preliminary studies showed promising results for oregano in combination with basil, thyme or marjoram. The checkerboard method was then used to quantify the efficacy of oregano, marjoram or thyme in combination with the remainder of selected EOs. Fractional inhibitory concentrations (FIC) were calculated and interpreted as synergy, addition, indifference or antagonism. All the oregano combinations showed additive efficacy against B. cereus, and oregano combined with marjoram, thyme or basil also had an additive effect against E. coli and P. aeruginosa. The mixtures of marjoram or thyme also displayed additive effects in combination with basil, rosemary or sage against L. monocytogenes. The effect of food ingredients and pH on the antimicrobial efficacy of oregano and thyme was assessed by monitoring the lag phase and the maximum specific growth rate of L. monocytogenes grown in model media. The model media included potato starch (0, 1, 5 or 10%), beef extract (1.5, 3, 6 or 12%), sunflower oil (0, 1, 5 or 10%) and TSB at pH levels of 4, 5, 6 or 7. The antimicrobial efficacy of EOs was found to be a function of ingredient manipulation. Starch and oils concentrations of 5% and 10% had a negative impact on the EO efficacy. On the contrary, the EOs were more effective at high concentrations of protein, and at pH 5, by comparison with pH 6 or 7. This study suggests that combinations of EOs could minimize application concentrations and consequently reduce any adverse sensory impact in food. However, their application for microbial control might be affected by food composition, therefore, careful selection of EOs appropriate to the sensory and compositional status of the food system is required. This work shows that EOs might be more effective against food-borne pathogens and spoilage bacteria when applied to ready to use foods containing a high protein level at acidic pH, as well as lower levels of fats or carbohydrates

    Achieving the WHO/UNAIDS antiretroviral treatment 3 by 5 goal: what will it cost?

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    The "3 by 5" goal to have 3 million people in low and middle income countries on antiretroviral therapy (ART) by the end of 2005 is ambitious. Estimates of the necessary resources are needed to facilitate resource mobilisation and rapid channelling of funds to where they are required. We estimated the financial costs needed to implement treatment protocols, by use of country-specific estimates for 34 countries that account for 90% of the need for ART in resource-poor settings. We first estimated the number of people needing ART and supporting programmes for each country. We then estimated the cost per patient for each programme by country to derive total costs. We estimate that between US5.1 billion dollars and US5.9 billion dollars will be needed by the end of 2005 to provide ART, support programmes, and cover country-level administrative and logistic costs for 3 by 5

    00183-2015-0-1801-JR-FC-06 (Expediente Privado). 02534-2013-0-1801-JR-CA-01 (Expediente Público)

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    En el presente trabajo, se procederá a analizar el proceso judicial sobre divorcio por causal de separación de hecho, el cual encuentra se sustentó en que la cónyuge se retiró del hogar por más de dos años consecutivos, es decir, desde junio de 2012 hasta la admisión de la demanda en enero de 2015; adicionalmente, los cónyuges no procrearon hijos ni adquirieron propiedades. El Sexto Juzgado de Familia de Lima admite la demanda, mediante Resolución Nº1 el 19 de enero de 2015. El 20 de marzo de 2015, devuelve la Cédula de notificación al Central de Notificaciones del Poder Judicial por qué no se indicó el número de block y departamento. Mediante la Resolución Nº8, el Juzgado ordena notificar a la dirección correcta. El 21 de julio de 2015, el Juzgado, mediante la Resolución Nº10, declara la existencia de una relación jurídica procesal, el saneamiento del proceso y la rebeldía de la demandada. La sentencia declara que el demandante no ha ofrecido los medios probatorios que den cuenta del distanciamiento físico de los cónyuges desde el mes de junio de 2012; de igual manera, no se ha logrado acreditar el tiempo de separación alegada por el demandante haya sido por el plazo exigido por la causal contenida en el inciso 12 del artículo 333 del Código Civil. La Primera Sala Especializada en Familia, mediante la Resolución Nº5, el 05 de setiembre de 2016, emite su sentencia y REVOCA la sentencia contenida en la Resolución Nº19, REFORMANDOLA la declararon FUNDADA, en consecuencia, disuelto el vínculo matrimonial Por último, en el análisis del presente trabajo se podrá observar que, en la sentencia de primera instancia, el A quo no efectúo una adecuada valoración de los medios probatorios presentados por las partes; lo cual podrá ser subsanado con la sentencia de la Sala Civil, al emitir una sentencia que integra todos los hechos y pruebas merituadas durante el proceso.Tesi

    Clima laboral y compromiso organizacional del personal de negocios de una microfinanciera de Piura – 2022

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    El estudio de investigación busco estudiar la correlación entre las variables clima laboral y compromiso organizacional en el área de negocios de una empresa microfinanciera de la ciudad de Piura en el 2022. El tipo de investigación fue básica, con un enfoque cuantitativo y diseño no experimental – correlacional. La muestra no probabilística estuvo conformada por el 55% de la población, siendo 67 colaboradores quienes participaron en la investigación. Se utilizo dos cuestionarios de 49 y 18 ítems respectivamente y con respuestas de escala de Likert. Comprobando mediante la prueba Rho de Spearman, una correlación positiva baja a nula de 0.103 a un nivel de significancia bilateral de 0.409, lo cual es mayor a 0.05; confirmando la inexistencia de una relación entre las variables dentro de esta organización microfinanciera

    Trayectorias familiares y escolares de los discentes del programa de atención a estudiantes en extraedad de la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar en Bogotá D.C

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    Maestría en Desarrollo Infantil, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.Dentro de los modos de abordaje la educación inclusiva el tema de la atención a estudiantes en extraedad surge como medio para comprender en diferentes contextos cómo los discentes y docentes construyen y configuran las trayectorias familiares y escolares como forma de restitución del derecho a la educación en el marco de la política de educación inclusiva; por tanto este artículo abordará los antecedentes, barreras y facilitadores en los cuales las trayectorias familiares y escolares fluctúan y se hibridan permitiendo conocer, comprender, interpretar por medio del análisis de las narrativas las dificultades, aprendizajes y el sentido de la restitución del derecho a la educación, siendo esta una herramienta de aplicabilidad para mejorar la pertinencia y la calidad de la oferta de educación inclusiva en Bogotá D.C
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